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***Official Bodog Support Thread*** (11.22.2011) ***Official Bodog Support Thread*** (11.22.2011)

12-02-2011 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by PANAMHIEST
There were botters, cheaters, colluders before bodog took these drastic measures and there will be now, its never gonna change regardless of what drastic measures are taken.

If you think oh just because we had names and hand histories before we can catch the botters and colluders, you are sadly mistaken. For every 1 you catch, there are probably another 5 or ten that wasn't caught or will ever be caught.

Has anyone ever made a separate fake account just to test some of the bots, publicly released or private software? Its been done for a years by a few people i personally know and they never once have got caught. some of them are just way too advanced and at any point you can jump in and change stuff up for a number of hands to throw off any bot sniffers inspector gadgets types easily. You can set some of these software's up to play just as maniacal and crazy as anyone else or just as tight and aggressive as the best TAG pro as long as you supervise and step in when necessary so that the human element isnt eliminated.

Same for collusion. You can just as easily collude and play like you would normally do with just a few basic adaptations to the stereo typical opinion of what colluders do.

All Bodog has done was help take away a unfair advantage sharps have over recreational hobbyist type players. the majority of you should have no problem with this, your online pros and advanced players and dont really need to depend on HUDs and data mining tools to win a game of poker do you?
There have been many ignorant statements on these message boards lately but this one could win the prize.

Yes, there has always been cheating in high-school during tests, even with teachers watching. But this update is akin to removing the teachers from the room.

Bodog is now the wild, wild west.
12-02-2011 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by ArChieBunKa
I have cashed off $1000 to MB took about 12 hrs (Canada)
I used Neteller but got half of my money within 12 hours as well. I only requested half of what I got on Bodog...willing to give it a shot once they got rid of some of the bugs but mainly because they gave me a bonus for my points (and let me keep the points as well) and I have to clear that bonus obviously.
12-02-2011 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by jazzyfresh45
There have been many ignorant statements on these message boards lately but this one could win the prize.

Yes, there has always been cheating in high-school during tests, even with teachers watching. But this update is akin to removing the teachers from the room.

Bodog is now the wild, wild west.
Your entitled to your opinion. Also lets recall, wasnt poker glorified in the wild wild west days? Only thing missing now is six shooters, MR. Ed, and a bandero of wild injuns
12-02-2011 , 05:14 PM
OK as far as I can see after just playing a game the check/fold box now works for me It used to after i checked it ask me for my action this has been cleared up. I feel the flop turn and river could be a little slower when you are all in but it does not shoot out all 5 cards at once anymore. hopefully alert sounds being separate is next. Thank You Justin for relaying these problems to them.
12-02-2011 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by shoemaker
Hey Justin,

Read on the blog that part of the new changes are "competitive rake". Am I right in assuming that means higher rake? If yes, how the **** is that competitive?
Pretty sure its just a carbon copy of Stars. At least it looked like it to me.
12-02-2011 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
The problem with what you are saying is that this is the first real mass exodus from Bodog. Rather than being shut down by the DOJ, had FT suddenly introduced anonymous poker and immediately had to pay out millions of dollars above their typical withdraw rate due to a huge number of players with significant bankrolls cashing out, FT would have run out of money. Do you guys have any way of proving that you hold player funds separately from raked profits? Because from the comments made by your executives it appears that you view all deposited money as casino income while good poker players remove from your income and that would seemingly imply that you see any money deposited on Bodog as a profit and any money withdrawn as a loss when you in fact take no profit or loss from any withdraw or deposit. That's the thought process that the executives at Full Tilt had, and if Bodog has it's executives making statements that seemingly imply the same thought process, there is good reason to be on edge about any thing that seems slightly off.

Bodog is facing a similar situation to FT in the sense that they now have to pay out significantly more players than they ever had to in the past. If player funds weren't kept separate like they weren't on FT then the same situation will happen at Bodog on a smaller scale.
The situations aren't even close to similar. I think everyone here is drastically overrating the number of withdrawals that are being made in terms of % of player base on Bodog. Yes, some people are leaving but its not nearly what the forums are billing it as.
12-02-2011 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Deathtonight214

I have a question, since your more in touch with people at bodog than we are, is the fact that so many players hate the new update affecting their decision making process with how to improve the software, or do they simply not care?
Yes they are taking feedback from here. If by improve their software you mean getting rid of anonymous tables, then no, the feedback here likely won't effect that. If you mean making tweaks to the anonymous tables or fixing bugs, making additions then yes they are very open to this.
12-02-2011 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by JustinR.
The situations aren't even close to similar. I think everyone here is drastically overrating the number of withdrawals that are being made in terms of % of player base on Bodog. Yes, some people are leaving but its not nearly what the forums are billing it as.
As always, he's right. It's actually much MORE then the forums are billing it. I spoke with a representative on the phone who said they have never seen anything like this ever and are bracing for it as best as they can but payouts cannot take the same amount of time anymore and there are no guarantees.

