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ex-President Trump ex-President Trump

12-20-2023 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
I never said that he supported all parts of the bill. he supported enough parts of it that I found hateful.

altho your link did bring up another hateful part of Biden which was how cozy he was with segrationists.
jfc. We're done here. I'll let others deal with you.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
I do believe the current Supreme Court which consisted of three Trump judges ruled against him or refused to hear any cases from lower courts when it came to his election claims . Many of the individuals and I mean lawyers that tried the fake electors thing are all pleading out . The folks involved in Jan 6th breach of the capital are in jail or were punished

fair enough. good point

The shift from a democracy we can see with the Democrats on the recent Colorado decision and in Florida were they refused a democratic primary and declared Biden the winner

I don't agree with the colorado thing, in this particular case. I doubt it gets past the SC. But I wouldn't call it fascist. Meh on florida.

I think many of the folks crying fascism should go live in a fascist country to see the reality of it

That's the thing. We aren't now, but there's a push to go that way. And, it's precisely the reality of it that should keep you opposing this push instead of brushing it off as nothing.
There is a tipping point - not sure where. But once it tips, really bad stuff happens.

If we truly believed in democracy we would have national referendums on abortion, guns and immigration. Neither party really is for the will of the people. Instead its for the will of the extreme left and right

fine with the first part of this. don't agree with the second at all
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
jfc. We're done here. I'll let others deal with you.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Well, I'm not voting for either of them.
That's as good as a vote for Trump.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Ok what is fascism for you ?
It ain’t just about killing Jews ….
thanks for demonstrating you have absolutely zero understanding of what fascism is
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Sure. That one thing doesn't capture all aspects of fascism, just as insistence on racial purity doesn't capture all aspects of fascism.
also not fascism, just happened to be present in one of the more infamous instances of fascism

just stop using fascism as a substitute for "bad/evil" because it's lazy and incorrect
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by steamraise
That's as good as a vote for Trump.
In fact that's not true. At most it's as good as half a vote for Trump. And, I wouldn't vote for Biden in any state, but in most states, including mine, it doesn't matter at all.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 04:49 PM
The reason I decided I wouldn't vote for Biden for sure was on similar lines to Trump's Hitlerisms. Despite what the idiotic Trump supporters think, Biden has been just as bad or worse at the border. His anti-asylum rules are worse than Trump's.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Well, I'm not voting for either of them.
Have fun voting third party.

Originally Posted by biggerboat
I firmly believe that democracy itself is on the ballot this go around.
I disagree, but dems are doing their best to speak democracy being on the ballet into existence. It is scary what Colorado just did - I never thought we'd see something like that in a country as free as the US is.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
thanks for demonstrating you have absolutely zero understanding of what fascism is
lol great arguments.
seem i needed to specify it because not considering maga and trump highly link to fascism is pretty insane and i was wondering what it is missing for you to considerate..

So keep avoiding the question....
i guess you feel maga and trump are just centered position leaning on the right yeah ?
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
also not fascism, just happened to be present in one of the more infamous instances of fascism

just stop using fascism as a substitute for "bad/evil" because it's lazy and incorrect
I'm not sure why this comment was directed at me. I simply was illustrating that there was nothing that Trump could do that would make him a fascist in lozen's eyes.

I don't need an education on fascism. I'm the person who has noted several times that fascism is ideologically incoherent. Historically, it's been little more than a constellation of demagoguery, nationalism, militarism, racial superiority, fetishization of certain characteristics like strength, and a loosely defined third way economic policy. This ideological incoherence is why there is considerable debate over the exact definition of fascism.

As an aside, I complete disagree with your suggestion that the promotion of racial purity was somehow coincidental to fascism generally, or German fascism specifically.

Last edited by Rococo; 12-20-2023 at 06:38 PM.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
also not fascism, just happened to be present in one of the more infamous instances of fascism

just stop using fascism as a substitute for "bad/evil" because it's lazy and incorrect
please enlighten us !
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I'm not sure why this comment was directed at me. I simply was illustrating that there was nothing that Trump could do that would make him a fascist in lozen's eyes.

I don't need an education on fascism. I'm the person who has noted several times that fascism is ideologically incoherent. Historically, it's been little more than a constellation of demagoguery, nationalism, militarism, racial superiority, fetishization of certain characteristics like strength, and a loosely defined third way economic policy. This ideological incoherence is why there is considerable debate over the exact definition of fascism.

