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Transgender issues (formerly "Transgender/Athlete Controversy") Transgender issues (formerly "Transgender/Athlete Controversy")

04-06-2022 , 12:36 PM
How is that a strawman? From the article linked above: it sounds like the OH law is trying to outlaw teachers from including sexual orientation and gender identity scheduled lesson plans in k-3rd grade. If those aren't in the lesson plans this law is changing nothing - which seems fine to me as why would any teacher care if a topic they don't plan on teaching about is illegal to teach about.
04-06-2022 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Should the curriculum allow for the presentation of the Biblical view of so-called "sexual-orientation?"
Thankfully, pontificating about the revolting homophobic views of the bible in a school setting largely fall under the well established legal rules surrounding separation of church and state.
04-06-2022 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
My niece is in preschool and for the last couple weeks they have been teaching her about the solar system. She can barely count and recognize letters yet her teachers want to teach her and her classmates about the solar system. I think that is almost as bad as teacher wanting to teach a bunch of 1st graders about sexual orientation and gender identity.

Who in their right mind thinks a child needs to learn about the solar system before number and letters or about what it means to be trans before being able to read and write.
This is silly. There is plenty of entirely reasonable 1st grade appropriate things to be done. This isn't talking about penises and vaginas or whatever other nonsense the right imagines it to be when trying to ban it. But it might be reading a book where the kid has two dads. Or one parent. Or two parents that don't live together. Or a parent that doesn't look like they do.

I have a four year old. One of his sets of grandparents are "gramma and oma". We read an enormous number of books, and it is a good thing he has seen representations of families that look like his family as well. One of his favourite books is this one, that represents all sorts of weird families. I'm proud that at four, he already is so much ****ing better than Ohio republicans, and guess what: I barely did a ****ing thing because kids know instinctively that we should be kind to everyone and it is ok to be different.

Also for what it is worth, he has totally learned his planets in the solar system and loves flying his lego space shuttle to the pillow planets in our living room.

Last edited by uke_master; 04-06-2022 at 12:54 PM.
04-06-2022 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
It is the same tactic that was prior used by war mongers to associate any criticism of any of the pushed war or military efforts as 'not supporting the Troops' and to demonize anyone who dared to speak up about it.

Everyone has a reflexive and justified hate of pedophilia and those who enable it and you can see now how the right is going to use that blanket slur against anyone who supports trans rights or most things 'LBGTQ+', sadly.
Indeed, indeed. One other "tactic", or rhetorical theme that is highly used is presenting LGBTQ+ people as being "fake", just an excuse to get into the bathroom/changeroom/spas etc to sexually predate women and children, or any number of other nefarious purposes. Patterns of rhetoric are super dangerous, even if sometimes people find an actual example of fake gay pedophile or whatever, it is the constant reframing of the discussion into these types of topics we need to call out.
04-06-2022 , 01:43 PM
“Let’s not teach preschoolers about the planets” is a fun tale. Let’s not tell them about dinosaurs and other cool **** either.
04-06-2022 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Indeed, indeed. One other "tactic", or rhetorical theme that is highly used is presenting LGBTQ+ people as being "fake", just an excuse to get into the bathroom/changeroom/spas etc to sexually predate women and children, or any number of other nefarious purposes. Patterns of rhetoric are super dangerous, even if sometimes people find an actual example of fake gay pedophile or whatever, it is the constant reframing of the discussion into these types of topics we need to call out.
I agree that these events are likely rare, but after seeing BLM success in highlighting extremely rare events to get millions of dollars I think we will see more and more groups try to use these type of tactics.

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
“Let’s not teach preschoolers about the planets” is a fun tale. Let’s not tell them about dinosaurs and other cool **** either.
I'm glad someone else enjoyed my short, but true tale. I'm slightly surprised the take away was we shouldn't teach them about the planets or dinosaurs at all though.
04-06-2022 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Should the curriculum allow for the presentation of the Biblical view of so-called "sexual-orientation?"
I apologize for asking this question in this forum..

My rejoinders to those responding to my question would probably find me "earning" about 100 infraction points.

So, I will leave this topic alone in this forum.

Sorry for the derail.
04-06-2022 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Isn't that a strawman though?
Yup. The same kind of strawman that is being used in all the culture wars being brought to school boards across the US. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of parents who get riled up about this **** have no ****ing clue what is being taught in their schools.

As an example of the small amount of spillover we're seeing here in Canada, our school district recently engaged with a group around racial equity - after months of interviews of different stakeholders including primarily POC, they provided the school district with a report that has many recommendations. The only action taken thus far was that the superintendent is to report back to the school board with next steps. Yet that didn't stop a parent from emailing with concerns that the school district is moving ahead with teaching Critical Race Theory to kids. There's a very deliberate campaign to use CRT and SOGI as tools to whip parents into a frenzy for no reason other than their own political gain, and sadly there's a number of people that are buying it all hook, line, and sinker. And of course there are others who are homophobes, transphobes, and/or racists who are more than happy to be part of this.

Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
How is that a strawman? From the article linked above: it sounds like the OH law is trying to outlaw teachers from including sexual orientation and gender identity scheduled lesson plans in k-3rd grade. If those aren't in the lesson plans this law is changing nothing - which seems fine to me as why would any teacher care if a topic they don't plan on teaching about is illegal to teach about.
Your precise wording may not have been a strawman, but it's a line ripped right out of the anti-SOGI strawman playbook. Why is there a need for such legislation? The proponents will tell you about all the horrible things being taught to kids at an inappropriate age, or that will be if something isn't done. That's the strawman.

Originally Posted by uke_master
This is silly. There is plenty of entirely reasonable 1st grade appropriate things to be done. This isn't talking about penises and vaginas or whatever other nonsense the right imagines it to be when trying to ban it. But it might be reading a book where the kid has two dads. Or one parent. Or two parents that don't live together. Or a parent that doesn't look like they do.
This, this, a thousand times this. The idea that rather than trust professional educators to teach age-appropriate lessons, we need legislators to pass sweeping laws deciding what should or shouldn't be taught, is simply preposterous. Especially when said laws are so transparently intended for political purposes. The words "is illegal to teach about" are something we should pretty much never want to hear.

Originally Posted by uke_master
I have a four year old. One of his sets of grandparents are "gramma and oma". We read an enormous number of books, and it is a good thing he has seen representations of families that look like his family as well. One of his favourite books is this one, that represents all sorts of weird families. I'm proud that at four, he already is so much ****ing better than Ohio republicans, and guess what: I barely did a ****ing thing because kids know instinctively that we should be kind to everyone and it is ok to be different.
Well said.

Originally Posted by uke_master
Also for what it is worth, he has totally learned his planets in the solar system and loves flying his lego space shuttle to the pillow planets in our living room.
Yeah, I have to say that's the first time I've heard someone complain that their niece was being taught about the solar system too early. Wait, what?
04-06-2022 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I agree that these events are likely rare, but after seeing BLM success in highlighting extremely rare events to get millions of dollars I think we will see more and more groups try to use these type of tactics.

I'm glad someone else enjoyed my short, but true tale. I'm slightly surprised the take away was we shouldn't teach them about the planets or dinosaurs at all though.
Have you considered that learning about the planets is also a way to introduce counting to eight in a fun way?
04-06-2022 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Have you considered that learning about the planets is also a way to introduce counting to eight in a fun way?
Wait, you mean teachers might be using things kids are excited to learn to teach them about the alphabet and numbers? What an odd concept.
04-06-2022 , 02:08 PM
Bobo, can a woman have a penis? Can a man give birth? Am I a transphobe, bigot, whatever for believing that to not be true?

Please don't be a coward and just answer my question. Say "Yes a woman can have a penis and men can give birth" if that's really what you believe.
04-06-2022 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Bobo, can a woman have a penis? Can a man give birth? Am I a transphobe, bigot, whatever for believing that to not be true?

Please don't be a coward and just answer my question. Say "Yes a woman can have a penis and men can give birth" if that's really what you believe.
Seems like you ought to do a bit of background reading on the topic before demanding people explain the basic concepts to you.

04-06-2022 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
How is that a strawman? From the article linked above: it sounds like the OH law is trying to outlaw teachers from including sexual orientation and gender identity scheduled lesson plans in k-3rd grade. If those aren't in the lesson plans this law is changing nothing - which seems fine to me as why would any teacher care if a topic they don't plan on teaching about is illegal to teach about.
I am not going to look up and read the legislation but i was listening to legal talking heads speak about it this morning.

The view was that although the crafters of this legislation want you to believe and focus on Grade's 1-3 with a 'Who does not want to protect young children' type exclamation, the actual legislation leaves it open for claims of inappropriate content taught or presented at ANY AGE, and that determination may be made by how very political people take it at the time of telling.

So a high school discussion could be subject to a legal test with the teacher dragged in, if a prosecutor thinks the topic too risqué or inappropriate.

It was compared to the abortion law that could see even an Uber driver sued just for taking a person to an abortion clinic. Deliberately vague so the threat is in place.
04-06-2022 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Have you considered that learning about the planets is also a way to introduce counting to eight in a fun way?
When I was kid, we could actually count to nine that way!
04-06-2022 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I am not going to look up and read the legislation but i was listening to legal talking heads speak about it this morning.

The view was that although the crafters of this legislation want you to believe and focus on Grade's 1-3 with a 'Who does not want to protect young children' type exclamation, the actual legislation leaves it open for claims of inappropriate content taught or presented at ANY AGE, and that determination may be made by how very political people take it at the time of telling.

