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Recent Bodog/Bovada update - please leave a comment Recent Bodog/Bovada update - please leave a comment

01-08-2016 , 01:40 PM
When I'm playing, I keep getting logged out in the lobby (so I can't see my balance, points, or any of that. The lobby looks JUST like you do before you type in your password and sign in.

However I'll still be at tables playing.

Problem being, I can't join new tables, I can't see my balance, and if I try to relog in again, it takes about 30 seconds-2 minutes to "process my request" and only works about every 5th attempt. So I'll sign in, fail. Sign in, fail. Until the 5th or so attempt and it finally works.

My only other concern is the font size. My eye sight isn't good, but isn't bad either (I don't wear glasses, I pass the driver's license requirements just fine)...but I sometimes can barely see the bet sizing.

As far as HUDs not working, that's there choice. If they want to keep or ban huds, whatever, I'll play either way. But the fon size is really hurting my eyes, and the logging out is just annoying.
01-08-2016 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by H0RUS
majority of 2+2 players are grinders, bovada wont miss ya. They are literally laughing.
Yeah I'd be willing to bet that this is the case. They don't want to be a poker site. They're a casino/sportsbook that offers poker. Poker players take too much money off of the site. It's pretty simple.
01-08-2016 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by mdcslcmdc
My guess is they made some sort of decision to standardize their implementation so that they have the same code for more platforms, like Mac, mobile, PC, etc. This is a classic software development decision. Unfortunately, I don't see any user-level benefits to the update, but plenty of issues, such as button selection without actual clicks, locking up, and worse performance.

It is unfortunate that they pushed the update out without enough testing.

I do NOT think they did this to thwart HUDs or irritate us regs. I built my own HUD and lobby scanner and while it is totally broken right now, I think some of the changes will actually make the HUDs work better, because generally the fonts seem bigger and so on.

I am sure they will fix all of this in a reasonable amount of time.
Interesting post.
01-08-2016 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Ace Jackoff
Yeah I'd be willing to bet that this is the case. They don't want to be a poker site. They're a casino/sportsbook that offers poker. Poker players take too much money off of the site. It's pretty simple.

False. They make money no matter what from rake. You think they want to drive customers away? No.

The people who play casino still play and would play casino. People who bet sports will and continue to do so.

Driving away players isn't their goal. Also it's not just "grinders". No one is happy with the update because it's simply miles backwards.
01-08-2016 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Axel Foley
I was watching an old episode of HSP, and now I think I understand the software update.

The seven deuce game created a lot of action because you could never know whether your opponent had AA or 72. Bovada took that idea a step further. Now you don't know whether your opponent's early limp was an intentional open limp, an intentional limp re-raise, an accidental limp that wanted to raise, or an accidental limp that wanted to fold. The same goes for the overlimp immediately following that action as well as the chip add-on that occurs after the hand.

If the seven deuce agreement was almost universally seen as good for the game, think about how good for the game this update will be. It just might be the Moneymaker Effect 2.0 that we were all clamoring for.

Gotta give credit to those Bovada executives. They truly have been playing chess while the rest have been figuring out checkers.
01-08-2016 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by pb nuggs
I think bovada does significant business thru poker(they are the largest US site) and wouldn't just want to hand that over to say WPN, just for no reason. They do care about money. I have no idea how much their ratio is compared to their sportsbook or casino, but I'm sure their goal is to get more in every area, not completely kill off one.

Huds definitely are secondary, right now the client really is unplayable. It's a task just to try and register for a tournament much less play one. I just don't understand why it hasn't been shut down yet. I can at most play a sng or two, max, very painfully.

It's not really a matter of wasn't like fb changes like they moved the bet slider to the other side or the chat box at the top etc. The changes they did weren't cosmetic - there were some cosmetic things that also came w some terribly broken programming mechanics. The client isn't operating like it should. I could care less if the bet slider is a shiny ball now - if it worked the same way as it did before or at least was fundamentally sound. Try dragging it across like you always do. This is only one example. It's not worth it to me to play an MTT in its current state. Input lag is a really big deal! As is the unclear text.
This update is garbage.

