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Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating)

11-27-2013 , 11:44 PM
Just busted 3rd to a miraculous barrage of coinflips by the short stack. I was definitely the only one playing against him. Then I see this about 10 seconds later.


He mentioned earlier having a deal with 78 as well, though I assumed he was joking.

Would Bovada do anything about this you think? I guess I'll try reporting it.
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
11-28-2013 , 01:07 AM
They at least need to take away player 9s win and move everyone up. He admitted to cheating. After 24 hours passes download the HH and see what he folded.
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
11-28-2013 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by Czar Chasm
I guess I'll try reporting it.
Easiest call ever.
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
11-28-2013 , 05:57 AM
Not reporting this with such sick evidence is stealing from youself, snap-report please.
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
11-28-2013 , 07:11 AM
If he did it for tactical reasons though, it's not cheating.
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
11-28-2013 , 07:15 AM
Oh wow, I was railing my friend earlier in sngs and there was always these two who kept reraising each other and would fold to the last 100-200 and give the other player a balanced stack of around 3k with blinds around 100/200. He is reporting as well, but this needs to stop... Or at least make it where no one is an anon.

Sent from my PantechP9070 using 2+2 Forums
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
11-28-2013 , 11:18 AM
I've reported situations like this to Bovada in the past, and nothing was done. One case I can think of was in a SNG where a player was clearly chip-dumping and even stated it in chat. Bovada said they'd look into it but couldn't tell me the output of the situation. That's the last I heard about it, and no refund was provided.

So, by all means report it, but don't hold your breath for a positive resolution.
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
11-28-2013 , 04:51 PM
Def. report it and if not it's good that you started a thread about it as this will force the website to make a business decision... To either start giving appropriate refunds or face the bad publicity that goes with not doing the right thing.
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
11-29-2013 , 12:30 AM
No reply yet but I think they're backlogged with disconnection issues ATM.

Santa Cruz, I can't fathom any possible tactical reasons behind the 2nd place stack keeping the 3rd place stack alive, but hey, maybe the guy is illogical.
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
11-29-2013 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by Czar Chasm
No reply yet but I think they're backlogged with disconnection issues ATM.

Santa Cruz, I can't fathom any possible tactical reasons behind the 2nd place stack keeping the 3rd place stack alive, but hey, maybe the guy is illogical.
I've done it in sitngoes although not that often. If I have any input into who I'm going to go up against heads-up, I'm going to make it someone who I can beat. I'm certainly not going to brag about it in the chat box though. And I'm certainly not defending Bovada; I think that their anonymous tables invite collusion.
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
11-29-2013 , 02:04 AM
You'd risk locking up 2nd place money and leave the only short stack alive just on the off chance that the bigger stack blows it and somehow busts before both of you? Sorry but with the typical pay jumps in top 3 I can't think of any scenario where that's not an atrocious mindset. Maybe if the payouts were $500, $100, $50 you could consider it.
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
11-29-2013 , 02:35 AM
This is why anonymous tables are a bad idea. Definitely report it. If Bovada doesn't qualify this as collusion, and does something about it then I don't know what would qualify.
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
11-29-2013 , 02:52 AM
snap report and let us know what support said op
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
11-29-2013 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by Czar Chasm
You'd risk locking up 2nd place money and leave the only short stack alive just on the off chance that the bigger stack blows it and somehow busts before both of you? Sorry but with the typical pay jumps in top 3 I can't think of any scenario where that's not an atrocious mindset. Maybe if the payouts were $500, $100, $50 you could consider it.
It's not something that I thought up. It's from reading instructional material years ago that discussed table dynamics and the need sometimes to keep a player at the table. It isn't necessarily just to play against the weaker player heads-up. It might be that it just isn't the best time stack-wise to go head to head against a tough opponent. A third player can sometimes redistribute the chips making conditions more favorable.
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
11-30-2013 , 09:29 AM
I do this is in sit n gos often if i have a bigstack and theres one small stack with another middlestack around. You boss the middlestack around to take his chips so you will have a bigger chip lead going into headsup.
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
11-30-2013 , 02:05 PM
Yea there's plenty of strategic reasons where you might try to keep a weak shortstack alive so you can abuse the other guy, this situation though sounds like he was keeping the other guy alive to be friendly to him. If these two player have any sort of relationship to each other then obviously this is HIGHLY unethical. But it sounds to me like these are two fishy players and I would lean towards giving them the benefit of the doubt here.

