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Police brutality and police reform (US) Police brutality and police reform (US)

06-01-2020 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Would be terrible if they raided your sweet luxury units. Thoughts and prayers.
The march last night was 2 blocks from my office. That was mostly just people with dumb signs behaving themselves. The actual looting is taking place a little further from downtown.

Like this Trend Benderz clothing store that was cleaned out. You know, that big national chain that takes advantage of minimum wage workers to fund private yachts and other 1%er goodies.

Oh, wait, no that was just a local store run by a local dude in a sketchy part of town but he stocked expensive shoes so I guess he's fair game.

I'm not going to lose a single moment of sleep over any dead rioters or looters if that's ultimately what ends up happening.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
A union is not part of the state.
Nor are they tyrannical.

Arrest records are public information and it was Twitter rules that were broken. Not any law.

This particular union is very powerful and chooses to engage in nonsense that reflects very poorly on it's members. But for better or worse it's a special interest group that lobbies for it's members like any other. And those members vote their leaders in. Not tyranny. The members are tolerating this.

I don't know why the mayor doesn't make a point of knocking them down a peg or two but that's his decision based on local politics and agendas.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
The march last night was 2 blocks from my office. That was mostly just people with dumb signs behaving themselves. The actual looting is taking place a little further from downtown.

Like this Trend Benderz clothing store that was cleaned out. You know, that big national chain that takes advantage of minimum wage workers to fund private yachts and other 1%er goodies.

Oh, wait, no that was just a local store run by a local dude in a sketchy part of town but he stocked expensive shoes so I guess he's fair game.

I'm not going to lose a single moment of sleep over any dead rioters or looters if that's ultimately what ends up happening.
If the rioters looted one of your vacant units, would you be able to tell the difference?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
So the stock market has responded to the civil unrest by...,

Going up.

I think that tells you all you need to know about these protests. They aren’t a revolution. They are a magic show.

Stuff gets leaked to the press everyday. A lot of it for political reasons. Normally, the “source” of the information never comes out. Why do you think this “information” about the alleged source Is part of the story this time?

Because it is part of the magic show. You are all just puppets on strings doing your masters bidding.

Civil unrest is good for business as long as it is the lower classes fighting among each other. You think anything is going to change by all this focused rage at guys (most of them not even white) making $40k/yr?

In most of the cities the protesters are whiter and wealthier than the police. Yes, that is exactly how real change and social justice is going to come. Who are you kidding?
Most cops are minorities? Really?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I'm not going to lose a single moment of sleep over any dead rioters or looters if that's ultimately what ends up happening.
Inso0 saying "an eye a life for an eye a pair of Jordans" is both one of the most deplorable and least surprising takes of 2020
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
oh ya. Sometimes people with power will try to give voice to those without and find themselves being targeted by people with even more power who will try to ruin their reputation, ruin them financially and deny them the ability to work.

It is even more powerful than going after the powerless if you want to silence dissent and voices. Make sure those who SHOULD have the security to speak out know that even they can be put in harms way and threatened.

I think (hope) you would agree that for anyone in Colin's position the message is clear. You want to take that risk, then know there are people far more powerful than you who will try to silence and ruin you. It will make most pause.
I don't want to derail this thread but this isn't what went down with Kaepernick at all. The Ravens were going to actually sign him but backed off when his girl friend called the Ravens owner a slave master The 49ers wanted him to take a salary cut since he wasn't starting anymore he refused and they cut him. He wanted starters money as a FA when the teams that were interested in him as a backup only. Plenty of players who kneeled are still in the NFL. Kaepernick got money from Nike and got a settlement from the NFL which I assume was for mega bucks. The NFL scheduled a tryout last year in Atlanta where every team could send someone to see if they wanted to sign him. Kaepernick refused to go to the site of the tryout and went to some a high school field IIRC and made a mockery of the whole process. He made it clear he didn't want to play anymore. Can't blame him, he's rich now, doesn't need football actually.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
This is a very good post. My only comment is on the bolded. I think it is mistake to assign the same motives to everyone who shows up at these sorts of protests. And it is also a mistake to assign the same motives to everyone who engages in vandalism, arson, looting, fighting with police, or whatever during a protest.

Police protests attract all sorts of people. Some protesters are people who have very specific negative feelings about the police, often but not always because of personal interactions they or their family members or friends have had with the police. Some protesters are exactly the group you describe -- that is, generally aggrieved people with feelings of hopelessness for whom the "American dream" is an anachronistic joke. Other protesters are social justice warriors who are strongly attracted to hippie and civil rights ideals of civil disobedience. These are the people who lie down in the street or whatever with the goal of getting arrested as a symbolic gesture. Other protesters are people who enjoy group expressions of emotion. They like feeling swept up in the crowd. They often enjoy the thrill of doing something that seems slightly dangerous. Some protesters are aggressive virtue signalers who view the protests as mainly a vehicle for posting on social media. The "group emotion" people and the virtue signalers show up at damn near every protest, and they don't much care what the issue is. Other protesters aren't really protesters at all. They just showed up to gawk or to engage in opportunistic crimes.

