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WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15)

09-04-2008 , 11:41 PM

The promotions and structures you have put in place are terrific. WSEX players have to transition from 100% rakeback (plus Aces never loose, plus freeroll, etc) to a 65% rackback combined with good VIP tourney overlays and other promotions you have planned like deposit bonuses.

Everyone should have known that the 100% rakeback could not be sustained. The 75% rakeback, leaving only 25% for promotions, operations and profit, may have also been too ambitious. The efforts by WSEX to maintain a pokersite with a still significantly reduced effective rake should be applauded not condemned.

I have always felt that the major site online poker cartel charged too much rake for the "privilege" to play. Some have tried to defend it by comparing online to B&M, then noting online rake is less. I have always sat in bewilderment reading posts by people defending the rake charged at the major sites, like lemming over the cliff. At most sites rake = rape (unless your last name is Nova). Not not at WSEX, where rake after rakeback is much more player friendly.

The profit margins at the major online sites are ridiculously high, multiples of what a B&M pokerroom could dream. Why there hasn't been a major site player revolt is beyond me. The market equilibrium should demand more sites like WSEX. Informed players should flock to WSEX. The task is to get the word out to players OUTSIDE of 2+2. The "get paid to play" slogan may be just the ticket.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-05-2008 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by Q_and_A
Informed players should flock to WSEX. The task is to get the word out to players OUTSIDE of 2+2. The "get paid to play" slogan may be just the ticket.
Hahaha Informed players are NOT going to play here when they read muliple posts about WSEX NOT paying their players when they want to cashout!!! NO matter the promotion!!

Say they get a new guy..he goes on and wins a VIP event and now wants his money...After he waits a MONTH to get to get paid, do you think he's gonna stick around, NO!!!

The NUMBER ONE issue since the beginning of online gambling is PLAYERS WANT TO BE PAID IN A TIMELY MANNER!!!

If you don't pay, like WSEX is doing now, why would anybody want to join up here!!!

WSEX was the third sportsbook I joined seven years ago.
In various sports betting forums, I've always supported the site!! But these guys have lost my support when it takes them over 3 weeks in my case (and a month for SHANAX) to receive an overnight check!!!

Oh and the midnight tourney was cancelled with ONLY 25 players signing up....
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-05-2008 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by WSEX_Jeremy
This is where I come in. I have had a great deal of experience in running Poker Rooms.
You know, this makes a lot of things make much more sense. By which I mean the lack of the words "internet" or "online" anywhere in it.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-05-2008 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by StealthPlayer
Hahaha Informed players are NOT going to play here when they read muliple posts about WSEX NOT paying their players when they want to cashout!!! NO matter the promotion!!
If players read past the hyperbole they'd understand that people are being paid but they are being paid more slowly than some would like.

If anyone would like to complain about delays that's their privilege, but saying that WSEX is not paying their players is demonstrably false.

WSEX is still reliably and faithfully paying out and still maintains a coveted A+ rating from
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-05-2008 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by jfk
If players read past the hyperbole they'd understand that people are being paid but they are being paid more slowly than some would like.

If anyone would like to complain about delays that's their privilege, but saying that WSEX is not paying their players is demonstrably false.

WSEX is still reliably and faithfully paying out and still maintains a coveted A+ rating from
He never said he wasn't getting paid. He said he wasn't getting paid in a timely manner.

I've said time and again that this isn't WSEX's or any poker room's fault. US gov't causes this dilemma. But if the rooms (especially one with so few players like WSEX) can't find a way to facilitate and expedite their transactions, well you know the deal. It's being between a rock and a hard place really, but somehow you gotta make it happen or US players just won't be there. If they can't keep their small player base happy, I can only imagine what it'll be like when that base grows to say 400 regulars, if that even ever happens.

