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Recent Bodog/Bovada update - please leave a comment Recent Bodog/Bovada update - please leave a comment

01-08-2016 , 06:46 AM
Tonight I've been playing on 2 cash tables for about an hour and a half. Get to a minute ago where a popup message says I've been disconnected and to please reconnect at my convenience, the disconnect will not affect current game play (or something along those lines).

Try to relogin in... Software just sits there spinning, so yeah, now I'm playing two tables, have two others open, but have no ability to see the lobby to try to find other tables to play on.

Nice software, bo!!! I'd love the option to try to play find more tables to play on so I can pay more $3 a hand (rakeback-less) rake....
01-08-2016 , 06:47 AM
I think bovada does significant business thru poker(they are the largest US site) and wouldn't just want to hand that over to say WPN, just for no reason. They do care about money. I have no idea how much their ratio is compared to their sportsbook or casino, but I'm sure their goal is to get more in every area, not completely kill off one.

Huds definitely are secondary, right now the client really is unplayable. It's a task just to try and register for a tournament much less play one. I just don't understand why it hasn't been shut down yet. I can at most play a sng or two, max, very painfully.

It's not really a matter of wasn't like fb changes like they moved the bet slider to the other side or the chat box at the top etc. The changes they did weren't cosmetic - there were some cosmetic things that also came w some terribly broken programming mechanics. The client isn't operating like it should. I could care less if the bet slider is a shiny ball now - if it worked the same way as it did before or at least was fundamentally sound. Try dragging it across like you always do. This is only one example. It's not worth it to me to play an MTT in its current state. Input lag is a really big deal! As is the unclear text.
01-08-2016 , 08:05 AM
And another point that may have been made already: they took away the functionality where you can pop out the chat window. I use that fairly regularly. What the ****.

It's unbelievable that a company would do this to themselves. This moronic update—god know's what its purpose was—is costing them tens of thousands of dollars a day, and if not resolved quickly will cause many players to leave and never come back, costing many hundreds of thousands.
01-08-2016 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by Carl Trooper
Why do people not understand ??? It won't help !! They haven't patched it. You would literally be installing the same program and version.
01-08-2016 , 09:10 AM
I didn't want to get lost on a twelve hundred page Bovada thread so I started this one.
After yesterdays changes, I lost all table sounds on my PC's.
I've cleaned caches, tried re-installing and I still have the issue. I've tried 4 different computers, running either XP or Vista, and 2 different ISP's, no change.
Is anyone else experiencing this ?

01-08-2016 , 09:44 AM
Please let me know when the software is fixed.
01-08-2016 , 09:45 AM
I lost functionality
01-08-2016 , 09:49 AM
Oh boy,
That's a little worse than my situation. I hope you've contacted them.....
01-08-2016 , 10:31 AM
Is there a way to prevent updating to the new version, if I haven't yet? Maybe by changing some text in a file?
01-08-2016 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by Morphine8X
I have used the new software for about 15 minutes and was forced to log off. Not only is it incredibly slow, but the technical aspects of clicking buttons has changed- i.e. buttons no longer require an actual click, but rather if you hover over them, lift your finger, and then replace it on the touch pad, it counts as a click. This is an AWFUL clicking mechanic because it makes the software extremely sensitive to RANDOM clicks.

The result? Only a few hands in, as I was moving the mouse to shove all-in, it randomly clicked over the "check" button. My opponent checked back his bluff catcher and I lost value. I can only imagine how awful the reverse would be- if I accidentally bet or shoved when meaning to check!

I use a Mac and the old software worked pretty well for me. Occasionally it would crash, but it was fairly rare.

There is no way I am risking my money playing using software with mechanics such as this. The old software NEVER had this problem. It's a really really really really big problem.
I noticed the exact same behavior. It isn't safe to use right now. I am on a Mac. I don't know if PC users are seeing the same issue.
01-08-2016 , 11:06 AM
My guess is they made some sort of decision to standardize their implementation so that they have the same code for more platforms, like Mac, mobile, PC, etc. This is a classic software development decision. Unfortunately, I don't see any user-level benefits to the update, but plenty of issues, such as button selection without actual clicks, locking up, and worse performance.

It is unfortunate that they pushed the update out without enough testing.

I do NOT think they did this to thwart HUDs or irritate us regs. I built my own HUD and lobby scanner and while it is totally broken right now, I think some of the changes will actually make the HUDs work better, because generally the fonts seem bigger and so on.

