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***Official Bodog Support Thread*** (11.22.2011) ***Official Bodog Support Thread*** (11.22.2011)

12-02-2011 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by ArcadianSky
There is a decently lucrative business involved with bot coding/making, and the people programming these things aren't dumb. Do you really think they won't pop up with an update in a matter of days, if not hours? How is this a 'solution' to the problem?

Go subscribe to the ShankyBots forum, there's literally THOUSANDS of people on there who regularly post their bot results and share countless programming codes and edits to make their bots stronger. A lot of them, if not most of them, play on Bodog.

Additionally, every bot I've ever read about varies the response time of all actions, and most even 'sit out' for bathroom breaks every 60-90 minutes for a few hands.

To put it lightly, you are extremely ignorant to the world of botting, and I suggest you read about it before you comment on it.

This involves TRUSTING Bodog to do the right thing... we trusted UB, what happened? We trusted AbsolutePoker, what happened? We trusted Full Tilt, what happened? The fact is, this update makes it impossible for the poker COMMUNITY to protect each other against collusion, superusers, and scams. I'm not trusting Bodog to do the right thing for a single second. Especially when 'doing the right thing' generally involves them making less money.

This is one of the most naive posts in the thread.

As anyone who's written even rudimentary software could tell you, pseudo-randomizing **** like response times is triflingly easy. Potty breaks, the same. I'm sure that bot-engineers, whilst douchebags, are not hapless waterheads. The anthropomorphic codification of bots is likely much more sophisticated than response time and intermittent sitouts.
12-02-2011 , 08:47 AM
Occupy Bodog! Let's all stop showering, smoke lots of grass, and SIT OUT at Bodog tables. Stick it to the Dog!
12-02-2011 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by shoemaker
No, pretty clearly that is not their intent. There is no way they will make more money if majority of regs leave and just fish left than what they did pre-update, so it doesnt make sense. Also why allow 20tabling mtts if they dont wants regs?

This is a prime example of the hubris I mentioned. Calvin writes in the comments of Jonas' article that 'the sharps are not really even wanted so the can just go play somewhere else can they not?' BUT MAYBE IF YOU WRITE IN ALL CAPS PEOPLE MIGHT LISTEN.
12-02-2011 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by JustinR.
Hey all,

2) Notes - So after a long discussion here they've committed to a form of notes. It's not 100% figured out exactly what the final implementation will look like but in essence you'll be able to note players while at a cash game or in a tournament. These notes would remain with said player until they get up or are knocked out of the tournament. So in an MTT notes would stay with players you have played with for the duration of the tournament. They've also told me they are open to ideas about its implementation in cash games and will be looking to me and the forums for feedback regarding this.

I dont know, maybe its me, but this anonymity makes it very easy for Bodog themselves to deploy their own bots to increase STT traffic. Weird thing is that STT traffic has been up considerably the the last 2 nights,,,a big hmmmm
12-02-2011 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by Shoe
No, this part is just wrong. Anyone who has put time into learning the game (and is willing to actually focus on a table instead of relying on HUDs or other software) will have no problem beating anonymous players either. It does not matter if their name is "Player 1" or "Shoe" -- if you are paying attention you will pick up on the same things either way.

I agree that anonymous tables increases the collusion risk, and this is what we need to focus on -- but obvious collusion will still be caught just like it always was, you just report player 3 & 4 on game X and they can investigate. I'm not sure what Bodog's reputation is on this.

However, what Bodog needs to do to combat major fraud, is this: We would need a way to reliably audit all of Bodog's hand histories to increase player confidence in the integrity of the games. If they are willing to do this, I don't see what the problem could possibly be. They could make their entire hand histories public after the fact (with a 24 hour delay or something), that would be more than enough evidence for anyone who cared to do the work, and we would could compare all our hand histories to theirs to make sure everything is being reported accurately.

The KEY is that online is a different beast, and every session should be anonymous from the start. The tools out there are just way too powerful. I understand the live poker argument where you pick up reads on players over time, but in live poker you don't know that you have played 1,033 hands against player X, and his exact stats on every turn. Live and online is similar but different.

It is my opinion that you should actually have to focus on a table to get reads on other players. I know most of you here disagree with that, as you just want to play as many tables as possible and have your "reads" hand-fed to you, but keep your live poker arguments out of this if that is the case, otherwise you are nothing but a hypocrite, and basically a bot yourself.
The thing is how do you know you are playing a REAL person & not simply a machine/software like in a video game? You have no way of really knowing. Bottom line I don't trust this site.
12-02-2011 , 09:59 AM
Does anyone else whack off to all the T&A in people's avatars?

If you spank it beholden to my avatar, you're just sick, man.

