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President Joe Biden President Joe Biden

10-15-2020 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
The Covington kid story was total BS and CNN settled for some serious cash on this one and I just do not recall Chris Cuomo or anyone issuing an apology from CNN .
The Jesse Smollet story disappeared really quick and a lot of folks early on were like I dont know....
highly doubtful that cnn settled for "serious cash" unless you mean likely low 6 figures as "serious cash" to a multi billion dollar company.

but let's not mistake what IHIV wants.. he wants stories like the magachud and Smollett, stories that actually happened in REAL LIFE, to get the same treatment as his conservative fan fiction like burisma/joe, this hunter biden laptop, spy gate, and voter fraud, which are completely fabricated with no basis in reality.

jesse smollet was attacked. whether you believe him or the people that beat him up is on you, but the act HAPPENED.

magachud was a douche to the native american guy, whether you believe he started it or the native american guy started it is on you, but the act HAPPENED..

none of the **** conservatives push happened nor is real.. they are not the same. allowing them to have the veneer of reality is already a win for conservatives.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
yeah. thats why it is "prevent from being shared"...

not that it is entirely fabricated.
Jack Dorsey has been subpoenaed. Please stop peddling unhinged qanon style conspiracy theories!
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 12:15 PM
It is quite amusing that by banning the nypost story twitter has created a Streisand effect lol
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 12:46 PM
It hasn't. Pretty much everybody talking about it heard about it before facebook and twitter deemed it BS.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
Jack Dorsey has been subpoenaed. Please stop peddling unhinged qanon style conspiracy theories!
but he hasn't been. the only original source says there will be a vote about it next week..
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
It hasn't. Pretty much everybody talking about it heard about it before facebook and twitter deemed it BS.
Imagine thinking that lmao
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
It hasn't. Pretty much everybody talking about it heard about it before facebook and twitter deemed it BS.
Correct, a Streisand effect would be the case blowing up because someone tried to bury it.

In this case

A) Someone tried to blow up the case to start with.
B) Nobody has buried it or tried to. It has been flagged as misleading and false.

More than anything, the case is embarassing for the NY Post, the Trump campaign and Giuliani.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 03:13 PM
Twitter and Facebook tried to bury it. Swing and a miss!
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 03:19 PM
Yeah, you would expect a front page story, even in the Post, about a scandal involving a presidential candidate 3 weeks before the election to blow up. The fact that it is not being picked up by better outfits, except to debunk, is a testament to how untrustworthy people like Guiliani are and how they would not be involved at all if the story was legit. Might as well take proof of Biden's corruption straight to Jacob Wohl.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I don't really care about the story, but Twitter/FB playing editor is a problem. If they have some sort of standard, I'd like to see it enforced when the entirety of the main stream media used Twitter to defame a 16 year old kid with unsubstantiated reporting based on lies, or allowing the Smollet hoax to go unchecked, among hundreds of other hoaxes perpetrated/propagated by lefty journalists.
Sorry but a quick googling shows that the main reason the stories on the Biden laptop have been edited on Facebook and Twitter is because the images of the emails contain personal information and that's against the TOC of both platforms.

Strange you didn't bother to look that up before posting your nonsense though. I guess the truth didn't fit your narrative?
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 03:25 PM
trumpies trying to grab on to anything while circling the drain.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Yeah, you would expect a front page story, even in the Post, about a scandal involving a presidential candidate 3 weeks before the election to blow up. The fact that it is not being picked up by better outfits, except to debunk, is a testament to how untrustworthy people like Guiliani are and how they would not be involved at all if the story was legit. Might as well take proof of Biden's corruption straight to Jacob Wohl.
Yeah the story reeks to high heaven.

