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Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read.

03-02-2014 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
The way you word your posts shows you most likely know who I am and have a personal problem with me, so i'm going to ignore this random hatred from now on. EAD please.
Not true at all, I'm exactly what you thought I was: a random recreational player who read this thread because you asked to please do so. And obviously I think you're uncongenial, but that is solely because of your behaviour itt. Funny how you think it's ok to be rude towards about anyone and when someone points out your behaviour think there must be some special reason for it.

If you had payed attention you'd have seen I've even spend a bit of time to write up some helpfull advice, just like others did itt as well. But since you're a self-centered prick you propably didn't even notice.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-02-2014 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by njguy
Ivanhoe - can you just explain the inconsistencies in your posts/threads. You claimed to never play on stars, but here you claim you've been playing for years.
I never claimed to have never played on Stars. I claimed I wasn't playing at Stars at the time of posting my little bragtopic as I remember to have had several losing months right before. So stop twisting my words, pretty please with sugar on top.

But this topic is turning from a legitimate 'what is going on here' into a 'lets bash the bumhunter (a word I merely chose so people understand I play headsup only and wait for action)' and I'm not really in the mood to have to deal with this random flaming. So please keep your hate to yourselves, thanks.

Originally Posted by GuySmiley
Not true at all, I'm exactly what you thought I was: a random recreational player who read this thread because you asked to please do so. And obviously I think you're uncongenial, but that is solely because of your behaviour itt. Funny how you think it's ok to be rude towards about anyone and when someone points out your behaviour think there must be some special reason for it.

If you had payed attention you'd have seen I've even spend a bit of time to write up some helpfull advice, just like others did itt as well. But since you're a self-centered prick you propably didn't even notice.
Right buddy, last reply:

If they'd research him they'd get to know that he bragged about bumhunting, doesn't have a positive additude towards his opponents, doesn't make Stars a single dime, that he was inconsistent about playing on Stars, that he has admitted breaking TOS on other sites meanwhile ratting ppl out for the same. And when he hopes to get things fixed starts stalking Stars and compares PS Mark to Kim-Jong-Un.
Everything in bold is simply untrue and worded in a way that makes me puke.

Originally Posted by madcatz1999
I don't think this is very likely. 7 players (or at least 6), in their very first game after depositing, all buyin with their entire bankroll, in a HU game, all on the same day, all against the same player. There might be an explanation for all this, maybe even one that exculpates the OP, but in my mind, "coincidence" is pretty far down the list.
"Variance" should be the one right on top of your list. If this wasn't some deliberate attempt of someone that has a problem with me and wants to screw me (which, considering some of the posters itt, seems like a solid possibility, some people clearly hate someone that's honest and vocal about his ability to make money), I was simply the 1 out of the 20 people waiting on 5/10 PLO that these accounts randomly selected to play.

Originally Posted by kaby
A correct analogy would be if someone was working as a freelancer for the same client for years, and suddenly the client randomly stops giving him any business without telling why. Or if you have an account at a bank that randomly tells you well **** off we don't want to serve you anymore. It reflects badly upon them, but it's clearly within their right.
That's pretty far from correct. To make it correct you'd have to include that this freelancer is practically unable to get another job in his profession, as his client dominates 70% of the market and his smaller competitors are pretty well hired. Also you'd have to include that this freelancer has done a top notch job untill so far and that he hasn't recieved a single complaint from his client.

Now, yes, this is still within this clients right, I have never disputed that Stars CAN do this. The law is pretty clear on this. But is it ethical, fair, and should the freelancer just shrug and be like oh yeah whatever I'll just go work in a callcentre now? Or do you believe he's allowed to make a fuss about being stonewalled and never being told the reason what he'd allegedly done wrong to lose his job?

