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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

11-21-2020 , 04:00 PM
should have added a bad.

However, you are still responsible for your post's content......
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-21-2020 , 04:07 PM
Maybe we will end up getting to herd immunity. 198k new cases yesterday. With a little over a 2% death rate, about 4000 people just received death sentences.

During the actual lockdown period when people were freaking out, we peaked at around 35k new cases per day. Death rate was higher due to lack of understanding of the disease but people seem pretty non-chalant about the whole thing. "It is what it is" is the phrase going around now.

I feel like the country has really changed. That's not a very American attitude to have. First we have the overly partisan nature of our politics and now this strangely passive response to mass death.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-21-2020 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
should have added a bad.

However, you are still responsible for your post's content......
Thanks. I shall take full responsibility for my posts, as always.

1. Covid is very real and very deadly. The government and each person are responsible for acting responsibility to help prevent the spread.

2. According to the CDC's own numbers, only 6% of Covid deaths are unambiguously by Covid alone.

3. It seems like the actual Covid deaths are inflated by at least 300%

4. The vast majority of deaths are among the elderly.

5. I don't claim to know how to deal with Covid, but certainly scaring people into submission isn't the answer.

6. My governor here in Cali doesn't seem to personally fear Covid. Nor fine French cuisine shared with lobbyists.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-21-2020 , 04:59 PM
Well, I guess ask yourself this. If Covid kills people with other conditions by causing a reaction due to those other conditions - what do you consider the death to be based on? I mean - nearly all of those cases they would not have died without Covid contributing, so I guess it depends where you want to rationalize your beliefs.

As for the french dinner thing - not sure what to say - get over it and stop using it as a justification for anything. If he gets hurt politically for it - that is completely fair, but if he did that then that is a mistake by him. The two wrongs make a right approach of your reasoning is just whining, but you know that.

As for the scaring people - that is a tricky thing, because being realistic about it is not a bad thing, and in theory anything is considered "scaring" compared to Trump and his approach which was pretend it does not exist and wearing a mask is a violation of liberties. I still wonder how they would react when people arrive in church with no pants claiming the same need for freedom. Perhaps you can offer some insight on that.

All the best.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-21-2020 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
Maybe we will end up getting to herd immunity. 198k new cases yesterday. With a little over a 2% death rate, about 4000 people just received death sentences.

During the actual lockdown period when people were freaking out, we peaked at around 35k new cases per day. Death rate was higher due to lack of understanding of the disease but people seem pretty non-chalant about the whole thing. "It is what it is" is the phrase going around now.

I feel like the country has really changed. That's not a very American attitude to have. First we have the overly partisan nature of our politics and now this strangely passive response to mass death.
Yeah way back 9/11 happened and 3000 folks were killed and trillions spent and still spending on that. That brought all Americans together
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-21-2020 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Well, I guess ask yourself this. If Covid kills people with other conditions by causing a reaction due to those other conditions - what do you consider the death to be based on? I mean - nearly all of those cases they would not have died without Covid contributing, so I guess it depends where you want to rationalize your beliefs.

As for the french dinner thing - not sure what to say - get over it and stop using it as a justification for anything. If he gets hurt politically for it - that is completely fair, but if he did that then that is a mistake by him. The two wrongs make a right approach of your reasoning is just whining, but you know that.

As for the scaring people - that is a tricky thing, because being realistic about it is not a bad thing, and in theory anything is considered "scaring" compared to Trump and his approach which was pretend it does not exist and wearing a mask is a violation of liberties. I still wonder how they would react when people arrive in church with no pants claiming the same need for freedom. Perhaps you can offer some insight on that.

All the best.
I confess that my digs at Newsom are for entertainment purposes.

The practice of counting Covid fatalities seems to be that if sometimes dies, and that person tested positive for Covid, and there are several other possible causes of death, then it is officially recorded as a Covid death. Am I mistaken?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-21-2020 , 05:41 PM
Pretty sure you are mistaken. Also, a ton of unreported deaths and cases happened early on as well. The simplest way to look at the likely effect of Covid in terms of deaths is how many extra deaths happened this year vs how many should have happened. Keep in mind that some areas (car accidents, travel related and such) are likely much lower while others (suicide) might be higher.

I think the number of excess deaths is coming in at 300,000-500,000 for the USA#1 for 2020, so I guess you can decide what portion of that is due to Covid and what is due to eating spoiled French food.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-21-2020 , 05:54 PM
I find it a little tough to believe anyone's ever let any creme brulee sit around long enough to go bad
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-22-2020 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I confess that my digs at Newsom are for entertainment purposes.

The practice of counting Covid fatalities seems to be that if sometimes dies, and that person tested positive for Covid, and there are several other possible causes of death, then it is officially recorded as a Covid death. Am I mistaken?
Yes, you are mistaken.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-22-2020 , 01:20 AM
lagtight prob thinks AIDS never killed anyone either
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-22-2020 , 02:01 AM
To give a more serious reply, medicine operates with the terms morbidity, co-morbidity and mortality. Morbidity refers to a state of unhealth, as a result of disease. Co-morbidity refers to multiple such states all contributing to an overall state of unhealth. Mortality refers to an overall death-rate in a population, or death-rate as a result of some specific phenomena (for example a particular disease or particular morbidity).

How to establish cause of death is an important topic in pathology, especially in patients who had comorbidity. It is not taken lightly, because the field of medicine and treatment research actually relies on this knowledge (if a patient has co-morbidities, you need to know which treatment to prioritize or if you can prioritize). Similarly, the relationship between a disease, its morbidity and mortality is an important part of statistical analysis in medicine.

To just flippantly suggest that cause of death is just jotted down as always choosing one particular disease is absurd and insulting to the millions of health professionals who are now tackling a world-wide pandemic and risking their own lives in the process.

