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Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children?
View Poll Results: Do conservatives want to get rid of transgender people?
Most conservatives want to get rid of transgender people
15 39.47%
A significant percentage, but not "most", conservatives want to get rid of transgender people
6 15.79%
Few conservatives want to get rid of transgender people
9 23.68%
I don't know
8 21.05%

03-06-2023 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Everything about this is dishonest framing.
. As I responded to Uke, attributing the hyperbole and overstatement of the tweets that you reference when you post these "laws" for discussion is probably unfair. You use enough hyperbole on your own anyways. You are certainly one of our "outrage" posters

Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
It also presumes the many transgender people discussing the "trans panic" issue are delusional in their idea that this is genocidal rhetoric but people largely unfamiliar with trans issues have some magical insight that allows them to see through trans women's claims even when they are ivy league educated and discussing it with men who are openly transphobic and didn't even go to college.
I don't know if you are alluding to having an ivy league education and are disparaging my education but nothing gives anyone insight into a system eradication of transgender and LGBTQ communities if it isn't occurring. IMHO such language is just designed to get attention.

And yes, I am being completely dismissive that anyone can mind read a group of people to predict their future genocidal conduct, regardless of education level.

Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
If you read what I wrote carefully you'll see I never claimed the bills did something they don't do. I certainly never claimed that all 400 bills introduced were currently law or am unaware of how state legislatures work.

Every tweet citing a law in this thread misrepresents the scope of these bills (but obviously you did not post all these tweets).

Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
As for the law in tennessee your interpretation is an erroneous one. First you must understand Tennessee is a prison world capital with a rate of incarceration that is at least 5 times greater than any eu country.

Who cares about your eu comparison. Tennessee isn't even first on the list in the USA, it's 10th on a list of states that I would define as a top ten list of the worst states for civil rights violation.

Is this just dishonest framing by you to exaggerate how bad Tennessee is?

Jurisdiction 2018 rate per 100,000 of all ages 2018 rate per 100,000 adults 2018. Adults in prison or jail
Federal 50 70 179,200
State 580 750 1,919,200

Louisiana * 980 1,280 45,700
Oklahoma * 970 1,290 38,500
Mississippi * 920 1,210 27,500
Georgia * 850 1,110 89,700
Kentucky * 840 1,080 37,500
Alabama * 820 1,060 40,400
Arkansas * 820 1,070 24,700
Arizona * 750 980 54,600
Texas * 750 1,010 218,000
Tennessee * 730 930 49,300
Florida * 700 870 150,500
Missouri * 700 900 43,000
Wyoming * 700 910

Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
.... in any case the idea that tennessee has a documented history of enforcing g laws unfairly against marginalized communities is beyond dispute.
Nothing is beyond dispute, especially when your claims lack any proof.

Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Your framing of drag queens is incorrect, drag queens are largely children friendly and an important affirming cultural motif for young gay men's well being.
Every drag show I have attended involves stripping, sexual conduct, sexual language and alcohol. Anecdotally, my experience does not comport with your 100% are kid friendly drag shows.

Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
I'm sure when the tennessee cop told you they are targeting "adult shows" you just took his word for it. What do things in the actual bill like " impersonating a man or woman " and being against the "prurient interest " really mean? Who decides what is sexual or "adult" in nature? In reality this law will be used by law enforcement to harass gay bars, arrest guys in skirts, and cancel pride events.

Where did you get this cop told me idea? I read the actual legislative text signed into law. And again, it only applies to public places and has a sexual prurient component that is certainly has some subjectivity in it's enforcement. So in that sense, I would assume it has no application to a private gay bar but it could be used to arrest participants at a pride event, Mardi gras or a Titans game.

Last edited by jjjou812; 03-06-2023 at 01:05 AM.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Agg the left with their " Dont Say Gay bill" and now "kidnap the kids bill"

Lets be honest the state has responsibility to protect a child from harm. They will take child from a abusive parent, they do not kidnap them. They have the power to remove a child in a dangerous situation . They do not kidnap them. If the state passes a law prohibiting an action on a minor and it survives a supreme court ruling than the state has the right to remove that child
This is bit like retorting "all lives matter" to a "black lives matter" protester. Nobody referring to the horrific proposal as "kidnapping" is suggesting it is happening with a white van and candy. Obviously the criticism is that the state might use all your fluffy language about "responsibility to protect a child from harm" to legally remove kids from their families because of the healthcare they are providing to trans children. I actually think it is important that we use dramatic language to shock our senses to what is actually being proposed here and not just hide behind the legalese.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 01:19 AM
. As I responded to Uke, attributing the hyperbole and overstatement of the tweets that you reference when you post these "laws" for discussion is probably unfair. You use enough hyperbole on your own anyways. You are certainly one of our "outrage" posters
I'm not an outrage poster, what are you basing that on? If anything the opposite is true, I have a long history of being very tolerant of free speech and then other snowflakes being outraged at me. Why is "laws" in quotations? When a bill passes through both bodies of the state legislature and then is signed by the governor, it's not a "law", it's a law.
I brought up in my own posts that some of these laws may be declared unconstitutional before you "corrected" me by declaring them unconstitutional even though I already said that.

