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07-23-2022 , 04:44 PM
A massive job to turn that into decent housing. And still just scratching at the surface of the problem
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07-23-2022 , 06:27 PM
British Politics Quote
07-23-2022 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
Honestly can't be sure who will be more disappointed when Labour win the next general election, the Tories or the Corbynistas .
British Politics Quote
07-23-2022 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
A massive job to turn that into decent housing. And still just scratching at the surface of the problem
As I hinted, part of the problem is people expecting to be able to buy somewhere because their lucky parents were able to.

Low wages and the wealth disparity between the top and bottom of company workers is a much bigger problem imo.
British Politics Quote
07-23-2022 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
These are argumenst like we can make the NHS work by saving on waste. It's fools gold.
The NHS probably wastes more money yearly than the GDP of several small countries, but yeah, let's ignore that
British Politics Quote
07-24-2022 , 04:12 AM
Where’s your evidence for that?
British Politics Quote
07-24-2022 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Where’s your evidence for that?
haha, it's been an alt right issue for ages. The NHS is such a money sink that they're now willing to give it up in favour of paying 100k for an operation just to stick it to the wokesters.
British Politics Quote
07-24-2022 , 09:36 AM
Not that they can afford 100k for an operation of course, but when they can't they'll blame it on wokester doctors and labour.
British Politics Quote
07-24-2022 , 01:12 PM
The NHS not lasting the decade is my biggest fear. I can't prove it of course but I just had a bad feeling that if Boris hadn't ****ed up and won the next general election in 2024 selling off the NHS would be his next big push.

It's still something that worries me about the next Tory leader as well.
British Politics Quote
07-24-2022 , 02:00 PM
It's already started. Many GP services are run by US companies.
British Politics Quote
07-24-2022 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
The NHS probably wastes more money yearly than the GDP of several small countries, but yeah, let's ignore that
The natural wastage in an organisation with a £150bn annual budget is inevitably going to be large. Nevertheless British people pay half as much as the Americans per head per annum for healthcare and, on the whole, enjoy far better coverage and protection. (And, while recovering after a heart op, you don't suddenly get a $100,000 uninsurable bill because it turns out the anaesthetist's private practice group was 'off net' and had no agreement with your health insurance company, and in the US there is no legal obligation on practitioners to inform patients in advance about off-net liabilities.)
British Politics Quote
07-24-2022 , 02:32 PM
British Politics Quote
07-24-2022 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by J.E.C
The NHS not lasting the decade is my biggest fear. I can't prove it of course but I just had a bad feeling that if Boris hadn't ****ed up and won the next general election in 2024 selling off the NHS would be his next big push.

It's still something that worries me about the next Tory leader as well.
The NHS is already ****ed. The right sacrificed it long ago.
British Politics Quote
07-24-2022 , 04:55 PM
But hey, at least they got to stick it to the wokesters!
British Politics Quote
07-24-2022 , 05:51 PM
Truss saying she'll send more migrants to Africa.

National ****ing Front.
British Politics Quote
07-25-2022 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Maybe 7% IRs would turn out to be a good thing in the long run.

Its hard, probably impossible, to correct a market without some pain for someone somewhere.
From a cold account POV, I probably agree. When you look at the numbers, a drop in house prices probably helps more people as it hurts.

The hurt of losing your house is undeniably magnitudes higher than the help of getting your own house though.
British Politics Quote
07-25-2022 , 01:28 AM
I've had first person experience of the market this year - bought a house with the missus, and am in the process of selling my house.

When I sold my house I had 3 offers in excess of the asking price. Two from investors, one from a FTB. Obviously accepted the FTB.

Investors are really a problem. The houses either side of mine are currently owned by investors, and are perfect FTB properties. The government should really be taxing the **** out of investors to free up the masses of housing stock

As far as buying goes we were looking for nearly 2 years. Ended up thinking outside the box and found an area we felt was undervalued, and bought a house in January.

Turns out we were right.

British Politics Quote
07-25-2022 , 04:56 AM
This is a pretty nice essay on dominance and prestige in status seeking:

Caesar vs. Dominance-Oriented Status Seekers

Caesar is saying all men are hungry, either for food, entertainment (“he loves no plays…he hears no music”), or power. If prosperous men aren’t tempted by food and entertainment, then they crave power. Thus, prosperous men who are lean are dangerous.
Boris should probably have thought about this before promoting Sunak.
British Politics Quote
07-25-2022 , 07:45 AM
Analogy fails because there was no Brutus in Johnson's government, without whom Caesar's assassination wouldn't have happened.
British Politics Quote
07-25-2022 , 12:15 PM
British Politics Quote
07-25-2022 , 03:12 PM
British Politics Quote
07-26-2022 , 07:17 AM
Truss is seen as having outperformed Sunak on every issue covered in the debate, according to Tory members

Ukraine: +44 Truss lead
Cost of living: +21
Levelling up: +21
Winning an election: +13
Boris Johnson: +11
Taxation: +9
Environment: +6
Brexit: +4
British Politics Quote
07-26-2022 , 08:14 AM
I didn't watch it. Neither are good PM material imo. What did people think of it who saw it?
British Politics Quote
07-26-2022 , 08:20 AM
Truss is running a very dim bulb and Sunak took the most massive failing upwards step ever to get in this position, is how I feel about it.
British Politics Quote
07-26-2022 , 10:13 AM
It was dire again, possibly even worse than before.

The crisis in the NHS and the climate change disaster got relatively brief coverage before they debated the real issues: what clothes they wear and how many points out of ten they'd award to Johnson as PM.

Presentation-wise Sunak came off quite badly for constantly interrupting Truss and being impatient, possibly signs of his increasing desperate poll deficit, while doing the cliched politician thing of emphasising his humble background(!).

Truss is a policy and information void in thrall to an eccentric and discredited economist.

Last edited by jalfrezi; 07-26-2022 at 10:19 AM.
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