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Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges

01-11-2020 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Even amongst the non-cynical people that I know--many of which know I have a conspiratorial bent--no one has sought me out for my takes on Epstein, which goes to your general point.
Not even close to being true - you have been asked repeatedly to give details to your beliefs that Epstein was never in jail, the identity of the that is body is the subject of the autopsy and why the elites want the story in the news and you just keep giving us the bs psych op explanation.

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Lacking curiosity and blindly following mainstream thought isn't anything to brag about though.
Neither is demonstrating a complete lack of common sense or ability to make logical deductions, but here you are!
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-11-2020 , 03:58 PM
I'm at a bowling alley so I won't make much of a response. But you believe in the suicide idea. Which is a complete joke. Sorry. Nobody rational thinks that.
And I've explained all of those things.
But if you want to talk **** you at least have to think he was murdered. That's the minimum requirement.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 01-11-2020 at 04:10 PM.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-11-2020 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I'm at a bowling alley so I won't make much of a response. But you believe in the suicide idea. Which is a complete joke. Sorry. Nobody rational thinks that.
And I've explained all of those things.
But if you want to talk **** you at least have to think he was murdered. That's the minimum requirement.
Probably depends on your definition of rational. The capacity to just blindly accept whatever bullshit the cultural elites are peddling out at any given place and time is probably a very effective human survival mechanism. To partake of an overused analogy, the vast majority of humans who take the blue pill probably function better within the world they live in than those that don't. So from this perspective who is really the irrational one?
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-11-2020 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I'm at a bowling alley so I won't make much of a response. But you believe in the suicide idea. Which is a complete joke. Sorry. Nobody rational thinks that.
And I've explained all of those things.
But if you want to talk **** you at least have to think he was murdered. That's the minimum requirement.
Luckbox on your next ball, wing it down as hard as possible. You can claim it was a strike but I did not see you hit any of the pins. What real happened? The mainstream media wants you to think it was a strike but certain elites want to convince everyone that you can't possible bowl that well and claim since you have nothing on video, it must be presumed to be a miss. It's all a psych-op exercise by our military industrial complex to keep you playing Nintendo instead of exercising.

Maybe you actually aren't even bowling today and you are in a pod daystreaming waiting to feed the beast....unless Kelus gives you the red pill.... or is it the blue one.... (that could be a movie).

So Luckbox, the elites make it look exactly like a suicide- a man found alone in a locked cell hanging from a bedsheet noose- but it is completely irrational in your logic train of though that he could have committed suicide? What is the purpose of the elites of making it look like a suicide by hanging if it's not an effective counter-narrative? If he had been stabbed did the elites want to cover up a suicide attempt?

Last edited by jjjou812; 01-11-2020 at 05:23 PM.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-11-2020 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
The mainstream media wants you to think it was a strike but certain elites want to convince everyone that you can't possible bowl that well
I can't possibly bowl that well. I'm awful. In two games I bowled one strike where somehow some magic happened and pins fell down after I had already turned around.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 01-11-2020 at 05:38 PM.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-11-2020 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Probably depends on your definition of rational. The capacity to just blindly accept whatever bullshit the cultural elites are peddling out at any given place and time is probably a very effective human survival mechanism. To partake of an overused analogy, the vast majority of humans who take the blue pill probably function better within the world they live in than those that don't. So from this perspective who is really the irrational one?
No ev psych in the Epstein thread. Conspiracy talk ok but if a ev psych discussion broke out this thread might get locked. Some things are too controversial you know.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-11-2020 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
So Luckbox, the elites make it look exactly like a suicide- a man found alone in a locked cell hanging from a bedsheet noose- but it is completely irrational in your logic train of though that he could have committed suicide? What is the purpose of the elites of making it look like a suicide by hanging if it's not an effective counter-narrative? If he had been stabbed did the elites want to cover up a suicide attempt?
So they haven't made it look like anything close to a suicide
They've made it look like he was murdered. The purpose of it would seem to be to sell lots of media, which Epstein has undoubtedly done.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-11-2020 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
So I think you're at least partially right Monteroy and we're talking past each other some (or I'm talking past you). It's also possible (likely even?) that the people that you know are more cynical than the people that I know. Although I do know some cynics.
But agree that most people are too busy with their lives, don't have much intellectual curiosity, mostly just care about their narrow interests and certainly aren't interested in hearing what the "cloudscreamers" are saying. Even amongst the non-cynical people that I know--many of which know I have a conspiratorial bent--no one has sought me out for my takes on Epstein, which goes to your general point. Lacking curiosity and blindly following mainstream thought isn't anything to brag about though.
While no doubt you like believing you are talking past people, the real world just aint that complex. It is not about being cynical (though ironically conspiracy people tend to be among the most cynical, perhaps without self awareness of that). You are partially right about "narrow interests" but what you seem to ignore is that your cute little hobby fits in that "narrow interest" category.

