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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

06-25-2020 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by neverbeclever
FML...that's strong!
U think any of the lefty hippies in here care about lives?
They get hard when counts go up!
You're an idiot.

All the best
06-25-2020 , 07:52 PM
So California cases have been rising for 20+ days, and the death rate isn't going up at all (yet). I know lag and all, but at what point do we start questioning whether this is fake news?
06-25-2020 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer

Do you think whataboutism is the correct answer to my question, Kelhus? And you can't even do that correctly! When someone asked you to show examples of the media saying protests have no health concerns, you couldn't do it. I've posted on this very board that I think the protests will be bad from a COVID perspective. You just can't stop lying! All you can do is rage and rage and rage against the "wokesters" and the "SJWs".

A+ would lol again
he really does make up his own reality. the media has been ripping on these protests since the beginning and has done the very serious concern thing about Covid since the start too. I will admit to watching a few minutes of mainstream morning shows as I make my coffee every morning and every day they were trotting out experts saying how the protests would cause a 2nd wave. maybe I just caught the tv at the right time.
06-26-2020 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
So California cases have been rising for 20+ days, and the death rate isn't going up at all (yet). I know lag and all, but at what point do we start questioning whether this is fake news?
The CA 7 day rolling avg death rate of 63.3 is up 10% from its low 6/8 of 57.4
The CA 14 day rolling avg death rate is almost at all time low (6/13 of 59.5).

But understand that CA never crushed the death rate. The 7 day high was 82.7 on 4/23. The 14 day high was 78.5 on 5/2.

The way we know that this isn't fake news is the positive test rates. The 7 day rolling avg low for +rates was 4% on 5/24 when just about 50,000 people were tested on avg. On 6/17 with 65,000 people tested on avg, it crept up to 4.55%. Today, 10 days later, it is at 5.55% with an avg of 88,500 tested. If CA wasn't getting substantially more Covid cases the positive test rate would be going down when testing substantially more people.

The reason CA hasn't experienced more deaths recently may be due to younger people getting infected paired with the new steroid treatment for people getting critical care (which saves 25% of those who would otherwise die in ICU's). I have heard that overall in the US the mean age getting Covid now is 46. Two months ago it was 65.

It seems that each state is having their own experience. AZ has surpassed their max deaths per day for both 7 day and 14 day rolling avgs. But their overall deaths per capita are far lower than states like NY and NJ. FL is also maxing out on Covid cases but their 14 day avg deaths is near all time lows (though their 7 day avg is 25% over their low). Overall FL has low per capita death rates. TX which is getting hammered right now from a hospitalization standpoint (like AZ) is not doing great from a deaths per day standpoint. They are up 50% from their 7 day avg low. But of all the states I mentioned TX has by far the lowest per capita death rate (about 5%-6% of NY's).

I would have thought that other states would have learned from NY's late shutdown. Which at the time, living in NY, I can tell you we had no idea how bad it was because we weren't doing any testing. What tipped us off was the out of control hospitalizations. Like what is happening in AZ and TX. Its getting worse in FL and GA as well. But for CA today they are at 30% ICU capacity. And I'm guessing people will start wearing masks more in CA as the case numbers and positive test rates keep rising.

I hope people are willing to learn from our mistakes. It seems the Governors of AZ and TX are paying attention now. And CA's governor was early to the party. So I think he will get it right this time around.
06-26-2020 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by harkin
I’m hearing on one hand that we haven’t even peaked yet and on the other hand that we’ve flattened the curve.

It still seems like politics are driving most of the news.

It would be nice to know this trend is reality:

this did not age well
06-26-2020 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
The CA 7 day rolling avg death rate of 63.3 is up 10% from its low 6/8 of 57.4
The CA 14 day rolling avg death rate is almost at all time low (6/13 of 59.5).

But understand that CA never crushed the death rate. The 7 day high was 82.7 on 4/23. The 14 day high was 78.5 on 5/2.

The way we know that this isn't fake news is the positive test rates. The 7 day rolling avg low for +rates was 4% on 5/24 when just about 50,000 people were tested on avg. On 6/17 with 65,000 people tested on avg, it crept up to 4.55%. Today, 10 days later, it is at 5.55% with an avg of 88,500 tested. If CA wasn't getting substantially more Covid cases the positive test rate would be going down when testing substantially more people.

