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Police brutality and police reform (US) Police brutality and police reform (US)

06-17-2020 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by neverbeclever
Now thats stretching it a bit...dont u think?

Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-17-2020 , 10:26 PM
If the officers let Rayshard Brooks run away and he killed someone after that who would be to blame?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-17-2020 , 11:01 PM
Rayshard Brooks. Are you challenged?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-17-2020 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Statistically speaking this could save some innocent lives, so I hope it’s true.
I just hope police not working and getting sloshed don’t jack up the domestic violence stats while they are on strike. That is one of the biggest risks.
Obviously never heard of hotlanta
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
If the officers let Rayshard Brooks run away and he killed your gf (if any) after that who would be to blame?
Originally Posted by Max Cut
Rayshard Brooks. Are you challenged?
U would let it slide right? that what u r saying?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 01:13 AM

You got the GBI news earlier, and now this.

I think you got a DA that just compromised the whole damn thing.

Your Democratic leadership.

Decent story by the AJC:

Seems those hints of corruption by this DA.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 06-18-2020 at 01:22 AM.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
There's just 0 chance ATL cop gets convicted of murder

but like 100% chance it leads to reformed protocols
No, lol thayer.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 04:45 AM
75 year anti government terrorist is getting death threats after he was neutralized by riot cops
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
75 year anti government terrorist is getting death threats after he was neutralized by riot cops
Well, the politically elected leader of the US executive branch falsely accused him of being a terrorist. Said leader has millions of followers who like him and believe his lies, this old man has very little reach in comparison.

There is a term for this: Oppression, "the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner".
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 06:42 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas

You got the GBI news earlier, and now this.

I think you got a DA that just compromised the whole damn thing.

Your Democratic leadership.

Decent story by the AJC:

Seems those hints of corruption by this DA.
Paul Howard, who has been DA for 23 years, was the first black man elected DA in any Georgia county way back in the antebellum times of 1997. However, he is being investigated at the state level for corruption, and recently (a week ago) finished second in a democratic primary for reelection, so definitely, one-hundred percent is taking a reelection angle here, and this surely explains the incredible speed with which charges, and which charges, have been brought against the murdering police officer. However, that the DA is politically and egotistically motivated does not mean that the conclusion is wrong. He surely also has a healthy and correct suspicion of the systematic and institutional racism that surely still operates (in the past it without doubt did) in the GBI. Also, we may simply be seeing what happens when a white police man murders a black man in a place where the local government has healthy representation of black people in positions of real power - in this case as mayor, DA, etc. - the usual stonewalling and maneuvering to get the guilty cop off mysteriously doesn't occur. If the same thing had happened in Gwinnett county, charges would not yet have been filed, and maybe never would be, and that's the real takeaway here - what a difference it makes to have a black DA.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by neverbeclever
U would let it slide right? that what u r saying?
No, it's not. I'm sorry, I would have included pictures and diagrams to help you understand the answer I gave. The question was who would be responsible and I answered with a name. Apparently that's a tough thing for you to comprehend.

Next boogeyman strawman please. Like what if he's really a lizard-person and peeled his skin suit off and started for the daycare?! What would you do then hypocrite libs?!
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:31 AM
Sad to see outside agitators come in a stir things up

No one was arrested Sunday because police were overwhelmed to the point they had to focus on maintaining order and safety, he said. On Monday, more law enforcement officers from multiple agencies were there to help.

“It was a local group. It wasn’t an outside influencer coming to the village,” Dotson said of the original demonstrators. Many of the counterprotesters, on the other hand, were from out of the town, some with out-of-state license plates on their motorcycles, he said.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Here is what happens when you let violent drunks who resist arrest, run:

They did not pull their guns until he pulled was too late.

That guy was armed. The gun dropped out of his pocket during the scuffle.
At that point the second cop should have drew his weapon but didn't.

Do you have any more examples of bad police work to justify the example of bad police work in Atlanta ?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas

You know this guy says police are only effective when the citizens have confidence in them, right ?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
You know this guy says police are only effective when the citizens have confidence in them, right ?
Which has to be the goal in a liberal democracy. Abolishment is very silly. Oppressive is very bad. Policing by consent has to be the approach.

That doesn't mean the best way to reform doesn't include abolishing various bits
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
75 year anti government terrorist is getting death threats after he was neutralized by riot cops
Well he is a terrorist or terrorist patsy who purposely slammed hius head off the ground harder than it needed to hit just so he could get some cops in trouble, right?