Though obviously if they folded the nuts to each other that should warrant some kindve punishment, I hear you can get a HH showing everyone's hole cards on bovada? Might be worth looking into

Last edited by Mike Haven; 01-02-2014 at 11:56 AM. Reason: 2 posts merged
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
11-30-2013 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by dalaxthedonk
Yea there's plenty of strategic reasons where you might try to keep a weak shortstack alive so you can abuse the other guy,
You need to be CL for this to apply IMO.
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
12-13-2013 , 03:48 AM
Still no reply so I emailed them a 2nd time. Got this back.

Thanks for contacting Bovada Poker Customer Service.

We'll review all the hands that Player 78 and Player 9 played together. If we find evidence these players were collaborating, we'll take action.

Our Poker Customer Service Team is available by e-mail at 24/7 to help if you need anything else.


Poker Customer Service

Guess that's fair. I'm going to request them for myself too and have a look.
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
12-13-2013 , 07:06 PM
yo czar chasm whats up dog? you enjoying the anoymous beatings im giving you at bovada plo8?
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
12-15-2013 , 09:58 AM
I'm sure I am lol, do I know you?

Ugh Bovada won't give me the hand histories they claim to be reviewing. They're saying the only way I can get them is by downloading them from the website, but there is a 7 day window to do so. I was unaware of this. If they had responded to my original email instead of making me write a 2nd time 10 days later maybe I would have known it >_<

How can they review hand histories if they can't send them out?
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
12-15-2013 , 01:21 PM
And this is why I play on Bovada as little as I possibly can.
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
12-23-2013 , 11:56 AM
I requested an update from them and I got this back...


"Dear xxxxx,

Thanks for contacting Bovada Poker Customer Service.

In regard to your inquiry, we'd like to inform you that we don't share information regarding the results of the reported incidents due to confidential reasons.

As stated on the previous email, we will thoroughly review the hands and if we see that these players are collaborating, necessary actions should be taken. Again, we won't provide any updates regarding the results of the reported incident."


I can hardly believe what I'm reading. They don't share the results due to "confidential reasons?" Do they not realize everyone there is anonymous? Who's confidentiality are they protecting??? Such an obvious way to sweep all collusion reports under the rug it isn't even funny. It really makes me second guess playing on Bovada at all if this is how they handle things >_<
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
12-23-2013 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Czar Chasm

Thanks for contacting Bovada Poker Customer Service.

We'll review all the hands that Player 78 and Player 9 played together. If we find evidence these players were collaborating, we'll take action.
What else could they possibly need? You have the confession in the chat LOL
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
12-23-2013 , 01:31 PM
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
12-30-2013 , 02:05 AM
Here's a glimpse into the awesomeness that is Bovada "customer support." I probably come off whiny and just as dumb as them but here goes anyway.

These exchanges came after some back and forth about my report and how they can't send me my hand histories. It has now been over one month since I reported the cheaters and all I ever hear from them is how they "will investigate it."


To Bovada Poker Customer Service
Dec 22
So is there any result from your review yet? How long does this process take?


Bovada Poker Customer Service
To Me
Dec 22
Dear xxxxx,

Thanks for contacting Bovada Poker Customer Service.

In regard to your inquiry, we'd like to inform you that we don't share information regarding the results of the reported incidents due to confidential reasons.

As stated on the previous email, we will thoroughly review the hands and if we see that these players are collaborating, necessary actions should be taken. Again, we won't provide any updates regarding the results of the reported incident.