With that said yes there care about money which is why they don't give a **** about reg poker players. You might say "well i pay x dollars a month in rake" but that doesn't mean if you stopped playing bodog would have x less dollars that month. Their main income comes from these donks getting crushed in the casino and sportsbook.Bodog would much rather donks just play other donks in poker and lose their money in the sportsbook or casino. You paying x dollars in rake while taking more than x dollars off of poker fish isn't doing bodog any favors.

Now if their fishy donks hate this software and as a result start pulling money off of the site then bodog will actually care about these problems.
01-08-2016 , 02:27 PM
Was about to say its actually not that bad, but then I just accidentally mis cliked for 600 dollars while typing this
01-08-2016 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Carl Trooper
False. They make money no matter what from rake. You think they want to drive customers away? No.

The people who play casino still play and would play casino. People who bet sports will and continue to do so.

Driving away players isn't their goal. Also it's not just "grinders". No one is happy with the update because it's simply miles backwards.
This is easily not always true.
01-08-2016 , 03:54 PM
From ***6seven8***
On *** Unofficial Bodog/Bovada Thread ***
It is not the same program and same version. It is now web-based if you didn't realize. The same reason you see those black lines on the table from time to time.

If you change your tables using table mods the software will not reflect it because now, selecting the table color is only an option in the settings, not an actual file in the program folders. It looks as if they are trying to combat HUDs and/or bots.

I am going to give a scenario and an assumption on what I think is happening on Bovada/Bodog;

Since my SaT (Stack and Tile) multitabling/hotkey software still detects the fold, call, and raise buttons but does not detect the sit out next bb option, I think that this is an attempt to combat HUDs and bots..

Bots work off screen recognition software that must be programmed to read the tables. The easiest way to combat that is for the site to be able to easily change the look of the tables to make programmers have to reprogram it constantly. I have been saying for a long time that the poker sites will eventually create sites that will constantly change its table appearance to thwart bot programmers. Being that my SaT doesnt detect the Sit out bb button, I am ASSUMING this new web based software MIGHT be somehow harder for screen recognition software to read the tables, kind of like how it would appear if you scanned a check or money (security features would show). The same goes for HUDs. If the software can't read the screen then it is useless. We will see if this is what Bovada was really doing. I saw a HUGE influx of regs in the past 6 months on Bovada and with these changes happening I am starting to think that some are more than just humans.

Maybe they are just trying to battle HUDs. But I really cannot see Bovada doing this without a good reason. This is a multi-billion dollar, industry leading, company.

If it IS to battle HUDs and bots then expect other sites to follow and for this to become the new standard. I am not sure if most regs were just mad and took the day off yesterday but the games were really soft and that makes me feel like maybe there might have been alot of bots on bovada. We all know that Anon games are subject to bots and collusion and that means anon sites need to be ahead of the game on fighting these scenarios.

Just an idea of what could be happening in the online poker world. These are guesses/assumptions so take it with a grain of salt. I don't know software either so I am not even sure if that type of 'security feature' is possible. ............

This ^^
When i called support the only thing they seemed intrested in was what browser i was using. ...............

Also From ***6seven8***
On *** Unofficial Bodog/Bovada Thread ***

For those of you still experiencing lag.. This will 99% fix your issue if you follow these steps..

