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Israel/Palestine thread Israel/Palestine thread

11-07-2023 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
It's very sad that Jews don't speak out enough in general

Even now in the Us the anti Israel demonstations are loud and ever pro Israel really i went to was singing kumbaya songs and praying for peace
its good when Jewish people speak out. most of my ideas come from Jewish people who have more knowledge that most and more humanity than the Israeli Supremacists.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
If people spoke up earlier then 15 million innocent civilians wouldn't have been murdered in the Holocaust

But it was easier to mind your business
Quit pretending this is the holocaust and there aren't two legitimate sides to this issue.

Also, of course what you said is wrong. It took a war that 70 million people fought in to stop the Germans. Speaking up wasn't going to stop the holocaust.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
its good when Jewish people speak out. most of my ideas come from Jewish people who have more knowledge that most and more humanity than the Israeli Supremacists.
appreciate the shout out
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Lying Joos huh? You're not even trying to hide it anymore are you vic?
this is weak even for you
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
its good when Jewish people speak out. most of my ideas come from Jewish people who have more knowledge that most and more humanity than the Israeli Supremacists.
I agree there must be 2 sides of this coin. or is it to this coin? idk
anyways two parties means two versions and probably both are right to a degree.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 04:46 PM
corpus your head is smoking or what? yes that's a paediatrician so you won't understand much. and i don't have to read court papers when I know what's in it, or rather suppsoed to be in it.

sorry for derail.
back to israel.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
I agree there must be 2 sides of this coin. or is it to this coin? idk
anyways two parties means two versions and probably both are right to a degree.
I dont really think there are 2 sides at this point.

the Zionist argument is literally that if you allow equal rights for Palestinians then they will kill all the Jewish people. therefore the Israelis need to brutally oppress and murder Palestinians.

its really a totally effed up state and society.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
I dont really think there are 2 sides at this point.

the Zionist argument is literally that if you allow equal rights for Palestinians then they will kill all the Jewish people. therefore the Israelis need to brutally oppress and murder Palestinians.

its really a totally effed up state and society.
please take a good look at this wiki.

I am not so sure they would leave the Israelis alone.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
please take a good look at this wiki.

I am not so sure they would leave the Israelis alone.
firstly, the sheer number of violent deaths is miniscule. its like not even a fraction of percent.

secondly, there is often only one way to fight back at a brutal oppressor. in that regard, the Palestinians have been exceptionally restrained.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 05:03 PM
But I get it. You're saying they aren't even supposed to be there.
that's the tricky part I haven't gotten behind so far.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
firstly, the sheer number of violent deaths is miniscule. its like not even a fraction of percent.

secondly, there is often only one way to fight back at a brutal oppressor. in that regard, the Palestinians have been exceptionally restrained.
it's the style that disqualifies taking them serious. but I get it. they arm up then the others arm up which makes it complicated.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
firstly, the sheer number of violent deaths is miniscule. its like not even a fraction of percent.

secondly, there is often only one way to fight back at a brutal oppressor. in that regard, the Palestinians have been exceptionally restrained.
The problem is the idea of winning at all costs. You don’t get a pass on ethics as the oppressed. If all you’re doing is fighting for your own supremacy you don’t actual believe in justice. You’re just a bunch of hypocrites.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
But I get it. You're saying they aren't even supposed to be there.
that's the tricky part I haven't gotten behind so far.
no, I think the Jewish people should be able to remain there. but it should be a one state solution with guaranteed rights for all. call me a liberal I guess.

that may take some reeducation of the part of the Zionist Supremacists. but I see no reason why they cant live side by side when the radical elements of both groups are removed.

I truly believe the vast majority of the people dont want bloodshed.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 05:12 PM
could the Jewish people explain to us why Israel has to be right in the middle of muslim hostile countries?

that leads to wars.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
no, I think the Jewish people should be able to remain there. but it should be a one state solution with guaranteed rights for all. call me a liberal I guess.

that may take some reeducation of the part of the Zionist Supremacists. but I see no reason why they cant live side by side when the radical elements of both groups are removed.

