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President Joe Biden President Joe Biden

08-25-2021 , 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Democrat accomplishments so far during the Biden administration:

1. Borrow money for stimulus
2. Borrow more money for infrastructure
3. Try to borrow more money for Democratic projects
4. Raise taxes on cryptocurrency
5. not raise taxes on banks, financial services, rich people, companies, or anyone else
6. worst southern border crisis in the nation's history
7. rising inflation everywhere
8. rising crime and homelessness seemingly everywhere
9. outsmarted by the Taliban in Afghanistan
10. horrifically botched evacuation of Afghanistan, stranding countless civilians including Americans

He's also politicized coronavirus even more than Trump did.

It's going to be a (far right wing) Republican sweep in 2022, and Trump re-elected in 2024.
Don't forget repealing that state tax deduction cap thing that previous woat president beltholder Trump accidentally implemented.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by Fluffy68
Biden is an incompetent fugazi. He will undoubtedly go down in history as the worse president ever.
2008 was an interesting year. I'd say Biden has a ways to go to beat the idiot Bush. And that's not even considering the money wasted on illegal wars or the grifter Trump's money grab.

And I don't even like Biden. He's holding society back just like Schumer and Pelosi. But not even close to the worst. He probably won't even go down in history as bad.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Don't forget repealing that state tax deduction cap thing that previous woat president beltholder Trump accidentally implemented.
McMansion tax. lol
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 07:37 AM
No way has Biden politicised Covid as much as Trump, political effects of his decisions on this matter are near 100% the legacy of the previous administration.

People are primed and ready to react to decisions about Covid in USA in a way that just does not exist in most other developed countries and its effectively all thanks to right wing propaganda and Trump.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Accomplishments of Shuffle...

Spewing populist crap on 2p2 without reading anything. M1 was raised before Biden even set foot in office by the Fed headed by a Trump appointee. Therefore inflation. Trump's administration started the pull out of Afghanistan. Biden might have flubbed the evacuation, but the Taliban didn't outsmart anyone.

Also, lol, "worst border crisis" is the sign of racist twits who don't demand Republicans actually reform immigration processes.
I don't really agree with Shuffle, but you should know by now that facts don't matter. Media is crushing Biden and while it's true that Trump effed up, sheep Ghana sheep. That's why we don't have Bernie or really anything materially helpful for the people.

So I gotta say, it's pretty funny watching the Biden bros try to fight against the lying craven self serving media. And lose.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 08:00 AM
One quality you share with him is that you are only truly happy when you believe everyone else is miserable. Not quite sure what happens if the two of you start looking at each other - does that result in a alternating cycles of happiness and misery?

All the best.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
One quality you share with him is that you are only truly happy when you believe everyone else is miserable. Not quite sure what happens if the two of you start looking at each other - does that result in a alternating cycles of happiness and misery?

All the best.
Who are you even talking about ?

Anyway, no one who seeks the misery of others if ever happy. Life skills 101
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 08:14 AM
Odd how the media stopped reporting on the "worst southern border crisis in the nation's history."
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Who are you even talking about ?

Anyway, no one who seeks the misery of others if ever happy. Life skills 101
He's talking about me. He has no real defense of Biden so he makes personal attacks. He wants me and everyone to be a good little liberal democrat and bury my head on the sand and support everything Biden does.

The fact is, anyone talking about politics and society will look extremely negative. Bc the world and the country is an objectively miserable place in terms of material conditions. Ofc that doesn't mean that people need health care, salary, housing to be happy esp on a moment to moment basis. But when discussing politics, it's pretty important to note that there are enough wealth and resources to give everyone a sound quality of life. The Democrats exist to deny that.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 08:24 AM
You are still supposed to find those posts you claimed I made being a huge supporter of Trump, as you never followed up on that promise of yours. Now I am a liberal Democrat. Kind of hard to keep track, but in the end I just want you to be happy, and you seem happiest when you believe everyone is miserable, so safe to say - you are happy and I am glad you are happy!

I admit that it is a shame Bernie did not win, because you would then be miserable at and about him, and that would have been mildly entertaining to see how it played out.

All the best.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
This is a very short sighted and disingenuous meme, that would typically be employed by the privileged trying to protect the status quo.

It is the threat of things getting worse, much worse (civil rights unrest, etc) that often fosters change and reform when for generations prior it was ignored by privileged populace who were isolated from the costs, and enjoy their benefits, and thus felt no need to push their leaders for change.

Politicians will always tend to focus on the voting majority, thus that group can be catered to at the expense of others. And if the 'others' cannot make the majority focus on them too, they often end up forgotten.

And the threat of making things worse for all is a very valid and often necessary tactic.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
And the threat of making things worse for all is a very valid and often necessary tactic.
How’s that been working out for you the past five years or so?
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Odd how the media stopped reporting on the "worst southern border crisis in the nation's history."
It's so been done already.