Just because a law may be declared unconstitutional in the future doesn't make that law not a "law" currently. I would guess that the Tennessee drag ban would survive a constitutional challenge based on the confusing wording of the bill and our conservative supreme court but that is up for debate.

I am not outraged, I'm just calmly stating my opinions and enjoying the discussion.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 01:23 AM
Nothing is beyond dispute, especially when your claims lack any proof.
If you want to debate whether Tennessee has a history of treating minority communities unfairly in policing and in prisons then no one is stopping you. Go ahead
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
i dont think there is a particular difficulty in assuming the "grand plan" in republicans passing laws because they want those laws to be laws.. no one is playing 4d chess here. the states that attempted to pass fetal heartbeat laws and other abortion laws(like the one where you had to have a doctor with hospital admitting privileges at every clinic) prior to dobbs wanted those laws to stay law. they hoped that their laws would get the dobbs treatment at the supreme court. they wanted to end abortion. it's clearly analogous to the anti-trans bills being proposed and/or passed recently
I actually don't know that this is as true. I think a big reason for all the bills in the last few years is because it is politically useful for them, a great wedge to animate the base. They might not actively disagree with those bills, but I don't what is animating the politicians is some deep seated belief that this is the correct thing to do for society, I think it is that it is the best thing for them politically.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
It's a mistake to assume that conservatives or progressives always have a grand, well thought out, multistep plan on issues like transgender rights. Sometimes they do. But often they do not.

On the other hand, it is an even bigger mistake to assume that nothing truly terrible can happen unless there is a grand plan at the outset.
I don't think conservatives have a grand plan on this issue. I think they have an endpoint they want to reach and a willingness to throw stuff against the wall and see what sticks, following the anti-abortion playbook. I believe their desired endpoint is a total ban on gender affirmation surgery, or at least the states having the ability to institute such a ban, and for biological sex assigned at birth to be treated as one's immutable gender.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I actually don't know that this is as true. I think a big reason for all the bills in the last few years is because it is politically useful for them, a great wedge to animate the base. They might not actively disagree with those bills, but I don't what is animating the politicians is some deep seated belief that this is the correct thing to do for society, I think it is that it is the best thing for them politically.
your point isn't mutually exclusive with my point.. the republicans in state houses aren't spending hours drafting these bills on their 30k a year salary.. they are getting them from the heritage foundation or other right wing evilcorp and being paid to submit them verbatim. i dont think most of them outside of the zealots care what it does or doesn't do for society. they have a goal to keep the PAC money coming so they push the bills the PACs give them to push. the goal of the rightwing nutjob think tanks is to get the laws to the right judges that will legislate from the bench.

i'd also clarify that this isn't a rightwing only thing, most of the state legislation is probably done this way.. it's just that when it comes from the left it's like out of state groups pushing marijuana legalization, when it comes from the right it's about oppressing people or installing religious rules on people.

Last edited by Slighted; 03-06-2023 at 03:30 AM.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 06:41 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
i dont think most of them outside of the zealots care what it does or doesn't do for society. they have a goal to keep the PAC money coming so they push the bills the PACs give them to push.
I think they are for the most part genuinely anti-wokeness and anti-identity politics and see transgender people as low-hanging fruit that they can go after because society hasn't agreed to cancel anti-trans sentiment. It's just a matter of whether transpeople are at the top of their list of groups they want to screw.

The bigger picture is that they don't want government to tell them what to do and they don't like it when woke cancel culture can put pressure on them to behave even after they've hamstrung government.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by BDHarrison
I don't think conservatives have a grand plan on this issue. I think they have an endpoint they want to reach and a willingness to throw stuff against the wall and see what sticks, following the anti-abortion playbook. I believe their desired endpoint is a total ban on gender affirmation surgery, or at least the states having the ability to institute such a ban, and for biological sex assigned at birth to be treated as one's immutable gender.
I guess my point is that the mindset of many activists, whether conservative or progressive, is to perpetually push the agenda to the right or to the left, with only a modest amount of thought given to questions like "what is the proper end point?". No matter what the facts on the ground are twenty or thirty years in the future, they will deem the status quo to be an abomination. That's why I said that societies can end up in an extreme place over time, even in the absence of a grand plan.

