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The Moderation Discussion Thread (And I hear him every night, On every street) The Moderation Discussion Thread (And I hear him every night, On every street)

03-01-2022 , 10:12 AM
Yeah, he not only takes his ball inside but he kicks everyone out of his yard too!
03-01-2022 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by King Spew
Don't blow a fuse. I FYP.
I must have missed that season
03-01-2022 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
That is f awesome! And you are not postimg this in politards music thread? I thought our tastes in music are incredible different but apparently not.
03-01-2022 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
Don't mess with me, bro.

I feel like I can die in peace now.
03-01-2022 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
It drives traffic away from here. I open a thread and see 50 consecutive posts between two posters arguing back and forth and I grandpa Simpson walk in and out
Hehe... he sucked me in on the vegan thread. Mesmerizing troll game.

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Just give QP a 5,000 words/day limit and keep him from reposting the same images over and over and he’d be fine.
So only 3 posts a day.
03-01-2022 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I asked you to leave me out of conversations that I'm not involved in - don't waste your time apologizing when you're clearly not the least bit sorry or you wouldn't do the exact same thing again. I have no idea what the **** you're talking about as I don't post in BFI.

See how well this works on its own? Putting in "just as Bobo does" is in no way relevant to whatever point you're making about BFI or Tooth, or whatever else you're going to carry on with thousands more words about.
Sorry buddy but you are the beacon on the Hill exam0le here as you said to me 'i could just ignore it' to someone trolling (in this forum) instead of saying to the troller, 'they could just not troll'. I believe it was a Trolly post and you chose your 'side'.

Originally Posted by lozen
Can I ask to clarify WTF BFI is?
Business, Finance and Investing subforum on this site.

Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Hehe... he sucked me in on the vegan thread. Mesmerizing troll game.

So only 3 posts a day.
By sucked you in, you mean I said something correct and that you now admit is so (but reasons) that dragged on because you stubbornly were sticking to a wrong position.

Ya, I sucked you in by not letting you be right when you were not.
03-01-2022 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee

By sucked you in, you mean I said something correct and that you now admit is so (but reasons) that dragged on because you stubbornly were sticking to a wrong position.

Ya, I sucked you in by not letting you be right when you were not.
No. The only thing I admitted to is finally understanding the point you were trying to make. Be more concise in your posts, please.

At the end of the day, Harvard Medical School from Nov 2021, correct; QP and his band of woke vegans, incorrect - end of story.
03-01-2022 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Sorry buddy but you are the beacon on the Hill exam0le here as you said to me 'i could just ignore it' to someone trolling (in this forum) instead of saying to the troller, 'they could just not troll'. I believe it was a Trolly post and you chose your 'side'.
So he is trolling you by telling you to not troll trolls like Trolly who troll you when trolling and also trolling by not disapproving the trolling trolls as they troll?
03-01-2022 , 04:18 PM
LoL, QP...... get a room. At least move this out of here.

03-01-2022 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Sorry buddy but you are the beacon on the Hill exam0le here as you said to me 'i could just ignore it' to someone trolling (in this forum) instead of saying to the troller, 'they could just not troll'. I believe it was a Trolly post and you chose your 'side'.
Again, don't waste your time apologizing when you don't mean it.

As I said:

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
See how well this works on its own? Putting in "just as Bobo does" is in no way relevant to whatever point you're making about BFI or Tooth, or whatever else you're going to carry on with thousands more words about.
Bizarre that you think it's normal to talk about your issues in BFI and feel it's somehow important to refer back to that time when someone said something similar in a different forum about a different issue at a different time. And then when the person politely asks you not to do that, you just do it again. I've not often thought you were trolling in this forum, but I don't know what else that could be.
03-01-2022 , 05:14 PM
you see now why the only solution is banning him?

he gets these quixotic visions that needs to slay and just relentlessly goes after it even when the other side shows no interest in engaging or even utter bewilderment as to what is going on

cup has serious mental health issues and this is his outlet - please just perma ip ban him and everyone else will have a far better experience

he adds no value whatsoever
03-01-2022 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
you see now why the only solution is banning him?

he gets these quixotic visions that needs to slay and just relentlessly goes after it even when the other side shows no interest in engaging or even utter bewilderment as to what is going on

cup has serious mental health issues and this is his outlet - please just perma ip ban him and everyone else will have a far better experience

he adds no value whatsoever
Sure except you post is pure dishonesty and easily provably so.