To Bovada Poker Customer Service
Dec 23
Are you kidding me? I got cheated 3 handed, caught them red handed, and you're not going to tell me the results? How will I ever know if justice was served or not? I need to be bumped up at least one payout for that. This seems like a nice way for you to make cheating reports go away without hassle. I had more faith in your site before this and I am extremely disappointed with you. All players are anonymous, it's ridiculous to claim you can't share results due to confidentiality. Whose confidentiality are you protecting??? An anonymous player?

You need to prove to the poker community that you take cheating seriously or nobody is going to trust you. This is unacceptable.


Bovada Poker Customer Service
To Me
Dec 23
Dear xxxxx,

Thanks for contacting Bovada Poker Customer Service.

Investigation details can't be shared for privacy reasons, but we take these reports, the investigations and any resulting action seriously.
Again, we really appreciate the time you took for bringing this on our attention and please let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.

In addition, please note that Anonymous tables give you a fresh start every single time you bring chips to the table. It creates fewer distractions, a more equal playing field, and most importantly it brings focus back to the game.

Unique Experience:
We are the first Poker room to introduce anonymous tables in this manner
We are certain that this change will increase action and create a more enjoyable experience
To create a more fun and equal playing field:
Anonymity - goes both ways as other players will not be able to recognize you or your play and vice versa
Limits the distraction and stops harassment or targeting of players
The change rings it back to the essence of the game itself, rather than who you are playing against and what you or your opponent have done in the past:
Poker is observational and is an important part of the game. This doesn't change with anonymous tables, as fundamental strategies have not changed


To Bovada Poker Customer Service
Dec 23
Again I ask, what are the privacy reasons? The players are anonymous, you're not exposing anyone.


Bovada Poker Customer Service
To Me
Dec 23
Dear xxxxx,

Thanks for contacting Bovada Poker Customer Service.

Please be advised that we deal with all investigations internally and privately. If any players are to receive funds due to an investigation, we will advise them accordingly.


To Bovada Poker Customer Service
Dec 24 at 8:50 PM
For the tenth time, why are investigations private? What is the reason for it?


Bovada Poker Customer Service
To Me
Dec 25 at 1:19 AM
Dear xxxxx,

Thanks for contacting Bovada Poker Customer Service.

As part of our confidentiality and privacy policy, we do not discuss our findings or the details of our investigations with players reporting the issue. What we can assure you is that, based on our findings, we will take the appropriate action towards the account. We hold the right to keep the results of the investigation privately.

We appreciate your time on reporting this concern and your understanding on this matter.

Should you wish to know more about the privacy policy, you may check the link below:


To Bovada Poker Customer Service
Dec 27 at 2:00 AM
Oh my god... you keep saying the same thing over and over without answering my question.

I understand you have a privacy policy and blah blah blah. What I am asking you is for the reason behind it. Why don't you discuss cheating investigations and your findings? Please send this email to someone who can actually answer me, and don't send back the same form reply you've sent me a dozen times now.


Bovada Poker Customer Service
To Me
Dec 27 at 3:30 AM
Dear xxxxx,

Thanks for contacting Bovada Poker Customer Service.

We won't be able to share the results of the investigation the same way that we do not share your personal information to others. Rest assured that once we have the results, we'll take proper action. As mentioned previously, you can check the link listed below for more information:


To Bovada Poker Customer Service
Dec 27 at 5:11 PM
But sharing the results wouldn't be the same as sharing someone's personal information. The players are all anonymous. You're not exposing anything about anyone by telling me if I was cheated or not. Do you realize that?

Furthermore, it has been a month now since this incident occurred and I have not received a dime. How long do your investigations take?


Bovada Poker Customer Service
To Me
Dec 27 at 6:09 PM
Dear xxxxxx,

Thanks for contacting Bovada Poker Customer Service.

Again we would like to reiterate that results of investigations are private and are not shared with customers as per our policy.

