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The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition
View Poll Results: Is Online Poker Rigged?
3,525 34.92%
5,627 55.75%
942 9.33%

04-15-2020 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by ferdinand
No Einstein. The only ones who win are "The House" like in a common casino. They want EVERY PENNY in rake that they can get ...
That makes no sense unless you believe your rake is somehow worth more than your opponents. Please explain how any site benefits because you didn't win?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 04:09 AM
The Affiliates are a bunch of low life scumbags. They don’t care about the integrity of the game all they care about is their profits.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by PokerNV0000
The Affiliates are a bunch of low life scumbags. They don’t care about the integrity of the game all they care about is their profits.
In general, they're normal businessmen trying to make profit. They are probably more concerned about the integrity of the game than the players, as their profit depends on the vast majority of players knowing it's as fair a game as they'll get anywhere. Normally, the few losers that think the game is rigged against them stop playing and don't produce further profit for the affiliates. (It takes a "special" rigtard to continue playing.)
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by PokerNV0000
The Affiliates are a bunch of low life scumbags. They don’t care about the integrity of the game all they care about is their profits.
With "the integrity of the game" meaning:

"I only want to lose a pot ONE time per week and it should also be a small pot every time. Anything else is like, totally rigged, brah"
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 09:42 AM
Stacking one pair pre-flop or on the flop all the time and hoping it will hold is not poker it's bingo.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by V3ganDolf
Stacking one pair pre-flop or on the flop all the time and hoping it will hold is not poker it's bingo.
That's how the standard riggie works.

The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by PokerNV0000
The Affiliates are a bunch of low life scumbags. They don’t care about the integrity of the game all they care about is their profits.
You, truly, are too stupid for words.

First, I'm a player for over 25 years. I'd be willing to bet I made more on Memorial Day weekend in 2009 than you have gross winnings over whatever length of time you've played.

Second, as an affiliate, I deal with some very advanced knowledge players and groups. I caching/training group with 130 players for example. One that studies the HH of all their players on a weekly basis. If there was any questionable math, they'd leave the site in 10 seconds.

You cannot grasp this because you have Stage 4 Dumb. Its at the stage 4 level where the cranium has become 98% fecal matter causing the front orifice to spew out some of it to make room for the hot air that is still inside.

You're also the menses member that is lost as to why people 3 bet so much. Your 7 brain cells were also overworked trying to process the concept that Russia has a lot of poker players. Add in the idea that you believe the #1 globally recognized name has rigged the game and your like the cartoon character that keeps coming back to get hit in the face with a frying pan for being stupid.

You are clueless in so many ways and you lashing out is proof you have nothing left to say. Similar to your riggie brainfarts, I violated your feelz and you responded like the spoilt low IQ brat that you innately are.

Twoplustwo is not the proper forum for you to express your adult baby diaper wearing fetish and whining nonstop. Although, deep down you probably feel satisfied from the daily spanking you're administered here. Grab your binky and take a nap until something more apropos for your intellect is available, like Teletubbies. Your fav is the big purple one, right?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 12:55 PM
Seeing a pattern here, not only are you scammers but also perverted satanists it seems!

I guess, same ballpark, same same, how am I even surprised!
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by White_Gatsby
Seeing a pattern here, not only are you scammers but also perverted satanists it seems!

I guess, same ballpark, same same, how am I even surprised!
Lol a pattern, The only pattern here is you bringing a knife to a gunfight. Like your previous reference to the flat earthers you cannot provide any shred of evidence to your claim.

I guess in your world everyone you dislike would hang for whatever you accused them of. Go to sleep and more importantly stop playing poker if it bothers you so much.

Then again keep digging that hole and you may resolve the flat earth thing when you pop out the other side.

Don't bother with a childish reply because I aint gonna have a debate with you.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by a dewd
Well, like had you done research and looked at the FF thread you would have seen a lot of people saying it was going to be fine. A couple of these people actually though they could sue a nothing and some con artist was getting them to send info and fees.
And I'm sure that at the time, there were people accusing these poker sites of cheating and they were laughed at whatever particular message boards they were posting that at the time..only to be proven right.

I also found this:

I read the article which contradicts a lot of what you and other "anti-riggie" for lack of a better term, people said about the incident.

I thought..having read your post that a mathematical genius was playing online and was able to decipher that there was cheating. Basically this article points out that there was a snitch at Absolute and that the owner of this site made too many unlikely poker plays that were egregious. Basically that is how they got caught.

