Originally Posted by borg23
i showed up bc people claimed all you do is trash bodog on here so i looked on your other posts.
i think bodog does need to be more transparent with regards to collusion investigations so unlike the other thread i don't completely disagree with you here, but while this could be collusion it is no sure thing.
oh and now i didn't graduate from high school-are you actually 12 years old? even a clown like you could graduate hs.
lmao@ the 13 dollar mtt pro.
dude im sorry but (almost) every post of your ive read is obnixious, rude and does indeed peg you as a barely-legal-i'm-the-sh*t premadonna. i dont know how much you've made from poker that your going to bash a well established pro. i've been playing with czar for years and hes a very good player who undoubtedly has made enough over the years to support himself doing what he hates. i dunno maybe you were bullied in highschool too much last year or your mommy didnt hold you enough but seriously you need to find something better to do.