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Israel/Palestine thread Israel/Palestine thread

10-14-2023 , 10:52 AM
Trump says they are potentially fighting Iran.

Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
Gonna need you to show your work here bruv. The Russia thing is a matter of perspective and not facts. I don't dispute the facts, I just think ending the war is better than wasting an entire generation of Ukrainian men in a war they can't win.
I tend to agree with this position. I would argue that the last 4 generations (and counting) of Palestinians are a tragedy for the same reason. And the rest of the world telling them they have to live in such conditions to fight for some piece of dirt their great-great-grandparents may have lived on is the greatest tragedy of them all.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by washoe

embedded your video. Quote to see how.
thanks bro.. sorry i'm a bit donkey posting videos

i'm trying to post another but isn't really working.. feel so bad
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by pokkerreddu
thanks bro.. sorry i'm a bit donkey posting videos

i'm trying to post another but isn't really working.. feel so bad

You posted this which is a link.
But you only need rm2zsgZ1QDE
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
Trump says they are potentially fighting Iran.

I read somewhere that assuming that the goal was to get the rest of the Arab world to freeze normalization with Israel (which has already happened), and just throwing the Palestinians in the meat grinder was enough to accomplish that goal, this lessens the chances Iran/Hezbollah will launch a second front.

I obviously dont know what was talked about in alleged high level meetings between Iran/Hezbollah/Hamas leading up to the attack, but it seems reasonable this may be how this goes.

FWIW my understanding is Iran considers Hezbollah a much more important asset than Hamas/Palestinians, and will be much more reticent to throw them in a major battle unnecessarily.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
This won't sound very satisfying, but I don't know of another course.

A 100 year non-violent civil rights campaign. An escalating international effort to isolate and strangle apartheid. Culminating in Palestinian citizenship in a new Israelistine.

That's the preferred course, but there's little indication it will go that way. West Bank is probably going to go the way of Gaza.
This seems to be a non starter for both sides, and has been the entire duration of the conflict.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by washoe

You posted this which is a link.
But you only need rm2zsgZ1QDE
Got it! feel so

i think this explains pretty much what's going on.. poor people

Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Posts 821-843 in this thread are one example. I obviously am not going to review all your posts.
wtf does Hamas have to do with the Communism thread? and in those posts I just post facts and my interpretation of them.

I dont post bullshit like, zomg 40 babies beheaded. and I dont see you giving any pushback to the uncritical liberals that ate that **** up.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
wtf does Hamas have to do with the Communism thread? and in those posts I just post facts and my interpretation of them.

I dont post bullshit like, zomg 40 babies beheaded. and I dont see you giving any pushback to the uncritical liberals that ate that **** up.
I have said repeatedly that I take all wartime reporting with a huge grain of salt, especially when the primary source of the reporting is the government of one of the warring parties. It doesn't matter which government.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
and in those posts I just post facts and my interpretation of them.
This isn't a huge issue, and it isn't worth a big derail, but what actually happened is that you read a tweet that was written for the purpose of misleading people about the actual facts, and you accepted the tweet uncritically because it aligned with your priors.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 11:27 AM
so do I. thats why I get called a Putin shill despite being correct almost every time.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by pokkerreddu
yep there is a lot of jew people who don't like what israel do in their names. but unfortunately asVictor says they are always silenced...

this jew professor is talking from years about the problem. but you won't see him on the national TV probably

Just a heads up since I think English isn’t your first language, your phrasing is considered offensive. Use Jewish instead of Jew.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
This isn't a huge issue, and it isn't worth a big derail, but what actually happened is that you read a tweet that was written for the purpose of misleading people about the actual facts, and you accepted the tweet uncritically because it aligned with your priors.
the distinction was that Biden did not actually sign a bill directing LEO to act a certain way. rather, he approved a memo telling them to.

in this case, the procedural truth was actually worse given the lack of transparency.

nice try at the gotcha. and well down derailing the actual point.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
Trump says they are potentially fighting Iran.

This wouldn't surprise me.. but probably is much more then this. I wouldn't be surprised if Iran and Russia ( and who knows who else ) are backing Hamas. Those 2 nations are working very closely in recent times. Other than this many big geopolitic actors see in Israel the arrogance of the west and are (or have) helping Hamas or other forces who want to fight Israel.

