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Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges

01-23-2020 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
nice contribution

you're so set apart, fancy lad

had you hoped to discuss Epstein with greater erudition os?
The amanda know thread wad an all time low. It's something to aspire to for posters like you.

Obviously epstein was offed by the clintonblairroyalfamilyccabal. Not to mention dershowitz.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by bacalaopeace
The amanda know thread wad an all time low. It's something to aspire to for posters like you.

Obviously epstein was offed by the clintonblairroyalfamilyccabal. Not to mention dershowitz.
So the public corruption unit of the Southern District of New York arrests Epstein. All the liberals hope Trump is involved and he has Acosta as his labor secretary who resigns but not before it comes out that he was told to back off Epstein and that Epstein has ties to intelligence.
All the conservatives hope that it brings down Clinton.
But then Clinton (and possibly with the help of Trump associate Deshowitz) have Epstein murdered. Epstein's brother doesn't like it so he hires Fox News regular Michael Baden to investigate.
Bill Barr (and Trump apparently) in the justice department is fine covering up. The news media lets everyone know that Epstein was murdered but without really pushing for justice or for calls to investigate.
The public corruption unit of the SDNY (the true heroes here and the same office that ran a lot of the Trump/Russia stuff) just let it go. And here we are today.
Under this narrative you have a concerted effort by members of the ruling class including both Trump admin officials, the Clintons, and the news media to cover up or obfuscate about what happened to Epstein. And only those prosecutors in New York (who gave up after he was killed) and long time Fox contributor and Kennedy (amongst others) conspirator Baden helping to bring truth to light.
Sorry....psy-op is the more plausible explanation.

Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
You seem like a complete dumbass. All the best.
Of all the people who troll me, Monteroy is my favorite. Nobody else writes as well as he does. Definitely not a dumbass.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 01-23-2020 at 08:54 AM.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Sorry....psy-op is the more plausible explanation.
Either that or killed himself just like they say and they only decided to make it look like a murder for fun. (And to sell lots of media ofc)
Like--"well we have this dead guy, and he's dead and killed himself, but let's do everything possible to make people think he was murdered".
Even though that's not it, I sort of like that idea.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
Not at all interested in what his testimony may have contained? This guy ran with royalty and presidents, his suicide attempt tape 'went missing', the guards were sleeping when he allegedly killed himself and those tapes also mysteriously disappeared. The woman who helped him lure children is unaccounted for. You seem like a complete dumbass. All the best.

Not at all interested. Dude's dead, which is perfectly fine with me. Again I appreciate that creating deep and intricate worlds on events like this is important to some people, and for the most part that is a harmless hobby. For some, as seen here, it clearly becomes an obsessive component of their lives, but in the end that is their problem, and if I can visit threads like this for amusement once in a while then it is win/win as I see it. Hey, the internet let guys like you leave the street corner, so that is nice when the weather is not ideal, and you do not have to constantly look for new crates to stand on.

As to what I was asked about my further beliefs on this specific topic, I guess trying to get into the spirit of things that I would say it is correlated with how steel melts by Lizard People run through a psy op on 9/11 on the other flat side of the Earth while looking at the moon that never had a crisis actor walk on it.

All the best.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 10:36 AM
Can we talk about the pyramids for a bit?
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Can we talk about the pyramids for a bit?
It would be fine with me but I'm not sure anyone has anything to say.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 10:58 AM
Like, who built them and why?
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Not at all interested. Dude's dead, which is perfectly fine with me. Again I appreciate that creating deep and intricate worlds on events like this is important to some people, and for the most part that is a harmless hobby. For some, as seen here, it clearly becomes an obsessive component of their lives, but in the end that is their problem, and if I can visit threads like this for amusement once in a while then it is win/win as I see it. Hey, the internet let guys like you leave the street corner, so that is nice when the weather is not ideal, and you do not have to constantly look for new crates to stand on.

As to what I was asked about my further beliefs on this specific topic, I guess trying to get into the spirit of things that I would say it is correlated with how steel melts by Lizard People run through a psy op on 9/11 on the other flat side of the Earth while looking at the moon that never had a crisis actor walk on it.

All the best.
So you aren't concerned about pedophiles who rape young girls, and the fact that by all accounts Epstein could have given them up? At least you are honest about it.

This is another interesting aspect about how the media has framed this whole thing. Most people (especially useful idiots like Monteroy who completely buy into whatever framing or narrative the elitists want them to) don't even consider the whole pedophile ring angle at all. In a sane world with a non compromised media this would be where most of the focus is.

I'll give Monteroy the benefit of the doubt he actually doesn't think pedophiles who rape young girls should get off Scott free, and accept he wasn't even considering that aspect at all when he said he wasn't interested in an Epstein testimony, which is a testament to how our media has successfully controlled how the issue is framed.

Last edited by Kelhus999; 01-23-2020 at 11:31 AM.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Like, who built them and why?
Nobody knows the answer to that here though. I've watched one conspiracy video in my life on the topic and it's in Portuguese--and not because I sought out the topic but because I watch most of her videos. And while WN doesn't want conspriacy videos in foriegn languages posted, hopefully an exception can be made since you're so curious *
And her ideas here are far far out there and don't involve aliens but don't ask me to translate. I respect her opinion because she is smart, speaks 7 languages and is literally getting a PhD paid by the UK government studying propaganda (who knew that was even possible and someone should give me an honorary one) and I talk about her in this thread because you and especially Fly were once super curious about where I got my information--as if I were incapable of thinking for myself.
But I would advise you to watch the video, pause it every few seconds, and work on translating. 40% of English comes from French which comes from Latin, and most of Portuguese does which means it isn't hard.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 12:39 PM
I mean, space aliens building the pyramids seems way more interesting than Epstein, idk why you aren’t looking into that instead.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I mean, space aliens building the pyramids seems way more interesting than Epstein, idk why you aren’t looking into that instead.
Epstein is a lot more current with better arguments available. Plus I don't think space aliens built the pyramids so there is that too.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
So you aren't concerned about pedophiles who rape young girls, and the fact that by all accounts Epstein could have given them up? At least you are honest about it.
Charming attempt to impose an incorrect take on it, so let me be clear - I (and most of humanity) do not care about whatever stories a niche group of conspiracy addicts create about this dude.

