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PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents

05-06-2011 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by scottyno
you couldnt get a check for $3 anyway, I believe the min was $100 to get a check, and anything below that and above $1 required you to get a direct bank transfer.

Kind of upset with stars that Im sitting on 2454 fpps and they're basically robbing me of $24.50 and not even letting me waste it on stupid stuff in the store
I'm in this boat, but I'm not that mad about it. I would like it in cash, but oh well...
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Uston
I'm a former Supernova who stopped playing several months ago due to work and was busted down to Bronze. Just so I'm clear, the only thing I can get for my 73,000+ FPP's is $25 and Stars is going to keep the rest?
No. You can buy the $25 for 2500 FPPs 29 times and Stars only keeps the 500+ points that are left over
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by scottyno
you couldnt get a check for $3 anyway, I believe the min was $100 to get a check, and anything below that and above $1 required you to get a direct bank transfer.

Kind of upset with stars that Im sitting on 2454 fpps and they're basically robbing me of $24.50 and not even letting me waste it on stupid stuff in the store
Yeah I get that, I'm just trying to think of a reason why stars is going to end up keeping 100s of thousands of value if they don't ever return to the US.. Like I said a min cashout is fine IMO. Why can't they convert every last penny and if you don't reach that amount, then your $$$ is waiting safely.

Originally Posted by TheStuntman
Seriously? Just be glad you can convert your FPPs to cash. Stars didn't really have to allow you to do this.
I am glad. Run along troll, seriously.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:41 PM
If stars convert all FPPs to cash, they then will be questioned why they used contain conversion rate and not something higher ... remember, FPP values are different depending on our VIP status and what cash credit you buy. Maybe they should just add a new VIP store item for "any FPP -> cash at $0.01/FPP rate"? -- not that I care it too much though.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:43 PM
So any progress towards a reload bonus will not be converted then?
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:44 PM
This is awesome news.
Again, impeccable customer service from Stars.

Ty Ty Ty

PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:44 PM
I'm not happy with this. I am currently a Silver Star with 93K+ FPPs. The best it seems I can do it buy multiple $50 bonuses for 4500 FPPs. This amounts to $0.0111, which is a substantial amount below what I'd be able to get if I could play their tournaments (.0159 about).

I really appreciate how well Pokerstars has handled this situation so far, but this is in effect stealing money from US players. We should be able to get paid out at a minimum what we could have gotten before Black Friday.

Steve, what say you?
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:44 PM
Forgot to add: pokerstars and Steve, excellent job and very classy!

Now, if you could restore access to pokerstars software download and updates for US residents ...
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by WorldWideBet
I think it's absolutely ridiculous that PS couldn't do a simple rate conversion for all FPPs into cash. You guys did everything so well RE: US players up until now, and you're going to leave us with a bitter taste in our mouths because you're too greedy to hold on to the $20 worth of FPPs that I and many others have?

You really think Stars is trying to hold onto a few dollars worth of FPPs in some people's accounts? I think it just comes down to a matter of fairness to everyone involved. I heard that when Washington St residents got banned, they had to buy out with standard rates in the FPP store. They would probably complain if all of a sudden there was a standard rate now. What about the rest of the world, who can still play- why can't they do an insta-cashout right now for all of their FPPs if US can? Someone's going to cry 'unfairness' in the end, and i think just allowing us to buy standard VIP store bonuses is the best compromise.

Stars- cashed out everyone's money, AND FPPs
Tilt- no cash out at all yet
UB/Absolute- taking the money and running

Yeah, I wish I got full value out of all my FPPs too, but using the words 'ridiculous', 'bitter' and 'shameful' to describe stars right now is just ungrateful.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:44 PM
any update on whether we can convert step/tourney tickets to cash??
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:46 PM
Well done Stars. Industry leader as always.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by HorseHead
What a great company. If only the US government cared as much about its citizens as PokerStars did about their customers.
This is such crap. Pokerstars has done well but why do we think they are a great company for NOT stealing from us. This attitude is ridiculous. Most people in this world do the right thing; why is that we have to applaud Pokerstars with such accolades for doing the right thing and something that is probably REQUIRED by the DOJ. Personally, I'm pissed with this result; I think it sucks (yes, FTP is worse that is irrelevant).
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by WorldWideBet
No. You can buy the $25 for 2500 FPPs 29 times and Stars only keeps the 500+ points that are left over
and then he gets screwed on the conversion rate. you think your 20 dollars stars is keeping is shameful.... he'd be getting screwed doing that 29 times.

i am also a bronzestar with a lot of fpps (7figs).

luckily i'm relocating out of the USA though so if it ends being the case i can only convert 2500 @ a time for 25 dollars i guess i'll be back to grinding on stars. apparently, they are being real tough getting accounts up and running again in a reasonable timeframe after players have moved out of the country though. so i've been getting excited to start up grinding on party pokah again, mite not be the case now.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by jfresh
You really think Stars is trying to hold onto a few dollars worth of FPPs in some people's accounts? I think it just comes down to a matter of fairness to everyone involved. I heard that when Washington St residents got banned, they had to buy out with standard rates in the FPP store.
There's no reason they couldnt have the larger rates for anyone above bronze, and a flat rate of .01 per fpp for anyone bronze or with 2500 fpps or less in their account, that would be pretty close to fair for everyone. And yes, stars is trying to hold onto a few dollars worth of fpps in everyones account, if a few dollars equals probably millions of dollars, certainly hundreds of thousands.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:51 PM
^^ somewhat agree with post #37 - the money are ours. still should give stars credit for moving fast to return the money.