Inviato dal mio SM-A515F utilizzando Tapatalk
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
Just a heads up since I think English isn’t your first language, your phrasing is considered offensive. Use Jewish instead of Jew.
Thank you bro. Thank you for the advice! Yes I'm an Italian living in Germany.. so my English is a bit rusty and I could probably end up mixing the languages at some point..

I literally copy the word Jew from the "nucularburro" guy post. Since ist started the post saying " I'm Jew". I said to myself: well if he writes like this I can't make any mistakes.

But I didn't want to offend anyone.

So a big sorry for the Jewish dudes here.
It was in no way my intention to offend you guys.

Inviato dal mio SM-A515F utilizzando Tapatalk
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
Largely agree with this take, other than to say Hamas using their own and possibly Israeli citizens as human shields is immoral as well as illegal, and although Israel's actions may be legal, they are also immoral and one would like to think they would consider this only as a last resort, and even then it's hard to justify.
Israel's strategy is impossible to justify if it's merely Hamas they're fighting because Hamas in and of itself doesn't pose an existential threat to Israel. But they're not just fighting Hamas and they're facing risk of ruin if they get it wrong. No nation would do any different facing similar threats.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by pokkerreddu

I literally copy the word Jew from the "nucularburro" guy post. Since ist started the post saying " I'm Jew". I said to myself: well if he writes like this I can't make any mistakes.
"I'm Jewish" -- preferred
"I'm a Jew"-- totally fine
"I'm Jew"-- ungrammatical
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
"I'm Jewish" -- preferred
"I'm a Jew"-- totally fine
"I'm Jew"-- ungrammatical
I will remember that! I didn't know the difference..Thanks for the explanation*

Inviato dal mio SM-A515F utilizzando Tapatalk
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by ReliableSource
But that’s just the narrative being spun
No, there actually was the wholesale slaughter of civilians by Hamas, which has kicked off this current round of war. That wasn't a narrative and I distinctly remember it happening as it was just last week.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 01:31 PM
I got a question, I saw France banned pro-palestinian protests a few days ago

Is that really going to continue as the violence escalates and mass murder takes place? That seems unheard of you couldn't protest that in a western democracy.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
Y. I am dumbfounded as to how you can explain away Israel's ethno-fascists in power as a reaction to Hamas but hold any support for Hamas from Palestinians against them as if it couldn't be explained by the exact same logic you use for the Israelis.
I'm not explaining it away. I'm pointing out how hardliners can get into power.

Again with the attempted moral equivalence as if Israel have called for the obliteration of the Palestinians in their constitution, the way Hamas have for Israel in their charter. As if Hamas actually ever made a single compromise or concession the way Israel have. As if Israel have snatched Palestinians from raves and butchered them. There is no moral equivalence here and I think you missed the point of my comments re Palestinian self analysis within the context of bottom line terms which I already explained.

You think there is a moral equivalence because Israel bad, the end. I don't think you like Israel and will always assume the worst from them. That's why you use such hyperbolic and actually offensive terms like ethno fascists, despite fascists attempting Jewish extermination in WW II. That's why you use terms like revenge, when they're actually reacting to a proactive assault.
So I really don't think we're getting anywhere here as you'll continue to view this ideologically rather than pragmatically.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 01:44 PM
Don't worry corpus vile, I would never morally equivalate the IDF/Israel to Hamas/Palestine.

Israel has murdered exponentially more innocent humans than Palestine.

Last edited by Karl_TheOG_Marx; 10-14-2023 at 01:44 PM. Reason: just, as a stone, indisputable fact
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Karl_TheOG_Marx
Don't worry corpus vile, I would never morally equivalate the IDF/Israel to Hamas/Palestine.

Israel has murdered exponentially more innocent humans than Palestine.
Don't forget AmeriKKKa!
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 01:47 PM
Israel murdered dozens of unarmed protestors (shooting thousands) for the great crime of approaching one of the fences surrounding Gaza. On multiple occasions. For months and years on end. You know you're a deeply oppressed people when, as a last form of protest, you're resorting to walking straight towards your death; only hoping that it sparks further resistance and/or gets captured by international media.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-14-2023 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Posts 821-843 in this thread are one example. I obviously am not going to review all your posts.
Ah I remember that thread. Good times.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