2016 GE Republicans : 'The Brown Menace is coming to your border from Mexico. Build the Wall'.

2018 MT : 'The Brown Menace is coming in caravans up from S.America. Send in the Army'.

2020 GE : 'The Brown Menace Antifa, is going to move into your suburbs. We'll stop them'.

2022 MT : 'The Brown Menace, CRT, is coming for your kids. And the Brown Menace is stealing your elections. We'll stop them.'
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
He's talking about me. He has no real defense of Biden so he makes personal attacks. He wants me and everyone to be a good little liberal democrat and bury my head on the sand and support everything Biden does.

The fact is, anyone talking about politics and society will look extremely negative. Bc the world and the country is an objectively miserable place in terms of material conditions. Ofc that doesn't mean that people need health care, salary, housing to be happy esp on a moment to moment basis. But when discussing politics, it's pretty important to note that there are enough wealth and resources to give everyone a sound quality of life. The Democrats exist to deny that.
I don't get that about you.

But then I'm nuanced enough to understand your political positions.

The corporate 'libs' are the worst, as we seen displayed here on a regular basis. They're the real reason we'll get Trump or a similar fascist populist back if we're not careful.

My poor old mother still thinks the dems are for unions and the 'working people'. But most people younger than her (ie most people) don't have that brand loyalty because the Dems never did anything for them in the first place.

The Dems will figure it out, the question is will we still have a democracy when they do. Dumb ****s.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
This is a very short sighted and disingenuous meme, that would typically be employed by the privileged trying to protect the status quo.

President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 11:23 AM

Was this part of Biden's campaign? What about asking OPEC to increase production?
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
'Worst president ever' always sounds like hyperbole, but we've definitely had a run of Franklin Pierces and James Buchanans lately.
And from those ashes rose the phoenix of a brutal civil war and decades of reconstruction.

Over the last 50+ years we've had Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush,Obama,Trump and now Biden. Presumably you think they were all some mix of awful and ineffectual. The terrible arguments you make about elections not mattering because something magical will happen when this "dumpster fire burns out" could have been said by a 20 year old when Nixon won in 68. Now that he's in his 70s still waiting, maybe it's time to consider advocating for something else?
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Shifty86

Was this part of Biden's campaign? What about asking OPEC to increase production?
What's your question ?

Biden's admin is appealing the injunction. It was a part of his campaign. I'm not sure what your point is here.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Democrat accomplishments so far during the Biden administration:

1. Borrow money for stimulus
2. Borrow more money for infrastructure
3. Try to borrow more money for Democratic projects
4. Raise taxes on cryptocurrency
5. not raise taxes on banks, financial services, rich people, companies, or anyone else
6. worst southern border crisis in the nation's history
7. rising inflation everywhere
8. rising crime and homelessness seemingly everywhere
9. outsmarted by the Taliban in Afghanistan
10. horrifically botched evacuation of Afghanistan, stranding countless civilians including Americans

He's also politicized coronavirus even more than Trump did.

It's going to be a (far right wing) Republican sweep in 2022, and Trump re-elected in 2024.
You forget never punished Saudi Arabia for killing the journalist
Though he was tough on Russia Its not like he cancelled a pipeline in North America and approved a Russian one . Oh wait
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
It doesn't matter at this point. The dumpster fire just needs to burn itself out. Phoenixes rise from the ashes and all stuff.
I think this is more of a build up of hatred partly caused by an addiction to politics. If your list gets solved, there would be a good chance that energy transfers equally to something else.

The country will appear to you based on your internal feelings - and a lot of folks here are seeing the sky fall down on them when it ain't nearly that bad.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 01:36 PM
Shuffle must have been shittingbricks for y2k
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
It doesn't matter at this point.
It really doesn't. Because of the failure to limit or govern election spending, so that elections are largely determined by spend, the election winner will be a friend of billionaires who represents the interests of those billionaires and, to all intents and purposes, represents nobody else at all. It makes no difference whether they belong to the right-wing party or the other right-wing party.

Not sure why people keep falling for this scam except that, of course, there's one born every minute.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 02:35 PM
Sure. If you're privileged enough it doesn't really matter. If you have a job without health insurance and a pre-existing condition it's quite a load off your mind to have a POTUS who will veto any bill that does away with those Obamacare protections that give you access to subsidized health insurance with no caps on treatment.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Who are you even talking about ?

Anyway, no one who seeks the misery of others if ever happy. Life skills 101
So much truth
President Joe Biden Quote
08-25-2021 , 03:15 PM
All you guys who bash Biden forget one thing.

The GUY is at the very least a decent man and to me that natters.
President Joe Biden Quote
