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The costs of trans visibility The costs of trans visibility

08-03-2023 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
We are trying to avoid a difficult question.
Societal problems in a nutshell.

A few hundred posts ago someone made the claim that nobody tries to be transgender, they just ARE transgender.

Nobody tries to be bipolar, they just are bipolar. It's not any less of a mental illness.

But the more apt comparison is OCD.

There are a lot of people who claim to be OCD because of some weird quirk they have. Then there are people who actually have OCD. The people in the second group generally hate those in the first because they're just posers who have no goddamned clue what it's really like.

There probably are some people who legit suffer from whatever mental/chemical malfunction results in being "transgender" but for every one of those, there seems to be a ton of people who are just trying to be part of the club. The struggles of one group are downplayed by society because of the actions of the other.

The attention-seeking behavior grates on a lot of people, and then you end up with what we have today.
08-03-2023 , 01:53 PM
You're not even American and you're going on and on with this absolute nonsense about trans issues in America? Holy **** **** off, my god this is the most ******ed ****ing ****.
08-03-2023 , 02:16 PM
Sadly, Canadians like him are bringing US culture wars north of the border.

Although, that's not totally accurate - belief systems like his aren't unique to the US. But the recent trend of being more public with their grievances and turning it into an all-out culture war does seem to have been more of an American phenomenon that is spreading here. Trump-style populism accelerated the process there, and I think Covid brain-breaking did it here.
08-03-2023 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Sadly, Canadians like him are bringing US culture wars north of the border.

Although, that's not totally accurate - belief systems like his aren't unique to the US. But the recent trend of being more public with their grievances and turning it into an all-out culture war does seem to have been more of an American phenomenon that is spreading here. Trump-style populism accelerated the process there, and I think Covid mind-breaking did it here.
I'd actually contend we both share the belief that just because you claim to be a woman doesn't mean you should be legally afforded everything a female is. The fake culture war was upheld by the state controlling the narrative on twitter and facebook. Part of it making people believe that a trans woman must legally be considered a woman and that there is no definition that distinguishes the two...

but nobody here seems to be willing to argue for that anyways.
08-03-2023 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Sadly, Canadians like him are bringing US culture wars north of the border.

Although, that's not totally accurate - belief systems like his aren't unique to the US. But the recent trend of being more public with their grievances and turning it into an all-out culture war does seem to have been more of an American phenomenon that is spreading here. Trump-style populism accelerated the process there, and I think Covid brain-breaking did it here.
A friend of mine who lives in Canada and is somewhat lefty, agreed with the covid procedures and so forth had an absolute outrage over the bank seizures of the trucking protest. I don't know the legitimacy of that story but he was different from there on.
08-03-2023 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton

but I am looking for anyone to answer why a male, that identifies as a girl/woman, would think they have right to play in female sports and not male sports.
In Britain, due to research on the subject, they can't compete in women's rugby, swimming, cycling, or now (just today) rowing.
08-03-2023 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
We want to generalize it.

We are asking why someone that identifies with a gender that is not their sex, should be legally afforded the social rights of that gender.

For a male to say "I identify as a woman, therefore I should be constitutionally protected to do things that a woman does. Therefore I should be protected to participate in female only sports competitions."
There's one word you overuse/use incorrectly more than "strawman" - it's "we". The word you're looking for in the spots highlighted above is "I". Unless there's some group you've nominated yourself as spokesperson for?

Originally Posted by jbouton
Its like Lia thomas saying 'oh i thought you were dividing swimmers by those that wear make up and those that don't'.

You are a male, swim with the males, and then walk around and tell people ur a woman, thats fine.

Why does claiming he's a woman, grant him the rights to participate in a sport that we clearly meant to filter out the males from?
I'm not sure who you think you're arguing against with this. You keep going on about people avoiding questions, and coming back to this issue. I'd think this would be pretty obvious by now, but here you go, again:

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
You should look up some of the past threads on this topic, where the athlete discussion has been had ad nauseum. I think you'll find that most of us agree there is a line where there needs to be rules around the admissibility of transgender athletes, and there are in many sports. The main point of disagreement was simply when that should be - right from day one, some time in K-12, college, professional leagues/Olympics...

One of those threads might be a better place for your questions, once you see what's already been covered.
And uke shared his thoughts on it:

Originally Posted by uke_master
The reason I'd advocate that for youth school sports in general we should be inclusive of trans people is because trans girls may feel more comfortable playing on a team with their friends and get all the benefits of camaraderie and teamwork and physical fitness with that experience that they might not feel comfortable getting playing on a boys team when they don't identify as a boy. You don't have to agree with that, but this whole sort of faux-confused "change with the penis people" bit is tiresome.
uke and I are on the same page on this, and I think many others are as well, with some disagreement as to just where the line is when distinctions need to be made.

That's not to say everyone is in agreement; far from it. But if you're looking for some big group to argue with and tell you that transgender men should be allowed to compete in male sports at the very highest levels of competition, I don't think you'll find it here. In fact, I don't know if any single person has argued in favour of this. But as I said, there are a couple of threads dedicated to this very topic.