And lol at the A+ rating at The review says nothing about the poker room. We know the sportsbook is doing great, and is great. But this is a poker forum, and the poker room is struggling mightily, and I'm not even talking about the cashouts when I say that. There's no way the poker room could be rated A+ in its current form, period.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-05-2008 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by Q_and_A
I have always felt that the major site online poker cartel charged too much rake for the "privilege" to play. Some have tried to defend it by comparing online to B&M, then noting online rake is less. I have always sat in bewilderment reading posts by people defending the rake charged at the major sites, like lemming over the cliff. At most sites rake = rape (unless your last name is Nova). Not not at WSEX, where rake after rakeback is much more player friendly.

The profit margins at the major online sites are ridiculously high, multiples of what a B&M pokerroom could dream. Why there hasn't been a major site player revolt is beyond me. The market equilibrium should demand more sites like WSEX. Informed players should flock to WSEX. The task is to get the word out to players OUTSIDE of 2+2. The "get paid to play" slogan may be just the ticket.
There are people who agree with you about rake. The problem is, you're sitting there talking about it, and not doing anything about it. If you actually are doing something about it, I'd be interested to know what you're doing. If you don't have any good suggestions and still want to complain, then my answer is if you don't want to pay rake, then don't play. Again I'm on your side, but the informed players have known about WPEX for years, and have already made their decision about the site.

If WSEX had 100,000 players playing on the site right now with a profitting business model, their profit margins would be rediculously high also, so I dunno what your point is there. Note that perhaps it has nothing to do with rake and rakeback...there are sites that have started up, and grown way larger than WSEX's poker room since its inception.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-05-2008 , 10:30 AM
ok. i think this is kinda bs. say i limp sb, bb check. i bet flop and the charge us .25 for a flop with barely any action. example 3/6 limit. i open call the sb for $3, bb check his option
$6 in pot. i bet and bb folds. i win $5.75 and rake is .25? hmm seems kinda weird.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-05-2008 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by WSEX_Jeremy

Running a Poker site is just like any other business. In order to continue to operate, you need to cover the costs. It costs money to host, support, maintain, operate, develop, manage, promote, advertise and offer incentives to players. So, looking at Poker like that, it is basically all about the numbers. $x in Rake means that WSEX can offer $x in promotions as well as Operate the site. WSEX offered Poker NOT as a means to fill their pockets. As Fred has stated, we have given back Millions of dollars in Rake as well as taken huge losses by giving everything back. This is where I come in. I have had a great deal of experience in running Poker Rooms. You may not agree with the tournament structure, but it is proven and is not that far off from other sites given all of the other intricacies surrounding what WSEX offers back to the players currently.

The comparison to PokerStars or any other site out there is like comparing apples to oranges. is nothing like any other site out there. The reason is that we offer minimum 65% Rake Back to everyone. What one must understand is that because we do this, our Margin on Poker is minimal. On top of giving 65% back to everyone, we also offer you promotional tournaments. The money from these tournaments comes directly out of the 35% margin after giving you your money back. No other site out there does that, especially Stars. As well as all of the promotional costs and tournaments, we haven't even touched on Deposit bonuses or Freerolls, which come out of that margin as well as Support, Development, hosting, maintenance, operational costs like bandwidth or being able to call support on the phone, etc.

I hope that explains a little of the reasoning behind what we are trying to accomplish.


I am sure, most people on this site understand fully that running a poker site is like any other business. You must also understand that playing poker, like running a poker site, is a business like any other. Most of the people here on this site play for a profit and not for fun.

In taking more rake, you have in effect cut my pay 12.5%. Now if WSEX cut your pay and then brought in a new employee and paid him 45% more than they pay you, I am sure you would be upset. So, it follows many here are. You have done so with yet another promise of the bonuses bringing in more players. OK, so bring them in, sit them down and get them playing and stop promising that one day this will happen.

With your vast experience at running poker rooms, you should know that grinders are a huge part of the equation, even more so when trying to build a site. So, cut back as much as you need to make a profit, but understand others who play there need a profit as well, and will not play there if they do not make one. Any cut makes fewer players profitable. It is that simple.