Last edited by Mike Haven; 03-03-2014 at 10:18 AM. Reason: 4 posts merged
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-02-2014 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
Everything in bold is simply untrue and worded in a way that makes me puke.
I find it strange that you didn't bold "admitted breaking TOS on other sites". Every site I've played on says that if you break rules on other sites, then you agree (as part of the TOS) that they can ban you and confiscate your funds.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-02-2014 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by madcatz1999
I find it strange that you didn't bold "admitted breaking TOS on other sites". Every site I've played on says that if you break rules on other sites, then you agree (as part of the TOS) that they can ban you and confiscate your funds.
Well yes, I have admitted to breaking a very small part of the TOS on Ipoker. The topic or post is quoted here already, but w/e, for the blind:

They had a rule you could open a maximum of 4 tables of headsup. Some people were using a software flaw to sit on 16 tables. I reported these people every day for a long time, as they broke the TOS. I kept sitting on 4 tables for months. Nothing was ever done about it, giving them an unfair edge over other people being able to sit just 4 tables. So yes, when the network ignored legit complaints, I figured 'if they can, i can'. And as i've also already posted, I got a phonecall from a vip manager shortly after my post reinstating my account in full, making lenghty apologies for how I was treated, and now ipoker has a software enforced 4 table max rule which you can't bypass.

I really don't see how this is relevant at all for this case, but as these are the last flames i'm going to respond to, I figured you also deserved a reply.

Tilted at 4am and not even because of a session. Great. Nightnight.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-02-2014 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
I never claimed to have never played on Stars. I claimed I wasn't playing at Stars at the time of posting my little bragtopic as I remember to have had several losing months right before. So stop twisting my words, pretty please with sugar on top.

But this topic is turning from a legitimate 'what is going on here' into a 'lets bash the bumhunter (a word I merely chose so people understand I play headsup only and wait for action)' and I'm not really in the mood to have to deal with this random flaming. So please keep your hate to yourselves, thanks.
"Stars is actually the only site I don't play on."

I think that quote could easily be understood by most people as you did not play on that site for a long time at the time of the post AND that you did not plan on playing on that site for a long time thereafter. Now considering that soon afterwards you responded to another question as to why you don't play on stars with "The overall level of players is way, way higher then any of the other sites i play." and not, "I used to, but . . . ", IN MY OPINION, your credibility is very suspect.

Combined with your explanation that you playing the other 6 suspect accounts in question should be chalked up to "variance", or the usual conspiracy theory against you or the I'm being framed theory, and combined with the fact that in an earlier post you had more of an issue with the fact that there was no evidence against you (rather than just insisting you did nothing wrong), I'm more inclined to believe stars here and think your account is suspect.

Also, as you have been told by others here, stars can ban you for no reason. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. People get fired, terminated, laid off, down sized, etc for no reason all the time. You're not special. Get a "job" somewhere else like other people have to sometimes and stop whining.

Last edited by njguy; 03-02-2014 at 11:01 PM.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-02-2014 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
That's pretty far from correct. To make it correct you'd have to include that this freelancer is practically unable to get another job in his profession, as his client dominates 70% of the market and his smaller competitors are pretty well hired. Also you'd have to include that this freelancer has done a top notch job untill so far and that he hasn't recieved a single complaint from his client.

Now, yes, this is still within this clients right, I have never disputed that Stars CAN do this. The law is pretty clear on this. But is it ethical, fair, and should the freelancer just shrug and be like oh yeah whatever I'll just go work in a callcentre now? Or do you believe he's allowed to make a fuss about being stonewalled and never being told the reason what he'd allegedly done wrong to lose his job?
Actually, freelancers have to just shrug all the time. And no, most dont make a fuss about it because they know what can happen. That's the precise nature of being a freelancer. Sorry to hear that you're just learning that. Better late than never I guess.