I want to see evidence that the poker community can "Police" the RNG of internet poker companies.


Edit/MH: See

and Josem's important find:

Last edited by Mike Haven; 04-17-2020 at 04:34 AM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Riggedamortiss
And I'm sure that at the time, there were people accusing these poker sites of cheating and they were laughed at whatever particular message boards they were posting that at the time..only to be proven right.

I also found this:

I read the article which contradicts a lot of what you and other "anti-riggie" for lack of a better term, people said about the incident.

I thought..having read your post that a mathematical genius was playing online and was able to decipher that there was cheating. Basically this article points out that there was a snitch at Absolute and that the owner of this site made too many unlikely poker plays that were egregious. Basically that is how they got caught.

I want to see evidence that the poker community can "Police" the RNG of internet poker companies.
Skilled and knowledgeable players will be able to see when something is off. They show evidence. Evidence is what riggies do not show. If someone showed any violation of math, see Mike Postle cheats thread, the community goes deep looking into it.

The thing is, ranting about something AMD showing no proof is a virtual certainty that there is no proof. Period. The people that express how reliable they are as a source of feelz, like PokereNVy litigating stolen lollipops, say that as an attempt to circumvent evidence. It's a common start....I'm not a rigtard because I have a ouija board or something irrelevant about themselves. What matter is evidence. It is extremely easy to out a cheater when knowledgeable people are given facts. None of the riggies will go through that process. It would either highlight they suck at poker or are clueless about being flabbergasted that there is a lot of 3-betting.

Canbguarantew you one thing, if someone came in with a database of HH that showed network XYZ was outside standard deviation it would get mountains of attention. Players have done that, search for bot rings and look at the mountain of effort some put in to finding evidence. I mean serious effort. Then read this thread or Global Poker RNG one and you'll find hundred and hundreds of people screaming at clouds because of being beat.

"Stop whining about bad beats, no one cares, and you need to learn the game." - bench a somewhat successful coach and player.


"Scam, morAns, blah blah fwwlz." - ShortBus

PS: you're correct, when evidence is posted, many many people can spot the egregious issues pretty quickly. Math, it be that way
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Which one? A quick look at Gatsby's posting history in threads that have nothing to do with online poker rigging (or even online poker) demonstrate the exact same approach and thinking as his posts here. Every one of his posts is literally as if he sneezes out stuff, so is he portraying that character for over 1,000 posts in a variety of topics for a long term troll routine to mimic the exact ways many lower level humans actually think and behave?


He is literally the dimwitted cartoon character as his posts would indicate. Lot of you guys seem to overestimate how bright much of humanity is at times, by assuming they must be faking to appear as stupid as they post, when in reality most of them are exactly as they seem .
Yes, that one. He's undergone a metamorphosis in this thread over the last few months, from questioning RIO's RNG and complaining about me being rude to him, to every single post being an insult-laden childish rant. From making fun of someone "misspelling" moron to using moran on a regular basis. From posting in a semi-normal manner to all sorts of weird stuff like intentionally calling people by other names, often female names, in some kind of weird and pathetic effort to get under people's skins, I guess.

I'm pretty sure I remember him being a more normal poster in past years. Maybe I'm wrong, and this is the way he's always been. I don't think so, but it's possible. But I'm not especially concerned. Even if he isn't a fake riggie troll, there's no point interacting with him for any purpose other than trading insults, so I'll leave that for those who enjoy it more than I do.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 04:47 PM
It is the same personality traits only magnified. Dude is just a dummy who spews his thoughts, nothing more, and the latest incarnations are more over the top insulting, but that is just a variation of all his posts - dummy who spews. Does that make it fake? Maybe a bit is over the top, but it is who he is at the core, so it is not an act in that regard. Not really a big deal as you say and I agree, he is just noise to play with at times, nothing more.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Riggedamortiss
And I'm sure that at the time, there were people accusing these poker sites of cheating and they were laughed at whatever particular message boards they were posting that at the time..only to be proven right.

I also found this:

I read the article which contradicts a lot of what you and other "anti-riggie" for lack of a better term, people said about the incident.

I thought..having read your post that a mathematical genius was playing online and was able to decipher that there was cheating. Basically this article points out that there was a snitch at Absolute and that the owner of this site made too many unlikely poker plays that were egregious. Basically that is how they got caught.