The only way to change this is to bring in new players, with better table selection and more recreational players. You have cut the rake, now bring in the traffic. We understand your plight, please understand ours. We all need a profit, which means we need new money in the site. My guess and it is just a guess, is to make up for the 12.5% cut in rack back, you need to double the traffic. Can you do this? If so great, if not, well I am just like WSEX, I need to make enough profit for my investment of time.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-05-2008 , 12:23 PM
Dawg, thanks for setting jfk straight on what I said.

One more tourney cancelled as the Noon event couldn't reach the 40 player minimum.......

I sure don't get this...isn't the idea to HAVE the tourneys so players will come back to the site......

And another day has passed and the FedEx guy didn't knock on my door. That makes it THREE WEEKS and still NO overnight check!!!
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-05-2008 , 01:10 PM
i noticed they change their rake schedule. does anybody have access to their old rake schedule?seems like theyre raking more earlier then before.

Stakes 2 3 4-5 6+
players players players
$2/$4 - $10/$20 rake $0.25 for each
$5.00 $0.25 for each
$5.00 $0.25 for each
$5.00 $0.25 for each
max $0.50 $1.00 $2.00 $3.00
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-05-2008 , 03:40 PM
Teflon Dawg aint missing a thing since being banned from the WSEX. The banner ads that thay installed with the new upgrade have delayed the play so much that a regular sit n go takes (at the very least) twice as long to play. Disconnects are at an all time high,also. I have been going back and forth with support about this issue for days on end and, they have done nothing to resolve the matter, other than to blame my computer for their problem. Things are definately going downhill at WSEX. This issue is driving even more people away from the site because I have heard several people say they are leaving the site because of it. What do you think of that, Jeremy?
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-05-2008 , 03:49 PM
Do any of you people know a good, US friendly site that has good stud traffic? Other than full tilt or poker stars, that is.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-05-2008 , 04:04 PM
At the time of the tone it is 4pm and the tourney is cancelled.......

35 more players left wondering what to do....
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-05-2008 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by StealthPlayer
35 more players left wondering what to do.... stud with ruger.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-05-2008 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by WSEX_Jeremy
Hi Everyone,

I think I need to explain some things here in order to answer some of your questions. Jeremy
None of the main questions have been answered, we all know why the rake was lowered to 65%. The biggest question/concern goes totally unmentioned in your condescending post: Why did you screw your most loyal players with the "minimum" 65% while giving newbie props 100%?

Please answer that question first.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-06-2008 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by jfk
This is a well thought out change.

Traffic is on an upswing. There have been seven straight days of traffic in the three figures which hasn't happened in at least three months.
jfk, tell me how you count the players, counter up front says 160 and there are 12 playin holdem, 13 play money and 2 in a MTT. That's it.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-06-2008 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by sparky3474
jfk, tell me how you count the players, counter up front says 160 and there are 12 playin holdem, 13 play money and 2 in a MTT. That's it.
I look at

Their WSEX page is here:

Pokerscout is known to be both reputable and neutral. Their counts just cover cash game players, so those in MTTs aren't included in the numbers.

Being that WSEX is somewhat small it is possible to count all the traffic at given points in the day and compare them with the pokerscout figures. In my experience, the numbers are accurate.

The counter at the top of the WSEX client covers those in MTTs as well. These numbers are puffed up because of the freeroll traffic and will not correspond to the pokerscout figure. The WSEX client figure is always higher than the actual number of players at the cash games.

When I discuss traffic numbers in this thread I am going by the pokerscout data. Yesterday was the ninth straight day of there being 100+ cash game players at the site during its peak time. That is a clear upswing.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-06-2008 , 11:34 AM
I find it extremely interesting that FedEx came to my door yesterday morning with my check. I was banned on Aug. 27th.

This, amidst at least a couple other players still waiting for their "courier" checks from way earlier dates. Interesting.

I'm pretty convinced management here does not know what they are doing as far as the poker room goes. I've still yet to hear about Fred and/or Jeremy's credentials, they've been pretty vague about it. At this point I could resort to calling them a pair of ******ed monkeys and perhaps they'd feel inclined to defend themselves, and finally be specific, but I could care less now. Note: I do not believe they're ******ed monkeys, however I do believe that they're a lot less qualified to run WPEX than they lead us to believe. I won't get specific, because I know they're not listening anyway.

