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The Moderation Discussion Thread (And I hear him every night, On every street) The Moderation Discussion Thread (And I hear him every night, On every street)

10-05-2022 , 06:52 PM
Why not just start a new OP on trans issues? Make a good one and set your expectations for what you'd like discussed in the OP but please leave room for some theory of gender stuff for me. If it gets locked eventually then ok-- the best threads always do.
10-05-2022 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Indeed. It doesn’t really matter if one is a bit more strict or a bit less strict, if one thread is split into other threads or any of the largely irrelevant moderation decisions tame spins his tires on. But it is a fundamental mistake to silence all discussion of a crucial societal issues affecting a marginalized group. Trans people are already pushed out of so many places in society already. A forum for political discourse should be the last place to silence discussing these issues. And yet.

If I ever got so frustrated that I would consider such an egregious silencing instead of doing basic moderation functions - and refuse to even discuss it - I would resign immediately.
I vote we make uke a mod.
10-05-2022 , 07:24 PM
Pay him double the normal rate!
10-05-2022 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Why not just start a new OP on trans issues? Make a good one and set your expectations for what you'd like discussed in the OP but please leave room for some theory of gender stuff for me. If it gets locked eventually then ok-- the best threads always do.
Tame weirdly repeatedly ignored answering the question of whether or not the silencing applied to new threads or just the series of old ones he shut down. I presume he will just keep shutting them down, but you might be right. Regardless, the pattern is quite clear that unlike every other thread in the forum which might be at risk of having someone's post deleted or a controversial tangent moved to the containment thread, there will be a whole special set of standards for any trans thread.

Sad that this is the case in so much of society, and here too.
10-05-2022 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Wait.... Lagtight came back under a new name?
No. My phrasing was awkward. We all would have noticed.
10-05-2022 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Making everybody happy shouldn’t be the goal.
I didn't suggest that it should be.
10-05-2022 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Wow, I kept thinking that dusty whiny mod's name was Snookie.

td does as good a job as anyone ( I did like the previous mod as well, but I do not remember his name - that's on me, I am horrible remembering names). I have posted many times that it is silly the mods do not get paid here.
The previous mod was well named.

He eventually quit out of frustration and barely even posts any more.
10-05-2022 , 08:50 PM
Well Named unbanned some of the absolute most dogshit posters of all time, many of whom wound up getting immediately re-banned, and then peaced out.

It’s the same shtick over and over: mods keep making terrible decisions and then throw their hands up and say “woe is me” when the forum becomes a cesspit.
10-05-2022 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Anyone with a brain can see that it is impossible to moderate this forum to the entire group's satisfaction. Trolly wants to return to the days of Wookie. Luckbox wants no limits on conspiracy stuff, with bans limited to name calling. Most who identify as Republican somehow are convinced that the moderators are frothing leftists. uke seemingly doesn't care how the forum is moderated so long as the transgender thread remains open. washoe and the poster formerly known as lagtight like the mods but seemingly have no capacity to conform to basic rules.

t_d almost certainly is equal to or better than any previous moderator of this forum. I really don't understand why people are so anxious to make his task so unpleasant that he quits. And I don't know who people expect to step up to replace him if he does quit. It certainly won't be me.
You're being somewhat naive. Trolly already has the forum he wants. He and the unstuckied are just in this one to cause trouble. If it closes then they will be delighted.

Well Named was a great poster and mod. Trolley would ban him. Do not misunderstand him
10-05-2022 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
You're being somewhat naive. Trolly already has the forum he wants. He and the unstuckied are just in this one to cause trouble. If it closes then they will be delighted.

Well Named was a great poster and mod. Trolley would ban him. Do not misunderstand him
Why would Trolly be "delighted" if this Forum got shut down? He posts here pretty much every day. And his posts are brief and usually on-point.
10-05-2022 , 09:09 PM
If you think his trolls then on point then we must disagree about the point.

btw I find it hard to believe we haven't interacted in the past so do me the courtesy of telling me your previous screename or I wont be taking you seriously. I understand if you dont care.

Last edited by chezlaw; 10-05-2022 at 09:20 PM.
10-05-2022 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I understand your position and appreciate the response. But I think it's possible to differentiate between heated outbursts and content. I don't care at all if someone gets banned because they go on some profanity filled tirade-- but people getting banned for posting "Russian propaganda" (which I have no clue if that happened that's just what Nutella said) is a lot more problematic when we have no clue what was said, and I would hate to see war treated in the same sort of way that covid has been treated where any sort of dissent from mainstream narratives is viewed as threatening and not something that our precious eyes should see.
I don't think TD wants to deal with the drive-bys that would certainly pop up if you were to allow "questionable" russian propaganda for anyone to jump in.

