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WinCake Poker Withdrawals WinCake Poker Withdrawals

10-22-2016 , 03:32 AM
i m in UK, Wincake frozen my account, i still haev aroud $5K on it, they dont want to transfer my funds to other skin and dont want to pay me.
I contacted UKGC and they washed their hands, they say that wincake isnt licensed with them anymore.
Wincake obviously doesnt reply to my mails so what should i do next?
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
10-24-2016 , 12:37 PM
Soon, and by soon within a month from now I intend to file a civil lawsuit against wincake and other individuals who had part in putting me in this position.

There is no other option as I've exhausted the rest. If anyone has brought wincake to court and has any info they would like to share on the process it would be much appreciated, thx.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
11-03-2016 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by Kopogero
Soon, and by soon within a month from now I intend to file a civil lawsuit against wincake and other individuals who had part in putting me in this position.

There is no other option as I've exhausted the rest. If anyone has brought wincake to court and has any info they would like to share on the process it would be much appreciated, thx.
Please let us know how u r doing, i still have money stuck there
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
11-21-2016 , 02:59 PM
Suing a broke empty shell that was licensed/located in Curacao that had a terrible payout history for nearly all of its 10-year existence is a complete waste of time. Maybe you win after spending more than that $5k in lawyers and travel but the judgment will be worthless.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
11-27-2016 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
Suing a broke empty shell that was licensed/located in Curacao that had a terrible payout history for nearly all of its 10-year existence is a complete waste of time. Maybe you win after spending more than that $5k in lawyers and travel but the judgment will be worthless.
Thanks for your replay and your advice, although I have a different style of how I do things. One mistake wincake did was going criminal on unknown individuals across the globe. If I was going criminal I would've pick my targets carefully. Wincake was just the tip of the iceberg. This most likely will go beyond wincake and a whole criminal organization will have to be taken care of.

From laws and authorities through different countries/regions as well as parties who had business/doing with wincake. It will all come down nicely and smoothly and at the end when all is taken care of the gift I'll receive will be hundreds of times more valuable than the $ they are so dearly trying to hold on.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
11-28-2016 , 08:59 PM
hahaha gangsterrr
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
11-29-2016 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by Kopogero
Thanks for your replay and your advice, although I have a different style of how I do things.
Now who's that ***** with the different style?
In answer to Mr Cube's question, the answer is obviously "Kopogero".

Last edited by Mike Haven; 11-30-2016 at 07:39 AM.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
11-29-2016 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by johny07
I won about 800$ on the tables - they keep them as their money (can't withdraw my WON money?).

Perhaps you are having some sort of communication error. You should be able to withdraw all money you win from the tables. The balance from Cake is what should have restrictions on it with regard to withdrawing it via paying rake.

WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:03 PM
Wincake (cake network) is clearly trying to run rather than clean up their problem at the moment, a typical move by a criminals, nothing surprising.

Their site is down so is their communication. For 30+ months they've paid absolutely nothing from the total sum they've owed to me and I'm sure other individuals. Worst is how during this period they still knowingly tried to suck into players into depositing more.

This will go down beautifully because no matter where and how far away they run the earth is a big circle and they can just run around in it.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
01-01-2017 , 06:22 PM
I see wincake site has ripped and so has the activity around here. All ends through time, and so will my hunger for vengeance when I'm past this life.

As promised first step after nearly 3 years of waiting without receiving a single cent back is filing a civil lawsuit after the holidays die down and from then on my journey for justice will begin, one day at a time.

My last email here will be based on the verdict in court, which something tells me it won't be how I would hope to be, which only explain further why criminals like those behind wincake (cake network) do what they do.

Everyone eventually is faced with the same problem through life, some sooner or later and that is why wars will never end until Earth becomes Mars 2.0
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
01-01-2017 , 08:08 PM
keep the dream alive kopogero my maffia buddy
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
01-01-2017 , 08:59 PM
Yeah Kopogero!

You'll be remebered forever as either a hero that never backed down, or as a complete ******.
Depending on the outcome of your search for vengeance.

WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
01-02-2017 , 02:58 PM
BTW the site is still operational and they still have a support-monkey sending copy paste replies to messages

Well I can still login to the client and see my balance.

There's even some games running up to 50 PLO. Sickening.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 01-06-2017 at 03:53 PM. Reason: 4 posts merged
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
01-05-2017 , 06:51 PM
site is not operational, since is not loading.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
01-05-2017 , 11:46 PM
Wow, how are they still running? Who's job is it to shut it down? As if it isn't bad enough they haven't paid anyone for 3 years and they are still taking deposits. So disgusting.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
01-06-2017 , 10:02 AM
Ignoring whether it involves the afterlife on Mars, or other recent topics in this thread - when Intertops basically bought Wincake they offered people a playthrough type deal via Juicy? I admit I am not sure if this is entirely correct, as I have only had an Intertops account (with no issue) and the last time I used my Cake account was in some freeroll pre-Black Friday.