Last edited by IchTheocracy; 12-02-2011 at 10:01 AM. Reason: Addendum
12-02-2011 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by DunlopFuzzy
This is a prime example of the hubris I mentioned. Calvin writes in the comments of Jonas' article that 'the sharps are not really even wanted so the can just go play somewhere else can they not?' BUT MAYBE IF YOU WRITE IN ALL CAPS PEOPLE MIGHT LISTEN.
Well, you are right actually. Was not aware that he had written that. Hard for me to believe that a large portion of the regs leaving (60%+) would be more +EV for bodog than having a thriving pokerroom. Also need to note that aot of these regs sportsbet too, so its the possibility of losing that too. Remains to see tho anyway.

Still advocate leaving tho. They are ruining poker as game of skill
12-02-2011 , 10:28 AM
I'm not picking on you directly, just 20 pages of cringeworthy posts.

The sharp sports bettors only have a Bodog account to bet moneyline dogs, they may mozy into the poker room out of boredom here or there but it's nothing like how fishy Bodog was on Sunday nights during NFL season, when the clueless would chase sportsbook losses week after week.
12-02-2011 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by JustinR.
[B]2) Notes - So after a long discussion here they've committed to a form of notes. It's not 100% figured out exactly what the final implementation will look like but in essence you'll be able to note players while at a cash game or in a tournament. These notes would remain with said player until they get up or are knocked out of the tournament. So in an MTT notes would stay with players you have played with for the duration of the tournament. They've also told me they are open to ideas about its implementation in cash games and will be looking to me and the forums for feedback regarding this.
Thats not enough IMO...I'm pretty sure that most in here are ok with not being able to use HUDs anymore but this whole note taking for a session thing does not change a bit....when playing live I'm able to recognize familiar faces I have played with before so whats Bodogs reasoning for taking that away Justin? Please ask them! I it that Bodog thinks recreational players are too dumb to write?
12-02-2011 , 10:54 AM
Need screen names need notes or you get no traffic. That's all there is to it. You want traffic? We need individual identities and notes.
12-02-2011 , 11:04 AM
Justin or w/e Bodog employee is responsible, thank you for finally adding the HU PLO8 SnGs above the $21s!!! With that said, I have one MAJOR complaint and a request! All of your $21 and under plo8 hu sngs, have a regular time structure, i.e. 10 min. blinds. However, the $50s and the $100s are the only ones that are Turbo w/ 5 min. levels and yet still charge the 5% rake. In other words, the relative rake is supposed to decrease w/ the increase in limits, not the other way around. 5% and under for normal blinds speed structure for anything above $50s is fine, but to charge 5% for a turbo structure, is just unfair!

Please change the turbo structure back to normal as you currently have it for all other plo8 hu sngs, or at the very least please add the normal speed (10 min. blinds) at the $30s and $50s. ATM don't really care about $100s, can't afford it. Also it would be absolutely amazing if you changed the blinds structure to the same model used by Merge and previously by CEREUS and Stars. I.e. the blinds start at 5/10, and increase every 10 min. Thanks in advance!
12-02-2011 , 11:16 AM
I'm still having a ratholing/shortstacking orgy with the new Bodog downgrade. You LAG donk haters can hate, while I exploit an ever-more unexploitable shortstack ratholing strategy @ Bodog. Thanks, B-dog -- yo fishes be my biches -- yo regs be my biches -- yo biches be my biches -- AD NAUSEUM.
12-02-2011 , 11:16 AM
bodog are only going to get bigger with these tables i think their traffic will double within 2 years they dont mind sacrificing players now they are playing the long game and players will come onboard so moaners should quit moaning and just go somewhere else the grass is always greener on the other side
12-02-2011 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by triptych
bodog are only going to get bigger with these tables i think their traffic will double within 2 years they dont mind sacrificing players now they are playing the long game and players will come onboard so moaners should quit moaning and just go somewhere else the grass is always greener on the other side
lol they'll double in size because everyone playing is going to have a partner now.
12-02-2011 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by jazzyfresh45
There's a 12 year old reading this thread who thought that response was immature.
that really gives me the creeps the way you use a an innocent 12 year old as a weapon to argue with other adults on the internet. it just makes my skin crawl.
12-02-2011 , 11:32 AM
"-decrease the amount of time to post blinds and antes. 30 seconds to post is way way too much time. change it back to 15 or w/e it was. also have default settings for wait for BB and auto post (that are savable)

-fix the sounds, reverting them to the old sounds would be great

-add-on glitch still exists, the add chips button often breaks and is unclickable. implement auto-top off

-adding on chips as it is, is VERY laggy and takes too long

-fix the game animation glitch that freezes the software

-change the grey bet buttons on a grey background. add more background colors and card colors.