Last edited by njguy; 03-02-2014 at 11:04 PM.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-02-2014 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe

that he has admitted breaking TOS on other sites meanwhile ratting ppl out for the same
Everything in bold is simply untrue and worded in a way that makes me puke.
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
I reported these people every day for a long time, as they broke the TOS.
You might not like my wording but no way that is simply untrue.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-02-2014 , 11:12 PM
I give up, there's no point in arguing with trolls. I'm going to appeal with the IOM Gaming Commission in the next few days and will keep this thread updated when there are new developments (if any, which I highly doubt, but lets stay optimistic here).
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-02-2014 , 11:16 PM
It is potentially significant that OP's Stars account name was the same as his name here, so it would be difficult to hide. The I is actually a lower case L though, I think.

The existence or absence of his Stars HH from that period would be the tie breaker on that topic.

Last edited by VP$IP; 03-02-2014 at 11:24 PM.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-02-2014 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Shill accusation and comparing being refused service from a private biz to a life prison sentence for a crime you didnt commit. All we need now for the trifecta is calling people that disagree with you trolls.

OP is your "if you cant beat them join them" belief from your Ipoker days dealing with cheaters something you brought with you to Stars?
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-03-2014 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
I give up, there's no point in arguing with trolls. I'm going to appeal with the IOM Gaming Commission in the next few days and will keep this thread updated when there are new developments (if any, which I highly doubt, but lets stay optimistic here).
Do what you have to do and please update. I'm not taking sides, just neutrally observing for now, but am very interested to see what develops out of this whole situation.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-03-2014 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by kaby
Because those are totally different things?

A correct analogy would be if someone was working as a freelancer for the same client for years, and suddenly the client randomly stops giving him any business without telling why. Or if you have an account at a bank that randomly tells you well **** off we don't want to serve you anymore. It reflects badly upon them, but it's clearly within their right.
They are terrible analogies. The first one simply doesn't apply given there is no ongoing contractual obligation between a client and business for the client to keep giving the business his business. While the second one is so clearly out of the realms of possibility it is not even worth considering.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-03-2014 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by bundy5
The first one simply doesn't apply given there is no ongoing contractual obligation between a client and business for the client to keep giving the business his business.
Um, isn't that exactly the same thing as this?
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-03-2014 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by bundy5
They are terrible analogies. The first one simply doesn't apply given there is no ongoing contractual obligation between a client and business for the client to keep giving the business his business.
Just like between a freelancer and a business.

While the second one is so clearly out of the realms of possibility it is not even worth considering.
Clearly you are not receiving poker-related wires in certain parts of the world. People get what amounts to "hey just to be safe we're going to close your account, no appeal deal with it" daily.

No analogy is perfect, but these are better than terrible iyam
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-03-2014 , 11:34 AM
The poker player lvanhoe was first discovered by HighstakesDB on the high stakes tables of PokerStars on Sunday, June 17, 2012.
06-29-2012, 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
Stars is actually the only site I don't play on.
05/10/2012 SCOOP-12-M: $215 PL Omaha [Heads-Up, No Late Reg, $100K Gtd] $200.00+$15.00 26/939 $1,417.89
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-03-2014 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
The poker player lvanhoe was first discovered by HighstakesDB on the high stakes tables of PokerStars on Sunday, June 17, 2012.
06-29-2012, 12:30 PM
05/10/2012 SCOOP-12-M: $215 PL Omaha [Heads-Up, No Late Reg, $100K Gtd] $200.00+$15.00 26/939 $1,417.89
Please don't forget to copy the rest if you really feel the need to copy totally unrelated stuff:

Since then, a total of 4 poker hands have been tracked with lvanhoe's results being -$136. The hands come from Pot Limit Omaha games. The highest stakes lvanhoe has been seen playing is $0.

First seen: 2012-06-17 Last seen: 2012-06-16
And yes, I played a tournament. Again, why do you keep making these totally unrelated nonsense posts? I really need to delete this topic from my bookmarks, just too tilting to keep reading troll posts.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-03-2014 , 12:45 PM
You wrote "Stars is actually the only site I don't play on." on 06-29-2012, 12:30 PM.

