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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

06-18-2020 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
Why does everything have to be about the two political parties with you?

this is most likely going to be seen as the biggest **** up in history

the economic damage that has been done will not be recovered for a very very very long time

it's not so bad right now but most industries are going to cut and keep cutting until the bleeding stops
Because the science & fact deniers and conspiracy theory traffickers all just happpen to be on the same side, led by their dunce in chief setting the example.
06-18-2020 , 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Because the science & fact deniers and conspiracy theory traffickers all just happpen to be on the same side, led by their dunce in chief setting the example.
taking all information at face value without testing the theory is denying science now?

asking questions and poking holes in a theory is the whole point of science

Have you lost anything due to covid? generally the people that have not been affected feel like you tbh
06-18-2020 , 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
taking all information at face value without testing the theory is denying science now?

asking questions and poking holes in a theory is the whole point of science

Have you lost anything due to covid? generally the people that have not been affected feel like you tbh
What specific claim are you making, and what evidence do you have to back it up? Making wild accusations independently confirmed by you thining about them is not science, no.
06-18-2020 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
if the US stopped hating each other for one second then they could voice their anger at the real culprits WHO/China who have been lying since day 1 changing their story every two days
Ok, let’s agree that this is a Chinese bio weapon which could have been contained if the WHO and China had been honest about it from the beginning.

How does that affect your position on how deadly the virus has been so far and how dangerous it is going forward?

Side question- how would being correctly angry at China help the current situation in the US?
06-18-2020 , 10:13 AM
Today in Canada we will cross the 100,000 mark for cases. A country that has the largest land mass and 32 million people. We are in the top 10 in folks in the hospital and top 15 in all other categories and failed in testing as well. Our two biggest provinces cases are still growing and Quebec has 1/2 our cases and deaths.
We have the worlds loved leader who says all the right things but doesnt do much.

Like the USA we have done a terrible job. Yes Donald Trump closed the border to China other than that he has been a total failure on COVID.

Would Hilary have done better? Nope

The blame lies on China and the fact that we make everything Medical in China.
Who tends to benefit the most from Covid ? China as nothings going to change

If we want to look at a country that had done a great job it was New Zealand .
06-18-2020 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by GTO2.0
Side question- how would being correctly angry at China help the current situation in the US?
The answer to your side question seems kind of obvious - it helps the person he worships politically if people believe that.

The tricky thing though is trying to keep track of all the people/parties who are to blame as that does seem to shift as needed in the moment. China, News Media, Democrats WHO, Fauci, Biden, Antifa, Lizard People. Seems like China is the easy go to button for the most part (like the above poster), but it can vary depending on the messaging from Fox News and such.

I would just ask posters like that if they can give a weekly update of who is to blame, as that would be fun to track. I know Trump will never be the answer, but that is all we can expect from them as the answer at any given time. I mean, if a ton of people get sick from this inane political rally this weekend - is that China's fault as well?
06-18-2020 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
riddle me this

if the infection rates were as you claim them to be without providing any evidence lol

then how come there are such little numbers of cases?

The virus has been around since November and lockdowns did not happen till march

4 to 5 months without anything in place where most models predicted that the humans were going extinct in that time lol
The first case in the US was reported in January I believe.

Given unmitigated spread US would have seen 60% to 70% of their population infected within 6 to 8 months.

But the spread was severely mitigated in March. Even before Governors started shutting down their economies people were already self isolating and socially distancing.

The part about "most models predicted that humans were going extinct in that time" is just nonsense.

Original predictions had death rates of about 2.5%. If 70% of the worlds population did get infected then we would see about 100 million deaths. Out of 7 billion total people.

you guys are on the wrong side of history and no matter how many lies or fake covid deaths you invent it wont change that
Studies are showing that Covid deaths are at least 20% under-reported.

the problem with you clowns is that you have never run a business before so you don't give two ****s about it or are just ignorant
I was an owner of a computer consulting company for 7 years. I also ran my own business as a consultant prior to that for 6 years. I have been a consultant to CBS (self employed) for the past 10 years or so.

My father was a restaurant and bar owner. My wife's family founded a chemical company 2 generations ago.

The best solution to this pandemic isn't either economic shutdown or no mitigation whatsoever. The best solution is a mix of both.

If you look at South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, etc. they are re-opening their economies safely.

And even though NY was late to the party in shutting down at a cost of over 10,000 lives, NY is now going to be a model of how to re-open the economy safely and in a way that gets maximum participation.

I do have concerns about locally run businesses. My family has been ordering food at restaurants including several asian restaurants (my fear was that they were going to be discriminated against due to the President's attempt to rename the virus).

So I am willing to take risks to help ensure local businesses survive this.

also lol@comparing the US to NZ/AUS where they have 1/10th the population and more land mass
lol at cherry picking your data.

Look at South Korea with 20% of our population and much denser geographically.