-settings go back to default when you reopen client

-be able to choose your preferred seat

-fix the chat box and separate it from game details (bring back game details window)

-remove or relocate/change the blackjack logo (Ace and Jack) that COVER your cards if your in the top seat

-fix the table size/layout, tables are way too big and do not fit well on the screen (overlap, etc)

-prob won't be done but if they insist on keeping the anonymous tables, allow session notes/color tabs and players should have randomly generated names/avatars.

-tables do not come to the front when it's your turn even when the setting is on or off. it used to be fine, now it's broken. this is really, really bad, you simply cannot tell when it is your turn to act. also why doesn't it BEEP when you're timing out!?

-when you click an action at one table, it does not bring up other tables that you also have action on like it used to. it was much better before.

-when all in, it lags, is not how it used to be, and the cards show up all at once.

-hand history is broken, it doesn't show all hands and shows hands from other tables you are playing.

-hand history doesn't show mucked cards at showdown

-i haven't checked it fully but can you use full time bank on every hand? if so this
needs to be fixed

-points to cash should be returned"

this site has so many things wrong with it, it's shameful. i've played on bodog for about six months now and endured the glitch after glitch everyday. with the recent changes that have been discussed ad infinitum, i've decided to cash out now. thanks for the input that everyone has given. i've learned alot in the past few days.

12-02-2011 , 11:33 AM
Its safe to say they want all winning players to leave. Its a smart move. That way they get all the profits. Money gets cycled repeatedly from bad player to bad player and all the time rake eats a small portion till there is none left. Nothing really gets withdrawn and it all goes to the house.

Smart indeed since so many fishes dont really care how sites are run or even do any research or in the know of whats going on regarding poker. Even the sleaziest sites have traffic and since Bodog is now a major contender because of black friday, this plan of theirs will probably work.

So all those helping them better their product, just don't. Just withdraw and leave and stay quiet. For any poker pro, fixing and being able to realize what needs work takes no effort but by telling them, your helping them with what their trying to accomplish.
12-02-2011 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by djle2
Its safe to say they want all winning players to leave. Its a smart move. That way they get all the profits. Money gets cycled repeatedly from bad player to bad player and all the time rake eats a small portion till there is none left. Nothing really gets withdrawn and it all goes to the house.

Smart indeed since so many fishes dont really care how sites are run or even do any research or in the know of whats going on regarding poker. Even the sleaziest sites have traffic and since Bodog is now a major contender because of black friday, this plan of theirs will probably work.

So all those helping them better their product, just don't. Just withdraw and leave and stay quiet. For any poker pro, fixing and being able to realize what needs work takes no effort but by telling them, your helping them with what their trying to accomplish.
Poker is a volume game for the house. It doesn't matter how good or bad the players are, someone is going to win long run due to a skill edge of some type. You can't get rid of winning players, you can only soften the edges and at that point volume producing players will refuse to play on your site because their edge will be greater elsewhere. Unless there's some appeal to this anonymous system that makes it better to an enormous group of casual players than the product that's currently being marketed by other websites, the volume on Bodog will disappear and they will have no traffic beyond the micro stakes because no winning players will carry the volume.
12-02-2011 , 11:53 AM
Either way, less money is going to be won by the pros and that means more profit for Bodog in the long run. Even if all the pros leave and there is a new winning player type. That new winning player is def not going to win as much as a pro and he is def going to withdraw a lot less and still make bad plays and resending that money into the rake system.

What they are doing is keeping the money in the system as long as possible.
12-02-2011 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by djle2
Either way, less money is going to be won by the pros and that means more profit for Bodog in the long run. Even if all the pros leave and there is a new winning player type. That new winning player is def not going to win as much as a pro and he is def going to withdraw a lot less and still make bad plays and resending that money into the rake system.

What they are doing is keeping the money in the system as long as possible.
what you're saying has little sense. overall, competition in a game full of regs is very probably more even than in a field full of fishes, because there's way less variation in playing styles between said regs. what makes a room profit is volume and without regs, they won't have it.

i don't have a problem with bodog wanting to have softer games, but making the games anonymous is just an invite to every sort of cheating. this has to be the most ridiculous decision ever taken by a poker room and imo anyone that plays in such an unsafe environment has to be out of his mind.

thanks god i never really gave a **** about bodog, because they won't be seeing my money. ever.
12-02-2011 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by bully666
Im pretty sure you can....time response time of a player at seat 5, if its always the got him.