I want to see evidence that the poker community can "Police" the RNG of internet poker companies.
That article is trying to summarize events that played out right here on 2+2. Here's the first thread about it that gained wide-spread attention:

The original post was edited to include a somehwat lengthy summary of the events, but if you scroll down, you can see the original post, and then the replies. You'll notice some doubters in the first few dozen posts, but that dies off quickly once evidence comes forward.

Here are some important points from the summary:

Johnson was suspicious of POTRIPPER’s play. He contacted Absolute Poker, asked for the play be investigated and that the tournament hand history be sent to him. Absolute Poker responded that they’d looked into his play and could not find anything suspicious. They emailed Johnson the hand history in an encrypted Microsoft Excel file. Since it would be tiresome to go through the Excel file and because Absolute Poker had apparently investigated the play, Johnson didn’t examine things any closer for the time being.

In September of 2007, this thread was posted in the high stakes limit forum on 2+2 alleging suspicious play in the $150/$300 limit games on Absolute Poker. There were three players--STEAMROLLER, GREYCAT and DOUBLEDRAG--who despite playing what can be defined mathematically as a losing strategy, were crushing the games. Suspicious posters on 2+2 started examining hands that they had played against these three opponents. In analyzing the hands they found that the three suspicious accounts played most of their hands preflop and then were very aggressive postflop. The most suspicious play generally came on the river (the final betting round,) where seemingly every single time an opponent of the named accounts bluffed, they would be called down lightly or they would be raised and forced to fold. Every single time.

Once the data was compiled, it was thoroughly analyzed both on a hand by hand basis and by looking at the data as a whole. The following scatter plot was created by 2+2 poster Nat Arem. In the scatter plot VPIP stands for the percentage of hands in which a player put non-blind money into the pot preflop.
It looks like the scattergraphs in that post are no longer displaying, but I found them in an earlier post made in this thread (a reply to a post a lot like yours):

Originally Posted by Obvious Shill Alt
No, the complete hand histories made the cheating easier to understand but just compiling users hole card data was enough to prove there was cheating.

No, you're wrong. Read the OP of this thread.

It's a lot of text, I know, so I'll just grab the relevant bits and post them here:

Those charts were both made by simply combining user hand histories and comparing winrates to VPIP, and they showed that the superusers were winning 10 and 15 standard deviations above the mean in the respective pictures. There's literally no way anyone could win that much without cheating, and it is stone cold proof. The first chart was made within 24 hours of hands being shared.
That last paragraph is a well-articulated summary of the important point - there was enough evidence from players to close the case before the emailed hand histories had been examined.

Just one example of players policing the game. We've also seen many individual botters, botting rings, and collusion rings brought to light by players.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 05:01 PM
The MO is detailed on the PDF I have shown.

My friend is a winning online poker player by playing something called "anti-poker". Some of the plays he makes already had him in trouble cashing out from sites. The pattern is very easy to recognize, all you need is a functional HUD. Record your sessions for about 20k hands (VIDEO because the order in which things happen and against whom they happen IS IMPORTANT) and review them and the pattern will emerge in all its glory. All you have to do then is cash on it ...

PS: He is the only winning online player I know that is not a sponsored pro.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by MarkDavis
That makes no sense unless you believe your rake is somehow worth more than your opponents. Please explain how any site benefits because you didn't win?
If you level the playing field artificially the money stays in the system longer to be raked by them ... All you need is identify who is weak and who is strong and skew the luck towards the weak.

If you want do a quick test. Find every hand you went all in against guys with >50% VPIP and then tell me that it isnt rigged ... LOL
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 05:13 PM
Nice of you to offer the easy how to make millions strategy for free, as it kind of reminds me of when people sell how to beat roulette for millions systems for 50 bucks on youtube. Makes total sense as a business if legit...

Also, you used anti-poker without any word play fun of ante, so that by itself is enough for me to dismiss it all as not even being aware enough to use poker words properly.

Anyway, do your cannot lose anti-play or whatever in doses at appropriate stakes so you do not trigger the ante police against you and you will be fine. See what I did there? Probably not.

All the best.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by ferdinand
If you level the playing field artificially the money stays in the system longer to be raked by them ... All you need is identify who is weak and who is strong and skew the luck towards the weak.

If you want do a quick test. Find every hand you went all in against guys with >50% VPIP and then tell me that it isnt rigged ... LOL
mate you advocated limp-raising AA then small pairs to balance that in BQ.

fact is it's not rigged, you're just not good at poker.