As an aside, I complete disagree with your suggestion that the promotion of racial purity was somehow coincidental to fascism generally, or German fascism specifically.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey

It is scary what Colorado just did - I never thought we'd see something like that in a country as free as the US is.
And everything trump and the repubs have done are perfectly fine.....
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 06:38 PM
Grunching a bit and using this purely as confirmation of my prior statements that I firmly believed the GOP would figure out a way to stop the Trump train before it got out of the station this time around:

I assume this is just a lefty trying to dunk on the deplorable party and it might not even be true, but I hope it is, and that this chaos spreads. I'd honestly prefer to listen to residual complaining about cheating than to deal with the reality of another Trump cycle.

I can't quite get myself to put large sums of money on an "it'll be anyone but Trump" bet, but with the right odds I might pull the trigger.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 06:41 PM
I almost want to start a thread, but I'm wondering if the maga folks think there is anything a person might do that could justify what Colorado did?
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
I never said that he supported all parts of the bill. he supported enough parts of it that I found hateful.

altho your link did bring up another hateful part of Biden which was how cozy he was with segrationists.
lol, which is exactly what bobo implied :

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
He doesn't care.

What I can surmise from Victor's posting history is that in his mind he has drawn a line in the sand that divides good policy and bad policy. What people believe, what they would like to get done, what they try to get done but are unable to, doesn't matter. All that matters is what policy they are able to enact. Those who can pass good policy are good. Those who can't are bad. Those who support those who can't are also bad. There is no nuance, or subtlety, or degrees. Good, bad, that's it. Trump, Biden, exactly the same. You've crossed the line, and that's that. And the "libs" get the majority of his wrath, probably because they in theory should be the people putting forth what he sees as good policy, so it's all "lol libs" for him. Conveniently, this all makes pretty much everyone bad, so Victor has an excuse not to vote or do anything to actually change things, other than repeatedly post on forums about how terrible the "libs" are.
and u said not even close on top of that ?


and u call others trolls !
Vic is the biggest troll of them all
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Victor

sending bombs to Ukraine to continue a proxy war is hateful.

sending bombs to Gaza to kill starving concentration camp victims is hateful
u dont see both situation different when one is about defending vs an invasion while the other is actually to support an invasion ?

And yet biden is guilty on both sides ?
How can that be ?
And if he would just stay out, then in your opinion he would be guilty of letting genocide happening right ?

like you said in the russia thread for the Ukrainians, Palestinians should abandon the Gaza territory then they would stop getting killed yeah ?
So it aint israel fault (like Russia) that just defends itself by invading foreign country yeah ?

You just make no sense at all but just enjoying spew hatred on the US, the same hatred u claim US are doing...
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Genuinely fascinating to me how lozen constantly shows everyone exactly what his beliefs are, and yet every day people act confused and puzzled.

Of course he is comfortable saying these things, it's not a little surprising or remarkable. If lozen came in and unequivocally denounced Trump's election interference, *that* would be remarkable.
probably because i and others knew him in a much different persona.
Seem if felt into a QAnon irrational mind hole like Alice in wonderland.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
The reason I decided I wouldn't vote for Biden for sure was on similar lines to Trump's Hitlerisms. Despite what the idiotic Trump supporters think, Biden has been just as bad or worse at the border. His anti-asylum rules are worse than Trump's.
This is an uncontroversial statement. Yet when I say these things the usual trolls come out and demand a well sourced thesis project to support it.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 07:35 PM
One of the most destructive ideas in democrcay is the claim that refusing to vote for someone bad is a wasted vote or effectively a vote for someone worse.

democracy cannot work unless people vote for what they broadly want.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 07:44 PM
Sending arms to Ukraine is not hateful it is just good bang for the buck to weaken an enemy.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Have fun voting third party.

I disagree, but dems are doing their best to speak democracy being on the ballet into existence. It is scary what Colorado just did - I never thought we'd see something like that in a country as free as the US is.
States routinely exclude people from the ballot for president because they have determined the applicant doesn't meet the constitutional requirements for holding the office.

However, I believe they only decided that (so far) for the republican primary, something I don't think the government should be involved with anyway.

Last edited by chillrob; 12-20-2023 at 07:55 PM.
ex-President Trump Quote
12-20-2023 , 07:52 PM
Plus it doesn't actually go in to place till after appeal so either supreme court overturns before primary election or they don't take it till after in which case he will still be on the ballot. Honestly if they exclude him in the actual election it is probably the worst option as in would take us as close to a civil war as we have been in since the last.
ex-President Trump Quote