I truly believe the vast majority of the people dont want bloodshed.
one state? same thing I guess.
won't stop conflicts.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 05:20 PM
shout out to corpus, you probably just misread me there.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
could the Jewish people explain to us why Israel has to be right in the middle of muslim hostile countries?

that leads to wars.
bc they are there already and have been for generations. but that does not give them the right to go all Zionist and murder Palestinians.

Originally Posted by washoe
one state? same thing I guess.
won't stop conflicts.
well, we are going on 75 years of conflict and war. maybe its worth a try now? other states have been able to form multiethnic and multireligious societies without murdering each other forever. it will certainly take a generation to get rid of the Zionist teachings but its better than this.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 05:26 PM
not only the Zionist teachings they have to lose, the other side has to do that too.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
no, I think the Jewish people should be able to remain there. but it should be a one state solution with guaranteed rights for all. call me a liberal I guess.

that may take some reeducation of the part of the Zionist Supremacists. but I see no reason why they cant live side by side when the radical elements of both groups are removed.

I truly believe the vast majority of the people dont want bloodshed.
Originally Posted by Victor
bc they are there already and have been for generations. but that does not give them the right to go all Zionist and murder Palestinians.

well, we are going on 75 years of conflict and war. maybe its worth a try now? other states have been able to form multiethnic and multireligious societies without murdering each other forever. it will certainly take a generation to get rid of the Zionist teachings but its better than this.
In Iraq (at least most of it) they've gone from Shia and Sunni being no big deal and people don't even know which their neighbors are, to you're dead if you go to the wrong neighborhood, and back in one generation.

(good posts)
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
CV you're a donk.
...DonkJr is my son?

What was I referring to? You don't even know. now I know why we don't agree in so many cases.

So Lebanon, Lybia, Syria, Egypt and Iran, will just leave Israel alone or what?
I'll get back to you on that, shall we say Friday washoe? Hopefully I'll have deciphered what you mean by then.

Lol. Thanks for that washoe, it gave me a chuckle.
How's your rapey mate Holtzclaw doing btw? only another 256 short years to go and he's free as a bird!

Originally Posted by washoe
on this one you're actually right. he was out a line.
not on the crime cases I told you about. there I am right.

Btw that was a laugh of agreement washoe *bites insides of cheeks*
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
corpus your head is smoking or what? yes that's a paediatrician so you won't understand much. and i don't have to read court papers when I know what's in it, or rather suppsoed to be in it.

sorry for derail.
back to israel.
um..... quite.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
shout out to corpus, you probably just misread me there.
You might just be onto something there washoe.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
It's very sad that Jews don't speak out enough in general

Even now in the Us the anti Israel demonstations are loud and ever pro Israel really i went to was singing kumbaya songs and praying for peace
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
If people spoke up earlier then 15 million innocent civilians wouldn't have been murdered in the Holocaust

But it was easier to mind your business
Oh, please. What’s next, that right makes might or violence doesn’t solve anything.

Speak up all you want, you're not going to stop US/NATO from doing what it has always done and always will. You and others itt know that. So to expunge their moral guilt over all those children and innocents dying, they attack those who don't speak up rather than taking ownership of supporting a country responsible for all the killing. And they are supporting it if they continue to live in the US/West.

Honestly, if I held those beliefs, I would've left already. That's because I'd be willing to prove my commitment to my ethics by making an actual sacrifice of giving up all the benefits that come with living in the United States.

So instead of pretending like they care by doing the whole hey, hey, ho, ho virtue-signaling march: leave everything behind, learn Spanish, and start marching south. Doing otherwise is a moral cop-out. All that stuff they'll be leaving behind is stained with the blood of innocents anyway. But they enjoy those benefits too much to give them up. Right?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Stop denigrating innocent murder victims. Absolute shame on you. Nor are Israel to blame for Hamas' massacre.
Aren't you Irish? You would think you would know a thing or two about occupation

OFC Israel is partly to blame for this mess
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
11-07-2023 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
...DonkJr is my son?
My long lost father. Finally, you admit that you're my father.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