If a person is on a street corner knitting sweaters in the shape of lollipops, that is quite a "narrow interest." A few people might find it mildly interesting, while most would not pay it much attention, because they do not really have a need or care about lollipop sweaters. Does that mean that they are afraid of the truth hidden behind those lollipop sweaters? No, it just is not something that resonates with most people. Same with your little hobby.

People are not afraid of your "truth," rather they do not care about it. They lack curiosity about it in the same way they lack curiosity about lollipop sweaters, in that they genuinely do not care about them. That does not mean they are blindly following the mainstream media or blindly purchasing candy bar sweaters. They do not look at it, nor categorize it, nor care about it in the same way you do, so when you say "sheeples following mainstream media" they just roll their eyes and miss the lollipop sweater person. You are not technically a dummy, so while you may not admit fully to the above (conspiracy people cling to their thought structures) you likely have enough self awareness to know that that is the real way of the world.

Now, that should not stop you from preaching your random manifestos(except the yuck stuff which I suspect you believe but do not post here). I enjoy that the jjj dude gets all triggered by your stuff for some reason, even though I have no idea why he cares, but he does. No doubt that feeds you, so keep doing things like that, as that can be entertaining, but in the real world you are pretty much a person knitting lollipop sweaters. I suppose stick to cold environments.

By the way, feel free to visit the riggie thread in internet Poker. I admit I would be amused to have your take on what I call conspiracy light people. The weird thing about them is that many actually believe the US government would solve their problems, which seems pretty much the antithesis of what conspircay people are supposed to believe in.

All the best.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-11-2020 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
So they haven't made it look like anything close to a suicide
They've made it look like he was murdered. The purpose of it would seem to be to sell lots of media, which Epstein has undoubtedly done.
Because a suicide by Epstein while in custody was not newsworthy enough to sell lots of media?
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-11-2020 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Because a suicide by Epstein while in custody was not newsworthy enough to sell lots of media?
It would have sold some. But the story wouldn't have garnered nearly the interest that it has if the details were on firmer ground (i.e., working video, ear pictures that weren't jokes, autopsy report not being challenged, etc).
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-11-2020 , 10:50 PM
So what evidence would convince conspiracy theorists that Epstein did in fact hang himself? Seems like a broken camera and some incompetent guards is not all that difficult to believe, an autopsy was done... so what can change your mind that there is a conspiracy to lie to the world about some slimeball killing himself?

I mean, he's not some political figure or anything. He was a rich dbag who liked underage girls. He's not even worthy of a conspiracy. If he didn't happen to be wealthy no one would even care or know his name right now. The media created the story because he was rich, the private island, rich friends, etc. But he's just a pedo like all the rest.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-11-2020 , 11:29 PM
Given that pretty much all lines of evidence add up to the Epstein story being a crap ton of malarky, I'm not sure anything could change my mind.
Just because I say "cameras, etc etc", that doesn't mean that the "etc etc" part isn't a lot. It isn't one or two inconsistent things. It's more like everything about this story.
Here is a partial list but the best argument for why it's a psy-op comes from looking at how the media had trested the story

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Complete reading comprehension fail.
There is one prisoner who was said to be his cellmate--an ex cop who was said to have murdered 4 people. We haven't touched on it here. There is one lousy picture from super shady Larry Celona, and there is the ME--who hasn't released the autopsy (7 months and court order remember).
And then you have Bill Barr, and Trump, and Acosta, Vicky Ward, Michael Baden, Steve Bannon. I'm not claiming there isn't a cast of characters involved. But they aren't prison guards.

