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WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15)

08-28-2008 , 05:27 PM
I'm with you Teflon, I'm withdrawing my money and don't plan to return for the foreseeable, there is only so much a man can take.....
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 05:45 PM
is anyone here from canada and can you tell me about moneybookers and wsex and how quick they work...or anything on it at all...
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 05:57 PM
I see two of my posts regarding propping has been deleted. The one describing wsex as great for tight players--> rakeshare and the prop-mail stating the rules of props. Is this something not allowed to discuss here?

Last edited by fishspice; 08-28-2008 at 06:03 PM.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Wilco666
Two options:
1. Get Skype
2. Call their support staff ******ed monkeys on an internet forum

3. He can just withdraw his funds (which he has already done) and never deposit or try to play there again. There is absolutely no need to close the account. He's just being an attention-whiner over a really petty couple of issues.

And this is coming from someone who is really disappointed in WSEX for not getting their act together.
Completely agree with teflon and others that the security thing with the password is embarrassingly unacceptable after it's been mentioned to them several times over the past several months/years.

Same goes for customer-support asking you for your password over the phone to verify your account or whatever? I have no idea if they fixed that but I find it incredible that it was ever part of their procedures. And if it still is, after all the complaints about it, then that's even worse of course.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 06:02 PM
fish - I'm not positive but the propping sites themselves I believe ask that you not copy that information in public forums and it's obvious that the sites also don't want you blabbing about being a prop or how to become one either.
WSEX would be completely within their rights to ask 2+2 to remove that post.
I don't know if that's what happened and am just speaking as a 'regular poster' in this discussion (I'm not a mod in this forum) but you're not supposed to 'advertise' propping stuff like that and I'm pretty sure if you posted direct info about how to prop on some other site then that would be deleted too.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 06:06 PM
I really want to rail the games telling players that someone gets 100% and outing the proppers. There are many players not reading this forum. Who wants to knowingly be a sucker? It really irritated me that my posts were deleted without any reason why.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
fish - I'm not positive but the propping sites themselves I believe ask that you not copy that information in public forums and it's obvious that the sites also don't want you blabbing about being a prop or how to become one either.
WSEX would be completely within their rights to ask 2+2 to remove that post.
I don't know if that's what happened and am just speaking as a 'regular poster' in this discussion (I'm not a mod in this forum) but you're not supposed to 'advertise' propping stuff like that and I'm pretty sure if you posted direct info about how to prop on some other site then that would be deleted too.
I didn't really consider it being any secret information since its readily available by just inputting your email. I searched here to find the site about propping.. If the information is freely available without any security measures it should be able to flow freely (it should be allowed to discuss). I don't think they should be able to control the information as they wish and it is impossible anyways.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 06:12 PM
fishspice - I agree the info isn't hard to get. But it's still somewhat standard that you aren't supposed to blab about it. Notice that when they send you the e-mail it's for "Site D is a medium size site" etc etc. You have to actually request more info to find out what site it is and they will maintain the whole time that it's against the rules to blab about it. This is for all sites that use props and is totally standard.

I propped on a couple small sites for a little while. I got 100% or even 110% or something and was familiar with a couple of the other regular props on there. We were playing against players who had no idea we were props. And it was against the rules to tell them and was inappropriate for anyone to blab about how to become a prop on that site via 2+2 or something like that.

WSEX isn't doing anything shady in that regard. It's typical.
But whether WSEX specifically should be using 100% RB props at all when they have a core of loyal players who have been hanging with them all this time is definitely an issue they should reconsider.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 06:17 PM
Would it be better if I posted a link to onlinepropping and ppl could input their emails and get the info?

It's clearly mention other places at 2+2 and a quick search for onlinepropping :
and searching for prop or propping one will find even more results. So it's allowed in other threads?

I think for entirely new sites it would be ok, but for an established site like wsex it's really not ok considering it's only open to new players.

Last edited by fishspice; 08-28-2008 at 06:31 PM.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 06:34 PM
fish - I have no idea if that's okay or not.
I honestly don't know what the rules are about it and am just speculating.

