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President Joe Biden President Joe Biden

08-24-2022 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Neither contribute anything and I thought Trumps tax cuts are as stupid as forgiving student loan debt
Breaking Points?

Seems like such a weird new talking attempt to equate two things that have no business being equated.

Trump inheriting a good economy.

President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Neither contribute anything and I thought Trumps tax cuts are as stupid as forgiving student loan debt
When the wealthy get tax cut , they buy the same houses or stocks
(or worst bonds that lower interest rates -> costing billions profits to pension funds and %interest to the common man for his savings ) ,
just with higher prices to another rich guy that sell the house to buy with it other houses or more stocks , it produces 0 productivity for the real economy .
But it create massive amount of deficit that is the common man that pay for it …..

When u give to millions of Americans some debts relief for education cost , they can actually use that education asset they acquire and make something productive for that economy with that new money .

Who’s responsibility is it anyway to make sure getting a fair education (I’m not talking free) for a semblance of equal opportunity for everyone if not the government ?

Seeing how terrible the logic of some people are
In the US , might actually be a good idea to lower the cost down for education and make it more accessible for everyone .

Wouldn’t u agree investment in education is clearly one of the most profitable thing a government can do ?
Not just for work purpose but to actually create better citizen in many sphere of society ?

Ps: maybe u do not agree but I’m not a believer that a US doctor paying 2-300k ( w.e the number) for its tuition is necessarily better than a Canadian doctor just because he paid more to go to school .
We are extremely lucky in Canada to have the education and health care system we have .
U should know that imo .

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 08-25-2022 at 12:41 AM.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 03:23 AM
This doesn't lower the cost of education at all. Students going to school in the future will still have unchecked ever-rising tuition. Those students will now have the same expectations of handouts when they rack up their massive student loans.

This was seriously putting the cart before the horse. If the Biden admin had any sort of plan for making college affordable, and as part of that plan gave relief to previous borrowers, it might look like this was an actual effort to reform the absurd costs of higher education. Since he didn't, people will rightfully see this for what it is: a bribe to young people for votes ahead of the midterms.

I think this will ultimately cost the Democrats lots of votes, but time will tell.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 04:07 AM
I guess will see where it goes from here .

To me it’s covering an over expensive education retroactively for the students by writing off debts that should not been there in the first place but should been assume by the government to begin with .

From the same paper below :
“ Since 1980, the total cost of both four-year public and four-year private college has nearly tripled, even after accounting for inflation.”

So it’s a wash .

And if this was a “bribe” , do you consider trump tax cuts ( and any other tax cuts for decades) a bribe too ?

Ps: when You speak of previous borrowers , aren’t they all previous borrowers ?
That debt wasn’t made last year right ?
It seem it will reach like 20-40 millions people .

As for doing nothing for future cost on education :

“ Protect future students and taxpayers by reducing the cost of college and holding schools accountable when they hike up prices.”

“ Make the Student Loan System More Manageable for Current and Future Borrowers”

I guess future will tell but seem it’s going in the right direction to reduce cost ?

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 08-25-2022 at 04:25 AM.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
This doesn't lower the cost of education at all. Students going to school in the future will still have unchecked ever-rising tuition. Those students will now have the same expectations of handouts when they rack up their massive student loans.

This was seriously putting the cart before the horse. If the Biden admin had any sort of plan for making college affordable, and as part of that plan gave relief to previous borrowers, it might look like this was an actual effort to reform the absurd costs of higher education. Since he didn't, people will rightfully see this for what it is: a bribe to young people for votes ahead of the midterms.

I think this will ultimately cost the Democrats lots of votes, but time will tell.
You think a policy that polled favourably that he made a big part of his platform being partially delivered on will cost Democrats votes?
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Breaking Points?

Seems like such a weird new talking attempt to equate two things that have no business being equated.

Trump inheriting a good economy.

Nope Lozen Points Did you get the graph From Rachel Maddow? You tell me were I should get my factual news?

Let me repeat Trump Tax cuts go against everything the GOP says they stand for but we all know when they are in power what they believe is gone. When democrats are in power fiscal responsibility

Every individual signed on the dotted line for those loans. A majority of those loans are for post graduate work

The loans do not apply to Trade Schools as we know the democrats no longer care about the working man/ woman/other

This has no impact on future costs for students and no rebates for those that repaid their loans

He has suspended payments till 2023 even though college educated unemployment at its lowest .

Low end cost 300 billion

Also did you watch his 8 minute rant? OMG

Though to his credit it is exactly what he promised $10,000
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp

And if this was a “bribe” , do you consider trump tax cuts ( and any other tax cuts for decades) a bribe too ?
Yes, of course the Trump tax cuts were a bribe to a very small Republican base, though it may be more accurate to call them a payment or reward to rich Republican supporters.

There being bad policy during the Trump administration does not excuse every bad policy during the Biden administration. It seems that if anybody has any criticism of what Biden does, the immediate reaction is "but what about Trump?!" Trump isn't president anymore; he is not a good reason to turn a blind eye to every miss-step this administration takes.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by Doorbread
You think a policy that polled favourably that he made a big part of his platform being partially delivered on will cost Democrats votes?
I'm loving the coping mechanisms these guys are developing.

Yes, of course the Trump tax cuts were a bribe to a very small Republican base, though it may be more accurate to call them a payment or reward to rich Republican supporters.
Well just think of this as a little reward for Biden voters saddled with student debt.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 08:48 AM
Also, none for nothing, if this policy is super unpopular, it's not really a "bribe," is it? Either the policy is something voters don't like, or Biden is bribing them with something they do like. You have to pick one of these options, you can't tell me Biden is bribing voters by giving them things they don't like.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 09:02 AM
Wtf are you talking about? Bribes, as a general principle, are unpopular. If somebody is happy get a bribe, it doesn't change that it is a bribe. If a large group of people are happy to get a bribe, it doesn't change that it is a bribe.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 09:04 AM
Many political bribes are popular to the majority if they apply to enough people.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Many political bribes are popular to the majority if they apply to enough people.
Sure, but that isn't what trolly wrote. That may have been the point he wanted to make though.