And then forget about everything else crazy about this case.
  • just taken off suicide watch
  • guards asleep
  • cellmate moved
  • cellmate headline grabbing ex-cop
  • broken neck bones never adequately reported
  • lawyers calling the death suspicious and then disappearing from media
  • They found Ghislaine on the moon
  • Larry Celona/Stanley Kubrick and Prince Andrew craziness relating to Eye's Wide Shut
  • How Epstein ties into qanon- (cf the op of this thread)
  • Vicky Ward pictures with Ghislaine
  • Multiple reports about Bannon visiting Epstein
  • Epstein's unexplained wealth
  • The fact that most of the reporting has been NY Post and Daily Mail
  • the alleged blackmail operation stuff
  • Lisa Bloom representing victims

There is so much shady **** from shady people going on here it's not funny--why any of you would believe anything that you're told about this story is sort of amazing.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 01-11-2020 at 11:36 PM.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-12-2020 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I can't possibly bowl that well. I'm awful. In two games I bowled one strike where somehow some magic happened and pins fell down after I had already turned around.
That'll be gravity. Which is quite a lot like magic to be fair
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-12-2020 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
That'll be gravity. Which is quite a lot like magic to be fair
Which incidentally was one of Epstein’s hobbies.
There were lavish dinner parties with the likes of Steven Pinker and Stephen Jay Gould during which Epstein would ask provocatively elementary questions like “What is gravity?” If the conversation drifted beyond his interests, Epstein was known to interrupt, “What does that got to do with pussy?!”
There was even a conference that he (allegedly) hosted devoted to the subject.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-12-2020 , 11:40 AM
Lol i remember when the ear pics first came out there was a medical guy who pointed out that the changes in his ears and nose are exactly what you'd expect to find when you look at a guy who's aged 20years since the comparison pic and i actually thought lb would accept it and stop using it as evidence. So naive of me.

What do the people who are sure he was killed think of the first suicide attempt? Legit or a botched hit?
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-12-2020 , 02:00 PM
The only thing I ever saw trying to debunk the ear pic stuff was a snopes article that was posted here. And snopes has zero credibility.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-12-2020 , 04:41 PM
I actually thought Luckbox dropped the ear stuff when he realised that it isn't even comparing the same ear. One of the pictures is the right ear 15 years ago and the other is the left ear when he's on the gurney. Of all the "evidence" of a conspiracy the ear photo is the most obviously nonsense - although that's because outside of the broken neck bones it's the only actual evidence, everything else is entirely speculation based on circumstantial factors.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-12-2020 , 04:46 PM
Until we see a picture of an old, live, wrinkly looking Epstein with a downcurved nose and mangled looking ear (or whatever that was), then it certainly isn't evidence that that was actually him. I had forgotten that the picture was inverted.
The point about it being the only actual evidence of anything is good of course. That and the other recently released photos.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 01-12-2020 at 04:57 PM.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-13-2020 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
The only thing I ever saw trying to debunk the ear pic stuff was a snopes article that was posted here. And snopes has zero credibility.
Ah right, I guess making up an excuse to instantly disregard everything posted by the source that most often points out the gaping flaws in your theories would make life easier for a conspiratard.