But discussing some online-propping site without mentioning which sites they are affiliated with is one thing.
Specifically coming into a site's thread and telling everyone, "here's where you go in order to prop there" is a bit different.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by the_casino_kid
is anyone here from canada and can you tell me about moneybookers and wsex and how quick they work...or anything on it at all...

You'd have a better chance of getting an answer to your question in one of these sports betting forums.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 10:29 PM
I've been playing at WSEX for over 4 years now, so I've seen a lot of evolution of the software. This most recent update really isn't that major - mostly just the skin.

What amazes me in this thread is the lack (I've only seen 1 other, but I admittedly skimmed, not read) of complaints over the ads on the main page. This is such a detriment to me that it overwhelms any other progress that may have been made in the update.

First, every time the damn thing refreshes (approx every 7 seconds) you get a sound event, making it the digital audio equivalent of chinese water torture - the software to me is now unplayable without the sound muted.

Also, I've had a hit-and-miss issue where the lobby will steal the active window focus from the game table(s) I'm playing on each of those refreshes. This makes it unplayable under any conditions. If I can figure out a specific series of events that lead to re-creating the issue I'll post here.

It's nice to know the powers that be at WSEX are following the feedback here - if they weren't, this would be nothing but a place to vent (aka a waste of time). I encourage others to try and keep the periphery BS out of this thread so it can be as dense in content as possible to keep the WSEX bigwigs engaged and not having to skim pages of fluff to find a meaningful post.

WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-28-2008 , 10:46 PM
Can someone at WSEX please tell me when the processing will be fixed so we can get our checks finally? I emailed support but nobody answered, I guess they are too busy taking emails from all the pissed off customers who want to leave.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
08-29-2008 , 12:04 AM
I sit here in total befuddlement as to why:

Any player would play at a site where you couldn't get paid in somewhat of a timely manner. So what if you win a bunch, If you can't cashout, it is play money.

WSEX is even offering a poker room at all.

If they want it to be profitable, they need an overhaul of massive proportions. If it supposed to be a loss leader and get traffic for the sportsbook, they should ACTUALLY be a RAKEFREE site.

I guess I check this thread from time to time just to see what incredible silliness is transpiring "this time".

I was initially fascinated by the idea of a no rake poker room. Alas, WSEX was proven to be a rake redistribution room with a rakeback scheme that was guaranteed to attract tight nits. Guess what, I ain't interested in playing with tight nits.

Rec players may or may not ( I believe they do) care much about rake, but they do care about a good game. And when, with the slightest amount of sleuthing, they can see that there are mostly tight internet grinders on a site, they move on. Or, such as my case, they never arrive.

The days of drooling clueless drones just signing on to give away money are long gone. ANY internet player these days are going to have a clue, and they have found WSEX unattractive.

The UIGEA could be repealed tomorrow morning and WSEXs' traffic would barely budge.

Mr GM, if you want WSEX to have a lot of traffic, make it genuinely "NO RAKE", that is, DON'T TAKE ANY RAKE OUT OF THE POT.

If you need to make at least some small amount of money from the room, charge a SMALL rake. This idiotic scheme of dealt rakeback is, .. well... idiotic. I do not see the purpose in this scheme, none whatsoever.

Tuff <<<<<<<<< you can't close my account, I never had one.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --&gt; (15 of 15) Quote
08-29-2008 , 12:25 AM

How's that rakefree site coming along? Also, out of curiosity, what site and limits are you now playing? Thirdly, everyone here knows your position on this, so why do you care enough about it to reiterate your thoughts once again? Don't you have any better things to do?
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --&gt; (15 of 15) Quote
08-29-2008 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
Second of all, I didn't walk into the store, I walked out of the store, came on this forum and complained to "my friends" on the forum about the bunch of ******ed monkeys I just dealt with. It was a rant!
When it is posted on a board that you know is read and frequented by WSEX management, it is not the same as just ranting privately to your friends IMO.

A better analogy would be yelling loudly to your friends that "this place is run by a bunch of ******ed monkeys!" as you are leaving a casino, in full hearing of the dealers and floorpeople.