So a high school discussion could be subject to a legal test with the teacher dragged in, if a prosecutor thinks the topic too risqué or inappropriate.

It was compared to the abortion law that could see even an Uber driver sued just for taking a person to an abortion clinic. Deliberately vague so the threat is in place.
Death Camps for Unborn Babies (a.k.a. "Abortion" Clinics) usually also offer some legitimate medical services, so such a law I suspect would be difficult to prosecute.
04-06-2022 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Death Camps for Unborn Babies (a.k.a. "Abortion" Clinics) usually also offer some legitimate medical services, so such a law I suspect would be difficult to prosecute.
It's more about the threat then its execution. The law in Texas is accepted to be more about intimidation than prosecution.
04-06-2022 , 03:23 PM
The deliberate vagueness is indeed a good point (ffs Cuepee is having a good morning!). This is part of the florida don't say gay bill as well. Can a school teacher mention the existence of their opposite gender spouse, for instance?'s....vague. That is teaching about sexual orientation, right? Presumably all the right wing people advocating for this absolutely don't intend this, but the vagueness cuts both ways.
04-06-2022 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
The deliberate vagueness is indeed a good point (ffs Cuepee is having a good morning!). This is part of the florida don't say gay bill as well. Can a school teacher mention the existence of their opposite gender spouse, for instance?'s....vague. That is teaching about sexual orientation, right? Presumably all the right wing people advocating for this absolutely don't intend this, but the vagueness cuts both ways.
A super-literal interpretation would mean we also don't teach hetero-normative gender identities. So I guess everyone gets gender-neutral pronouns? Maybe by the time they reach 9th grade we can tell them George Washington was a man?
04-06-2022 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
The view was that although the crafters of this legislation want you to believe and focus on Grade's 1-3 with a 'Who does not want to protect young children' type exclamation, the actual legislation leaves it open for claims of inappropriate content taught or presented at ANY AGE, and that determination may be made by how very political people take it at the time of telling.

So a high school discussion could be subject to a legal test with the teacher dragged in, if a prosecutor thinks the topic too risqué or inappropriate..
This is a common tactic. Rhetorically focus on the thing you think is more obvious (banning trans people from elite competition) while the actual consequences of the law primarily are affecting a whole different group where it is no where near as obvious (school kids being banned from school teams).
04-06-2022 , 04:42 PM
uke posted a link saying OH is considering a law banning teachers from having a planned discussion about SOGI to K-3rd grade kids.

I asked who thinks it is a good idea to teach SOGI to k-3rd grade.

cuepee asks if I am straw manning by asking if the actual law that OH is considering is a good or bad idea.

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Your precise wording may not have been a strawman, but it's a line ripped right out of the anti-SOGI strawman playbook. Why is there a need for such legislation? The proponents will tell you about all the horrible things being taught to kids at an inappropriate age, or that will be if something isn't done. That's the strawman.
I didn't say anything except asking if anyone in their right mind is for teachers teaching SOGI to k-3rd graders, which is exactly what the article uke posted says is in the bill. I didn't rip anything from anyone's playbook except the playbook of the actual proposed law.

If there is no need for the legislation because teachers aren't teaching this stuff, which is what you suggest, why are you against it? Why would you be against any legislation that doesn't effect anything or anyone? Let the politician pass his worthless legislation and let's move on.

Last edited by bahbahmickey; 04-06-2022 at 04:55 PM.
04-06-2022 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Seems like you ought to do a bit of background reading on the topic before demanding people explain the basic concepts to you.

You act like I haven't read that or don't understand your arguments. I have and I do, I just disagree that sex and gender are separate. Race is also classified as a social construct just like gender, even though it's obviously rooted in biology and is real. So if race is also a social construct, can I identify as black? What if I take tanning injections and change my skin tone to carmel, am I black then? What about Michael Jackson, was he white at the end of his life? Help me understand guys, thanks.

I'd like Bobo to answer but you can answer too if you like, can a woman have a penis? And can a man get pregnant? It's an easy question Bobo, just tell me what you believe. And am I a bigot for thinking that's not true? Thanks.

Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I didn't say anything except asking if anyone in their right mind is for teachers teaching SOGI to k-3rd graders, which is exactly what the article uke posted says is in the bill. I didn't rip anything from anyone's playbook except the playbook of the actual proposed law.

If there is no need for the legislation because teachers aren't teaching this stuff, which is what you suggest, why are you against it? Why would you be against any legislation that doesn't effect anything or anyone? Let the politician pass is worthless legislation and let's move on.
That's the thing though, these groomers do want to teach sex to kids.