This is a very similar situation to Full Tilt. Although in some ways, more disturbing because management is the ones deciding to destroy the site, not outside forces like the DOJ.
12-02-2011 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by ARom
I think Bodog needs to realize that it is viewed as the last ugly broad at the bar near closing time, and will be dropped like the cheating tramp it is for the first decent alternative.
That may be exactly what Bodog is thinking -- as I've said before -- which may be exactly why Bodog is catering to its crossover sports betters who, it understands, are its real future.

Last edited by ddrew2plus2; 12-02-2011 at 05:35 PM.
12-02-2011 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by JustinR.
The situations aren't even close to similar. I think everyone here is drastically overrating the number of withdrawals that are being made in terms of % of player base on Bodog. Yes, some people are leaving but its not nearly what the forums are billing it as.
I also think forums like 2+2 vastly overestimate the % of the average userbase that they make up on a given poker site. I think most poker sites could lose every 2+2 user and barely notice a difference.

12-02-2011 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by jazzyfresh45
As always, he's right. It's actually much MORE then the forums are billing it. I spoke with a representative on the phone who said they have never seen anything like this ever and are bracing for it as best as they can but payouts cannot take the same amount of time anymore and there are no guarantees.

This is a very similar situation to Full Tilt. Although in some ways, more disturbing because management is the ones deciding to destroy the site, not outside forces like the DOJ.
who is to say this isnt what the DOJ is gearing towards in terms of legal online poker?
12-02-2011 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by JustinR.
Yes they are taking feedback from here. If by improve their software you mean getting rid of anonymous tables, then no, the feedback here likely won't effect that. If you mean making tweaks to the anonymous tables or fixing bugs, making additions then yes they are very open to this.
He's actually incorrect here. Our feedback here, on facebook, twitter, blogs, message boards etc will directly lead to them reversing their anonymous debacle decision and/or bringing down the site in the process.

Press on my friends!
12-02-2011 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by ARom
I think Bodog needs to realize that it is viewed as the last ugly broad at the bar near closing time, and will be dropped like the cheating tramp it is for the first decent alternative.
This is the best post, by far, on the topic of Bodog that I have ever seen in this forum.

Bodog is the ugly broad who thinks she's a 10 and making demands on the drunks fawning over her.

Even drunks at 2AM will give up and hop in a cab if you put them through enough ****.
12-02-2011 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by jazzyfresh45
Finally we are in agreement. This scandal is definitely different then those scandals.

The difference is that those websites admitted fault and wrongdoing and began attempts to change and made amends. They were caught and exposed and they realized that.

In reality this is the worst poker scandal of them all in my opinion. It says a lot about where Bodog is right now that sites who literally may have STOLEN from customers have better reputations.
Haha. FT and UB admitted fault and wrongdoing and began to make attempts to pay people back? This is news to me. FTP blatantly over leveraged themselves and took money out of player's accounts to pay their board.

Bodog made a business decision that you do not agree with while paying players that have made the decision to leave due to this decision.

Those two are not even close to being in the same class. Jazzy, I respect your passion for the subject, but you have a knack for overblowing an issue, I think you've related the removal of waitlists to communism or something equally as large and world changing.

The bottom line here is that a business made a decision that it believes in. In the process some of its clients have become upset about it. If you're that upset and you think its worse than poker rooms stealing their players balances by over leveraging and flat out greed then the simple answer is that you don't need to partake in the service that said business offers. No one has chained you up and forced you to do anything here. Your disapproval of the changes has been noted numerous times and has been relayed to management. I'm not sure what else you would like to happen.
12-02-2011 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
There's a few jokes I could make here but instead I'll ask you seriously. How do you think player data can be tracked? You don't think that Player 3 is the same player on every table do you?