At any rate, WSEX has a right to choose not to serve a customer who they feel is abusive. Try being less angry and more polite next time - eventually you'll get your answer about how rake is calculated, before getting kicked off the site altogether.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --&gt; (15 of 15) Quote
08-29-2008 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Joe_L

First, every time the damn thing refreshes (approx every 7 seconds) you get a sound event, making it the digital audio equivalent of chinese water torture - the software to me is now unplayable without the sound muted.
I agree 100%. At least give us a way to disable that ad. Also, for the past several years, I have been using paradise poker's sounds and graphics files to replace the lame sound and graphics on WSEX's site. Now, with this latest upgrade, I tried the same thing, but when I opened a new table, an error message popped up, and the table would not open. I had to uninstall and re-install the new software to get going on my games. Also of course one of my tourney tables didn't open right away, and it took me a few minutes to realize this.

Guys, your code needs an overhaul, not prettying-up. The lobby is still the same, just not in tabbed format. The table is still the same, just different graphics and same sounds that are lame and uncustomizable.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --&gt; (15 of 15) Quote
08-29-2008 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by revots33
When it is posted on a board that you know is read and frequented by WSEX management, it is not the same as just ranting privately to your friends IMO.

A better analogy would be yelling loudly to your friends that "this place is run by a bunch of ******ed monkeys!" as you are leaving a casino, in full hearing of the dealers and floorpeople.

At any rate, WSEX has a right to choose not to serve a customer who they feel is abusive. Try being less angry and more polite next time - eventually you'll get your answer about how rake is calculated, before getting kicked off the site altogether.
First, stop acting like it was the customer service chat regarding the rakeback calculation that got him banned, the GM explicitly stated that it was his posts on 2+2 that got him the ban.

Secondly .... dude get a clue would you please? This is an internet board DESIGNED for ranting and raving, among other things. Wsex comes in here soliciting feedback, then is shocked, SHOCKED! to find some are frustrated with their incredible and enduring ineptitude.

If the same problems, that have simple fixes, are pointed out over and over, and the response by wsex is to ignore the problems, then eventually some people are going to start shouting insults, it is to be expected, and wsex GM should toughen up. [sometimes tough words are the only thing that works - did you notice that after a long absence here Jeremy and the GM appeared only after I called them out as cowards?]

FTP and Stars are constantly berated all over 2+2, rigged, corrupt, ect., have THEY ever banned someone for the posts made on 2+2? It is just pathetic. Wsex poker is a continuing train wreck that deserves to fail.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --&gt; (15 of 15) Quote
08-29-2008 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by Joe_L

First, every time the damn thing refreshes (approx every 7 seconds) you get a sound event, making it the digital audio equivalent of chinese water torture - the software to me is now unplayable without the sound muted.
CRAP, I just noticed this. You're right, it really needs to be fixed. I wish I could have gone on being ignorant about it, though.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --&gt; (15 of 15) Quote
08-29-2008 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by BuddyQ
First, stop acting like it was the customer service chat regarding the rakeback calculation that got him banned, the GM explicitly stated that it was his posts on 2+2 that got him the ban.

Secondly .... dude get a clue would you please? This is an internet board DESIGNED for ranting and raving, among other things. Wsex comes in here soliciting feedback, then is shocked, SHOCKED! to find some are frustrated with their incredible and enduring ineptitude.

If the same problems, that have simple fixes, are pointed out over and over, and the response by wsex is to ignore the problems, then eventually some people are going to start shouting insults, it is to be expected, and wsex GM should toughen up. [sometimes tough words are the only thing that works - did you notice that after a long absence here Jeremy and the GM appeared only after I called them out as cowards?]

FTP and Stars are constantly berated all over 2+2, rigged, corrupt, ect., have THEY ever banned someone for the posts made on 2+2? It is just pathetic. Wsex poker is a continuing train wreck that deserves to fail.
QFT, I appreciate your support, BQ. Please note that Fred (the one who alone banned me) hadn't posted in 3 months then finally made a post saying he checks this thread several times a day...after I made all those rants. Jeremy's last post was on Aug. 1st:

"Hi everyone,

As I had stated a little while ago, we were discussing the possibility of going to a scaled rake structure the first week of August. This has been put on hold for now and I will discuss more at the start of next week.



