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President Joe Biden President Joe Biden

10-14-2020 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Ok thanks.

I thought it didn't end great and there seems to have been a truce of some kind between North Korea and Trump that is all.
I'd like your response on Trump's strategy on China. And the only truce between NK and Trump that exists is in WH propaganda and lies.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-14-2020 , 08:32 PM
President Joe Biden Quote
10-14-2020 , 09:29 PM
WhErE iS jOe BiDeN?

running the greatest grassroot campaign in history

President Joe Biden Quote
10-14-2020 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Adrenocromo
What's all these memes about him asking for crack I keep seeing?
President Joe Biden Quote
10-14-2020 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
What's all these memes about him asking for crack I keep seeing?
To party with Jr and Tucker?
President Joe Biden Quote
10-14-2020 , 10:02 PM
Hunter's too cool to hang with those tweebs
President Joe Biden Quote
10-14-2020 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Hunter's too cool to hang with those tweebs
There's piece of video out there of Tucker saying he and Hunter are good buddies
President Joe Biden Quote
10-14-2020 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
What's all these memes about him asking for crack I keep seeing?
Hunter apparently left his laptop with stuff that said he linked up his father with some Ukrainians with someone he should not have, it ended up with the FBI, then Rudy. It also had porn and stuff about him smoking crack. The story was prevented from being shared on FB and Twitter because they apparently are sour on how NY Post got the scoop.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-14-2020 , 11:13 PM
A man with an adult son who isn't doing everything right should obv never be president.

So much for that, Fred Trump.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-14-2020 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Hunter apparently left his laptop with stuff that said he linked up his father with some Ukrainians with someone he should not have, it ended up with the FBI, then Rudy. It also had porn and stuff about him smoking crack. The story was prevented from being shared on FB and Twitter because they apparently are sour on how NY Post got the scoop.
yeah. thats why it is "prevent from being shared"...

not that it is entirely fabricated.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 12:00 AM
Lol yeah the story is obviously BS. The huge Trump supporting computer shop owner keeps changing his story on how he got the laptop, who he contacted and somehow two Trump people under federal investigation themselves, Bannon and Guilliani had access to the hard drive nobody can prove came from Hunter Biden.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 03:46 AM
I fully support Trump and his followers spending a lot of their remaining campaign time and resources on a weird story about Hunter Biden, because I know they think this is the game changer they are hoping for. This story works perfectly with Trump as he continues to run one of the worst campaigns ever seen, with the help of his energetic followers. Polls have shown the top 3 issues this year are indeed 1) Hunter Biden (to trigger libs) 2) Covid 3) Economy so keep up that good work is all I can say to you guys, only a couple more weeks to go. Thanks!

All the best.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by vinivici9586
brie brie is a ****ing moron

Just shut up and enjoy it. It's better for both of us that way.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
I fully support Trump and his followers spending a lot of their remaining campaign time and resources on a weird story about Hunter Biden, because I know they think this is the game changer they are hoping for. This story works perfectly with Trump as he continues to run one of the worst campaigns ever seen, with the help of his energetic followers. Polls have shown the top 3 issues this year are indeed 1) Hunter Biden (to trigger libs) 2) Covid 3) Economy so keep up that good work is all I can say to you guys, only a couple more weeks to go. Thanks!

All the best.
Is he doing it as a debate strategy?
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 05:50 AM
Could not care less what his "strategy" is, as long as he continues with the hot mess he has done so far this year. Makes one think the campaign he ran in 2016 was a success by lucky timing in hindsight.

Anyway, it is not over yet and Trump and his followers need to stay on their current message path. "Non-Trumper" hard core Trumpers like you need to play your part as well, and let me reassure you this post is not meant to create mass riots in case that is (yet again) you first reaction that you then re-assign to others. Thanks!

All the best.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Lol yeah the story is obviously BS. The huge Trump supporting computer shop owner keeps changing his story on how he got the laptop, who he contacted and somehow two Trump people under federal investigation themselves, Bannon and Guilliani had access to the hard drive nobody can prove came from Hunter Biden.

I wonder how the Bernie supporters feel about the FBI bleeping their guy two election cycles in a row??? Neo Lib Neo Cons get the nod in the D party while the economic populist wing can go pound sand. HaHaHaHa....I'm curious where's Michael Moore's hot take....
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Ok thanks.

I thought it didn't end great and there seems to have been a truce of some kind between North Korea and Trump that is all.
North Korea agreed to summits. To keep up appearances they closed down the use of nuclear testing grounds that were already closing.

We learned from reports around the same time that they were accelerating their missile development programs. With a Trump desperate for a public relations win and a lot of amateurs in the administration ranks, North Korea probably bet on this being ignored. As a backup plan they'd probably yell (diplomatically) something ala "we'll scrap our program when you scrap yours!" and walk away with some huff and puff.

Cue a few years later, and we see a new missile capacity revealed at the exact time the same American president is again struggling for positive media press, and the administration can again be counted on to ignore the ongoing development.

Basically, the US got played. And not even in any kind of particularly underhanded way, just basic "cold war"-style diplomacy.