I am sure they will fix all of this in a reasonable amount of time.
01-08-2016 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by whatwonder
Is there a way to prevent updating to the new version, if I haven't yet? Maybe by changing some text in a file?
I doubt it. At least on the Mac it always auto-updates and won't run if the update fails.
01-08-2016 , 11:21 AM
Did you check the settings in your client? Updates occasionally revert random settings to default -- I had to reset my preferred seating this time, for example.
01-08-2016 , 11:25 AM
Hi Mad,
Yes, I've done everything I could do.
After many years on the site, I'm as familiar with the software as I could be.
Thanks for checking in.
01-08-2016 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Briar
Logged on tonight to horrible lag. I tried reinstalling the client; this solved nothing. Obviously the site is not playable like this-I don't know what they were thinking.

Please email and call them.
01-08-2016 , 11:33 AM
I think we all need to send them an email, but make sure to be polite and not just send an angry rant.

Make sure to include the following to get your point across:

-That you will not be making any more deposits until it is fixed.
-That you will take your business to a different site in the mean time.

The only thing they care about is money, and once they see they will be losing it they will be more likely to listen to their customers.

Here is an example email that i think helps get our point across (feel free to copy it)

I would like to complain about the recent update to the poker client. It has plagued myself, and many others with long table load times, disconnects, lag, and other issues.

I don't feel comfortable playing on your site until these issues are resolved. In the mean time I will be taking my business to another poker site.

I also will not be making any more deposits until these issues are resolved. I feel that your site was the best option for poker, and they recent update has now made it one of the worst.

I hope that you will fix this for the sake of myself, and the other player.

Thank you.

Last edited by Pyrochaos; 01-08-2016 at 11:46 AM.
01-08-2016 , 11:54 AM
This "update" blows monkey chunks. Looks, sounds, functions horribly.
01-08-2016 , 11:58 AM
Since the update kicked in yesterday morning, I have been able to login but only just. It's completely unplayable on my computer. Once I attempt to register for a tournament, the client freezes up and I have to overhaul it on activity monitor by force quitting (I have a Mac). Since I don't know how long it will be before I am able to play at all on bovada, I'm going to take a forced break. Withdrew most of my funds yesterday.
01-08-2016 , 12:09 PM
It is absolutely unplayable. I have lost a solid 5% of my bankroll in mis-clicks caused by lag and by the program completely freezing. Terrible.
01-08-2016 , 12:17 PM
So this update has been applied to bovada customers as well at this point? Thought I read that bodog ppl got it first and wasn't sure if it had gone through for bovada players as well yet..
01-08-2016 , 12:17 PM
I have joined those linking to this thread with their complaints to bovada. My email was hopefully found to be polite and constructive. I cannot say the same for my tweets. However I hope they can help persuade Bovada to consider a roll back until they can properly patch and fix the new update.
01-08-2016 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by whatwonder
Is there a way to prevent updating to the new version, if I haven't yet? Maybe by changing some text in a file?
No, it's impossible. Their server checks your version and won't allow you to play if you don't have the latest. There's no way around it.
01-08-2016 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by DJimm502
So this update has been applied to bovada customers as well at this point? Thought I read that bodog ppl got it first and wasn't sure if it had gone through for bovada players as well yet..
Yes. I am in the US and got the update last night.

It really pisses me off because I qualified for the lucky draw 100k guarantee, and I have to use the ticket before 1/16. So I will play it Sunday and I doubt anything will be changed by then.
01-08-2016 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Pyrochaos
I think we all need to send them an email, but make sure to be polite and not just send an angry rant.

Make sure to include the following to get your point across:

-That you will not be making any more deposits until it is fixed.
-That you will take your business to a different site in the mean time.

The only thing they care about is money, and once they see they will be losing it they will be more likely to listen to their customers.

Here is an example email that i think helps get our point across (feel free to copy it)
This is good advice. There is no reason to be juvenile. For many of us, I would also emphasize the point that the update has cost us money. I lost 5% of my bankroll because of the mis-click issue.
01-08-2016 , 01:35 PM
I was watching an old episode of HSP, and now I think I understand the software update.

The seven deuce game created a lot of action because you could never know whether your opponent had AA or 72. Bovada took that idea a step further. Now you don't know whether your opponent's early limp was an intentional open limp, an intentional limp re-raise, an accidental limp that wanted to raise, or an accidental limp that wanted to fold. The same goes for the overlimp immediately following that action as well as the chip add-on that occurs after the hand.

If the seven deuce agreement was almost universally seen as good for the game, think about how good for the game this update will be. It just might be the Moneymaker Effect 2.0 that we were all clamoring for.

Gotta give credit to those Bovada executives. They truly have been playing chess while the rest have been figuring out checkers.