The reason CA hasn't experienced more deaths recently may be due to younger people getting infected paired with the new steroid treatment for people getting critical care (which saves 25% of those who would otherwise die in ICU's). I have heard that overall in the US the mean age getting Covid now is 46. Two months ago it was 65.

It seems that each state is having their own experience. AZ has surpassed their max deaths per day for both 7 day and 14 day rolling avgs. But their overall deaths per capita are far lower than states like NY and NJ. FL is also maxing out on Covid cases but their 14 day avg deaths is near all time lows (though their 7 day avg is 25% over their low). Overall FL has low per capita death rates. TX which is getting hammered right now from a hospitalization standpoint (like AZ) is not doing great from a deaths per day standpoint. They are up 50% from their 7 day avg low. But of all the states I mentioned TX has by far the lowest per capita death rate (about 5%-6% of NY's).

I would have thought that other states would have learned from NY's late shutdown. Which at the time, living in NY, I can tell you we had no idea how bad it was because we weren't doing any testing. What tipped us off was the out of control hospitalizations. Like what is happening in AZ and TX. Its getting worse in FL and GA as well. But for CA today they are at 30% ICU capacity. And I'm guessing people will start wearing masks more in CA as the case numbers and positive test rates keep rising.

I hope people are willing to learn from our mistakes. It seems the Governors of AZ and TX are paying attention now. And CA's governor was early to the party. So I think he will get it right this time around.

A lot of these states are doing much worse than NY. Population density matters a lot.
06-26-2020 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
So California cases have been rising for 20+ days, and the death rate isn't going up at all (yet). I know lag and all, but at what point do we start questioning whether this is fake news?
Linking the sources you question instead of just ambiguously floating the fake news narrative would be a more unbiased approach here, but not as supportive to your agenda.
06-26-2020 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by neverbeclever
FML...that's strong!
U think any of the lefty hippies in here care about lives?
They get hard when counts go up!
U got the hippiest confused with the neolib #resistance
06-26-2020 , 02:11 PM
9000 new cases in Florida? Holy ****ing ****

(it was with ~half as many tests, but the highest daily total New York ever had was ~11.5k)

Texas and Florida order bars to close statewide

And yet, they're still clearly not taking it very seriously:

restaurants [in Texas] will be restricted to 50 percent capacity for dine-in service beginning Monday
lol. You'll make sure that, in four days, restaurants are only seating half the amount of people indoors? gl with that

Ron DeSantis couldn't be reached for comment on his remarks in the below video

06-26-2020 , 02:26 PM
I'm curious if the checkpoints at the florida state line (stopping incoming cars) are still there?
06-26-2020 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by bacalaopeace
A lot of these states are doing much worse than NY. Population density matters a lot.
I think its apples to oranges at this point.

If this was three months ago then yes then they would all be doing worse than NY because they aren't even trying to bend the curve.

But it is three months later and older people are smarter about protecting themselves. And hopefully younger people are considering the older people they may come in contact with.

And there is now at least one effective treatment for critically ill Covid patients. Or at least better than just ventilators.

I also think states are better at protecting nursing home patients. And hospitals are better at protecting their staff.

So its unclear what "worse" means now.

AZ is getting hammered from a deaths standpoint probably because it is an older state and their governor up until yesterday was acting like a Trumpian idiot. But it is not a dense state as you point out, so perhaps that means that the severity of most cases won't be as bad as it was in NY. And now with some of the spread happening outdoors that may also diminish the intensity of the infections/symptoms/death rates.

It will be interesting to see moving forward just how bad it gets deathwise before states shut it down. And by interesting I mean like watching a train wreck.

Still, Republicans have been saying out loud that they are willing to die for the economy. Or at least they are willing to let old people die for the economy. So some of these Republican Governors may just act like the death rates are acceptable - especially if their overall death rates will end up less than NY's. So far this hasn't played well with the public (see Kemp's approval ratings in Georgia) and it looks like Abbot in TX and the AZ Governor may have picked up on that. And they may also try to attribute many of the deaths to non-Covid reasons as is apparently happening in Florida.

