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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

11-25-2020 , 11:55 AM
its amazing that we still are having very real debates around the country if whether or not the "hype" is real for a disease that has killed 250k people.

a city of 100k people in oklahoma just had their council vote 4-1 against a resolution that would have merely "encouraged" mask use. multiple people in the meeting spoke out against masks saying things like "elitist globalists" and "fear porn" and that they were "standing up for freedoms"..
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-25-2020 , 12:24 PM
The 'free market' at work.

I will be very interested to see how the typical 'free market' supporters take this if it becomes the norm across all airlines which I could quickly see it becoming ...

Qantas CEO says airline will make Covid-19 vaccination COMPULSORY for international travel
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-25-2020 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Ronny Mahoni
No, it wasnt lockdowns never claimed they were. Biggest issue is the ****ing fear-mongering.

Seriously guys Im afraid its too much.
There are people who post a graph showing correlations claiming causality. And think they are they kind of wise person who is allowed to belittle everyone else. Thats kindergarden niveau.

And btw. I wont ever admit Im wrong. Because I never claimed to be right. Im asking questions. But instead of answering them, like Cuppeee who not only has dodged any question I asked him the last couple days, I get called a deliusonal ****** who shouldnt be allowed to even ask questions.

How much are you willing to sacrifice for your health is the quesion.
Have you even ever probably thought about what health is?

This article from 2002 perfectly explains my thoughts perfectly.
Unfortunately its in german, but those who want to read it will find a way to translate Im sure.
Sorry Ronny, but that is on you.

When you put together rambling weird, disjointed non sequitur questions you cannot expect others to decipher them and get you an answer.

Not trying to belittle. That is just a fact.

I looked back at your posts and cannot even guess what you think you asked that i did not answer as your posts are so unclear.

Simply bullet point your questions in clear and concise ways and we will try to address them.

Here I will even help,

Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-25-2020 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
@ Ronny. Wasn't criticisng you in particular. Yes there's no doubt the danger of covid has caused people to avoid hospital even when they could go and probably should go. Only confidence in the systems could prevent this and unfortuantely, in the Uk at least, anyone whoi has confidence in Boris/Hancock & co is an idiot.

In answer to your question:
The answer is 'very very lttle'. It would be more if I had dependents

But to protect the health of others: A lot.
Adding to this, I am now almost 2 years over due on my yearly physical. My bad for not getting it done pre covid and now with Covid I will not go until lineups at the clinics are mostly gone.

Ronny seems to be arguing (and correct us if we are wrong Ronny) that if we let covid rip and simply downplayed the risks to others, people would still go for their check ups and elective surgeries, thus the 'other deaths' might be lower.

He seems to ignore that the result would certainly be that covid deaths would be much higher. i would not be going if there was more covid infection out there but the gov't played it down.

but lets see if he will take the time to elaborate??

Last edited by Cuepee; 11-25-2020 at 12:57 PM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-25-2020 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
The 'free market' at work.

I will be very interested to see how the typical 'free market' supporters take this if it becomes the norm across all airlines which I could quickly see it becoming ...

Qantas CEO says airline will make Covid-19 vaccination COMPULSORY for international travel
I'm a free market guy, and I'm fine with that restriction.

I'm also fine with an airline that has a rule that you can fly with them only if you HAVE NOT taken the vaccine.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-25-2020 , 01:12 PM
So am I but not with them landing. Not in the Uk anyway; and I expect most of the world.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-25-2020 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I'm a free market guy, and I'm fine with that restriction.

I'm also fine with an airline that has a rule that you can fly with them only if you HAVE NOT taken the vaccine.

But would you also be for a airport denying access to the plane with the non vacinated folks? I would
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-25-2020 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I'm a free market guy, and I'm fine with that restriction.

I'm also fine with an airline that has a rule that you can fly with them only if you HAVE NOT taken the vaccine.
I am glad that you are fine with that as i think that is a fine restriction for any business (airline, restaurant, etc) to have too.

That said your second point does not follow the first.

Telling someone they cannot fly if they 'took the vaccine' or 'ate at McDonalds that day', 'or if they went to Church that day' or 'are religious', is not something that should be allowed in a free market context like this.

Do not make the mistake of trying to equivocate between a company 'setting safety standards' that can impact staff safety, jeopardize the airlines ability to operate, and cost them money, to what you say next which would be an arbitrary and meaningless rule for rules sake.

If i tell you cannot 'have went to church' or you cannot 'have got the vaccine shot' if you want to fly with us or dine with us, that is just trying to impose myself on your life choices when such choices have zero impact on my business.

it is the type of intrusions that wrongly lead to a belief that religious organizations should be able to prevent gays from dining in certain establishments and accessing certain services solely for being gay. And we would not want that mistake... would we?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-25-2020 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
But would you also be for a airport denying access to the plane with the non vacinated folks? I would
The airport can also make their own rules (or the city or state wherein the airport resides).
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-25-2020 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I am glad that you are fine with that as i think that is a fine restriction for any business (airline, restaurant, etc) to have too.

That said your second point does not follow the first.

Telling someone they cannot fly if they 'took the vaccine' or 'ate at McDonalds that day', 'or if they went to Church that day' or 'are religious', is not something that should be allowed in a free market context like this.

Do not make the mistake of trying to equivocate between a company 'setting safety standards' that can impact staff safety, jeopardize the airlines ability to operate, and cost them money, to what you say next which would be an arbitrary and meaningless rule for rules sake.