The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by ferdinand
If you level the playing field artificially the money stays in the system longer to be raked by them ... All you need is identify who is weak and who is strong and skew the luck towards the weak.

If you want do a quick test. Find every hand you went all in against guys with >50% VPIP and then tell me that it isnt rigged ... LOL
Oh, please post your history of that.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Riggedamortiss
And I'm sure that at the time, there were people accusing these poker sites of cheating and they were laughed at whatever particular message boards they were posting that at the time..only to be proven right.
No - because I proved the cheating was taking place at Absolute Poker (and subsequently Ultimate Bet) by doing actual analysis using actual mathematics and actual intellectual rigour. It is clowns who shriek of cheating - but provide no evidence of such - who demean those of us who care about stopping cheating in online poker.

I thought..having read your post that a mathematical genius was playing online and was able to decipher that there was cheating. Basically this article points out that there was a snitch at Absolute and that the owner of this site made too many unlikely poker plays that were egregious. Basically that is how they got caught.
That's not accurate.

To begin with:

1) I am not a mathematical genius. I don't even have any formal mathematical training after high school.

2) The revelation of the administrative hand histories (the "snitch at Absolute"*) did not prove the cheating was happening. That didn't come until after I proved the cheating was taking place.

Here's the order of events. This is from my memory, and relates to stuff ~13 years ago. If you care about the truth of the matter (I don't think you do, tbh) you can go through and look at the archives of this website and verify/correct any of this:

a) cheating took place (various events, various tournaments, cash and tournaments)

b) a tournament hand history was sent to one of the victims. The victim didn't understand the hand history file because it was a mess and jumble.

c) players shared suspicions and data on 2p2

d) AP denied cheating

e) I did maths to prove cheating, made graphs

f) AP admitted cheating

g) hand history file is decrypted

h) hand history is converted into a YouTube video to show the cheating happening

*To this day, I do not believe there was a "snitch" in the way that is publicly understood. Rather, they sent out these administrative hand history files fairly frequently, but because they were in a jumbled mess, no one had ever understood what was in those hand history files.

I want to see evidence that the poker community can "Police" the RNG of internet poker companies.


Edit/MH: e) Josem's graphs post:


Last edited by Mike Haven; 04-17-2020 at 04:45 AM.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by TheDefiniteArticle
mate you advocated limp-raising AA then small pairs to balance that in BQ.

fact is it's not rigged, you're just not good at poker.

If you want to see one day of zoom 5 (6k hands) using that strategy you can find it at BBV ... I posted the graph there ... It hasnt always been rigged, 6 years ago I didnt have to resort to anti-poker to win at the tables. Now is just ridiculous and dont tell me people are playing more pocket pairs and making more sets, they are playing the same boring ranges. They are just hitting a LOT more. Today I opened 4 tables and on all 4 the first flop gives set or better on heads up hands (and im not even talking about me, Im talking the first hand I see played by ANY two players) !! And that was the case for EVERY day of the week including one I had full house losing to QUADS and another with quads against villains full house !! That is not how random cards fall, its laughably rigged ...

I dont consider myself a wining player as Im still at 10z (lol micros again) but the game is very very different. That friend of mine already warned me last summer and I could not believe it as I didnt play for 6 years, but he was right so, anti-poker here we go ...
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 07:10 PM
Kind of weird that you are at 10NL zoom when you believe have a way to break the system for unlimited wealth, but not so weird when one actually thinks about it in the actual real world.

Perhaps consider sell winning at roulette videos on Youtube?

All the best.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Kind of weird that you are at 10NL zoom when you believe have a way to break the system for unlimited wealth, but not so weird when one actually thinks about it in the actual real world.

Perhaps consider sell winning at roulette videos on Youtube?

All the best.
As I said its best to fly under the radar with this or no cash out for me ... The only thing people sell is the strategies that dont make any money, so why would I sell it ? Im not giving the whole strategy to you but on some spots I limp AA and I WILL FOLD a raise from certain types of player PRE FLOP ... How about that ??
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 07:39 PM
Fair enough. At a cost of $0 you priced your strategy to make no money appropriately.

All the best.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
04-16-2020 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by ferdinand
As I said its best to fly under the radar with this or no cash out for me ... The only thing people sell is the strategies that dont make any money, so why would I sell it ? Im not giving the whole strategy to you but on some spots I limp AA and I WILL FOLD a raise from certain types of player PRE FLOP ... How about that ??
If you do it HU with no ICM consideration or in a cash game, I'd love to help support your winnings by playing with you
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