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Well, it's kind of hard for him to let go of the word, because his posting all seems to be tied into some grand theory of "Marxism" where the state is trying to use transgender rights and Indigenous education and who knows what else to divide us. Something Q taught him, maybe.
08-03-2023 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
There's one word you overuse/use incorrectly more than "strawman" - it's "we". The word you're looking for in the spots highlighted above is "I". Unless there's some group you've nominated yourself as spokesperson for?

I'm not sure who you think you're arguing against with this. You keep going on about people avoiding questions, and coming back to this issue. I'd think this would be pretty obvious by now, but here you go, again:

And uke shared his thoughts on it:

uke and I are on the same page on this, and I think many others are as well, with some disagreement as to just where the line is when distinctions need to be made.

That's not to say everyone is in agreement; far from it. But if you're looking for some big group to argue with and tell you that transgender men should be allowed to compete in male sports at the very highest levels of competition, I don't think you'll find it here. In fact, I don't know if any single person has argued in favour of this. But as I said, there are a couple of threads dedicated to this very topic.

Well, it's kind of hard for him to let go of the word, because his posting all seems to be tied into some grand theory of "Marxism" where the state is trying to use transgender rights and Indigenous education and who knows what else to divide us. Something Q taught him, maybe.
I think it could go as far as high school Intramurals though once a school team competes against another school than it should not. I know we had a track day in Junior High and I am not sure you handle that
08-03-2023 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Sadly, Canadians like him are bringing US culture wars north of the border.

Although, that's not totally accurate - belief systems like his aren't unique to the US. But the recent trend of being more public with their grievances and turning it into an all-out culture war does seem to have been more of an American phenomenon that is spreading here. Trump-style populism accelerated the process there, and I think Covid brain-breaking did it here.

Yeah I always though of Canada as like America only a lot more sane, eh. It's just crazy seeing a Canadian going on and on aboot this in America and on and on aboot that in America when it has absolutely zero effect on them, eh.
08-03-2023 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Yeah I always though of Canada as like America only a lot more sane, eh. It's just crazy seeing a Canadian going on and on aboot this in America and on and on aboot that in America when it has absolutely zero effect on them, eh.
When America sneezes Canada catches a cold. You have a huge effect on this country
08-03-2023 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett

uke and I are on the same page on this, and I think many others are as well, with some disagreement as to just where the line is when distinctions need to be made.

That's not to say everyone is in agreement; far from it. But if you're looking for some big group to argue with and tell you that transgender men should be allowed to compete in male sports at the very highest levels of competition, I don't think you'll find it here. In fact, I don't know if any single person has argued in favour of this. But as I said, there are a couple of threads dedicated to this very topic.
I've expressed repeatedly you are strawmanning and failing to address the question/point. Its telling.

I am asking why would ever feel that someone identifying as woman would get legally afforded the social rights of a female?

Well, it's kind of hard for him to let go of the word, because his posting all seems to be tied into some grand theory of "Marxism" where the state is trying to use transgender rights and Indigenous education and who knows what else to divide us..
I offered to replace the word with the definition. I use my own definition in this regard. Ur caught on the word.

Something Q taught him, maybe
Ur afraid of sincerity.

Originally Posted by lozen
I think it could go as far as high school Intramurals though once a school team competes against another school than it should not. I know we had a track day in Junior High and I am not sure you handle that
You are simply saying effectively 'at the time we separate boys and and girls in sports' because of bodies. Same with Uke saying we want to keep trans boys with their boy peers because they would feel comfortable that way. How is that different than failing to make the team your friends made?
08-03-2023 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by bobo fett
grand theory of "Marxism" where the state is trying to use transgender rights and Indigenous education and who knows what else to divide us
special priveleage for special groups is anti thetical to the nature and intention of the constitutional framework of the US. That you mock people that would point this out is simply an expression of ignorance on the subject of freedoms and the nature and role of the frameworks that were created to defend them.
08-03-2023 , 05:19 PM
How exactly is anyone "legally afforded the social rights of a female"?

Are there actually any laws about who can be part of a women's swim team? Or who can use a particular restroom?

I have never heard of laws about either of these things. Who is allowed to do those things seems to be determined by the people in charge of organizing the swim league or owning/operating the restrooms.
08-03-2023 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
How exactly is anyone "legally afforded the social rights of a female"?

Are there actually any laws about who can be part of a women's swim team? Or who can use a particular restroom?

I have never heard of laws about either of these things. Who is allowed to do those things seems to be determined by the people in charge of organizing the swim league or owning/operating the restrooms.
Thats how I'm trying to use language to describe something. Uke is asking what I mean as well.

Its not legal, but when you claim you are discriminated against because ur trans, then you are trying to invoke the constitution. So something that is generally a socially set rule, ie etiquette becomes constitutionally enforceable.

Thats what happens, for example the swimming pool will say 'this is part of your charter of freedoms and rights' ie that one would use the change room they identify with.
08-03-2023 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
You have a huge effect on this country

I .. had no idea I was so powerful. You are now a Eugenia Cooney fan, eh!

08-03-2023 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
How exactly is anyone "legally afforded the social rights of a female"?