1. Uninstall Bovada software
2. Delete cache and cookies using google chrome
3. Switch to googles DNS servers (google how)
4. retstart PC
5. download Bovada using google chrome (it matters)
6. enjoy
Thank You for the info! 6seven8
01-08-2016 , 03:57 PM
This update has nothing to do with being a reg. I don't really see any of your points about reg vs casual players. The casual player is going to have a harder time donking off and having a good time on this site as well. Stability and performance and ability to play without input lag, click your bets in, and read text etc are all things a casual player is going to want as well. Not all regs are winning players either, i'm sure plenty play all the time and deposit - this update would suck the fun out of those people also.
01-08-2016 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by pb nuggs
This update has nothing to do with being a reg. I don't really see any of your points about reg vs casual players. The casual player is going to have a harder time donking off and having a good time on this site as well. Stability and performance and ability to play without input lag, click your bets in, and read text etc are all things a casual player is going to want as well. Not all regs are winning players either, i'm sure plenty play all the time and deposit - this update would suck the fun out of those people also.

I'm with you. If they just broke HUDs and table mods it would be different. This doesn't only effect regs. This effects everyone.
01-08-2016 , 04:11 PM
I just tested out a play money table to see the glitches. It's automatically clicking decisions for me. Unreal. No way am I playing on a real money table until this is sorted out.

As for bovada trying to get rid of regs...their website promotes the fact that you can play up to 15 tables simultaneously. So I guess they're doing a nice job with that...
01-08-2016 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by nahh12
Thanks to everyone for commenting. At around 12 hours from now (1/7 2PM Pacific time), I'm going to be sending them this email.

Subject: Please revert poker software back to 4.25

The update from version 4.25 to 4.27.1 has slowed down the software considerably, created unbearable lag and caused frequent disconnections for nearly every Bodog player.

Every Bodog player is experiencing this, they have created a thread on the twoplustwo forums to voice their displeasure at the new software with hopes that it gets reverted to 4.25, please pass this along to a manager:

It would be great if everyone could send it to them as well. Doesn't have to be at that exact time, but as long they receive a bunch of emails pointing to this thread, then we'll have a much higher chance of being able to get a manager's attention.

Also, I'll be going to bed, so please quote this message here and there when you guys post in this thread, so people can see it. Thanks all, hope they will finally listen to us and clean up this mess.

Also, anyone call them yet?
01-08-2016 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by pb nuggs
This update has nothing to do with being a reg. I don't really see any of your points about reg vs casual players. The casual player is going to have a harder time donking off and having a good time on this site as well. Stability and performance and ability to play without input lag, click your bets in, and read text etc are all things a casual player is going to want as well. Not all regs are winning players either, i'm sure plenty play all the time and deposit - this update would suck the fun out of those people also.
Oh I agree- but they don't care if regs bitch. They'll only care if it causes fish to withdraw money.
01-08-2016 , 04:29 PM
I am a rec player. The kind of player regs makes money off of. I requested my money from the site.
I am not installing google chrome to play poker.

The software was selecting the wrong options for me. I go to check the check/fold box and it called instead.

01-08-2016 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
This is easily not always true.
Agreed even though its counter intuitive.

You can't compare an online poker business to a live casino because the money flow is different. I think the 2pl2 poker-cast had a great segment on why this is the case and Terrance explained it very well. The most important metric is net deposits not rake generated. I wish I was articulate enough to explain it here but it's probably best to just listen to that episode (it was right around when stars made the changes to VIP club).
01-08-2016 , 04:41 PM
For those of you saying that Bovada is trying to make life harder for regs because reasons...

Bovada makes somewhere between 0-3bb per hand in rake, depending on the stakes. Let's say conservatively that it comes out to .3 bb per hand on average, as the rake is smaller at higher stakes, not all hands get raked, etc. A nice conservative monkey math guesstimate, though it's probably much higher.

That's 30bb/100 hands.

If your win rate was 30bb per 100, guaranteed, at all stakes, 24/7/365, no matter who your opponents were, no matter how you ran, EV be damned, wouldn't you be doing everything possible to play as many hands per hour as you possibly could?

The idea that Bovada wants less poker action is ridiculous. The idea that they don't make money when regs play is ridiculous. Because if a reg busts a roll, he is GUARANTEED to redeposit, whereas if (when) a fish busts a roll, he may or may not, he might decide to take up a less expensive hobby.