Well he didn't make another post until AFTER I started ranting about the changes, on Aug. 27th. Does that sound like the start of next week to you?

Furthermore, on April 8th Fred posted this:

"75% is here to stay. Fear not.


The only time there was a mention of changing rakeback after this was the scaled idea from Jeremy, who said it was put on hold. Then suddenly we're cut to 65% with no explanation until after I bitched about it.

R33 and MB are both right I was a toolbag with Narissa. Since we know that Fred checks this thread all the time he'll read this. Please tell Narissa I apologize to her for any offense she felt in our conversation. I should've apologized right after MicroBob called me out on it, better late than never. However, I am not sorry for the posts on 2+2 as they are free speech and clearly (while I regret getting banned) accomplished the goal of getting the attention of management, being Jeremy and Fred. Hell, if you start making significant changes pertaining to the requests of 2+2, you just made me a martyr for better customer service.

BTW, ICYW I'll be posting in this thread until the balance of my WSEX roll is safely in my bank account. Then I will "take my ball and go home."
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --&gt; (15 of 15) Quote
08-29-2008 , 11:42 AM
Another note. The player base is incredibly small. Is cutting rakeback 10% really going to make any difference when you have no players? You'd be better served going up to 99% rb, building the base to a large sustainable number, THEN cutting the rakeback if you think the income will be more significant than the people you lose at the time of the cut. You're losing all your money from the freerolls, guarantees/addeds, and VIPs that gave (note I said gave) no incentive to pay rake in order to qualify for them. You have (had?) like 50 regulars in the cash games, and you get like 3-400 registrants in the freerolls. That means 250-350 players are taking money from the freerolls and playing in the dollar and two dollar tourneys, never depositing their own money. Theoretically, someone could go Chris Ferguson experiment on you guys, build a huge bankroll and either cash it all out or start betting on sports with your money!
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --&gt; (15 of 15) Quote
08-29-2008 , 12:09 PM
Noon tourney cancelled, couldn't get up to 40 players for a dinky $10 tourney.......

And it's now day 15 of waiting for my OVERNIGHT check!!

SHANAX, how long have you been waiting to be paid?
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --&gt; (15 of 15) Quote
08-29-2008 , 02:01 PM
30 days now. I emailed support yesterday for a status on the processing, but nobody answered. I was told Id have it mid week, I guess not. Now I just want my $ to arrive before 2009.

Originally Posted by StealthPlayer
Noon tourney cancelled, couldn't get up to 40 players for a dinky $10 tourney.......

And it's now day 15 of waiting for my OVERNIGHT check!!

SHANAX, how long have you been waiting to be paid?
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --&gt; (15 of 15) Quote
08-29-2008 , 02:48 PM
Hello all, I firmly believe the banning of teflondawg from WSEX was totally wrong. This site is getting a bad rap to begin with and closing teflon dawgs account is only making matters far worse. I thought this thread was to attract more players to WSEX. As far as Im concerned, (since the banning), this thread is only destroying what little name Wsex had. I dont know what the answers are but,maybe teflondawg should settle his differances with WSEX,or WSEX should settle them with teflondawg. Myself, I would like nothing more than to see WSEX pick up a lot more traffic.I am a stud player and would love to see some stud traffic there.All this bickering and banning of players will only drive away even more players from the site. Also, the banner ads in the "new" lobby are destroying my connection at the site. When I can finally stay connected to the site, the play is so delayed that playing hands is next to impossible. I sure hope WSEX removes these ads immediately. Thats my story and Im sticking to it! Any stud players out there,reading this thread.....come to WSEX and look me up!
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --&gt; (15 of 15) Quote
08-29-2008 , 02:57 PM
UPDATE : I emailed support about the banner ad issue and I got an imediate response from them. Here is their response: Thanks for your response.

It is unfortunate that the banners are interrupting your connection at the poker room. Your concern will be referred to our technical team so that the matter can be resolved.

Best regards,

WSEX Poker
It seems to me that customer support is improving, anyway.....
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --&gt; (15 of 15) Quote