They have experienced 280 deaths. We in the US have had over 177,000 people die. If South Korea had done what we have done they would have had roughly 44,000 deaths.

Extreme incompetence results in extremely bad results.

The whole point of flattening the curve was so that hospitals do not get overrun but NO HOSPITALS HAVE EVEN CLAIMED TO BE OVERRUN LOL

you know why? because most people already got it and recovered in jan/feb lol
You are obviously trolling.

NY's peak hospitalizations occurred on April 3. The peak 7 day rolling average occurred on April 6 and the peak 14 day rolling avg was on April 11.

NY was extremely close to being overwhelmed from an ICU capacity standpoint. Had Governor Cuomo not shutdown the economy except to essential businesses on March 23 and used the Javitt's convention center for hospitalizations, NYC hospitals would have been overrun.

See this website which shows NY at 100% ICU capacity through the entire month of March.

But the larger point of the only reason to flatten the curve was to prevent hospitals from being overrun, is just wrong.

There are a number of other reasons to flatten the curve:
- Reduce deaths until possible treatments can be developed (as has just happened)
- Limit deaths until a vaccine can be developed.
- Put off the disease until the weather gets warmer to account for the possibility that it won't spread in the summer.
- Reduce the infection rate (R0) to the point where testing has been expanded enough to be able to contact trace and further reduce the disease spread.

the funniest part of is that a lot of families had one member testing positive for the antibodies and their family testing negative - how can something so infectious do that? I thought even being a few meters away from someone was automatic death warrant?

anyways I will revisit this thread in a year and see what you clowns will say then
My understanding is that there are about 50% false positives from the antibody testing.

Some of that may be testing positive for other strains of Coronavirus which occurred years ago.

And it is also possible that with social distancing within the family, depending on the living conditions, could isolate the disease. My daughter came back home from California on about March 19 and we put her in the isolated guest room for 14 days.
06-18-2020 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
What are your thoughts on eugenics?
Guess u had to concede the rest of the post huh?
06-18-2020 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Because the science & fact deniers and conspiracy theory traffickers all just happpen to be on the same side, led by their dunce in chief setting the example.
Now thats a bold statement from somebody belonging to a movement who puts fear into, and restrictions onto, people without any scientific proof WHATSOEVER!
06-18-2020 , 11:58 AM
when 118,000 people confirmed dead becomes "no scientific proof whatsoever", you know you've gone full right wing conspiracy nutjob.
06-18-2020 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
when 118,000 people confirmed dead becomes "no scientific proof whatsoever", you know you've gone full right wing conspiracy nutjob. sorry, but u obviously do not know what u r talking about, let alone what im talking about.
06-18-2020 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
The answer to your side question seems kind of obvious - it helps the person he worships politically if people believe that.

The tricky thing though is trying to keep track of all the people/parties who are to blame as that does seem to shift as needed in the moment. China, News Media, Democrats WHO, Fauci, Biden, Antifa, Lizard People. Seems like China is the easy go to button for the most part (like the above poster), but it can vary depending on the messaging from Fox News and such.

I would just ask posters like that if they can give a weekly update of who is to blame, as that would be fun to track. I know Trump will never be the answer, but that is all we can expect from them as the answer at any given time. I mean, if a ton of people get sick from this inane political rally this weekend - is that China's fault as well?
I think we could easily spin up some conspiracies that include donnie&co in the mix
06-18-2020 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
They have experienced 280 deaths. We in the US have had over 177,000 people die. If South Korea had done what we have done they would have had roughly 44,000 deaths.

Extreme incompetence results in extremely bad results.
Typo. I meant 117,000 deaths in the US to date.

And then the math error. 20% of that would be 23,000 deaths in South Korea if they had done what we did.

As opposed to to the 280 Covid related deaths they have had total in South Korea.
06-18-2020 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by neverbeclever
Originally Posted by neverbeclever
Now thats a bold statement from somebody belonging to a movement who puts fear into, and restrictions onto, people without any scientific proof WHATSOEVER! sorry, but u obviously do not know what u r talking about, let alone what im talking about.
06-18-2020 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
U keep disappointing me.
But dont worry...ill make sure u get it eventually.
06-18-2020 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
I think we could easily spin up some conspiracies that include donnie&co in the mix
I think the stuff that will be written about this moron by those that are currently working for him and supporting him will make any conspiracy idea boring in comparison. This is a rare situation where the reality is kind of crazier than fictional beliefs. Only amusing thing will be to see the long lineup of those who were loyal to him talk about how they were doing it to make sure the country was safe and prevent the orange man from doing anything bad or whatever. Bolton just did it before them, but all of them will turn on the guy once he is gone, particularly if he and his party get destroyed this year. Will be mildly amusing to see what the loyalists here go with at that time.
06-18-2020 , 04:48 PM
What ever happened to that speaker of the house guy... total toadie he was but claimed to be suppressing trump's worst impulses? Retired to live off the ill gotten gains?
06-18-2020 , 08:40 PM
people younger than dinosaurs are testing positive. we'll have more at 11.
06-18-2020 , 09:02 PM
Is there any other country in the world that considers measures like wearing masks to be a "political controversy"?