I am asking because I wonder if this person is actually effectively in the Intertops/Juicy client even if it says Wincake. The way to find out would of course be to contact Intertops support and see what the story is, as I doubt the games he sees being active are just WinCake players, because there are none anymore essentially.

Now while the innate reaction in some is to go "wow, what crooks, they want deposits still at WinCake" or "sickening," the flip side is that if this person can access his Wincake account and its full balance AND can access tables where players are on a proper skin like Intertops/Juicy - well, you can do the math on that situation, and even the person wanting the fires of hell to be released should be able to work out how to get his funds off in that unlikely scenario.

Odds are there is a more rational explanation to this screenshot if anyone really cares to explore it. Ivanhoe did not show his balance as he cropped that part out, but if I had a considerable amount on WinCake that I could still access and I saw games that I could play in - I know I would spend the time to work it out. Given that he has 0 trophies or chips or cards (and even I have some of each with very, very minimal play the past 5 years) - I wonder if there really is any balance there of consequence. No real difference to me in the end, just pointing out the general situation.

Last edited by Monteroy; 01-06-2017 at 10:07 AM.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
01-07-2017 , 07:16 PM
I did not take any deal with Juicy, and the client was actually frozen when taking the screenshot so it shows no cards or whatever. Here's a proper screenshot of my account made today, in the cake client, and I will also include my balance as it's useless money anyway. Also Monteroy wtf? As if I would have anything to gain from posting a bogus screenshot? Would think a person with 8k posts wouldnt be such a dickhead.

Originally Posted by Monteroy
Not sure what you want me to say - I have no idea who you are and you posted a screenshot with 0s and with the balance area cropped out. I simply mentioned those details (as you presented them). You obviously implied that you had a healthy balance in your first post, but you showed no evidence of it - that's all. I am not suggesting you had anything to gain from posting a "bogus" screenshot, but not sure what else you wanted people to see in that first one you did post. Perhaps you assume everyone else will see it as a client error of some sort, which I would ask - why post it then in the first place. Obviously if you posted the second screenshot (ie: the accurate one) initially I would have seen the proper information, so you can decide who was at fault for that, even though as I said earlier - its of little concern to me.

I am curious if you can sit at tables with people from proper skins like Intertops and Juicy. I see a 1/2 euro table in the mix, and assuming that is as high as it can go - can you think of a way that you can cash out some of that dead balance of yours? I doubt the 100+ players in your lobby are all WinCake ones, but you never mentioned if you could sit at the tables. If you can then that is certainly an interesting situation.
I posted the first screenshot merely because the maffia guy said wincake was no longer accessible. I tried to factcheck this, was able to log in, and I saw the new years message which was really what baffled me, as they clearly still have programmers working there that put that message up there at login. I wasn't really trying to proof anything to someone with 8k posts that should know better, so I didn´t even check the screenshot as I saw the new years message was on there. And if it's of little concern to you, perhaps you shouldn't have spend so much time and words questioning my post.

I can sit at the tables. But I figured that by chipdumping, what you have been suggesting like 5 times now but never actually used the word for, I'd be getting like 2k max out before they shut down my account. That's the equivalent of selling my balance for 5 cents on the dollar which I would never do.

Originally Posted by Monteroy
Your first screenshot was inaccurate and misleading, so while I agree after the fact that you did not put any thought in it, nor meant to mislead with intent, again I am not sure how you would expect anyone to "know better," (regardless of how many posts that person has) after you posted an inaccurate screenshot. If you post a picture of a hamburger, no amount of posts will make someone realize you meant to post a picture of a rainbow.

Anyway, it certainly is interesting that WinCake customers, who I assume cannot withdraw conventionally, can sit at the same tables as those from skins that can withdraw. You can do whatever you like with your balance, as I meant it before when I said it was of no concern to me. I was just curious what the systemic situation was there, even if it took several posts to get you to answer with all the proper and accurate information.

All the best.
My first screenshot was neither inaccurate nor misleading as I was responding to our maffia buddy in this thread that said the wincake site or client is no longer accessible. I was wondering if that was actually the case and I logged in, saw the new years message and was stunned. The client still being accessible while not paying out for 3 years is disgusting in itself, but there actually being people still working in their development department is what got me. I insta made a screenshot and posted it, not to prove to you that I have a large balance on there, but to show the client is active and people are still developing it.

Btw you come off as a total douche to someone that's in the hole for 50k. Might want to fix that.

