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ex-President Joe Biden ex-President Joe Biden

10-15-2020 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by bundy5
I'm looking forward if Biden wins to back to back GOP presidencies such will be the fallout of a Biden presidency.

All the best.
Shrug, maybe - that's a ways away and really for now the important thing is flushing the extra large crap down the toilet that is the Trump presidency. Biden et. al will have to spend some time wiping the collective butt of the country after to clean up the mess, but whatever on that, and then the world will be a different place in 2024.

If you want to go with the we are happy losing now because we will win later bit, that dull routine is fine with me, as long as you continue doing what you are doing now to lose. Just a couple more weeks, so stay on target. Thanks!

All the best.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by bundy5
I'm looking forward if Biden wins to back to back GOP presidencies such will be the fallout of a Biden presidency.

All the best.
Curious. Who do you see as the next GOP standard bearer in life after Trump?
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I look forward to AG Hilary Clinton looking into Trump's affairs after the transition.
She already funded and fell flat on her face in her Russia collusion hoax so I also look forward to seeing her fail, yet again!
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Shrug, maybe - that's a ways away and really for now the important thing is flushing the extra large crap down the toilet that is the Trump presidency. Biden et. al will have to spend some time wiping the collective butt of the country after to clean up the mess, but whatever on that, and then the world will be a different place in 2024.

If you want to go with the we are happy losing now because we will win later bit, that dull routine is fine with me, as long as you continue doing what you are doing now to lose. Just a couple more weeks, so stay on target. Thanks!.
One thing that's interesting is if you compare this to the last time Republicans were in this bad of shape it was 2006 and 2008 where they got crushed. But it was easy for them to come back, especially in the House because plenty of dems won seats in Republican districts. But now it honestly looks like dems have permanently flipped districts thanks to Trump. A rural/suburban party can compete with an urban party, but if republicans have transformed into a purely non-college educated, white rural party that losses in the suburbs they can't. So something has to change.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 07:05 PM
I think the one constant is assuming things are inflexible when they aren't. After the 2010 midterms there was a lot of "oh god, oh ****, how do Dems ever take the House back? It's permanently gerrymandered in favor of Republicans" and it turns out an unpopular Republican president changed that real quick. Likewise with the Senate where the Dems could take back control thanks to seats that didn't even remotely look competitive just a couple years ago.

Two years of Joe Biden lulling Democratic voters back into complacency, and the fading memory of Trump being the worst president of our lifetimes (the GOP left the economy in shambles in 2008 and won the midterms two years later!), seem likely to result in large GOP gains in the House in 2022 if Biden wins.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 07:15 PM
I said "something has to change". In 2010 republicans had basically disavowed George W Bush and he fell off the face of the Earth. People like Ted Cruz won by primarying Bush style republicans. I don't see that happening with Trump. But of course something else probably will.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I think the one constant is assuming things are inflexible when they aren't. After the 2010 midterms there was a lot of "oh god, oh ****, how do Dems ever take the House back? It's permanently gerrymandered in favor of Republicans" and it turns out an unpopular Republican president changed that real quick. Likewise with the Senate where the Dems could take back control thanks to seats that didn't even remotely look competitive just a couple years ago.

Two years of Joe Biden lulling Democratic voters back into complacency, and the fading memory of Trump being the worst president of our lifetimes (the GOP left the economy in shambles in 2008 and won the midterms two years later!), seem likely to result in large GOP gains in the House in 2022 if Biden wins.
The Trump recipe was an effective one, and will likely be copied. Then again, one can also see these things going the way of clickbait and personality quizzes; the novelty of having someone digitally screaming nonsense in your ear every day all-year-round will wear off for most.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I think the one constant is assuming things are inflexible when they aren't. After the 2010 midterms there was a lot of "oh god, oh ****, how do Dems ever take the House back? It's permanently gerrymandered in favor of Republicans" and it turns out an unpopular Republican president changed that real quick. Likewise with the Senate where the Dems could take back control thanks to seats that didn't even remotely look competitive just a couple years ago.

Two years of Joe Biden lulling Democratic voters back into complacency, and the fading memory of Trump being the worst president of our lifetimes (the GOP left the economy in shambles in 2008 and won the midterms two years later!), seem likely to result in large GOP gains in the House in 2022 if Biden wins.
Despite the utopian dreams on the right or left, I don't see that ever changing. For instance, even if the progressives/socialists were to gain power, they'll just trigger the antithesis of a John Galt and Dagny Taggert version of Bernie and AOC, with the old heroes becoming the new villains, forever.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
She already funded and fell flat on her face in her Russia collusion hoax so I also look forward to seeing her fail, yet again!
Ummm you may have missed the list of names all indicted and convicted and jailed over that 'hoax'.

You may have also missed the Senate Republican lead Investigation report exposing it was not a hoax.

So ya, lets hope we see that type of fail again this time with the Trump family.

Last edited by Cuepee; 10-15-2020 at 08:49 PM.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 09:27 PM
has there ever been a bigger nothing burger than this hunter biden story? ok he does a little crack sometimes. who cares?
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by Adrenocromo
has there ever been a bigger nothing burger than this hunter biden story? ok he does a little crack sometimes. who cares?
If he wasn't running against Mr Nepotism itself his son's very obvious grifting using his father's name might be an issue.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Adrenocromo
has there ever been a bigger nothing burger than this hunter biden story? ok he does a little crack sometimes. who cares?
Not true according to one source:

ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 09:50 PM
It’s a Hail Mary news story. The email one worked against Clinton. This one isn’t going to work. Literally, Trump/Trumps family is about as corrupt as they come. This is all projection. Accusing the left of stuff we’re doing.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 10:11 PM
WhErE iS jOe BiDeN?!?!?

ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy

Also, since you call it like you see it and such, what is your strategy be after Trump gets stomped? Going to go with the rigged thing or the he did not want to win anyway and will be better away from the swamp, Hunter, Hillary, Lizard People? I always want to know what a "keeping it real" soul like you has to offer in that regard. Thanks!

They are already saying Trump "wants out" but doesn't want to lose face. So I'm going with didn't want to win so he can go back to being a "successful business man." Source, several Trumpers on Facebook .
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-15-2020 , 11:23 PM

Took 7 minutes of rambling before the moderator had to cut off Biden as he as well as everybody else forgot what the quuestion was 3-4 minutes in. How you yanks screwed up by not voting for Yang, the rest of the world just sitting back and enjoying the entertainment hahaha.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-16-2020 , 12:01 AM
sorry but leaving your wife and 5 kids for some ugly ***** that is older than your stepmom is much worse than doing hard drugs with eastern european hookers IMO.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-16-2020 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Adrenocromo
sorry but leaving your wife and 5 kids for some ugly ***** that is older than your stepmom is much worse than doing hard drugs with eastern european hookers IMO.
She's (Kimberly Guilfoyle) got a face that could stop a clock.
9 years older than Don jr.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-16-2020 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by noon
She's (Kimberly Guilfoyle) got a face that could stop a clock.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-16-2020 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by Exothermic

Took 7 minutes of rambling before the moderator had to cut off Biden as he as well as everybody else forgot what the quuestion was 3-4 minutes in. How you yanks screwed up by not voting for Yang, the rest of the world just sitting back and enjoying the entertainment hahaha.
He seems a lot better lately. Maybe he's been doing a brain health program like Dr. Amen's.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-16-2020 , 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by capone0
It’s a Hail Mary news story. The email one worked against Clinton. This one isn’t going to work. Literally, Trump/Trumps family is about as corrupt as they come. This is all projection. Accusing the left of stuff we’re doing.
Why hasn't the biden camp denied the emails are real?

Because they are!
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-16-2020 , 07:36 AM
I hope that genuine Trumpers and wannabe troll Trumpers like you continue to push hard on issues voters care nothing about to really help Trump in these final weeks of running the worst campaign ever. Keep doing your part, and make sure you end every post of yours with an exclamation point to really drive home your effort. Specimens like you are part of what is needed to get the desired result in a couple weeks, so know your role and continue doing your share. Thank you.

All the best.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-16-2020 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
Why hasn't the biden camp denied the emails are real?

Because they are!
You don't deny garbage, fake stories, you ignore them.

Did Obama 'simply showing his birth certificate if he was born in the US' end the conspiracy theory or did it simply keep ramping up, but now, with what they wanted which was Obama himself feeding the narrative?

You know that answer. IT just made it more of a talking point on mainstream news.

Right now the Hunter garbage rightly gets almost no airtime outside the nutbar channels. If Joe starts engaging with it, it will start getting air time on the major networks with their reporters doing the follow up questions.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-16-2020 , 08:48 AM
The town-hall format suits Joe Biden well. Not going to say it's blockbuster stuff, but he is composed, relaxed and easy-going.

For Trump, not such much. His style of politics is really centered on targeting someone with his ire or heckling them, there isn't much left when you take that away and his rants does have a certain "old man yells at cloud"-smell in the town-hall format.. His greatest asset going into the final weeks up to the election will definitely be his enormous social media presence where he can go unfiltered, with nobody really having enough pull to stop or counter his rants.

Still, it has been harder for Trump to drown out Biden and his campaign than I thought, still... there are weeks left and when it comes to reaching voters directly, Trump definitely has the advantage. Biden (like most politicians) is still doing old-school politics with mostly indirect messaging. If it's just "all Trump all the time", it remains to be seen how big a reach this will have. The US (like most countries) struggle with high unemployment, huge deficits and a looming recession, an election can't just be an abstract verdict on Trump when people are worried about a roof over their heads and food on the table.

On a somewhat related note I also think the lessons from Trump's gargantuan presence on social media is why the GOP is so adamant in going after younger Democrat politicians with solid social media presence and instincts, because they don't want a "Demorat Trump" (I'm here thinking of the social media presence, not any comparisons beyond that).

Last edited by tame_deuces; 10-16-2020 at 08:57 AM.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
10-16-2020 , 09:46 AM
The Biden team has an insane amount of money to spend next month, and they have shown some signs of being at times clever and trolly toward Trump in an effective manner in these current times. Trump seems to have less money and is choosing not to spend a lot of it (does he get to keep it after or something), so it will be interesting to see how much Trump can offset this with his twitter rage and free Fox News appearances.

I kind of wonder if Trump is hurt by all the crazies screaming about completely LOLnothing topics in the desperate effort to get traction on them. Not quite sure they help Trump, even if they managed to get a little bit of traction (they have not so far) as their noise kind of conflicts with Trump's noise at times. I hope they continue doing this.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