06-18-2020 , 10:48 PM
If we had a competent federal administration who could have gotten us proper testing (WE ARE STILL NOT THERE OR GETTING CLOSE AND IT IS ALMOST JULY) with track and trace we likely could have avoided 50k deaths so far, and 90% of all Covid deaths moving forward.

So in a years time instead of being at 200,000 deaths, we could have been at 70,000. Yet the President and his administration continue to do nothing.

We should be running through 20 million tests every day. But I guess it is cool if the president only kills 130,000 directly because of HIS neglect.
06-19-2020 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
If we had a competent federal administration who could have gotten us proper testing (WE ARE STILL NOT THERE OR GETTING CLOSE AND IT IS ALMOST JULY) with track and trace we likely could have avoided 50k deaths so far, and 90% of all Covid deaths moving forward.

So in a years time instead of being at 200,000 deaths, we could have been at 70,000. Yet the President and his administration continue to do nothing.

We should be running through 20 million tests every day. But I guess it is cool if the president only kills 130,000 directly because of HIS neglect.
You really, and i mean REALLY, should consider to stop posting.
But feel free to backup this pile of **** u decided to dump in here...please, please do!
06-19-2020 , 09:19 AM
Let's look at it in a smaller way.

How many people do you think will get sick and/or die from the 20,000+ packed indoors (mainly with no masks) this weekend for his rally and the large number of people outside in the "overflow" area packed together as well.

Lot of those people will be from different parts of the country so after this party they will all take whatever they caught and bring it back to their communities.

So, what is your best guess for the illness and death rate from the Trump rally this weekend, and are these the fault of China at this point? Just curious when the China, Fauci, news media, Democrats, Antifa, Lizard People blame reasons run out of steam, or are all of them the ones responsible for this rally? Thanks!

All the best.
06-19-2020 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
If we had a competent federal administration who could have gotten us proper testing (WE ARE STILL NOT THERE OR GETTING CLOSE AND IT IS ALMOST JULY) with track and trace we likely could have avoided 50k deaths so far, and 90% of all Covid deaths moving forward.

So in a years time instead of being at 200,000 deaths, we could have been at 70,000. Yet the President and his administration continue to do nothing.

We should be running through 20 million tests every day. But I guess it is cool if the president only kills 130,000 directly because of HIS neglect.
Were do you suggest getting those tests? You offshored everything to China so the USA and 175 other countries were battling for everything.
Like Canada it was the state/provinces responsibility. Yes it be great if you had better leadership. Though I doubt Hilary would have had more tests. She may have wanted them but it was under her watch all the medical manufacturing was shipped overseas

What baffles me is there is no conversation real that is to bring it back. All of it should be brought back under the NAFTA2
06-19-2020 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Let's look at it in a smaller way.

How many people do you think will get sick and/or die from the 20,000+ packed indoors (mainly with no masks) this weekend for his rally and the large number of people outside in the "overflow" area packed together as well.
Well...i was hoping u could tell me!?
Off course u cant, because nobody can!
Theres no scientific proof any of the preventions work, ZERO!
Sweden as a reference will proof that point.

Statistically however its safe to say that the number of people get sick or die is extremely low. The number of infections however could be substantial higher.

In Holland we had an outside 10k ultra dense packed demonstration, aftermath counted 1 person infected. Which proves the point that governments/institutes/specialist around the world are locking us up...WITHOUT HAVING ANY SCIENTIFIC PROOF!

As far as Tulsa is concerned...lets see what happens!
Real life experiment...pretty sure good number will get tested after.

Oh yeah, and this, if u want to tackle the Sweden im sure u wanted to, the death count consists mainly of the oldest 87+.

Point is: lockdown is not based on any scientific research/proof.
We have only the numbers, which are very much comparable to the flu, like it or not.
06-19-2020 , 11:21 AM
Yeah, I saw your support of Eugenics beliefs in other posts of yours. You should watch the movie "Logans Run" - you will wish it was a documentary.

Thing is - it will be a lot easier to track the incidents related to this event, as that is being watched carefully, and those who get sick and die from it will have a definite starting point from it, kind of similar to situations liek the following:

Now, I get that people of your kind will hand wave this stuff away in the "how do we really know?" reasoning, but there will definitely be within a few weeks some cases and deaths directly linked to people attending this event. My question to you - who's fault will those deaths be? China? Democrats? Lizard People? I assume Trump has zero fault in your world, so curious who's fault they will be at that time, and if you want to toss out a guess as to how many die, go for it - and you can even qualify it with your eugenics belief structure that certain people dying do not count etc.

All the best.
