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Police brutality and police reform (US) Police brutality and police reform (US)

08-01-2020 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
these 2a conservatives make my head spin.

so it's not scary or threatening or anything to be concerned about when conservatives/white supremacists show up to events and yell at people/attempt to intimidate people with assault rifles,

and it's not fair that a couple are potentially being charged for pointing guns including an assault rifle at people walking by on the sidewalk with their fingers on the trigger,

but it IS totally responsible and self defense to shoot someone walking in a protest carrying an assault rifle because you dont agree with their politics and some other people made u angry?

just trying to get all this straight.
I think America has an unhealthy obsession with firearms and I'd be intimidated by anyone showing up at a public event armed. If you're armed and loaded, you're prepared to use it. It's purely to intimidate imo. So you don;t get to say you're "peacefully protesting". It's perfectly reasonable to feel threatened when a crowd swarm your car and someone approaches with an assault rifle. I can see more incidents like this, the Mcloskeys and that woman who pulled a gun over an altercation with the black ladies, long as the media and politicians keep merrily ramping up the hysteria, What's sown will be reaped.

But hey 2A brah. Or something.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by businessdude
This is just another chapter of why these protests are horrible.

A guy is surrounded by a mob of people who have shown a tendency toward violence and vandalism. So right there you are probably stressing out not knowing what is going to happen next. Then to ramp up the stress to the max, you see a person with a rifle, very close to you. Now this gun-toting person starts advancing specifically toward you. At what point should the driver start to get a little concerned? After the first round has been fired at him?
No after the second shot cuz the first could be merely a warning shot because it's a "peaceful protest" after all. So all this should be assessed because some of the posters itt are like trained for concealed carry so they know what they're talking about...
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
As usual, you are ignorant and wrong about everything. Your best trait is your consistency. Walking around with an assault rifle pointed at the ground is not grounds for being murdered in Texas. You seriously have zero comprehension or understanding of what you are talking about.
No, you're deliberately ignoring the context due to your partisan nature. In your totally learned view, are you saying with a straight face that the driver had absolutely no justification at all for being alarmed? By a crowd swarming his car and an armed stranger approaching?

Again you don't know he was pointing his gun toward the ground, you're taking his fellow protesters at their word. One of them falsely claimed he aggressively drove his car into the crowd, while managing to not hit a single one of them. So they're not reliable sources. However, your contrariness is as always, hilarious
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
This is astonishingly dumb.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Haven't heard that old chestnut in a while.
It incentivized single motherhood in low income white neighbourhoods in Ireland and still does.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
This is astonishingly dumb.
rules of engagement. if everyone gets the right to carry firearms, you dont get to shoot people who make u mad/scare you just because they are ALSO carrying firearms.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
Ya and with that mentality we'd still have a King
I suspect I would have opposed the American Revolution.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
rules of engagement. if everyone gets the right to carry firearms, you dont get to shoot people who make u mad/scare you just because they are ALSO carrying firearms.
There is quite a bit of middle ground of what can be considered self defense that lies between shooting someone who "made you mad" and shooting someone who is literally shooting at you.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 03:38 PM
What's this? How am I the first person to post about this outrageous VIOLENCE:

Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I'm fine with not discussing BLM in this thread.
Great. Look forward to not seeing any more of them from you.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
What's this? How am I the first person to post about this outrageous VIOLENCE:
Hope this RIOTER is brought to justice
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Great. Look forward to not seeing any more of them from you.
Glad I could brighten your day.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 04:04 PM
I'm just glad to see he somehow avoided a beating or worse after resisting the police. I didn't see even one of them unholster a sidearm. We're really making progress.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 04:10 PM
I'm sure that guy is going to get TEN YEARS for defacing PUBLIC PROPERTY.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I suspect I would have opposed the American Revolution.
Or maybe just lost your spirit
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
I hate it when people get riled up because they are keenly aware of the fact they've not been getting a fair shake. I wonder if there's anything in the big book about treating others as you'd have yourself be treated?
I suspect that if Mr. Floyd had obeyed the Golden Rule he probably would not have been an habitual criminal.

And if the cops had followed the Golden Rule, I suspect that they would not have killed Mr. Floyd.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I suspect I would have opposed the American Revolution.
Originally Posted by lagtight
I suspect that if Mr. Floyd had obeyed the Golden Rule he probably would not have been an habitual criminal.

And if the cops had followed the Golden Rule, I suspect that they would not have killed Mr. Floyd.
Let's do Jesus this time around. You on the side of the criminal or driving the nails?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I oppose hatred and violence, which is WHY I oppose BLM.
I dont believe you.

Originally Posted by lagtight
I suspect that if Mr. Floyd had obeyed the Golden Rule he probably would not have been an habitual criminal.
well that didnt take long
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
I dont believe you.

well that didnt take long
So you disagree with the claim that criminals are typically violating the Golden Rule while engaging in criminal activity?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
I'm just glad to see he somehow avoided a beating or worse after resisting the police. I didn't see even one of them unholster a sidearm. We're really making progress.

No one wanted paint on their costume.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
Does it make sense to value something that will put you at a disadvantage by design? I just can't come up with any good arguments for why it would be a good idea to suck at math. The skills can apply in a variety of ways outside careers purely built around them.

You mean like poker ?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 06:21 PM
Well, people are being arrested for hate crimes for painting over BLM symbols, and someone else was arrested in the last few days....
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
You mean like poker ?
Sure why not?

Hey guys no more pensions--now you're in charge of your retirement investing Don't worry we'll take real good care of ya

A million different ways to get bent over by being bad at it. Just leave that kooky math stuff to us ok?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
Thoughts on the black family in Atlanta that was shot up? Or any of the other motorists caught in riots past or present? Quit acting like the mob can discern jack squat. You're funny, man.
Congratulations on joining the perpetually wrong club here on politics and society. You have a lot of company.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-01-2020 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Lol at Marksman and his later editing and his acceptance at other protesters word as gospel despite one of them falsely claiming that the driver aggressively drove into the crowd.
Sneaky editing is yet another example of your bad faith posting.
I rarely edit my posts. Pretty sure if I edited that post it was not for whatever crazy nonsense you are saying here.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