btw, I doubt there are YET any bots on bodog, they need to re-do their OCR reading and only the most advanced botters (which are probably also playing on PS, so almost impossible to detect) are bottng now.
Replies like this tilt me SO hard...there were bots running on the old software, players reported them and Bosog did nothing. You think they just magically ****ing disappeared? You think a profit-maximizing company hires more security personnel out of the blue? For ****s sake open your eyes. Of you are playing on Bodog right now YOU ARE BEING CHEATED. Have you read the blogs? I feel like this Jonas geek could write, "we are currently running our own bots to clear out ever last penny" and you would still think the games are clean. This isn't even thinking outside the box. YOU. ARE. BEING. CHEATED.
12-02-2011 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by drexah
justin this stuff needs to be addressed asap. and should to be kept on every page. while some of these might not be 'imperative' they are definitely important and all glitches, bugs, and problems that should be fixed. none of these decrease traffic or scare away fish, but improvements that can be made to simply make the room better. i advice people to repost this as well as email it to bodog.

-decrease the amount of time to post blinds and antes. 30 seconds to post is way way too much time. change it back to 15 or w/e it was. also have default settings for wait for BB and auto post (that are savable)

-fix the sounds, reverting them to the old sounds would be great

-add-on glitch still exists, the add chips button often breaks and is unclickable. implement auto-top off

-adding on chips as it is, is VERY laggy and takes too long

-fix the game animation glitch that freezes the software

-change the grey bet buttons on a grey background. add more background colors and card colors.

-settings go back to default when you reopen client

-be able to choose your preferred seat

-fix the chat box and separate it from game details (bring back game details window)

-remove or relocate/change the blackjack logo (Ace and Jack) that COVER your cards if your in the top seat

-fix the table size/layout, tables are way too big and do not fit well on the screen (overlap, etc)

-prob won't be done but if they insist on keeping the anonymous tables, allow session notes/color tabs and players should have randomly generated names/avatars.

-tables do not come to the front when it's your turn even when the setting is on or off. it used to be fine, now it's broken. this is really, really bad, you simply cannot tell when it is your turn to act. also why doesn't it BEEP when you're timing out!?

-when you click an action at one table, it does not bring up other tables that you also have action on like it used to. it was much better before.

-when all in, it lags, is not how it used to be, and the cards show up all at once.

-hand history is broken, it doesn't show all hands and shows hands from other tables you are playing.

-hand history doesn't show mucked cards at showdown

-i haven't checked it fully but can you use full time bank on every hand? if so this
needs to be fixed

-pre action fold and other checkboxes not working properly.

-points to cash should be returned
Its all already been sent to management. I don't mind having it quoted and added to though, seems like a good way to organize.
12-02-2011 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by PanchoStern
I've withdrawn money plenty of times before, used to do it on a monthly basis. Now that I want to withdraw my bankroll, suddenly I'm asked for a bunch of information again as if I'd never provided it? What kind of crooks are running this site? It's like freaking FT & UB all over again. I want to get my $$ out & they won't give me MY money.
This is nothing like UB or FT. UB and FT still owe me $40,000. Bodog wants to see a piece of information confirming who you are, like they do at some point for every account. After that you'll receive your money in a timely manner, don't try to tie the two together, a lot of us lost a ton of money from FTP over leveraging itself and their owners stealing. You're choosing to leave Bodog and you're going to get your money.
12-02-2011 , 12:20 PM
Justin, please add this to the list. I've sat at multiple 6 max tables with four friends just to see if there is any security whatsoever...and there isn't, as we suspected. We opened 11 tables over the course of an hour and not one of us were barred from a table. I have no idea if you ever played poker, but this is a pretty big problem.
12-02-2011 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by djle2
Either way, less money is going to be won by the pros and that means more profit for Bodog in the long run. Even if all the pros leave and there is a new winning player type. That new winning player is def not going to win as much as a pro and he is def going to withdraw a lot less and still make bad plays and resending that money into the rake system.

What they are doing is keeping the money in the system as long as possible.
They are taking a huge gamble that players who deposit on their site don't want to play poker though. What they have created is inferior to all of the other poker site's software in the eyes of 99% of players. If that sacrifice in poker volume is worth less money than the number of players who will take their money to the casino or blackjack table they will be able to profit from this change. If the average guy deposits money on Bodog because they like to play poker and now they realize that Bodog no longer offers a suitable version of poker they'll go somewhere else and Bodog will never see their money. Bodog is hoping that by shrinking their poker traffic that they'll make up for it in casino and sports betting volume.

Tell me, do you think that Bodog made more or less money in the last 6 months than it had before black friday? If they had been making more money, do you think that a good portion of that money was from the influx of poker traffic? What happens when you flip a switch and make your poker site significantly worse than every other poker site?