I feel like TD is mostly inclined to allow established posters post controversial views for the most part if it's in honest faith? You have a thread open specifically for conspiracy theories that seems fitting for that type of stuff. Go at it. He doesn't seem interested in shutting that down but allowing the same standard for anyone would create a complete mess.
10-05-2022 , 11:32 PM
Lefties don't want their beliefs questioned because their dogma sustained them in hard times and those questions hammer at their very being. I get it.

Centrists/Righties don't want to be called names anytime they voice an opinion that is contrary to those beliefs.

These are your choices and the lefties have the current social mob power.

I don't envy the Sophie's Choice the mods have here.
10-06-2022 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
If you think his trolls then on point then we must disagree about the point.
It seems to me that roughly half of his posts are trolling and roughly half are serious. But even his troll posts are usually one-liners which are often kinda amusing.

btw I find it hard to believe we haven't interacted in the past so do me the courtesy of telling me your previous screename or I wont be taking you seriously. I understand if you dont care.
I neither confirm nor deny any previous iterations on 2+2.

On a side note, taking anybody seriously in an anonymous forum is rather dubious in my opinion. Ergo, not taking me seriously is probably +EV.
10-06-2022 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
It seems to me that roughly half of his posts are trolling and roughly half are serious. But even his troll posts are usually one-liners which are often kinda amusing.

I neither confirm nor deny any previous iterations on 2+2.

On a side note, taking anybody seriously in an anonymous forum is rather dubious in my opinion. Ergo, not taking me seriously is probably +EV.
I like this guy
10-06-2022 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by Neverlucky16
I like this guy
You're atypical. Usually shortstackers get nothing but hate.
10-06-2022 , 04:07 AM
Thanks for the words of support from those who made those, it's good to see that not everyone is angry.

The observation in my last post that this forum exhausts moderators was not a complaint, nor an accusation. I have many faults, but whining is not one of them.

I think what we see is more a reflection of politics in society at large: Political debate is largely dead, we spend time in echo-chambers, learn to distrust and be angry at "the opposition"and throw angry tweets at people we will never meet again. The few times people with opposing views do meet (in the rare remaining places like this), there is little trust and a lot of conflict. When you become a moderator, you lose the option to tune out that conflict.

As for commentary on paid moderation, I think paid moderation has issues of its own and is not something I personally would consider. I also suspect that you would need rather enormous amounts of traffic compared to what we have on this little sub-forum to even make it possible.
10-06-2022 , 05:07 AM
I've got no complaints about the moderation. As mentioned, it's a thanklessness job so thanks for doing it.

I do have a question though. Aside from whatever guidelines the site has about content generally, does anyone from on high ever contact you about what to do about certain content or posters in this forum or are all moderation decisions entirely your own?
10-06-2022 , 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
I've got no complaints about the moderation. As mentioned, it's a thanklessness job so thanks for doing it.

I do have a question though. Aside from whatever guidelines the site has about content generally, does anyone from on high ever contact you about what to do about certain content or posters in this forum or are all moderation decisions entirely your own?
You get pretty much full autonomy. I have never seen a «directive». There have been a very small number of suggestions, but always voiced as «you guys do what you think is best».
10-06-2022 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
You get pretty much full autonomy. I have never seen a «directive». There have been a very small number of suggestions, but always voiced as «you guys do what you think is best».
Cool, thanks for the insight.
10-06-2022 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
You get pretty much full autonomy. I have never seen a «directive». There have been a very small number of suggestions, but always voiced as «you guys do what you think is best».
Lol my mom used to say that to me when I was a kid and about to do something really stupid.

I know that (probably) doesn't apply here.
10-06-2022 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by AquaSwing
Lol my mom used to say that to me when I was a kid and about to do something really stupid.

I know that (probably) doesn't apply here.
Come to think of it, I think one ended with «I’m not angry, just really disappointed».
10-06-2022 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
You're being somewhat naive. Trolly already has the forum he wants.

he has a forum that doesnt just echo mainstream media and Democratic party talking points, but will permaban anyone that doesnt conform.

the saddest part about it is how he has proven people like juan valdez and toothsayer correct about "the libs"being authoritarian bootlickers incapable of discussion.
10-06-2022 , 02:39 PM
Were you banned there?

the saddest part about it is how he has proven people like juan valdez and toothsayer correct about "the libs"being authoritarian bootlickers incapable of discussion.
Trump's legacy.
10-06-2022 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Victor

he has a forum that doesnt just echo mainstream media and Democratic party talking points, but will permaban anyone that doesnt conform.

the saddest part about it is how he has proven people like juan valdez and toothsayer correct about "the libs"being authoritarian bootlickers incapable of discussion.
People disagree with Trolly all the time without getting banned.