I am done posting in this thread. Any plo8 players out there know me as ubiquitousignorAAnce. To the usual suspects at plo8: MoreDeadMoney, DAVIDINVA, Selajo, 4pennies, Supernit, Tchookwoo, reno, sorry for names forgotten...if you know these you prob know the rest. Tell 'em all I wish them well. Even Hart and Kobra99, they're *******s, but I wish misfortune on no man.

GG and GL.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-06-2008 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
I find it extremely interesting that FedEx came to my door yesterday morning with my check. I was banned on Aug. 27th.

This, amidst at least a couple other players still waiting for their "courier" checks from way earlier dates. Interesting.
Whewwwwwww that is ****** amazing as I sit here on day 22 waiting for an overnight check!!!

Ahhh it's now time for the noon update on the guaranteed tourney, NO CHANGE, it was cancelled too!!
It only drew 15 sign-ups..

Player traffic up my a$$!!!
As I type this the counter reads 339 online...
I can only find 39 playing and NINE of those are in the 5/10 CENT game...
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-06-2008 , 12:13 PM
And while I'm here....
3:30 is a awful time for the VIP events!!
Gessshhh maybe Jeremy isn't aware that FOOTBALL season begins this weekend!!!
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-06-2008 , 02:25 PM
Are you serious?? I requested mine in JULY. I was told on Monday my check was sent LAST WEEK and they PROMISED I would have it THIS WEEK. Well, Saturday has come and gone, and NO CHECK. 6 weeks now. You got banned a week ago and you already have your $, yet mine is not here yet after SIX WEEKS. Now I am pissed, more pissed than I was earlier.

Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
I find it extremely interesting that FedEx came to my door yesterday morning with my check. I was banned on Aug. 27th.

This, amidst at least a couple other players still waiting for their "courier" checks from way earlier dates. Interesting.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-06-2008 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by jfk
I look at

Their WSEX page is here:

Pokerscout is known to be both reputable and neutral. Their counts just cover cash game players, so those in MTTs aren't included in the numbers.

Being that WSEX is somewhat small it is possible to count all the traffic at given points in the day and compare them with the pokerscout figures. In my experience, the numbers are accurate.

The counter at the top of the WSEX client covers those in MTTs as well. These numbers are puffed up because of the freeroll traffic and will not correspond to the pokerscout figure. The WSEX client figure is always higher than the actual number of players at the cash games.

When I discuss traffic numbers in this thread I am going by the pokerscout data. Yesterday was the ninth straight day of there being 100+ cash game players at the site during its peak time. That is a clear upswing.

This is true, but Poker Scout Traffic report does not take into account players at several tables...thus if more players are increasing the number of tables they play to make up for the cut in rake than they show on Scout as more players which they are not.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-06-2008 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by gamblerNC1
Most of the people here on this site play for a profit and not for fun.

Tells me all I would ever need to know about WSEX.

Rake back = tight nits

Rake Free = loose rec players


WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-07-2008 , 12:13 AM
Tourney after tourney was cancelled today...
4pm, 8pm and midnight all cancelled because there weren't 40 players around to play.....

On the other side of the coin some of us did have a nice shot at big money in the VIP tourney!!

I'm sure the winner is pretty happy today....
My guess is she tried to cash out a few bucks..
I wonder how happy she'll be when her check takes over a month to arrive!!!
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
09-07-2008 , 02:01 AM

So hows the whole VIP tournament promotion going? As I recall, WPEX has been trying to lure players to the site for years with the draw of guaranteed VIP tourneys.
Let me make a little guess as to how that is working for you.... not so good.

Change tactics. Take that money -> Advertise! Nobody here is really going to miss the VIP tourneys, I think most would prefer a steady supply of fish and a gradual building of the player base.

But actually, before you do anything...sort out your deposit/payment issues. eWalletXpress maybe. Fix your echecks system. I shouldn't have to wait 2 weeks to use my money. Stars is instant.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