You did play on Stars during that time.

That is not "totally unrelated nonsense" and it is not trolling.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-03-2014 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
You wrote "Stars is actually the only site I don't play on." on 06-29-2012, 12:30 PM.

You did play on Stars during that time.

That is not "totally unrelated nonsense" and it is not trolling.
I wrote, 1,5 years ago, in a topic about 'bumhunting', that I didn't play headsup poker on Pokerstars at the time of posting my graph. Which I didn't. Which I have explained before. So yes, it is in fact totally unrelated nonsense, and in fact trolling. And yes, I really should stop replying to this bs.

Seriously, if you keep staring at clouds long enough you will eventually make yourself believe they look like objects. They do not, they are just clouds. You can research my posting history on this forum all day if you want, but I have been, and will be, totally open about everything I have ever posted, including my dispute with Ipoker which was later resolved to my satisfaction.

But the most important part is: it still has nothing to do with me being banned from Stars while having done nothing wrong and not being presented with even a glimmer of what they believe to be evidence.

I'll be writing my appeal to IOMGC later tonight and post it in wording here.

As the first reply i've gotten from them states:

WARNING: This email message and any files transmitted with it are confidential and may be subject to legal privilege. You must not copy or deliver it to any other person or use the contents in any unauthorised manner without the express permission of the sender. If
I don't think i'll be able to post their reply on here, but I'll make sure to ask them.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-03-2014 , 01:20 PM
Alright, ready to appeal, this is what I came up with:

I have created a topic on pokerforum twoplustwo explaining my situation and have posted my communication with Pokerstars in full there, so i will include the link to my topic as posting all the communication back and forth in this document would probably mess up the layout:

Pokerstars won't tell me on what grounds I have been banned other than 3. AUTHORITY.

I have been a totally innocent bystander in this case. I sat on a headsup (1 vs 1) table as i've done many times. Some accounts i didn't have any relationship with joined me, played headsup poker versus me, lost some money to me. After that my account was locked, and about 3 weeks after that Stars told me my account was locked for ever, they would not tell me why or what kind of evidence they think they have against me, kept stonewalling me even after asking them or a specific reason as i wanted to appeal to IOMGC.

I am a professional poker player with over 2 million in lifetime winnings, and Stars is making a case (without having ANY proof) that I would somehow be related to some accounts losing a total sum of ~2700 dollar to me. This doesn't make sense, but even more relevant: they can't have ANY proof I engaged in such activities as there simply exists no relationship between me and said accounts whatsoever.

I have been treated unfair, and I would like my account to be reinstated in full, so I'll be able to execute my profession again.
Do the people in this tread that contributed meaningfull insights think I should add anything else? If not, I'll send the email in about six hours when i'm back from the gym.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-03-2014 , 01:52 PM
I dont care about anything u type , or how much of a fuss you are making

One thing that is blatantly obvious is that you are not 100% innocent and are guilty of SOMETHING

Doesn't matter how much whining you do, u are a bumhunter and bad for poker overall.

Don't care If u counter with "I didn't break any rules" , it doesn't matter .

Nice job stars if u are reading this .


Last edited by Mike Haven; 03-03-2014 at 02:11 PM.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
I wrote, 1,5 years ago, in a topic about 'bumhunting', that I didn't play headsup poker on Pokerstars at the time of posting my graph. Which I didn't. Which I have explained before. So yes, it is in fact totally unrelated nonsense, and in fact trolling. And yes, I really should stop replying to this bs.

Seriously, if you keep staring at clouds long enough you will eventually make yourself believe they look like objects. They do not, they are just clouds. You can research my posting history on this forum all day if you want, but I have been, and will be, totally open about everything I have ever posted, including my dispute with Ipoker which was later resolved to my satisfaction.

But the most important part is: it still has nothing to do with me being banned from Stars while having done nothing wrong and not being presented with even a glimmer of what they believe to be evidence.