More than likely the e-mails / i-cloud account were gathered via hacking, done by an actor that would be embarrassing to Giuliani and the Trump campaign, and the NY Post only serves to launder the release.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Yeah, you would expect a front page story, even in the Post, about a scandal involving a presidential candidate 3 weeks before the election to blow up. The fact that it is not being picked up by better outfits, except to debunk, is a testament to how untrustworthy people like Guiliani are and how they would not be involved at all if the story was legit. Might as well take proof of Biden's corruption straight to Jacob Wohl.
"Better outfits."

Like cnn I presume! Or the Washington post who already endorsed joe for president! Lol
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Yeah the story reeks to high heaven.

More than likely the e-mails / i-cloud account were gathered via hacking, done by an actor that would be embarrassing to Giuliani and the Trump campaign, and the NY Post only serves to launder the release.
Yeah it's v hard to believe hunter biden who left a crackpipe and his wallet in a rental car would ever leave a laptop that couldn't be repaired at a repair shop. Must have been HACKERS! Q level conspiracy trading itt!
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 04:15 PM
lol imagine being "not a Trumper" chiddy and writing a dozen posts on 2+2 trying to make Hunter Biden a thing

President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 04:35 PM
Just calling it how I see it!
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 04:45 PM
What will your gaggle try next when this latest thing ends up being yet another nothingburger? I mean, have fun trying to make Hunter Biden more important to voters than something meaningless like Covid or the economy, and I say that hoping your crew will continue with this worst campaign ever approach. Tick Tock!!

Also, since you call it like you see it and such, what is your strategy be after Trump gets stomped? Going to go with the rigged thing or the he did not want to win anyway and will be better away from the swamp, Hunter, Hillary, Lizard People? I always want to know what a "keeping it real" soul like you has to offer in that regard. Thanks!

All the best.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
What will your gaggle try next when this latest thing ends up being yet another nothingburger? I mean, have fun trying to make Hunter Biden more important to voters than something meaningless like Covid or the economy, and I say that hoping your crew will continue with this worst campaign ever approach. Tick tock!!

All the best.
Not part of a "crew." This isn't westside story fella. All the best
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 04:56 PM
OK, you are part of the "not a Trumper" Trumper strain. Whatever you consider yourself, feel free to answer the question. After he gets crushed, what will you think with your feet on the ground approach? Thanks!

All the best.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
OK, you are part of the "not a Trumper" Trumper strain. Whatever you consider yourself, feel free to answer the question. After he gets crushed, what will you think with your feet on the ground approach? Thanks!

All the best.
Biden winning would be wildly entertaining!
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 05:20 PM
I disagree. Most of the hard core Trumpers will just poof for a while I suspect, and I do not anticipate too much creativity from that side after the fact, especially given the material we have seen from them before the fact. Their stuff is not entertaining at all, but it is perfect for helping their candidate not get re-elected, so I strongly encourage them and you to continue with what you are doing. After Trump loses if you plan to do the I never liked him now I will troll those losers bit - no problem, guessing a lot of genuine Trumpers may experiment with that path. Perhaps they will think it will be entertaining.

All the best.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
Biden winning would be wildly entertaining!
I look forward to AG Hilary Clinton looking into Trump's affairs after the transition.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 05:33 PM
Reagan--literally sold coke/crack to Americans
Bush--see Reagan
Bush2--quite the fan himself
trump--I seriously doubt he did any lines at Studio54

but who?
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
I disagree. Most of the hard core Trumpers will just poof for a while I suspect, and I do not anticipate too much creativity from that side after the fact, especially given the material we have seen from them before the fact. Their stuff is not entertaining at all, but it is perfect for helping their candidate not get re-elected, so I strongly encourage them and you to continue with what you are doing. After Trump loses if you plan to do the I never liked him now I will troll those losers bit - no problem, guessing a lot of genuine Trumpers may experiment with that path. Perhaps they will think it will be entertaining.

All the best.
I'm looking forward if Biden wins to back to back GOP presidencies such will be the fallout of a Biden presidency.

All the best.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 05:50 PM
So I take it that everyone in this thread is sidin' with biden?
President Joe Biden Quote