My entry into this last discussion line here was because others were talking about me. So I hit reply. But that never stops you guys from saying I should not reply and this is some fabrication by me.

Fact is, just as in the BFI, you guys want to say your point but have no reply, and you complain and call for bans because I do reply. You want your right and left safe spaces in each forum and I don't allow that. Sad I know.
03-01-2022 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
please just perma ip ban him and everyone else
I like the sound of this. Why'd you add more words?
03-01-2022 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
you see now why the only solution is banning him?

he adds no value whatsoever
But, in your mind, Trolly adds value with his fortune cookie length posts? Get the **** out of here.
03-01-2022 , 07:09 PM
Excised a post from the Russia / Ukraine thread for discussing the issue of GOP policy / US policy and how this contributed. A lot people wanted to discuss that, a lot of people wanted the original thread to focus primarily on the ongoing conflict.

This is a compromise
03-01-2022 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
oh man, i had no idea you were this funny
I strive to have both a good sense of humor and a good sense of serious.
03-02-2022 , 12:07 AM
cuepee is trying his best. he's got my support.
My advice to cuepee is try to stop seeing forum conversations in terms of who is " winning" or "moves" . I've never once in my life thought to myself gee I need to win this conversation outside of court.
03-02-2022 , 08:30 AM
"Operation paperclip" thread was closed because I found it extremely annoying to have to browse through a New Zealand couch potato's half hour video of insinuations and half truths, which just casually justified the Russian invasion of Ukraine in a couple of sentences midway.

Last edited by tame_deuces; 03-02-2022 at 08:37 AM.
03-02-2022 , 08:33 AM
Bobo locked a thread which used what I would call racist language while referring to Russian citizens and he deleted a duplicate. I opted to also delete the original thread, even though Bobo Fett did write a thoughtful reply to it.

There are many questions and worries that arise as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but there is no answer in engaging in aggressive, racist and bigoted language that suggests all Russians are responsible.
03-02-2022 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
"Operation paperclip" thread was closed because I found it extremely annoying to have to browse through a New Zealand couch potato's half hour video of insinuations and half truths, whilst just casually justifying the Russian invasion of Ukraine in a couple of sentences midway.
Seems the answer was not Lizard People after all.
03-02-2022 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Seems the answer was not Lizard People after all.
The real answer is always Lizard People.
03-02-2022 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
The real answer is always Lizard People.

03-02-2022 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I think I just spotted a lizard person.
03-02-2022 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
My advice to cuepee is try to stop seeing forum conversations in terms of who is " winning" or "moves" . I've never once in my life thought to myself gee I need to win this conversation outside of court.
Don't let any pretense fool you.

When uke or, as King Spew did, tries to narrow a question and demand you answer it solely based on the tight confines of their framing ('why won't you answer??') that is an attempt to 'win' on that point. The very act of trying to 'gain clarity in your framing' is trying to win. Use a different word if you want but that is the point of any debate when two opposing parties meet, or the other would simply 'concede' the others points or not engage.

People here just prefer you be more subtle and maintain deniability and play games with the honesty around it.
03-02-2022 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Don't let any pretense fool you.

When uke or, as King Spew did, tries to narrow a question and demand you answer it solely based on the tight confines of their framing ('why won't you answer??') that is an attempt to 'win' on that point. The very act of trying to 'gain clarity in your framing' is trying to win. Use a different word if you want but that is the point of any debate when two opposing parties meet, or the other would simply 'concede' the others points or not engage.

People here just prefer you be more subtle and maintain deniability and play games with the honesty around it.
And here you go trying to "win" that you are not trying to "win" when you have discussions.