I think this is no different than Republicans have acted over the last 40 years or so (since Reagan declared that the government was the problem). From removing regulations that saved lives to allowing coal companies to go bankrupt and not be liable for pensions and health care for their minors. Having a President hire a college roommate to run FEMA and then pretend he's doing a great job when Katrina hit. And perhaps more to the point denying that the climate is changing and overlooking the air pollution that is causing it and the related deaths it causes each year.
06-26-2020 , 04:31 PM
Republicans have been saying out loud that they are willing to die for the economy.
no they are willing to let you and me die for the economy.
06-26-2020 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
I'm curious if the checkpoints at the florida state line (stopping incoming cars) are still there?
I'm not sure. One of my daughters was going to drive down with her friends a little while back--and then just cancelled because of that. Think they were asking people from some states to self-quarantine when they got where they were going--but there wasn't really any follow-up? They just scrapped the idea and went to the beach here.
06-26-2020 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
no they are willing to let you and me die for the economy.
Yes in the draft dodging sense.

But Republicans are actually serving themselves up maskless at indoor Trump events. So there is that.
06-26-2020 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
Yes in the draft dodging sense.

But Republicans are actually serving themselves up maskless at indoor Trump events. So there is that.
oh ya. for sure. but I think those particular republicans, ie the rank and file voting masses, just dont even believe covid is real or they think its the flu. like, look at that guy neverbeclever and look at the bfi covid thread. I dont think those ppl are willing to die, they just dont think its a possibility.

I was referencing the Republican politicians and those with power and other capitalists. And for them it is indeed true that they wont themselves wont die since they have enough money and power to avoid the filthy citizenry and to get the best care at the highest priority.
06-26-2020 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
oh ya. for sure. but I think those particular republicans, ie the rank and file voting masses, just dont even believe covid is real or they think its the flu. like, look at that guy neverbeclever and look at the bfi covid thread. I dont think those ppl are willing to die, they just dont think its a possibility.

I was referencing the Republican politicians and those with power and other capitalists. And for them it is indeed true that they wont themselves wont die since they have enough money and power to avoid the filthy citizenry and to get the best care at the highest priority.
Half of them don't believe it's real, the other half believe sky daddy will shield them from it.
06-26-2020 , 07:39 PM
Does Fox News kill? Studies show Fox viewers more likely to believe conspiracies, less likely to take protective measures and take the pandemic seriously

But those who relied on conservative sources, such as Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, were more likely to believe in conspiracy theories or unfounded rumors, such as the belief that taking vitamin C could prevent infection, that the Chinese government had created the virus, and that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exaggerated the pandemic’s threat “to damage the Trump presidency.”
A working paper posted by the National Bureau of Economic Research in May examined whether these incorrect beliefs affected real-world behavior.

The authors used anonymous location data from millions of cellphones to explore how the popularity of Fox News in a given Zip code related to social distancing practices there. By March 15, they found, a 10 percent increase in Fox News viewership within a Zip code reduced its residents’ propensity to stay home, in compliance with public health guidelines, by about 1.3 percentage points.
06-26-2020 , 08:35 PM
That is kind of cute, but I would question that the dummies out there are only dummies because of Fox News. Most of them would be dummies without any help, and I doubt they would be sewing their own masks without input from Fox News to hate masks.

I would agree that TV news in the US has definitely helped politicize the issue, but I suppose I believe that dummies will always be dummies in the end, so the bulk of their dummy behavior was going to happen anyways, because dummies gonna dummy, though it does not hurt their dummy cause that the country's leader is not just the leader, he is also a member.
06-26-2020 , 10:43 PM
Ive read a study, that CNN readers prefer to stay locked at home till theres a vaccin.
06-27-2020 , 01:27 AM
06-27-2020 , 07:00 AM
He looks better in his darth vader suit
06-27-2020 , 09:56 AM
06-27-2020 , 10:34 AM
Interesting chart. You should compare it to places that also had BLM rallies, but did not have full day cares, bars, restaurants, nightclubs opened and filled with people indoors with no precautions to see the difference. I say that knowing that even when the huge difference is seen (ie there is no equivalent spikes in places that kept those indoor things like bars closed) that it will not make a difference to those who want to believe it was all about the protests. If the BLM protests never happened, it would just be something else to blame, other than the obvious that a ton of people with no masks or any precautions spending hours at a time cramped and indoors do not mix well with pandemics. Some places opened up certain things way too soon. This is the price for those places. Not that complicated.

All the best.
06-27-2020 , 10:57 AM
In your opinion, do Texans go to more bars, churches, and restaurants or protests?
