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Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread)

01-03-2023 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Do you have a citation for this? I have no prior knowledge of this answer, but have been trying to search while actually busy as it's interesting. The best presented image I could find is this:

(is my image not posting? Who can help me?)

Which is from:
Seems to get data from:
And a newer version:

I don't have time right now to read through these, but the finding of 10-20% of relationships forming/having formed at work is much different than your statement of a majority.

you right click copy graphic on the pic and then paste it here,
pretty easy. tell that to cupee someone please, as he is still image hosting everyt picture I think. he tought me that once.

Last edited by washoe; 01-03-2023 at 04:16 PM.
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-03-2023 , 04:21 PM

Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-03-2023 , 04:26 PM
I guess you can post it yourself now, dont know which one you wanted to post.
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-03-2023 , 04:26 PM

I can not believe I learned something from washoe, but thank you.
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-03-2023 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
I am curious as I have no clue whom this guy is other than some social media influencer. How is he human trafficking people?
best case scenario from his own words on his own website:
he belongs to an organization that picks disadvantaged girls up in clubs in eastern europe, tricks them into being camgirls by lying to them/influencing them with drugs and gets them performing online pornography while taking most of their money.

several girls have previously alleged they were not allowed to leave and other things.
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-03-2023 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Nice framing.

Personally i have never engaged in any dating or attempt to date at work. I had a coworker, who was actually working for me in my department who hit on me relentlessly despite me making it clear many times 'i do not date people i work with', but i won't digress to that story.

The point is that prior (maybe still) a majority of relationships and marriages begin in the work place, which also means by default even more 'turn downs' happen in the work place.

You can fantasize every turn down was some horrible troll like male how has power and refuses to take no for an answer, but that simply is not the case. In my career and what we see often is women going to HR because they feel 'uncomfortable that a coworker hit on them, unsolicited and it now makes it difficult for them to work together.

The difference between 'wanted' or 'not' or 'creepy' or 'not' is often the perceived desirability of the man to the woman. Meaning few or no women find it creepy when they are single and attracted to the guy and hoping he will approach. Something few men know until they try unless the woman is being the aggressor and sending strong signals.

Heck i i know of more stories where the woman said no to the guys first advance, and admits she was not at first interested, but it was his persistence that made her give the guy a chance and then they married. So many share that origin story about their spouse.

The bigger point being 'relationship starts can be messy' and yet internet warriors always want to paint as clean and easy. ...."here are the things everyone must do and must not do', as if it is that easy. And they do that by focusing on the most extreme examples instead of the 90% of relationships that start somewhere in the middle. A normal, not suave guy, getting up his courage to ask a gal out, and her then deciding if she wants to or not. When that woman decides no, we must avoid criminalizing or demonizing the men for 'trying'. It is still overwhelmingly 'men's JOB to try', the majority of women when polled still say they expect men to do the approaching and that is because everyone wants to be the one to have the power to accept or reject and not be the one who has to risk that. So, again demonizing men for doing what expected, at a time when there are misguided social campaigns, such as that egregious television commercial, telling men they should not, makes the landscape very confusing.
whole lot of FEELS in this post as some kind of evidence.. lol

again no one is demonizing men for asking a girl out 1 time and then willing accepting a rejection and moving on. we know that's not what's happening.
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
he is not. at least there is no evidence for that.

beating of a woman? bs according to Rogan.
there is a video of him beating a woman.
I read that there is a video that preludes it and the woman accouncing the play. (fifty shades of grey stuff)
she stated afterwards that it was all consensual.
the other accusations? probably bs too.

this is not the best channel but a good summary why Joe Rogan wants him on his show:

here is rogan speaking about him

Why are you going out to bat for this guy?
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 09:29 AM
Why does this discussion have no content relating to Tate getting soul owned by Greta Thornburg?

Do you all live in a cave?
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 09:32 AM
Also as regards the consistency of Peterson.

You can look at contemporary positions on current affairs, they are all monetizable algo opinions that clickbait well on social media.