I'll be writing my appeal to IOMGC later tonight and post it in wording here.

As the first reply i've gotten from them states:

I don't think i'll be able to post their reply on here, but I'll make sure to ask them.
I'm changing my opinion:

If you only played 1 tournament and 4 hands, then I agree with you - your statement that you don't play on Stars is pretty accurate given the context.

I also think you weren't banned for grimming or bum-hunting, and you have me convinced you don't do either.

I also don't think there's that much of a chance (but still some chance) that you have something shady going on. The fact that you're not going away quietly may actually indicate that you don't have anything shady going on (why would someone who has something to hide make such a fuss and affirmatively contact the government, unless it was reverse psychology, but that could back-fire in a big way).

So you may be getting screwed, but, your attitude is still childish. If all the above is true, I think it's ok to be disappointed, but you have to accept the fact that you don't have any right to play on stars and you are not owed a reason. As per my other post, people get terminated from their jobs all the time for no reason (other than some Western European countries where labor laws are very restrictive).

Then, this may be more of a reflection on poker players in general (but including you) - the feeling of entitlement. You are no more special than non poker players.

Having said that, I definitely think you should file your official complaint/request for information and see where that leads.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:33 PM
il approve with most ppl here, he's far from innocent guy obv look like a huge douche and a grimmer and bumhunt….gl at winning this case you have 0 chance ur all that stars don't want in their buisness
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-03-2014 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by kaby
A correct analogy would be if someone was working as a freelancer for the same client for years, and suddenly the client randomly stops giving him any business without telling why.
FYI, an employee gains employment rights after 12 months continuous service usually. Employing a freelancer on a regular basis for years can give rise to an employment contract (even if one was never formally signed or created) which means that not delivering them work would effectively amount to 'sacking' them and all the stuff that goes with that (unfair/constructive dismissal etc).

Originally Posted by kaby
Or if you have an account at a bank that randomly tells you well **** off we don't want to serve you anymore. It reflects badly upon them, but it's clearly within their right.
Banks are regulated and have oversight bodies to judge their actions, and Im talking about bodies that actually have teeth and use them on a regular basis, not to mention their own terms and conditions. My bank recently threatened to close my account if I took a certain course of action and I pointed out that according to their own Ts&Cs they werent allowed to close an account with less than 2 months notice... Plus again, banks all provide the same substantive service. Plus, I think that given the necessity of banking in modern life I think we will see some heavy legislation over the next 10-15yrs in this area. Public opinion would certainly support it.

Originally Posted by kaby
You don't have a right to be treated what you consider fairly by another private company or even person.
Massively, massively incorrect if it involves a formal transaction of almost any kind.

Originally Posted by njguy
Actually, freelancers have to just shrug all the time. And no, most dont make a fuss about it because they know what can happen. That's the precise nature of being a freelancer. Sorry to hear that you're just learning that. Better late than never I guess.
Firstly, see above on discussion on employment law. Broadly speaking, if its unfair then they will probably have employment rights.

Originally Posted by kaby
Clearly you are not receiving poker-related wires in certain parts of the world. People get what amounts to "hey just to be safe we're going to close your account, no appeal deal with it" daily.
No reason or a frivolous reason =/= possible law breaking.

If they are correct in that serving a customer would be breaking the law that thats certainly an acceptable reason to refuse to do anything. Im not sure what exactly the position is where a private company mistakenly believes it to break the law but in actual fact it doesnt. But I will say that there was a case where a local council refused to act because they believed they couldnt do something within the law. Their mistaken interpretation of the law was not a defence when it went to court via judicial review.

Originally Posted by njguy

So you may be getting screwed, but, your attitude is still childish. If all the above is true, I think it's ok to be disappointed, but you have to accept the fact that you don't have any right to play on stars and you are not owed a reason. As per my other post, people get terminated from their jobs all the time for no reason (other than some Western European countries where labor laws are very restrictive).
What reason do you have to believe the first part is true?