That is the narrative Trump laid down and that now many of CT nut follower think is true.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Do you have any more examples of bad police work to justify the example of bad police work in Atlanta ?
So exactly how is defunding gonna solve that problem?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by micro dong
Word on the street is police in three zones from Atlanta are on strike so far.
pls be true
Originally Posted by markksman
Statistically speaking this could save some innocent lives, so I hope it’s true.
I just hope police not working and getting sloshed don’t jack up the domestic violence stats while they are on strike. That is one of the biggest risks.
I was trying to find a study I saw a couple of weeks ago that talked about crime spikes after police brutality videos went viral, but I couldn't find it. Either way, I think it is sick that you all are cheering for more crime and murder that tends to concentrate in poor neighborhoods.

"Amid protests and looting in the city, 18 people were killed in Chicago on Sunday, May 31, which made it the single most violent day in Chicago in six decades, according to data from the University of Chicago Crime Lab published Monday."

"Kapustin of U. of C.’s crime lab said massive upheavals or protests typically require police departments to divert officers to respond to demonstrations.

When CPD has to turn its attention elsewhere and there’s suddenly this vacuum that opens up, you also unfortunately see a picture like you saw with [last] weekend where you see an absurd amount of carnage, people getting injured and killed,” he said. “Those forces are still there.”"

"Mayor Lori Lightfoot said on May 31 alone, Chicago’s 911 emergency center received 65,000 calls for all types of service — 50,000 more than on a usual day."

"Chicago Crime Spikes As Police Avoid Becoming 'The Next Viral Video'"
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
75 year anti government terrorist is getting death threats after he was neutralized by riot cops
Yep, it is terrible that people on both sides of the argument are getting death threats. The police officer from Louisville who was involved in returning fire at Breonna Taylor's boyfriend after he shot a police officer when they were serving a warrant is hiding 400+ miles away because of the death threats he has received on his life as well as his families.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I was trying to find a study I saw a couple of weeks ago that talked about crime spikes after police brutality videos went viral, but I couldn't find it.
Possibly you mean this one: Policing the Police: The Impact of "Pattern-or-Practice" Investigations on Crime

This paper provides the first empirical examination of the impact of federal and state "Pattern-or-Practice" investigations on crime and policing. For investigations that were not preceded by "viral" incidents of deadly force, investigations, on average, led to a statistically significant reduction in homicides and total crime.

In stark contrast, all investigations that were preceded by "viral" incidents of deadly force have led to a large and statistically significant increase in homicides and total crime. We estimate that these investigations caused almost 900 excess homicides and almost 34,000 excess felonies.

The leading hypothesis for why these investigations increase homicides and total crime is an abrupt change in the quantity of policing activity. In Chicago, the number of police-civilian interactions decreased by almost 90% in the month after the investigation was announced. In Riverside CA, interactions decreased 54%. In St. Louis, self-initiated police activities declined by 46%. Other theories we test such as changes in community trust or the aggressiveness of consent decrees associated with investigations -- all contradict the data in important ways.
The leading hypothesis seems pretty important there. It doesn't exactly reflect well on police departments in those cities, I don't think.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by neverbeclever
So exactly how is defunding gonna solve that problem?
Well if there are no police there will be no more instances of bad policing.

But I never said they should be totally abolished.

They should reduce the size of the average force and demilitarize it.

Also they should hire people who are good enough at hand to hand combat that they can get the cuffs on someone. These guys have so many toys they can't do the basic stuff anymore. They look silly rolling around with all their tactical gear not arresting people.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Well if there are no police there will be no more instances of bad policing.

But I never said they should be totally abolished.

They should reduce the size of the average force and demilitarize it.

Also they should hire people who are good enough at hand to hand combat that they can get the cuffs on someone. These guys have so many toys they can't do the basic stuff anymore. They look silly rolling around with all their tactical gear not arresting people.
Who in their right mind is going to decide to be a cop right now, who is not already one? Lefites? You just seen a study where policing decreases when **** like this happens, i.e. loss of motivation.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Which has to be the goal in a liberal democracy. Abolishment is very silly. Oppressive is very bad. Policing by consent has to be the approach.

That doesn't mean the best way to reform doesn't include abolishing various bits

As any conservative itt will tell you American isn't a democracy.

And until the average red state idiot wants to live in a democracy of some sort things will only get worse.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Who in their right mind is going to decide to be a cop right now, who is not already one? Lefites? You just seen a study where policing decreases when **** like this happens, i.e. loss of motivation.
Are you positing that anyone who would want to be a cop is in their right mind under normal circumstances ?

We all have an easy thousand video clips now that show the profession attracts the worst of the worst from the lower strata of society.

Normally they fly under the radar because they only abuse a few people at a time. But when you let them lose their true colors shine.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-18-2020 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds

That guy was armed. The gun dropped out of his pocket during the scuffle.
At that point the second cop should have drew his weapon but didn't.

Do you have any more examples of bad police work to justify the example of bad police work in Atlanta ?
what if the second cop thought it was only a taser?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