It is interesting that he has been horribly strawmanning Derrida since the 90s though.

The moment someone takes that stern lecturing pointy finger tone to camera, you know they are FOS.
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Do you have a citation for this? I have no prior knowledge of this answer, but have been trying to search while actually busy as it's interesting. The best presented image I could find is this:

(is my image not posting? Who can help me?)

Which is from:
Seems to get data from:
And a newer version:

I don't have time right now to read through these, but the finding of 10-20% of relationships forming/having formed at work is much different than your statement of a majority.
No i do not.

WHat i have is years in senior management and mandatory requirement to attend many HR consulting presentations and Conferences where that was the common statement said as if fact, and i have never heard it questioned, so i have always just accepted the 'Experts' knew what they were saying with regards to most marriages being relationships that started in the workplace.

Makes sense to, if 'Most' just means the biggest cohort as compared to others and not 50+1%.

In the old hierarchy of the 4 categories i would quickly create i would say :

- work
- highschool/Uni love
- random adult meetings outside school or work
- friend or family introduction

I think today internet?app meetups probably are near the top as increasingly i meet people who are marrying who said they met 'via the internet or Apps'.
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
Why are you going out to bat for this guy?
I find this Andrew Tait person very suspect in general just from the manner in which he spoke in a Piers Morgan (iirc) interview video. His tone was very single-minded, monotonous, and he even came across as some kind of vindictive extremist, emanating a strong sense of denial, emotionally speaking. So, when a serious investigation is under way where there is already strong evidence of misconduct, going to bat for him seems rather misguided to put it mildly .
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
whole lot of FEELS in this post as some kind of evidence.. lol

again no one is demonizing men for asking a girl out 1 time and then willing accepting a rejection and moving on. we know that's not what's happening.
I cannot figure out what point you think you making other then you feel a need to be perceived as if in conflict to me?

There is nothing wrong with citing personal experience and 'feels' on a conversation like this. This is a DISCUSSION forum and not a University citation only forum.

We can discuss personal experience, we relay our learnings and others can simply agree or disagree or say 'interesting but not my experience'.
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
Why are you going out to bat for this guy?
bc the accusations are unfounded so far. maybe so you can learn something. unfounded means character assasiation/ cancelling.

maybe they have something now and then I'm screwed but so far nothing nada niente. just lies and disinformation. just like they had nothing on assange btw. he didn't rape nobody, what they did was lie about him so he shuts up and doesn't expose them.

Last edited by washoe; 01-04-2023 at 09:59 AM.
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
bc the accusations are unfounded so far. maybe so you can learn something. unfounded means character assasiation/ cancelling.

maybe they have something now and then I'm screwed but so far nothing nada niente. just lies and disinformation. just like they had nothing on assange btw. he didn't rape nobody, what they did was lie about him so he shuts up and doesn't expose them.
Do you hold the same standard to every arrest thats made?

some great quotes from your hero:

“It’s bang out the machete, boom in her face and grip her by the neck. Shut up bitch,” he says in one video, acting out how he’d attack a woman if she accused him of cheating.
He also thinks rape victims must “bear responsibility” for their attacks and dates women aged 18–19 because he can “make an imprint” on them,
Tate describes Yaxley-Lennon in a podcast as a “solid guy” with a “good heart” whom he has “hung out with untold times
Yaxley-Lennon is a full blown racist and criminal.

On Facebook in 2018, he bemoaned the “decline of Western civilisation” after seeing a poster at Heathrow airport “encouraging girls to go on holiday as opposed to encouraging being a loving mother and a loyal wife”.
In another video, he says he has been investigated by police for allegedly abusing a woman, which he denied, in a case where he had his house raided, devices confiscated and was held in a cell for two days.

Around the time UK police were investigating abuse allegations, Tate is understood to have left the UK for Romania. In one video explaining his reasons for the move he suggested it was because it would be easier to evade rape charges. This is “probably 40% of the reason” he moved there, he says in one video, adding: “I’m not a rapist, but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want. I like being free.”
This is all from a guardian article.