This is a long way of saying that protesters are a diverse bunch, not two dimensional cardboard cutouts. Even dividing protesters into the groups I describe above is a considerable oversimplification.
This is a great post. The only thing I wanted to add was that, at least when I was out there in the daytime (LA), a lot of the people I talked to were just sick of being stuck inside.

It was beautiful for a time, but then you look at the destruction and graffiti, and then realize that most of the "propoganda" has jack-all to do with what just happened to George Floyd.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by adios
I don't want to derail this thread but this isn't what went down with Kaepernick at all. The Ravens were going to actually sign him but backed off when his girl friend called the Ravens owner a slave master The 49ers wanted him to take a salary cut since he wasn't starting anymore he refused and they cut him. He wanted starters money as a FA when the teams that were interested in him as a backup only. Plenty of players who kneeled are still in the NFL. Kaepernick got money from Nike and got a settlement from the NFL which I assume was for mega bucks. The NFL scheduled a tryout last year in Atlanta where every team could send someone to see if they wanted to sign him. Kaepernick refused to go to the site of the tryout and went to some a high school field IIRC and made a mockery of the whole process. He made it clear he didn't want to play anymore. Can't blame him, he's rich now, doesn't need football actually.
i dont want to derail this thread, but this isnt what went down with kaepernick at all.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 01:30 PM
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by adios
I don't want to derail this thread but this isn't what went down with Kaepernick at all. The Ravens were going to actually sign him but backed off when his girl friend called the Ravens owner a slave master The 49ers wanted him to take a salary cut since he wasn't starting anymore he refused and they cut him. He wanted starters money as a FA when the teams that were interested in him as a backup only. Plenty of players who kneeled are still in the NFL. Kaepernick got money from Nike and got a settlement from the NFL which I assume was for mega bucks. The NFL scheduled a tryout last year in Atlanta where every team could send someone to see if they wanted to sign him. Kaepernick refused to go to the site of the tryout and went to some a high school field IIRC and made a mockery of the whole process. He made it clear he didn't want to play anymore. Can't blame him, he's rich now, doesn't need football actually.
This is all true and Kaepernick definitely played a part in undermining his own career, but there is bunch of context left out in this post

I forget exactly what happened, but the NFL had stipulations for that "tryout" and Kaepernick's lawyers advised him not to sign off on them. It's not as straightforward as you make it

And that should be noted. His lawsuit with the NFL was moving forward and they settled. Then they pulled this stunt on him for the was a convoluted mess

And public enemy #2 Eric Reid was the "second kneeler" in this saga and was out of the league for years up until being signed recently. And got drug tested at a mathematically inexplicable rate relative to the league average during the season. It is plainly obvious that the NFL/owners aren't all being exactly forthright...
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 01:36 PM
Dr. Baden, the independent forensic pathologist hired by Floyd's family is set to release his autopsy findings today.

Be interesting to see how his findings differ from the Medical Examiners.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by adios
I don't want to derail this thread but this isn't what went down with Kaepernick at all. The Ravens were going to actually sign him but backed off when his girl friend called the Ravens owner a slave master The 49ers wanted him to take a salary cut since he wasn't starting anymore he refused and they cut him. He wanted starters money as a FA when the teams that were interested in him as a backup only. Plenty of players who kneeled are still in the NFL. Kaepernick got money from Nike and got a settlement from the NFL which I assume was for mega bucks. The NFL scheduled a tryout last year in Atlanta where every team could send someone to see if they wanted to sign him. Kaepernick refused to go to the site of the tryout and went to some a high school field IIRC and made a mockery of the whole process. He made it clear he didn't want to play anymore. Can't blame him, he's rich now, doesn't need football actually.
Nothing you say is addressing my point.

The reason Trump called him out and called for other uber rich powerful people to oust and him and black list him WAS to say peaceful protest WILL NOT be tolerated. We will come after you and try to crush you.

Trump had no care or concern about the issues you speak of.

The message sent was a clear one. That even if you are a person of relative wealth and privileged (like an NFL player is) we will try to crush and ruin you if you get traction making waves with peaceful protest.

Now imagine that message to those with less power than Colin and who cannot afford that type of fight. You just shut up.

Trump goal achieved.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
The best thing Trump could do for the situation is to come out and make a call for peace while simultaneously resigning.
This is all great for Trump. Anyone who has any sympathy for the riots is gonna vote Sleepy Joe anyway, but all the apoliticals negatively impacted are gonna make Trump's numbers 10 feet higher.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Dr. Baden, the independent forensic pathologist hired by Floyd's family is set to release his autopsy findings today.

Be interesting to see how his findings differ from the Medical Examiners.
I'm curious about what Baden's rate is. Surely as the only independent pathologist in the country he could charge a bundle. Especially given has stature and his fame--what with leading the house pathology panel on JFK, testifying for OJ, being a Fox contributor, etc etc. And being 86 years old. Guy is a workaholic. Perhaps he's doing this one for free though.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 01:40 PM
It's fair to argue that NFL teams genuinely feel having a distraction as a backup QB is a very bad proposition.