Are there actually any laws about who can be part of a women's swim team? Or who can use a particular restroom?

I have never heard of laws about either of these things. Who is allowed to do those things seems to be determined by the people in charge of organizing the swim league or owning/operating the restrooms.

The answer is dogs! Here is Eugenia's dog, Buzz!

08-03-2023 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
I am asking why would ever feel that someone identifying as woman would get legally afforded the social rights of a female?
You keep using this phrasing but I don't think it makes any sense. There are legal rights, things granted by constitutions and written into laws etc. And there are social and cultural conventions and practices that are not in laws. But I have no idea what "legally afforded social rights" even are. Can you be super explicit about what precisely you mean?
08-03-2023 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
I've expressed repeatedly you are strawmanning and failing to address the question/point. Its telling.

I am asking why would ever feel that someone identifying as woman would get legally afforded the social rights of a female?
You're being told, repeatedly, that this is a nonsensical question. Legality is an entirely different concept from societal norms. Every topic you are talking about - sports, bathrooms etc - is governed by societal norms, not legality. There is no requirement for there to be absolutes in the way these situations are handled. Believing that someone identifying as a female should be treated as a woman in the vast majority of social situations but that there are some specific exceptions (e.g. high level sports) is a perfectly logical opinion to hold.

There are some situations where gender is relevant that are actually matters of legality (the one that immediately jumps to mind is placement in prison) and in those then a simple declaration of identifying as a specific gender likely shouldn't be sufficient to treated as that gender. These situations are very much the exception rather than the rule in day-to-day life though.

And just because it has been bugging me, talking about bathrooms is by far the dumbest argument imaginable when it comes to situations in which a trans person shouldn't be able to act as the gender they identify as. It should be trivially obvious why attempting to force people to use the bathroom of the gender they were assigned at birth would cause vastly more problems than allowing people to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with.
08-03-2023 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
You keep using this phrasing but I don't think it makes any sense. There are legal rights, things granted by constitutions and written into laws etc. And there are social and cultural conventions and practices that are not in laws. But I have no idea what "legally afforded social rights" even are. Can you be super explicit about what precisely you mean?
I'm inventing a phrase...I will try to be explicit....

I'm saying a certain class of people wants to invoke the constitution to grant them rights, that are usually only otherwise socially granted (ie they aren't generally legally protected). I don't think thats a good thing, or a good thing to let happen.
08-03-2023 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
You keep using this phrasing but I don't think it makes any sense. There are legal rights, things granted by constitutions and written into laws etc. And there are social and cultural conventions and practices that are not in laws. But I have no idea what "legally afforded social rights" even are. Can you be super explicit about what precisely you mean?

Men are trying to pass as dogs so they can go up and sniff women's butts and it be socially acceptable.
08-03-2023 , 05:43 PM
jbouton you're a programmer, huh? You keep mentioning things like classes and inheritance. I think you should stick to java or whatever languages you **** around with

Last edited by LirvA; 08-03-2023 at 05:44 PM. Reason: Oh, you're inventing something, alright, eh.
08-03-2023 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Willd
You're being told, repeatedly, that this is a nonsensical question. Legality is an entirely different concept from societal norms. Every topic you are talking about - sports, bathrooms etc - is governed by societal norms, not legality. There is no requirement for there to be absolutes in the way these situations are handled. Believing that someone identifying as a female should be treated as a woman in the vast majority of social situations but that there are some specific exceptions (e.g. high level sports) is a perfectly logical opinion to hold.

There are some situations where gender is relevant that are actually matters of legality (the one that immediately jumps to mind is placement in prison) and in those then a simple declaration of identifying as a specific gender likely shouldn't be sufficient to treated as that gender. These situations are very much the exception rather than the rule in day-to-day life though.
Yes. Simply put, identifying as a woman, shouldn't necessarily grant you all the things being a female would.

And just because it has been bugging me, talking about bathrooms is by far the dumbest argument imaginable when it comes to situations in which a trans person shouldn't be able to act as the gender they identify as. It should be trivially obvious why attempting to force people to use the bathroom of the gender they were assigned at birth would cause vastly more problems than allowing people to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with.
Its not obvious to me can you put it in words?

But sports for sure its far less obvious. If we mean to separate by body types, why would we make gender identity based distinctions at all?
08-03-2023 , 05:52 PM
Do poker players remember to use poker as an example (of a sport)?
08-03-2023 , 05:54 PM
Of course, Greg Raymer is an amazing athlete!
08-03-2023 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
I'm inventing a phrase...I will try to be explicit....

I'm saying a certain class of people wants to invoke the constitution to grant them rights, that are usually only otherwise socially granted (ie they aren't generally legally protected). I don't think thats a good thing, or a good thing to let happen.
This is weird. Constitutions are there to protect people and have things like the equal protection clause that protects all kinds of minority groups over history. That should be a laudable thing. But this doesn't even make sense because the group that is about making enforceable laws out of cultural conventions are the republicans! They are the ones trying to put in bathroom bans and the like and using the power of law to enforce their social views. It's a bit stupid to be mad about this, but if you are mad about it you are mad at the wrong side.