Last edited by SimpleRick; 04-06-2022 at 04:52 PM.
04-06-2022 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
It's more about the threat then its execution. The law in Texas is accepted to be more about intimidation than prosecution.
The threat is more powerful than the execution. -Aron Nimzovich
04-06-2022 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
You act like I haven't read that or don't understand your arguments. I have and I do, I just disagree that sex and gender are separate. Race is also classified as a social construct just like gender, even though it's obviously rooted in biology and is real.
Dude, if you come in and ask a bunch of dumb questions, I’m just going to assume you’re a dumb person. Maybe next time just skip the bad-faith questions and lead with whatever your point is?

So if race is also a social construct, can I identify as black? What if I take tanning injections and change my skin tone to carmel, am I black then? What about Michael Jackson, was he white at the end of his life? Help me understand guys, thanks
Again, stop with the bad faith questioning and just come out with whatever you actually want to say. Why are bigots always so coy?
04-06-2022 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
uke posted a link saying OH is considering a law banning teachers from having a planned discussion about SOGI to K-3rd grade kids.

I asked who thinks it is a good idea to teach SOGI to k-3rd grade.

cuepee asks if I am straw manning by asking if the actual law that OH is considering is a good or bad idea.

I didn't say anything except asking if anyone in their right mind is for teachers teaching SOGI to k-3rd graders, which is exactly what the article uke posted says is in the bill. I didn't rip anything from anyone's playbook except the playbook of the actual proposed law.

If there is no need for the legislation because teachers aren't teaching this stuff, which is what you suggest, why are you against it? Why would you be against any legislation that doesn't effect anything or anyone? Let the politician pass his worthless legislation and let's move on.
For additional background then on it's very deliberate vagueness...


...The bill’s sponsors have emphatically stated that the bill would not prohibit students from talking about their LGBTQ families or bar classroom discussions about LGBTQ history, including events like the 2016 deadly attack on the Pulse nightclub, a gay club in Orlando. Instead, they argue that the bill would bar the “instruction” of sexual orientation or gender identity.

But the text says both.

In its preamble, the bill’s authors write that their aim is to prohibit “classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity.” But later, the actual bill states that “classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur.”

“I could see why people are confused by that,” said Clay Calvert, a professor at the University of Florida Levin College of Law who specializes in freedom of speech....

...Regardless, it remains unclear what the “instruction” of sexual orientation or gender identity entails. A definition of that type of lesson is not in the bill’s text....

...Without a clearer description, Calvert said, “teachers may legitimately fear being sued” for a wide variety of classroom instruction, including lessons concerning same-sex marriage or the history of the AIDS epidemic...

...“If a student raises a question that is not part of the lesson plan or the instructional plan of a teacher, but that question ties to sexual orientation or gender identity, then what may the teacher say at that point?” Calvert said.

Calvert raised the prospect of answering a student’s question about how same-sex couples marry each other.

“Am I teaching about what the Constitution says in that case, or am I teaching about sexual orientation?” he asked.

The bill’s sponsors did not directly answer repeated queries to provide examples of “instruction” of sexual orientation or gender identity during House and Senate debate. When asked by a Democratic lawmaker to explain what the instruction of sexual orientation or gender identity would look like, Republican state Rep. Joe Harding, one of the bill’s sponsors, read the definition of the word “instruction” from what appeared to be a dictionary...

...“Vagueness is deployed for certain purposes. People aren’t vague just because they’re ignorant; they’re not vague because they’re sloppy; they’re not vague because they’re lazy,” Copeland said. “Sometimes they’re intentionally vague to move the site of where the political fight is going to take place.”

Which age groups the bill would apply to has also sparked fierce debate in recent weeks.

The text states that teachings on sexual orientation or gender identity would be banned “in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”

Critics have said the language of this provision could open districts and educators to lawsuits from parents who believe any conversation about LGBTQ people or issues to be inappropriate, regardless of their child’s age.

...Nonetheless, Calvert said, “it remains to be seen what ‘age appropriate’ or ‘developmentally appropriate’ means,” according to the state....

04-06-2022 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Dude, if you come in and ask a bunch of dumb questions, I’m just going to assume you’re a dumb person. Maybe next time just skip the bad-faith questions and lead with whatever your point is?

Again, stop with the bad faith questioning and just come out with whatever you actually want to say. Why are bigots always so coy?
I'm being serious though, my questions aren't in bad faith I'm just curious how far people who believe you can change genders believe you can choose your own identity. Race, like gender, is classified as a social construct. So I'm just curious if you think I can identify as black too? I'm just genuinely curious what people think, I'm not trying to make a point or say anything. Obviously since I don't believe you can transition genders I also don't believe you can transition races by getting tanning injections. But I'd like to know what you believe.

I don't understand why these question are so hard to just directly answer. If you ask me a question of what I believe I will give you an honest direct answer and all I'm asking for is the same. I just want to know what people believe. Thanks.