Once we have the results of our findings, we will take proper action.

You may click on the link below for more information on our policies:


To Bovada Poker Customer Service
Dec 27 at 11:31 PM
Again I would like to reiterate that I understand what your policy is. What I keep asking you over and over is, WHY is that your policy if players are anonymous? Who's privacy are you protecting?


Bovada Poker Customer Service
To Me
Dec 28 at 3:27 AM
Dear xxxxx,

Thanks for contacting Bovada Poker Customer Service.

Anonymous tables give you a fresh start every single time you bring chips to the table. It creates fewer distractions, a more equal playing field, and most importantly it brings focus back to the game.

Unique Experience:
We are the first Poker room to introduce anonymous tables in this manner
We are certain that this change will increase action and create a more enjoyable experience
To create a more fun and equal playing field:
Anonymity - goes both ways as other players will not be able to recognize you or your play and vice versa
Limits the distraction and stops harassment or targeting of players
The change rings it back to the essence of the game itself, rather than who you are playing against and what you or your opponent have done in the past:
Poker is observational and is an important part of the game. This doesn't change with anonymous tables, as fundamental strategies have not changed.


To Bovada Poker Customer Service
Dec 28 at 8:13 PM
I'm not asking why your tables are anonymous, I'm asking why you don't discuss your investigations of cheating? If everyone is anonymous, you are not exposing anyone's information by doing so.


Bovada Poker Customer Service
To Me
Dec 28 at 9:39 PM
Dear xxxxx,

Thanks for contacting Bovada Poker Customer Service.

Investigation details can't be shared for privacy reasons, but we take these reports, the investigations and any resulting action seriously. Thanks again for bringing this to our attention and please let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.


To Bovada Poker Customer Service
Dec 29 at 1:54 PM
What are the privacy reasons? Everyone is anonymous, we already have privacy that way.


Bovada Poker Customer Service
To Me
Dec 29 at 3:11 PM
Dear xxxxx,

Thanks for contacting Bovada Poker Customer Service.

First of all, we wanted to thank you for contacting us about this matter as Bovada puts great value on our player's security and we are committed to providing our customers with the safest online poker experience possible.

As stated in the previous email, investigation details can't be shared for privacy reasons, but we take these reports, the investigations and any resulting action seriously and we will notify you via email once we are done with the investigation.


To Bovada Poker Customer Service
Dec 29 at 4:53 PM
This is really starting to annoy me. I have asked you about 20 times now the same question and for some reason you won't answer it. Here is the question again. PLEASE ANSWER IT!

Why can't investigations be shared for privacy reasons?


Bovada Poker Customer Service
To Me
Dec 29 at 5:15 PM
Dear xxxxx,

Thanks for contacting Bovada Poker Customer Service.

It has been a standard operational procedure by Bovada not to divulge results of collusion reports because we find it important to guard the privacy of players concerned. We have found them at fault and there is no need to embarrass them to the whole of Bovada community.


To Bovada Poker Customer Service
Dec 29 at 8:18 PM
But how are you exposing or embarrassing anyone when we are all anonymous?


Bovada Poker Customer Service
To Me
Dec 29 at 10:33 PM
Dear xxxxx,

Thanks for contacting Bovada Poker Customer Service.

We would like to again reiterate that it is our policy not to share investigation reports to customers.

We take these reports, the investigations and any resulting action seriously. Please be advised that once we have the results of our findings, we take the proper action.


To Bovada Poker Customer Service
Today at 12:19 AM
I would like to reiterate my question for the thousandth time that for some reason you refuse to answer.

Why do you not share investigation reports to customers? Everyone is anonymous, so you're not protecting any people's privacy. So what is the actual reason? Please DO NOT SEND ME ANOTHER FORM REPLY. I want a real answer from a real person.


I was so close at the end there!!! Then I got sent back to form reply bot =/

It's like talking to a brick wall.
Just wanted you to know I folded some winning hands to give you chips (alleged Bovada cheating) Quote