That said, this new update sucks, and here's what I think happened. (If you have ever worked with IT people you'll understand this).

They hire some new software team lead, with the idea that they want some new guy with a pedigree to update the software make it faster, i.e., to make more money. The jackwit convinces them that they need to change everything, move to his pet programming language, and since he's in his honeymoon period, they say, "sure, go nuts, but you need to have it rolled out by Jan 1 to satisfy Bob, because Bob said he wants to see some progress by 2016." So, they rewrite everything, not really giving two ****s about look and feel right out of the gate, because that's not how techies think - the user interface is a necessary evil to a techie. They figure, they'll get it working, show some minor performance improvement metric, and then work on the GUI.

But time rolls on, the deadline nears, and the new team lead realizes he bit off more than he can chew. Now he just needs to get it working, and get it out. There's been an argument among the GUI people about fonts, so they have like 6 of them in the friggin thing, and they haven't yet made it look good, and yeah, the interface waits for a response from the server before making it look like you actually pressed a button, but that's how software *should* work, dagnabbit, **** it, it works, and poker players bitch about everything anyhow and we are three days past the deadline, let's get this thing out there, and while customer service gets kicked repeatedly in the balls while we make the GUI fixes, who gives a **** anyhow, they're used to it since it takes so damned long for players to get paid and where the hell else are people gonna play poker anyhow in the US, **** it if we lose a few customers we'll make it back in a .02% performance improvement, and hopefully I'll keep my job long enough to get the GUI fixed and show my bosses that hey, the rollout wasn't perfect but nothing ever is and we got it DONE, dammit.

Prediction: Total new look and feel to the tables soon, since now all the focus will be on the GUI, and Bob will say, "Well, we gotta make it pretty, let's get that done, I'm going to Barbados for a month, and I expect it to not suck when I get back." And for the most part, it will be better, and a teensy bit faster than before the update, and we'll all go back to bitching about our doomswitches.

*drops mic*

But seriously, this update sucks. FIX IT YOU *******S.
01-08-2016 , 05:57 PM
so can you not use huds anymore with this new update?
01-08-2016 , 06:07 PM
Called them

theyre aware of issues and will update soon
01-08-2016 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by AnonyReg
The idea that Bovada wants less poker action is ridiculous. The idea that they don't make money when regs play is ridiculous. Because if a reg busts a roll, he is GUARANTEED to redeposit, whereas if (when) a fish busts a roll, he may or may not, he might decide to take up a less expensive hobby.
That's the thing. Take two hypothetical situations:

A) 1 reg + 9 fish. They all have $100 bankrolls. They all play against each other for a while, and Bovada rakes $10 from the fish, and $50 from the reg. The reg, being the awesome player he is, takes $70 from each of them. Now the reg has a $680 bankroll, decides to withdraw $500 of it, and the fish all have $20 bankrolls. Bovada has made $140, and the poker economy is basically dead (as you say, the fish might not redeposit).

B) Get rid of the reg. Now there's only 9 fish. Bovada still rakes $10 from them, but they all are equally terrible, so they all still have $90 bankrolls. Bovada has only made $90 (instead of $140), but the poker economy is alive and kicking, and Bovada will potentially make more in the long run.

These examples are of course, contrived to make a point, but that's a reason why sites would rather have fish than regs.

Last edited by madcatz1999; 01-08-2016 at 06:25 PM. Reason: maths
01-08-2016 , 06:22 PM
oh ok thanks for taking care of
loaded up sesh today bc i am a degenerate monkey and about to throw my computer off the balcony
01-08-2016 , 06:26 PM
Awful update, unplayable
01-08-2016 , 06:29 PM
Literally unplayable on a mac for me.
01-08-2016 , 06:59 PM
Unfortunate the update screwed this client up. Hope they fix it soon as I was going to play a lot over the weekend. Will probably go to the local casino instead.
01-08-2016 , 07:30 PM
The only positive of the update is that the software is sped up.