As for the second part, you are correct that EU countries tend to have very 'consumer focused' legal systems; Its one of the things I love about Europe. OP resides in Holland and PS are in the IoM (which is substantively very similar to the UK) so where does that leave your argument?

Originally Posted by lvanhoe
I have created a topic on pokerforum twoplustwo explaining my situation and have posted my communication with Pokerstars in full there, so i will include the link to my topic as posting all the communication back and forth in this document would probably mess up the layout:

Pokerstars won't tell me on what grounds I have been banned other than 3. AUTHORITY.

I have been a totally innocent bystander in this case. I sat on a headsup (1 vs 1) table as i've done many times. Some accounts i didn't have any relationship with joined me, played headsup poker versus me, lost some money to me. After that my account was locked, and about 3 weeks after that Stars told me my account was locked for ever, they would not tell me why or what kind of evidence they think they have against me, kept stonewalling me even after asking them or a specific reason as i wanted to appeal to IOMGC.

I am a professional poker player with over 2 million in lifetime winnings, and Stars is making a case (without having ANY proof) that I would somehow be related to some accounts losing a total sum of ~2700 dollar to me. This doesn't make sense, but even more relevant: they can't have ANY proof I engaged in such activities as there simply exists no relationship between me and said accounts whatsoever.

I have been treated unfair, and I would like my account to be reinstated in full, so I'll be able to execute my profession again.
Cut out all the BS.

The fact you created a 2p2 thread is irrelevant. Your lifetime poker winnings are irrelevant. The argument that you wouldnt scam for 2700 is subjective. Although acceptable, the bit about you not having any relationship to those 6 accounts seems pointless when you dont even know if that has anything to do with why you have been banned and needs to be framed in that context.

The crux of the issue is that you have been banned and you have not been given a reason why which makes constructing a defence impossible.

And finally,

You've made $2 Million in lifetime earnings and Stars are possibly very important in keeping that income stream rolling in... why havent you just gone to a lawyer yourself about this?
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-03-2014 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Perfection
Employing a freelancer on a regular basis for years can give rise to an employment contract (even if one was never formally signed or created) which means that not delivering them work would effectively amount to 'sacking' them and all the stuff that goes with that (unfair/constructive dismissal etc).
Sorry but that is simply not correct.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
03-03-2014 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
I wrote, 1,5 years ago, in a topic about 'bumhunting', that I didn't play headsup poker on Pokerstars at the time of posting my graph. Which I didn't. Which I have explained before. So yes, it is in fact totally unrelated nonsense, and in fact trolling. And yes, I really should stop replying to this bs.

Seriously, if you keep staring at clouds long enough you will eventually make yourself believe they look like objects. They do not, they are just clouds. You can research my posting history on this forum all day if you want, but I have been, and will be, totally open about everything I have ever posted, including my dispute with Ipoker which was later resolved to my satisfaction.

But the most important part is: it still has nothing to do with me being banned from Stars while having done nothing wrong and not being presented with even a glimmer of what they believe to be evidence.

I'll be writing my appeal to IOMGC later tonight and post it in wording here.

As the first reply i've gotten from them states:

I don't think i'll be able to post their reply on here, but I'll make sure to ask them.
Hey, good luck, and you've handled yourself very openly and transparently in this thread.

A lot of players are projecting their distaste on you for what you may represent, and that can't be helped, but most the full-time players who do see the potential danger in this have made a comment and are waiting to see what happens - and not joining in some of the side line discussions here.

So please keep at it, it probably won't end up with a happy ending, but if it does, then I think it would set a precedence in how PS internally assesses these types of situations whereby a player's track record would gives some additional leeway in how a player is scrutinized in these cases of possibly being at the wrong table at the wrong time - and rather give the benefit of the doubt on a good faith basis based on 5 years of play.

I'm from the poker industry, so take my word for it, there are a lot of players interested to see how this pans out.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