What sucks is:

1 - the fact that we can no longer play
2 - for those of us trying to relocate, stars' unwillingness to answer specific questions that we need answers for planning the relocation!
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by jfresh
You really think Stars is trying to hold onto a few dollars worth of FPPs in some people's accounts? I think it just comes down to a matter of fairness to everyone involved. I heard that when Washington St residents got banned, they had to buy out with standard rates in the FPP store. They would probably complain if all of a sudden there was a standard rate now. What about the rest of the world, who can still play- why can't they do an insta-cashout right now for all of their FPPs if US can? Someone's going to cry 'unfairness' in the end, and i think just allowing us to buy standard VIP store bonuses is the best compromise.

Stars- cashed out everyone's money, AND FPPs
Tilt- no cash out at all yet
UB/Absolute- taking the money and running

Yeah, I wish I got full value out of all my FPPs too, but using the words 'ridiculous', 'bitter' and 'shameful' to describe stars right now is just ungrateful.
Some people are not happy with a company taking money from millions of people. Even if that amount is small, it adds up.. Think about how many people had Stars accounts in the USA, now think about how much would be left over if everyone left $1 in value. What bout $2, $5, ect..

Again, being upset about your own personal $5 is not the issue. Its the fact that its happening to millions of people.. If you or anyone else is ok with that, whoever replies "who cares" should give me $3 each.. I would be close to $20 so far, and when this gets up to 10k troll replies, I'll be rich.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:54 PM
can supernovas still use the concierge service?
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:54 PM
stars >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tilt
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by syncmaster
Some people are not happy with a company taking money from millions of people. Even if that amount is small, it adds up.. Think about how many people had Stars accounts in the USA, now think about how much would be left over if everyone left $1 in value. What bout $2, $5, ect..

Again, being upset about your own personal $5 is not the issue. Its the fact that its happening to millions of people.. If you or anyone else is ok with that, whoever replies "who cares" should give me $3 each.. I would be close to $20 so far, and when this gets up to 10k troll replies, I'll be rich.
Its a bigger issue than even this though -- people are getting screwed out of $100s and possibly $1000s of dollars with this decision. IMO, FPPs had value that was absolutely NO different than the value of the dollar signs in my account and we are not getting full value. Its as if I has $1500 real US dollars in my account and they're letting me withdraw $1100.

PS is getting a huge benefit out the bad behavior of its competitors and IMHO is taking advantage of that with this decision. I'd be ashamed to be working for PS with this decision. Its just not right.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by 4k4sh777
any update on whether we can convert step/tourney tickets to cash??
This. kinda important unless I am missing something.
For instance my situation, I have 46,714 FPPs. If I buy the cash rewards its 1 $300, 4 $50, and 1 $25 totaling $525
However I can buy a $700 step 5 ticket and 1 $25 cash reward totaling $725, this is of course if they will convert the ticket for face value, or at all.
Any info would be great, just don't want to lose value
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Lyricsmith
This. kinda important unless I am missing something.
For instance my situation, I have 46,714 FPPs. If I buy the cash rewards its 1 $300, 4 $50, and 1 $25 totaling $525
However I can buy a $700 step 5 ticket and 1 $25 cash reward totaling $725, this is of course if they will convert the ticket for face value, or at all.
Any info would be great, just don't want to lose value
assuming you're from the US you can't buy a ticket, you can only buy milestone or vip bonuses
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by WorldWideBet
I think it's absolutely ridiculous that PS couldn't do a simple rate conversion for all FPPs into cash. You guys did everything so well RE: US players up until now, and you're going to leave us with a bitter taste in our mouths because you're too greedy to hold on to the $20 worth of FPPs that I and many others have?

gtfo - 'shameful'
greedy?? are you joking?

i'm just happy the DoJ didn't deem all fpps worthless..
an overall conversion based on player status and points would've been the nuts obv.. but if this is what they can do i'm more than happy with it. not to mention they didn't have to give partial credit for milestones and stellars..
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by scottyno
assuming you're from the US you can't buy a ticket, you can only buy milestone or vip bonuses
thats the whole problem and where the unfairness comes from. we are not being provided full or even fair value.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 05:01 PM
can supernovas still use the concierge service?
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by YoureToast
thats the whole problem and where the unfairness comes from. we are not being provided full or even fair value.

thinking about it more, stars should be letting you convert your FPPs based upon what VIP level you were when you earned them.

i can't be the only lifefish that is sitting on a bronzestar account with a million+ fpps.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