Maybe this particular political bribe will be popular. I have my doubts that it will be effective for several reasons that would require a longer post than I want to type on my phone.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 09:14 AM
From ABC News

About 43 million Americans have federal student debt, with an average balance of $37,667, according to federal data. A third of those owe less than $10,000. Half owe less than $20,000. The total amount of federal student debt is more than $1.6 trillion.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
Wtf are you talking about? Bribes, as a general principle, are unpopular.
Not among the people who are being bribed! You’re telling me Biden is handing out big bribes to his base and they’re not going to like that?

If a large group of people are happy to get a bribe, it doesn't change that it is a bribe.
Ya, I know what a bribe is. The curious part is you arguing that the people won’t be happy to be bribed.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Not among the people who are being bribed! You’re telling me Biden is handing out big bribes to his base and they’re not going to like that?

Ya, I know what a bribe is. The curious part is you arguing that the people won’t be happy to be bribed.
I really feel like we are not communicating effectively here.

People that accept bribes are always happy to get those bribes. That doesn't mean that people at large are happy that bribery is going on.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
I really feel like we are not communicating effectively here.

People that accept bribes are always happy to get those bribes. That doesn't mean that people at large are happy that bribery is going on.
You were talking about Biden voters, not voters at large. I’m sure this policy will make Republicans even madder, but you really need to show your work if you’re arguing that Democratic voters aren’t in favor of loan forgiveness.

Actually, even some Republicans might get on board with this:

71% of respondents support wide-scale student loan cancellation;
18% oppose wide-scale student loan cancellation;
81% with student loans support broad student loan cancellation;
66% without student loans support broad student loan relief;
56% of Republicans, 66% of independents and 84% of Democrats support partial or total student loan cancellation for all student loan borrowers.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 09:50 AM
One last thing

Yes, of course the Trump tax cuts were a bribe to a very small Republican base, though it may be more accurate to call them a payment or reward to rich Republican supporters.
If it’s more accurate to describe these kinds of things as rewards, why are you calling them “bribes?” Kinda seems like you’re deliberately using loaded language.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
You were talking about Biden voters, not voters at large. I’m sure this policy will make Republicans even madder, but you really need to show your work if you’re arguing that Democratic voters aren’t in favor of loan forgiveness.
What I wrote was "I think this will ultimately cost the Democrats lots of votes, but time will tell." You are misreading my point.

The poll you reference is cherry-picked nonsense. Here
is the poll that is linked inside your article. The poll specifically only polled people between the ages of 18 and 34. Of course a huge percentage of people that would be the recipients of free money are in favor!

I am calling this a "bribe" as it is done about two months before the midterm election. The Trump tax cuts were a reward for his supporters as it was done shortly after he came into office, but we can call it a bribe as well. There isn't a meaningful distinction between the two; they are both free money given to a small slice of supporters.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 10:00 AM
random tidbits

-“but what about the carpenter who took out a loan on his work truck…this is weird that they’re doing this” -Conservative friend at work

-Only 10k? I feel like that helps the kids who dropped out in their first semester the most. What is tuition these days…29,500 per year? Does very little for the kids from poor families who actually get a degree.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 10:01 AM
I suppose all of electoral politics is enacting policies your base likes in exchange for their votes. You can all it “bribery” if you like, but that’s how democracy is supposed to work.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I suppose all of electoral politics is enacting policies your base likes in exchange for their votes. You can all it “bribery” if you like, but that’s how democracy is supposed to work.
Agreed. This policy is no more of a bribe than any other policy that has economic consequences. It's a little silly to describe every policy with economic consequences as a bribe.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Doorbread
You think a policy that polled favourably that he made a big part of his platform being partially delivered on will cost Democrats votes?
It's obvious that Biden was much less certain than you are about whether loan forgiveness would help Democrats in the mid-terms. He didn't give progressives exactly what they wanted on this issue precisely because he thought it would hurt Democrats at the polls. And he dithered for two years because he wasn't sure it was good politics to give progressives even a quarter loaf, although he must have gotten comfortable that a quarter loaf was likely to be neutral or slightly helpful.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
It's a little silly to describe every policy with economic consequences as a bribe.
I really wouldn't mind it if every economic policy is called a bribe, like PPP loans and tax cuts for the wealthy and so on. What we have here is a situation where the sinister language only gets used when the people making less than $125,000 get their beaks wet.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by ReliableSource
random tidbits

-“but what about the carpenter who took out a loan on his work truck…this is weird that they’re doing this” -Conservative friend at work

-Only 10k? I feel like that helps the kids who dropped out in their first semester the most. What is tuition these days…29,500 per year? Does very little for the kids from poor families who actually get a degree.
There is probably no way to account for earning potential in a policy like this, but one of the ugly aspects of the policy is that all current students at Wharton business school, Columbia Law School, etc., will be eligible for $10k in immediate loan relief if they have student debt. The future employees of Goldman Sachs and BigLaw don't need loan relief.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2022 , 10:31 AM
I think you would get more widespread support for a policy like this if it applied to teachers, nurses, doctors . Id be curious how much of it goes to what I call the useless degrees.

Everyone forgets that both the Dems and GOP supported the bill making Student Loan debt one of the few debts that bankruptcy will not cover.
President Joe Biden Quote