Originally Posted by Monteroy
Technically 48K (in Cake money, not real money) since you said you could get 2K off before getting the account shut. Hope that fixed that. As well, Cake money likely sold for a fraction on the dollar years ago, so while it does suck to lose a $50,000 balance (assuming you dont chip dump), the real value of that loss was not quite that amount, much like the case of the person with the 6 figure Equity balance or all the Lock players who refused to sell their balances at 10-20 cents on the dollar when they could because they would then have to play lower stakes at Intertops. I realize that will sound "douchy," but it is how real world value of the money works with bad rooms or networks.

I doubt that Cake Poker is doing anything with development, as how are they paying people, but I admit I am not up to day with Cake.

As I said, I am surprised that people who cannot cashout for 3 years can sit at tables with people that can cashout easily. That makes no sense (they stopped it for Lock players when they infested the network), so I am surprised to see it being possible now, and it is something Intertops/Juicy should probably do their best to stop, assuming it is possible.

No hard feelings, I just wanted information. Better luck on better rooms/networks.
Well, i won about 95% of that money when Cake was still trading for 1$ on the dollar so now you are just deliberately being a dick because you can't win an argument. I will ignore your bs in this topic from now on, especially because you are saying nonstop that you don't even know wtf you're talking about wrt cake.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 01-09-2017 at 08:50 AM. Reason: 4 posts merged
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
01-09-2017 , 06:56 AM
We are not having an argument, so no need to get upset. I believe you when you say you won most of your money when Cake was worth 100% on the dollar. That would be prior to Black Friday, and prior to when Lock Poker joined their network and polluted it.

The value of bad poker room's currency never drops overnight, it usually decays for months or years before finally hitting that 10-20 cent junk bond status, just like what happened with UB, Lock, and Equity money. Also, as happened on Equity there were some large buyers on Cake as cashouts were slowing, and those buyers received some grief here from people who assumed they had a special way to cash out. Some got stuck with huge balances when Cake then put some playthrough requirements on transfers, and there was a lot of reaction to that. Not sure what year that was, but it was an interesting read at the time.

Regardless, it is unfortunate that you left your 50K balance untouched there for many years as the currency value declined, and eventually collapsed. Hopefully that will not happen again on other rooms, but it is always something to be wary about in this industry, so maintaining inflated balances is not the best approach moving forward.

Better luck in the future.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
01-09-2017 , 03:46 PM
Why does a mod group posts in a topic that's dead anyway making the entire argument totally unreadable?
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
01-09-2017 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
We are not having an argument, so no need to get upset. I believe you when you say you won most of your money when Cake was worth 100% on the dollar. That would be prior to Black Friday, and prior to when Lock Poker joined their network and polluted it.

The value of bad poker room's currency never drops overnight, it usually decays for months or years before finally hitting that 10-20 cent junk bond status, just like what happened with UB, Lock, and Equity money. Also, as happened on Equity there were some large buyers on Cake as cashouts were slowing, and those buyers received some grief here from people who assumed they had a special way to cash out. Some got stuck with huge balances when Cake then put some playthrough requirements on transfers, and there was a lot of reaction to that. Not sure what year that was, but it was an interesting read at the time.

Regardless, it is unfortunate that you left your 50K balance untouched there for many years as the currency value declined, and eventually collapsed. Hopefully that will not happen again on other rooms, but it is always something to be wary about in this industry, so maintaining inflated balances is not the best approach moving forward.

Better luck in the future.
You have already stated yourself, multiple times, that you have no idea what you are talking about wrt Cake so why are you even in this topic?
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
01-09-2017 , 08:23 PM
I have backed players on Intertops for years and if people with dead Cake money can chip dump, as you suggest is possible from your sporadic information, then that represents a potential concern to the general network economy, much like it did when they allowed Lock players to play with them at certain limits for a while (which I strongly disagreed with at the time).

I appreciate that you believe I have no idea what I am talking about, and you can continue to say that if that makes you feel better, but some of that was a tactic to try to actually get some useful information out of you, which was not easy. Your first screenshot implied you had a healthy balance, but it did not show anything, so I had to fish for better information, which I eventually got. I did not disbelieve your screenshot, but I certainly wanted to know what you were really trying to show. If that got under your skin - meh, whatever - that was not a primary goal, but nor was it a particular concern, as more information what was was wanted.

I have all I can probably get, so you need not worry about further posts on this for now. Hope that better explained the situation to you, and I did mean it when I said I hope you have better luck managing your bankrolls in the future, particularly in rooms that over years develop issues.

All the best.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
01-09-2017 , 10:43 PM
Thank for being a total dickhead I guess.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
01-19-2017 , 08:46 PM
I can no longer access wincake via support as well. Anyone have any suggestions how I can reach them before I have to bring them to court? We were in process of resolving my issue when they choose to end their support.

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WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
01-19-2017 , 10:57 PM
I get the same message when trying to send an email.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
01-20-2017 , 01:24 PM
I'm also having hard time to find revolution/horizon network official site if they have any operating right now that is.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