Originally Posted by Kelhus999
This is another interesting aspect about how the media has framed this whole thing. Most people (especially useful idiots like Monteroy who completely buy into whatever framing or narrative the elitists want them to) don't even consider the whole pedophile ring angle at all. In a sane world with a non compromised media this would be where most of the focus is.

I'll give Monteroy the benefit of the doubt he actually doesn't think pedophiles who rape young girls should get off Scott free, and accept he wasn't even considering that aspect at all when he said he wasn't interested in an Epstein testimony, which is a testament to how our media has successfully controlled how the issue is framed.

This whole sheeple media narrative thing only works in the crazed yellow sticky notes with red string on the wall outlook of life that a few of you are unfortunate enough to be burdened with at this time.

Would I be interested in his testimony? Definitely. Am I interested in what a couple creative souls go on about his jaw bone pictures and how they link to psy ops and whatever? Not in the slightest, other than once in a while some mild amusement in seeing how minds such as yours process things (when you avoid pretty low end topics that I suspect get you banned here if you bring up).

Feel free to interpret that in some complex manner of my following evil matrix style messaging from whatever as you need, and if it is actually amusing I will give you some credit! In that regard I do give Luckycharms more credit as he has more self awareness of how he is perceived and does try to blend that in to his posts (often times fairly effectively). In that area he is just quite a bit better and smarter than you, and perhaps that is the case in general, and explains why he has a thread and you do not. Still, you should continue to work with the tools you have and we will see where it goes.

All the best.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Epstein is a lot more current with better arguments available. Plus I don't think space aliens built the pyramids so there is that too.
What do you think they built?
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Plus I don't think space aliens built the pyramids so there is that too.
Then who did?
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
What do you think they built?
Nothing, sadly (or not) to say.

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Then who did?
I don't know. This is Formula72's topic. He asked if I thought humans did. I said I didn't know but the youtoober I watch thinks they didn't. It's the honest truth. I posted the video for you.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 01:53 PM
Who else could have built them besides humans?
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 03:02 PM
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
Not at all interested in what his testimony may have contained?
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Not at all interested.
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Would I be interested in his testimony? Definitely.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 07:33 PM
Lol monteroy as always. Imagine thinking you are the smartest guy in the room and then getting owned by chiddy and Kel.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 08:22 PM
Victor refrains from calling someone a liar in a post? And it was a layup.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-23-2020 , 08:36 PM
humans built the pyramids, they were unfortunately

also whats her face email supposedly got "hacked".
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-24-2020 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Victor refrains from calling someone a liar in a post? And it was a layup.
With selective quoting it certainly appeared to be, however Kelpus left out chunks of the post to which I was "not interested," and as well the details of my post following it up.

Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
This guy ran with royalty and presidents, his suicide attempt tape 'went missing', the guards were sleeping when he allegedly killed himself and those tapes also mysteriously disappeared. The woman who helped him lure children is unaccounted for. You seem like a complete dumbass. All the best.
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Not at all interested. Dude's dead, which is perfectly fine with me. Again I appreciate that creating deep and intricate worlds on events like this is important to some people, and for the most part that is a harmless hobby. For some, as seen here, it clearly becomes an obsessive component of their lives, but in the end that is their problem, and if I can visit threads like this for amusement once in a while then it is win/win as I see it. Hey, the internet let guys like you leave the street corner, so that is nice when the weather is not ideal, and you do not have to constantly look for new crates to stand on.

For what it is worth that type of out of context quoting is perfectly fine with me in essentially riggie threads like this. Riggies do that all the time, and that is part of the fun, so best to go with the flow when participating. Just ask Viktor when I asked him about how Bernie Bros will likely vote for Trump if Bernie does not get the nomination. He called me a liar (which apparently is a staple of his) and then I did a series of quotes just like the ones here about me, and then another Bernie Bro screamed about how Viktor did a typo, which was kind of amusing. Welcome to the internet - riggie style.

Anyway, the kind of sad thing about issues like this thread are that they are actually serious, but they get ironically trivialized when captured by the conspiracy crowd, once they wave their magical wands at it. The vast majority of regular humans just start tuning out when the droning on about melting steel, jaw bone pictures, sleeping guards, pys ops, etc etc start flowing. That is why it is best to just be entertained by them when possible in relatively limited doses, while appreciating that nothing said in conspiracy drenched threads like this matter in the slightest.

J-cubed - you may want to consider limiting your dosage given how much you constantly dance with LuckyCharms here. Stick with targeting Viktor more - he is a much softer target in that regard.

All the best.

Last edited by Monteroy; 01-24-2020 at 03:37 AM. Reason: corrected typos caused by psy op sleeping guards hired by the New World Order
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-24-2020 , 06:36 AM
Lol no one's gonna read that
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-24-2020 , 06:57 AM
I kept the new content at under 300 words for you and others, but I completely understand if the post was still too much for you to digest, as most of your thoughts and posts tend to be one sentence. Fair enough, and that is just part of the fun of chatting with folk like you once in a while. Sorry for using multiple sentences in this one as well .

All the best.
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
01-24-2020 , 08:39 AM
Quality not quantity
Jeffrey Epstein indicted on sex trafficking charges Quote