Like I said, I own a software development company, and have a team of developers. Trust me, it can be done. Anyone who programs know this. I'm not sure why Bodog even went through all the trouble honestly.
12-02-2011 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
I also think forums like 2+2 vastly overestimate the % of the average userbase that they make up on a given poker site. I think most poker sites could lose every 2+2 user and barely notice a difference.

Good point, however it's also a good point to recognize that a large percentage of the normal non 2+2 users who see this change will also withdraw and run like the wind.

Just because you're not on 2+2 doesn't mean you don't recognize insanity.

They can try and downplay the exodus on here, but it won't change the reality of the numbers.
12-02-2011 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by three_dee
This is the best post, by far, on the topic of Bodog that I have ever seen in this forum.

Bodog is the ugly broad who thinks she's a 10 and making demands on the drunks fawning over her.

Even drunks at 2AM will give up and hop in a cab if you put them through enough ****.
Wrong analogy. Bodog is the high priced stuck up bitch who is at the bar because she's there supporting her friend. She knows exactly what she wants and isn't going to compromise what she believes in just because she's getting hit on by a bunch of guys who think they know what she wants.

12-02-2011 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by untitled

I haven't been getting my $10 per 50 points or whatever the bonus was that's been going on. I obviously haven't been putting in anywhere near the volume, but has that bonus simply stopped?
I would call CS.
12-02-2011 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by jazzyfresh45
As always, he's right. It's actually much MORE then the forums are billing it. I spoke with a representative on the phone who said they have never seen anything like this ever and are bracing for it as best as they can but payouts cannot take the same amount of time anymore and there are no guarantees.

This is a very similar situation to Full Tilt. Although in some ways, more disturbing because management is the ones deciding to destroy the site, not outside forces like the DOJ.
Well actually, "inside forces" had plenty of a role in destroying Full Tilt. They made some insane and unjustifiable strategic decisions for the direction of the company that resulted in its demise.

So, not much different from Bodog after all.
12-02-2011 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Cydonia
I found $40.91 on my Bodog account. Tried to cash it all out, but got an error: "A problem has occurred. The requested payout amount exceeds the currect balance: $20.91".
What the hell?
$20 was probably uncleared bonus. I would contact CS.
12-02-2011 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Seeing as he develops software that works with poker clients, I'm pretty sure he's aware of that. Every player still has to have some kind of unique identifier so the site knows who is who; presumably there is a way for software developers to tap into this?
Yeah, it's called memory. You can't track a players dollar amounts at a table without some unique identifier. So it's just a matter of doing some memory traces.
12-02-2011 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
Like I said, I own a software development company, and have a team of developers. Trust me, it can be done. Anyone who programs know this. I'm not sure why Bodog even went through all the trouble honestly.
If you own a software development company then you should be able to explain how easily it's done. I have almost 20 years in IT and can tell you that unless they programmed it in a way that the unique player ID code is sent all the way down to the client, there's no way for this to be done.

Next post try not to mention that you own a company and instead try answering the question.

12-02-2011 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by daneblazer
Well look on the bright side, at least my flushes still explode, full houses still get electrocuted and I get to play a final table in outer space.
I thought full houses and flushes both did the same thing (the fire). And only quads and straight flushes get electrocuted.

I could be wrong though. I turned those animations off a while ago.
12-02-2011 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
If you own a software development company then you should be able to explain how easily it's done. I have almost 20 years in IT and can tell you that unless they programmed it in a way that the unique player ID code is sent all the way down to the client, there's no way for this to be done.

Next post try not to mention that you own a company and instead try answering the question.

Wow. Anger issues?

Excuse me for not explaining in every detail how to do this. My sincere apologies. What a jackass.
12-02-2011 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by so_low
Justin -

can there be some limit on ratholing? as it stands now people can shortstack and immediately come back if they win 1 pot.

Additionally, suppose we are plying 3 handed for 5-10 mins. Then I quit and come back in a minute with reads on the other 2 players, but they have no reads on me. There needs to be a time constraint on reentering the game.

The other idea I had, which I mentioned earlier in this thread, is to assign each player a random name at every table. But if they left the table and came back in <20 mins it should be the same name that gets attached to them. People wouldnt have to have the same names across multiple tables. But this way it would be easier to track people leaving and new players coming in, as well as taking away the abuse that can happen when people perpetually leave and come back on tables, as to eliminate reads on them.
I've been pressing this issue to them in private as well and will send this post to them too.