Do you not believe the cartilage in the ears and nose cause changes in appearance over time in general and everyone in the medical profession is lying about it or is it just not the case for Epstein because reasons.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-13-2020 , 09:54 AM
Who is "everyone in the medical profession"?
Cite some medical professionals talking about Epstein's appearance in that photo please. I'm not making excuses I'm asking you to back up your claim.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-13-2020 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Who is "everyone in the medical profession"?
Cite some medical professionals talking about Epstein's appearance in that photo please. I'm not making excuses I'm asking you to back up your claim.
Love the rich irony of this on Monday morning, luckbox. It takes some balls for you to ask for evidence to back up a claim. I loled.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-13-2020 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Love the rich irony of this on Monday morning, luckbox. It takes some balls for you to ask for evidence to back up a claim. I loled.
What haven't I backed up in this thread?
Has the media deliberately pushed conspiracy ideas about Epstein? True or false?
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-13-2020 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
What haven't I backed up in this thread?
Has the media deliberately pushed conspiracy ideas about Epstein? True or false?
One more time.... okay. You have never backed up:
1. The facts relied upon and rational of your beliefs tha Epstein was never in custody and remains alive; and,
2. An explanation for all the logic problems this belief creates (i.e. Who was in custody and who are they examining in the autopsy).

Other than that you are a regular Sherlock Holmes in here.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-13-2020 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
One more time.... okay. You have never backed up:
1. The facts relied upon and rational of your beliefs tha Epstein was never in custody and remains alive; and,
This post provides my rationale.

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
There are different kinds of "facts" you know. Media facts and then things like photographic evidence. Which isn't to say the latter can't be faked but it's harder. But "sleeping guards, no cameras, just taken off suicide watch, breathe Epstein breathe, broken neck bones"--those are media facts. They form part of the narrative of this story but that doesn't mean that I treat them as if they actually occured. I just want to make sure that's clear before I continue.
There isn't any specific thing that says "this is what points to this all being fake". I think you have to look at it in its totality, and I'll fully admit that I was predisposed to think that whatever followed after Epstein was arrested was fake-- the "official and unofficial narratives" I said to be wary of a month before the alleged suicide.
And to be sure--I had no idea what was going to follow from Epstein's arrest. If they arrested Bill Clinton or idk what--proably any sort of different turn other than Epstein's saga being normal--I would have been suspicious of. But because of the tie-ins with qanon, the way Acosta was fired so quickly, the way it was reported that Epstein had "ties to intelligence"-- those were all signs that something was rotten from early on.
And then after the "suicide" when we look at the details that have been released-- the "media facts"--things get more rotten still. Nothing makes sense and people are asked to accept basically on faith that Epstein died. Just one lousy picture of a guy that doesn't look like Epstein.
Furthermore, by seeing what the media was doing and how the story was breaking, how they were intentionally pushing the murder conspiracy idea, also adds to it. E.g., my posts from yesterday talking about autopsy, neck bones, lawyers, etc and how those things were leaked and conspiracy ideas stoked.
When you add it all together it looks like a psy-op and the most rational explanation is that Epstein is playing some sort of role and therefore not dead. I still am more than willing to believe that Epstein was legitimately a pedophile and/or running some sort of blackmail operation, just that when that gig ended he took on a new role as pedophile fall guy.
I'm however not able to explain everything about this and my ideas about the past are a lot more firmly planted than my ideas about the future, but it's crazy world we live in I don't deny.

2. An explanation for all the logic problems this belief creates (i.e. Who was in custody and who are they examining in the autopsy).

Other than that you are a regular Sherlock Holmes in here.
I don't think anyone was in custody nor do I think an autopsy was performed. I have no clue how those pictures were generated. There are no logical problems there. We've been over this 20 times at this point.
We have Michael Baden, a known liar, Fox TV guest, former HBO show host, and the guy who led the pathology panel for the house committee investigating Kennedy involved with this. He is as dirty as they come.
You have the media as a whole stoking the murder idea, nothing stacking up--no working cameras, etc etc etc. And we have a few pictures of a guy who doesn't look like Epstein.
What is the basis for your belief?

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 01-13-2020 at 12:17 PM.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-13-2020 , 01:28 PM
Maybe attempt 21 will be different.

My belief is that once Epstein realized he would not be able to buy his way out of jail this time, probably around the time the judge rejected a 600 Mil bail offer, that he took the easy way out. This time, there was overwhelming evidence of his sex crimes against minors found in his home.

Last edited by jjjou812; 01-13-2020 at 01:36 PM.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