It's also fair to argue that NFL teams view uppity black men as distractions.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 01:58 PM

This guy is on a one man crusade to restart reefer madness
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
This is a very good post. My only comment is on the bolded. I think it is mistake to assign the same motives to everyone who shows up at these sorts of protests. And it is also a mistake to assign the same motives to everyone who engages in vandalism, arson, looting, fighting with police, or whatever during a protest.

Police protests attract all sorts of people. Some protesters are people who have very specific negative feelings about the police, often but not always because of personal interactions they or their family members or friends have had with the police. Some protesters are exactly the group you describe -- that is, generally aggrieved people with feelings of hopelessness for whom the "American dream" is an anachronistic joke. Other protesters are social justice warriors who are strongly attracted to hippie and civil rights ideals of civil disobedience. These are the people who lie down in the street or whatever with the goal of getting arrested as a symbolic gesture. Other protesters are people who enjoy group expressions of emotion. They like feeling swept up in the crowd. They often enjoy the thrill of doing something that seems slightly dangerous. Some protesters are aggressive virtue signalers who view the protests as mainly a vehicle for posting on social media. The "group emotion" people and the virtue signalers show up at damn near every protest, and they don't much care what the issue is. Other protesters aren't really protesters at all. They just showed up to gawk or to engage in opportunistic crimes.

This is a long way of saying that protesters are a diverse bunch, not two dimensional cardboard cutouts. Even dividing protesters into the groups I describe above is a considerable oversimplification.
Absolutely. The rioters are not a monolithic group and it is pure chaos out there with bizarre and inexplicable **** mixed in

Let me put it like this

America is not some small or mid cap anymore. It's a mature economy that refuses to pay a dividend

Pay the people a dividend

Hell, some of us are literally just asking to be allowed to live and everyone seems to want to skip over that part and become really angry that Foot Locker got looted. To the point that the ignorant scum that engage in it should just **** off and die. The mentality is all wrong even if I understand the sentiment and find myself feeling the same way in short bursts when I'm angry. That's human nature

But the point is to be aware of that. You need to want to figure out a way to get through to people you can get through to. I know it's hard for some to understand the abstract thought, but for the same reasons the pen is mightier than the sword, it might be better to give someone a hug instead of a bullet

All this insane **** going on is a virus that is going to pass through largely unvarnished. I know the police are in an impossible situation. Governors and mayors are faced with tremendous pressure and an ugly dilemma...But it wouldn't have happened with a better functioning immune system
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by adios
I don't want to derail this thread but this isn't what went down with Kaepernick at all. The Ravens were going to actually sign him but backed off when his girl friend called the Ravens owner a slave master The 49ers wanted him to take a salary cut since he wasn't starting anymore he refused and they cut him. He wanted starters money as a FA when the teams that were interested in him as a backup only. Plenty of players who kneeled are still in the NFL. Kaepernick got money from Nike and got a settlement from the NFL which I assume was for mega bucks. The NFL scheduled a tryout last year in Atlanta where every team could send someone to see if they wanted to sign him. Kaepernick refused to go to the site of the tryout and went to some a high school field IIRC and made a mockery of the whole process. He made it clear he didn't want to play anymore. Can't blame him, he's rich now, doesn't need football actually.
Originally Posted by Slighted
i dont want to derail this thread, but this isnt what went down with kaepernick at all.
straight up making stuff up and rewriting history is a common tactic of right wingers.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
thayer, why are you linking QAnon twitters?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
thayer, why are you linking QAnon twitters?
Video was totally faked. That wasn't actually a black woman yelling at white people for handing out bricks. It was all CGI.
Ban Thay3r
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 02:09 PM
Are the pallets of bricks faked as well?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
Are the pallets of bricks faked as well?
If videos come from undesirable accounts then the content of the videos should be disregarded.
Especially if it makes rioters look bad.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Video was totally faked. That wasn't actually a black woman yelling at white people for handing out bricks. It was all CGI.
Ban Thay3r
jesus talk about reading too much into something.

but the video itself is completely meaningless. so to figure out the point, I clicked on the twitter to read the thread. and oh hey guess what, thats proof that omnipotent devil incarnate George Soros is sending these guys with bricks out to cause chaos and bring down America. makes sense.

also it had this:

Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
jesus talk about reading too much into something.

but the video itself is completely meaningless. so to figure out the point, I clicked on the twitter to read the thread. and oh hey guess what, thats proof that omnipotent devil incarnate George Soros is sending these guys with bricks out to cause chaos and bring down America. makes sense.

What no. The video is the point. The thread is meaningless. You have that completely backward. I didn't read any of the comments.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
06-01-2020 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
If videos come from undesirable accounts then the content of the videos should be disregarded.
Especially if it makes rioters look bad.
not what I said.

but why dont you tell me the point of that video. its def more than a white guy gave a black guy a brick to throw. and I would think you of all people would agree with there is more to it.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