Last edited by tame_deuces; 11-22-2020 at 02:08 AM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-22-2020 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
lagtight prob thinks AIDS never killed anyone either
Didn't the big man send that to punish us for the gays?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-22-2020 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by SiMor29
and they probably count certain deaths as only 3/5th's of a death.
Just as Trump is trying to get each POC vote to count as 3/5th of a vote by excluding mass numbers of them.

Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-22-2020 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
The practice of counting Covid fatalities seems to be that if sometimes dies, and that person tested positive for Covid, and there are several other possible causes of death, then it is officially recorded as a Covid death. Am I mistaken?
"Yes, you are mistaken", says Queen Spew, PhD in immunology.

My problem is that you (lagtight) might see that others in this thread agree with me (including the use of actual science)....... and you will SAY that you "see and understand" _______ but you will not stop spouting out the nonsense about too many FAKE reports of C19 deaths.

Try this on for size,,,,,, many believe that C19 deaths are UNDER-reported.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-22-2020 , 01:34 PM
It is almost certainly undercounted.

When examining the year over year death stats in most jurisdictions that have shown them, there is a significant amount more deaths outside the margin of error or norm.

One could just assume that is a coincidence across many jurisdictions in many countries during the time of covid or one could assume Covid is having an impact often undiagnosed or not yet understood and these numbers will rightly be adjusted upwards in the months and years to come as these type of data adjustments are made later.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-22-2020 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
Try this on for size, many (people) believe C19 deaths are UNDER-reported.
Absolutely they are under-reported.

The redder, the dumber, the poorer a state is, the bigger the under-reporting is.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-22-2020 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
lagtight prob thinks AIDS never killed anyone either

I already acknowledged that Covid kills a lot of people.

Please try to pay attention. Thanking you in advance.

Just for record, AIDS kills a lot of people too.

One more thing: I love you, Goofy!
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-22-2020 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
To give a more serious reply, medicine operates with the terms morbidity, co-morbidity and mortality. Morbidity refers to a state of unhealth, as a result of disease. Co-morbidity refers to multiple such states all contributing to an overall state of unhealth. Mortality refers to an overall death-rate in a population, or death-rate as a result of some specific phenomena (for example a particular disease or particular morbidity).

How to establish cause of death is an important topic in pathology, especially in patients who had comorbidity. It is not taken lightly, because the field of medicine and treatment research actually relies on this knowledge (if a patient has co-morbidities, you need to know which treatment to prioritize or if you can prioritize). Similarly, the relationship between a disease, its morbidity and mortality is an important part of statistical analysis in medicine.

To just flippantly suggest that cause of death is just jotted down as always choosing one particular disease is absurd and insulting to the millions of health professionals who are now tackling a world-wide pandemic and risking their own lives in the process.
Thank you for the detailed response.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-22-2020 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Didn't the big man send that to punish us for the gays?
I don't know.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-22-2020 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
"Yes, you are mistaken", says Queen Spew, PhD in immunology.

My problem is that you (lagtight) might see that others in this thread agree with me (including the use of actual science)....... and you will SAY that you "see and understand" _______ but you will not stop spouting out the nonsense about too many FAKE reports of C19 deaths.

Try this on for size,,,,,, many believe that C19 deaths are UNDER-reported.
Thanks for helping me understand the Covid situation better.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-23-2020 , 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
I think the number of excess deaths is coming in at 300,000-500,000 for the USA#1 for 2020, so I guess you can decide what portion of that is due to Covid and what is due to eating spoiled French food.
Adding to this point, here is some data from the uk where excess deaths > COVID deaths also.

So not only do covid death count sceptics have to explain a total excess death count belonging to something other than COVID, they also need to explain why they happen to have occurred at a time when the virus was prominent in society, dropped drastically when COVID cases dropped and are now reappearing as a 2nd wave hits.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-23-2020 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by NicReynolds
Adding to this point, here is some data from the uk where excess deaths > COVID deaths also.

So not only do covid death count sceptics have to explain a total excess death count belonging to something other than COVID, they also need to explain why they happen to have occurred at a time when the virus was prominent in society, dropped drastically when COVID cases dropped and are now reappearing as a 2nd wave hits.
That’s easy dude. It’s because lockdowns and economic damage associated with them cause deaths. The explanation is built in to the argument. Brilliant!!
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-23-2020 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
OK, I need to share this as the Monday morning laugh.

It is part of an ongoing attempt to suggest covid is really no different than other risks that take lives so why focus on covid. FLOL.

I hope it gives you a laugh too.
But you left out a good portion of his post. Comparing Covid to obesity seems to be a stretch but what he states about Obesity does have some Merit. Poverty also has a direct influence on Obesity. I am not sure what he is overall getting at though

OBESITY AND MORTALITY. According to the National Institutes of Health, obesity and overweight together are the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States, close behind tobacco use (3). An estimated 300,000 deaths per year are due to the obesity epidemic (57).
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-23-2020 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
But you left out a good portion of his post. Comparing Covid to obesity seems to be a stretch but what he states about Obesity does have some Merit. Poverty also has a direct influence on Obesity. I am not sure what he is overall getting at though
I fundamentally reject the 'leave the pedophile next door alone, because sugar kills more kids' equivocation arguments as complete garbage on their face.

They are unworthy of being addressed and either purposely mischievous arguments or the arguments of the total uniformed and idiotic.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
11-23-2020 , 01:44 PM
Please don't quote exiled posters or bring their name as part of an argument into the forum. For one they are exiled, secondly it's bad form to bring claims into a forum where the originator can't respond.

Something ala "I saw this argument elsewhere and it was X" is okay.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