Last edited by tame_deuces; 10-15-2020 at 07:27 AM.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
yeah. thats why it is "prevent from being shared"...

not that it is entirely fabricated.
I don't really care about the story, but Twitter/FB playing editor is a problem. If they have some sort of standard, I'd like to see it enforced when the entirety of the main stream media used Twitter to defame a 16 year old kid with unsubstantiated reporting based on lies, or allowing the Smollet hoax to go unchecked, among hundreds of other hoaxes perpetrated/propagated by lefty journalists.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 10-15-2020 at 08:42 AM.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 09:07 AM
I too would like to see the big tech companies nationalized and treated as public utilities.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
North Korea agreed to summits. To keep up appearances they closed down the use of nuclear testing grounds that were already closing.

We learned from reports around the same time that they were accelerating their missile development programs. With a Trump desperate for a public relations win and a lot of amateurs in the administration ranks, North Korea probably bet on this being ignored. As a backup plan they'd probably yell (diplomatically) something ala "we'll scrap our program when you scrap yours!" and walk away with some huff and puff.

Cue a few years later, and we see a new missile capacity revealed at the exact time the same American president is again struggling for positive media press, and the administration can again be counted on to ignore the ongoing development.

Basically, the US got played. And not even in any kind of particularly underhanded way, just basic "cold war"-style diplomacy.
Kim Jong-Un's letter writer knew exactly how to appeal to Trump, so Trump declares everything is great.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Well at the end of the day if that is true Biden I see as someone who can be easily manipulated by the progressives within the party to get their way as I don't see Biden being anywhere near as pig-headed as Trump is (and that probably also goes to that mental stamina thing). I think eventually if they try long enough with Biden he'll break down which you know is ok if you're happy with their agenda which most seem to be on here but probably not great on an international stage where he is meant to be sticking up for US and the western world's interests and can capitulate or change his position quite easily.
I would eagerly take a bet on that.

Any Biden acquiescence to the far left currently is lip service IMO. Its meant to quiet them down and hope they turn out. Once in power I expect very little follow through.

On the other hand, in the name of showing he is still the guy who can get bipartisan support for issues he WILL be reaching out to whatever rump remains of the republican party and seeking their support. He will do, as his Senate history demonstrates in the past by moving to the right on major issues to a point they will support it.

Anyone knowing Biden's history would know that is who he is and what he believes.

So a bet against him changing his stripes at this late age, is one I would gladly take.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I don't really care about the story, but Twitter/FB playing editor is a problem. If they have some sort of standard, I'd like to see it enforced when the entirety of the main stream media used Twitter to defame a 16 year old kid with unsubstantiated reporting based on lies, or allowing the Smollet hoax to go unchecked, among hundreds of other hoaxes perpetrated/propagated by lefty journalists.
Ah yes it’s truly the left leaning journalists that propagate conspiracy theories and hoaxes on Facebook. Lol. I’d love for someone to do a count. I would probably bet everything I had that propoganda was 99/1 right vs left on Facebook.

Also neither the magachud Covington kid nor the Jessie smollett attack were fabricated. They were actual stories that happened. There’s a clear difference.

Originally Posted by problemeliminator
I too would like to see the big tech companies nationalized and treated as public utilities.
Yeah. Terrible section 230 takes are the best takes. I would love to see citizens United removed and nationalization of the internet along with forcing the mega giant platforms into public forums. How very democratic socialist of IHIV..
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I don't really care about the story, but Twitter/FB playing editor is a problem. If they have some sort of standard, I'd like to see it enforced when the entirety of the main stream media used Twitter to defame a 16 year old kid with unsubstantiated reporting based on lies, or allowing the Smollet hoax to go unchecked, among hundreds of other hoaxes perpetrated/propagated by lefty journalists.

Trump has spewed some 25000 lies, amplified by social media to give him the biggest reach of any politician in human history, many of them delusions about political opponents or the most insane of conspiracy theories.

Social media reach being defined by reads, likes and follows it also made him largely immune to being countered by sanity or facts. Combined this gave a political punch that was the key ingredient in elevating him to the presidency of the United States of America. And your concern is voiced when an obvious political hatchet job by Trump affiliates in a 2nd-rate newspaper is branded as "misleading", forcing users to click an extra time to read it?

If there was any fairness in the social media world, Trump's accounts should all have been banned years ago. There isn't a mainstream social media TOS that man should reasonably have made it past.

Biden is a polite man running a fairly polite campaign. Politeness doesn't sell as well as Trump's vitriolic garbage. It's good to see some moderation from these companies for once, but it is far too little far too late.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 11:00 AM
Also neither the magachud Covington kid nor the Jessie smollett attack were fabricated. They were actual stories that happened. There’s a clear difference.
The Covington kid story was total BS and CNN settled for some serious cash on this one and I just do not recall Chris Cuomo or anyone issuing an apology from CNN .
The Jesse Smollet story disappeared really quick and a lot of folks early on were like I dont know....
President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 11:25 AM
Whether a candidate has an embarrassing failson is my #1 issue, gonna have to vote for Trump now.
President Joe Biden Quote