This is an overgeneralization, of course. Not all activist types are like this, and not all issues lend themselves to this sort of thinking.

This probably reads like I am disdainful of the activist "type," but that isn't really true. They have been integral to many of the most important social movements (abolition of slavery, women's suffrage, civil rights, environmental protection, etc.) in U.S. history.

Last edited by Rococo; 03-06-2023 at 09:44 AM.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I guess my point is that the mindset of many activists, whether conservative or progressive, is to perpetually push the agenda to the right or to the left, with only a modest amount of thought given to questions like "what is the proper end point?"
Conservatives have a much easier time of this because they generally want to make it like (they think) it used to be at some previous point in time. They know what abortion law looked like pre-Roe. They know how LGBT were treated before the 1960s or whenever they think the moral decay of America started.

I do think some progressives have the unrealistic goal of society looking like it would "if everyone thought like me".
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by BDHarrison
Conservatives have a much easier time of this because they generally want to make it like (they think) it used to be at some previous point in time. They know what abortion law looked like pre-Roe. They know how LGBT were treated before the 1960s or whenever they think the moral decay of America started.

I do think some progressives have the unrealistic goal of society looking like it would "if everyone thought like me".
I agree with all of this, but that wasn't really my point. I was noting that, for someone like Pat Buchanan, being regressive is the point. It doesn't matter what the actual facts on the ground are. Any society would be too progressive for him because he defines himself as someone who opposes society as too progressive.

(I don't think I am explaining myself very well. For some reason, I'm having trouble getting the words out on this point.)
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 05:17 PM
the fact that this thread is even a question when a speaker at the conservative convention just said we need to eradicate transgenderism from society and he got loads of cheers is hilarious in general..
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
the fact that this thread is even a question when a speaker at the conservative convention just said we need to eradicate transgenderism from society and he got loads of cheers is hilarious in general..
Yes. Who btw is the designated person who speaks for all liberals?
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Yes. Who btw is the designated person who speaks for all liberals?
so the argument is that a paid speaker at the national conservative convention where the former president and other elected officials spoke is not a fair representative of "conservative values"?
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 06:38 PM
CPAC stopped being a forum for actual conservatives a long time ago.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 06:46 PM
What even is a "true conservative" in 2023?
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
What even is a "true conservative" in 2023?
Maybe that should be its own little thread.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
What even is a "true conservative" in 2023?
Biden Obama Peloso AoC.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
so the argument is that a paid speaker at the national conservative convention where the former president and other elected officials spoke is not a fair representative of "conservative values"?
The only thing that conservatives care about is sticking it to the libs.

If liberals all of a sudden wanted to ban trans people, conservatives would start supporting them.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 07:53 PM
Reminds me of the funniest thing this girl I know said about her brother in law...."he's so lazy if they paid him to drink he wouldn't drink".

Conservatives traditionally thought to be a bunch of corporatist warmongers oppose intervening in Ukraine...because liberals support it.

Opposing the libs is really the only value that unites them. Otherwise it's absurd to act like some speech defines what they believe, just as it would be equally absurd to pretend like AOC speaks for all progressives.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 07:56 PM
I cant believe I'm agreeing with luckbox.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
just as it would be equally absurd to pretend like AOC speaks for all progressives.
erm is this a thing anyone actually says?
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
erm is this a thing anyone actually says?
I said it was an absurd idea, right?
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Reminds me of the funniest thing this girl I know said about her brother in law...."he's so lazy if they paid him to drink he wouldn't drink".

Conservatives traditionally thought to be a bunch of corporatist warmongers oppose intervening in Ukraine...because liberals support it.

Opposing the libs is really the only value that unites them. Otherwise it's absurd to act like some speech defines what they believe, just as it would be equally absurd to pretend like AOC speaks for all progressives.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
03-06-2023 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Conservatives traditionally thought to be a bunch of corporatist warmongers oppose intervening in Ukraine...because liberals support it.

Opposing the libs is really the only value that unites them. Otherwise it's absurd to act like some speech defines what they believe, just as it would be equally absurd to pretend like AOC speaks for all progressives.
i think the maga's only value is attacking the liberals.. i think conservatives simply believe that white hetero christian values are superior to all and that they should be preserved as law of the land..

i also disagree with the last part.. if the progressive caucus paid AOC to speak at an event equivalent to cpac then what she says at that event is quite literally speaking for progressives... not holding groups accountable for the ideas they actively promote through things like this is how you end up with these crazy genocidal speakers to begin with.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