This is easy to found. This is quotes he's made. And escape attempts he's made.

What character am I assassinating that he's not done himself?
What cancelling has been completed?
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 10:05 AM
lies about assange:

(just as now with rate btw. it was all lies so far)

invented rape charges:

invented hacking:
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
lies about assange:

(just as now with rate btw. it was all lies so far)

invented rape charges:

invented hacking:
Assange and Andrew Tate are different people.

Trying to equivocate them is a rhetorical dishonesty.

You are defending a serial misogynist, likely rapist, potential human trafficker, and definitive terrible dude. Don't equivocate him to Assange
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
Do you hold the same standard to every arrest thats made?

some great quotes from your hero:

Yaxley-Lennon is a full blown racist and criminal.

This is all from a guardian article.

This is easy to found. This is quotes he's made. And escape attempts he's made.

What character am I assassinating that he's not done himself?
What cancelling has been completed?
he got cancelled on all channels, just not elons Twitter where he got reinstated.

he might be an idiot, but they lie about him now. that should bother you too imo.
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
Assange and Andrew Tate are different people.

Trying to equivocate them is a rhetorical dishonesty.

You are defending a serial misogynist, likely rapist, potential human trafficker, and definitive terrible dude. Don't equivocate him to Assange
they made assange a terrible dude too, a rapist. only thing he is no rapist. duh a lot of stuff in common here. then they let assange rot in a cell, just as what's about to happen here possibly.
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 10:14 AM
Not everyone who is accused of rape is in the same boat as Assange, and believing they are, against all evidence e.g. everything I just showed you, everything he's done in the past, everything he's said, and, the attestations of the multiple people he did it to is pretty wild
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 10:43 AM
ok so it should be very easy to show who he did it to.

your task now:

show who he did it to.
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
ok so it should be very easy to show who he did it to.

your task now:

show who he did it to.
yeah, I'll then go do that with everyone else who's accused of rape and human trafficking.

until I've personally demonstrated they did it, its important I defend them online. you are correct.

regardless of how much the circumstantial evidence points to it. regardless of a trafficked persons right to privacy. regardless of this person already being accused of attacking women, victim blaming those being raped.

this is the person I will go out to bat for
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 11:00 AM
it should be the other way around actually. innocent until proven guilt.

so stop with the wild accusations until you actually have something.
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 11:14 AM
I'm not batting for this guy btw.
just pointing out some inconsistencies.

if any off these claims are true now,
screw him, he is terrible.
I can't believe how stupid he has to be to do this, if he did it.

"How Andrew Tate 'kept six women under house arrest 24/7 "like prisoners" and forced them to do online pornographic videos' "
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
it should be the other way around actually. innocent until proven guilt.

so stop with the wild accusations until you actually have something.
He definitely blames victims of rape for whats happened
He definitely advocates beating women for making their own choices
He has stated he wants to rape people, and its easier to do it in Romania.
He has been accused of entrapping people in to making sex tapes.

The first 3 are enough for me to completely write the guy off.

The last is a public accusation he has been accused and arrested of.

It fits.

You are defending him.

the other accusations? probably bs too.
What you said.

So yh, you are believing him over his accusers.
You are defending him, actively, and, dismissing his accusers.

You are going to bat for the guy who blames victims of rape for whats happened,
has stated he wants to rape people, and its easier to do it in Romania, and, advocates beating women for making their own choices.

Thats your choice.
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
01-04-2023 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
I'm not batting for this guy btw.
just pointing out some inconsistencies.

if any off these claims are true now,
screw him, he is terrible.
I can't believe how stupid he has to be to do this, if he did it.

"How Andrew Tate 'kept six women under house arrest 24/7 "like prisoners" and forced them to do online pornographic videos' "
the other accusations? probably bs too.
Is what you said whilst praising him in your opening posts.

he's a terrible person regardless of the accusations being true or not. they take him from despicable, to a despicable criminal.

I am willing to cancel him and he's the exact sort who should be deplatformed
Misc off topic stuff about incels and more (taken from covid thread) Quote