If i tell you cannot 'have went to church' or you cannot 'have got the vaccine shot' if you want to fly with us or dine with us, that is just trying to impose myself on your life choices when such choices have zero impact on my business.

it is the type of intrusions that wrongly lead to a belief that religious organizations should be able to prevent gays from dining in certain establishments and accessing certain services solely for being gay. And we would not want that mistake... would we?
I think a private company can have any stupid rules they want, as long as the stupid rule doesn't violate an actual law of the juristiction (e.g. Public Health or Civil Rights Laws, etc.)
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-25-2020 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I think a private company can have any stupid rules they want, as long as the stupid rule doesn't violate an actual law of the juristiction (e.g. Public Health or Civil Rights Laws, etc.)
I am fine with that too as long as we recognize society can have whatever rules they want too within the bounds they supply service too. So while you can choose to discriminate for any reason you want (blacks not allowed), they can also refuse your business an operating license within their jurisdiction under the same view.

You good with that?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-25-2020 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I am fine with that too as long as we recognize society can have whatever rules they want too within the bounds they supply service too. So while you can choose to discriminate for any reason you want (blacks not allowed), they can also refuse your business an operating license within their jurisdiction under the same view.

You good with that?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-26-2020 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I think a private company can have any stupid rules they want, as long as the stupid rule doesn't violate an actual law of the juristiction (e.g. Public Health or Civil Rights Laws, etc.)
Why do I feel we are getting dangerously close to Roof Roadz here?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-26-2020 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Why do I feel we are getting dangerously close to Roof Roadz here?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-26-2020 , 04:50 PM
Bless the sweet baby Jesus you Americans can now attend Superspreader Church services thanks to the Supreme Court

Lets see if Joel Oosten packs that arena this Sunday unless this only applies to New York?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-26-2020 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Ronny Mahoni
No, it wasnt lockdowns never claimed they were. Biggest issue is the ****ing fear-mongering.

Seriously guys Im afraid its too much.
There are people who post a graph showing correlations claiming causality. And think they are they kind of wise person who is allowed to belittle everyone else. Thats kindergarden niveau.

And btw. I wont ever admit Im wrong. Because I never claimed to be right. Im asking questions. But instead of answering them, like Cuppeee who not only has dodged any question I asked him the last couple days, I get called a deliusonal ****** who shouldnt be allowed to even ask questions.

How much are you willing to sacrifice for your health is the quesion.
Have you even ever probably thought about what health is?

This article from 2002 perfectly explains my thoughts perfectly.
Unfortunately its in german, but those who want to read it will find a way to translate Im sure.
Your health and the health of your close ones is what you got, pretty much literally. Everyone one this forum (afaik) lives in advanced and modern economies which are more than wealthy enough to survive severe economic burdens. There is no need for any of our governments to expect that anyone should sacrifice themselves for the economy (neither that of the state, that of the individual or that of 3rd parties).

Other than that, measures against a pandemic are chosen based on where your country / population are at in relation to the pandemic. If you catch good measures early, the intervention can be relatively small. But since infections can have an exponential growth, the escalation in measures is similarly rapid.

We know from several countries by known that the pandemic is severe enough to force health services into triage if it not controlled. It is a serious disease, when it hits urban areas hard we see increases in death rates comparable to the Spanish Flu, widely regarded as the worst pandemic outbreak in known history. Luckily we have better medicine and better knowledge, so we can impose better measures to curtail that.

Other than that I agree that fear-mongering is not necessary. It's a disease, it has a pattern and should be fought with rationality, medicine and science. Fear-mongering at this point will also really only affect the ones who are are already afraid of the disease, which is just adding on unnecessary stress.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-27-2020 , 09:10 PM
Interesting data from Johns Hopkins:


She explained that the significance of COVID-19 on U.S. deaths can be fully understood only through comparison to the number of total deaths in the United States.

After retrieving data on the CDC website, Briand compiled a graph representing percentages of total deaths per age category from early February to early September, which includes the period from before COVID-19 was detected in the U.S. to after infection rates soared.

Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.

“The reason we have a higher number of reported COVID-19 deaths among older individuals than younger individuals is simply because every day in the U.S. older individuals die in higher numbers than younger individuals,” Briand said.

Briand also noted that 50,000 to 70,000 deaths are seen both before and after COVID-19, indicating that this number of deaths was normal long before COVID-19 emerged. Therefore, according to Briand, not only has COVID-19 had no effect on the percentage of deaths of older people, but it has also not increased the total number of deaths.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-27-2020 , 09:24 PM
Some research showed the article was later retracted due to being used by 3rd parties to mislead the public (which is why you found it on web-archive).
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-27-2020 , 09:29 PM
What the **** is that word salad even saying?

lol npc12345
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-28-2020 , 05:25 AM
that's hilarious.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-01-2020 , 09:18 PM
And the Covid leadership continues!

White House planning a packed season of holiday parties
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-01-2020 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
And the Covid leadership continues!

White House planning a packed season of holiday parties
good for them. Andrew, Gavin, mayor of Denver, etc see to be on board.

Rules for thee....
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-01-2020 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
good for them. Andrew, Gavin, mayor of Denver, etc see to be on board.

Rules for thee....
No, it isn't good for anyone. Neither is the mayor of Denver's idiotic actions.

In times like these it is very important for people in charge to be good examples. When they aren't, we end up with silly exchanges like this one and a public that might often feel ignoring recommendations is okay.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-02-2020 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
No, it isn't good for anyone. Neither is the mayor of Denver's idiotic actions.

In times like these it is very important for people in charge to be good examples. When they aren't, we end up with silly exchanges like this one and a public that might often feel ignoring recommendations is okay.

I think all these mayors and governors hurt the message more than Trump. Everyone knows it is Trump and expect it. When you have all these democrat politicians ignoring their own rules it is worse. Heck we had 3 more Californian politicians including the Mayor of San Fran ignoring their own protocols
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
12-03-2020 , 12:55 AM

The most deaths in a day just happened. But new cases look to have plateaued.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
