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The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition
View Poll Results: Is Online Poker Rigged?
3,503 34.88%
5,608 55.84%
932 9.28%

12-09-2013 , 07:51 PM
Ok, so you counted through 92,888 hand histories, 13 times in turn for every pocket pair. Not that I think you weren't dumb enough to do that. I guess you did that in 30 minutes. And oh yes, you can't show them or hand them over to a third party because it's all a big conspiracy. What a surprise.

I just hacked into your computer and counted them again, and you have exactly 420 pocket pairs as expected for every rank; it took me just ten minutes. Guess you are just not very clever. Can't show proof though.

I just have to assume that you think it's funny to make yourself a complete joke by fabricating numbers in such an obvious way. Now call me a shill and go on with the "2+2 is backing the internet poker industry"-talk.

The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 08:04 PM
There are only 3 possibilities here.

1. AllInJim made some serious mistakes in counting.

2. AllInJim lied.

3. A very profitable major corporation is run by complete idiots who would create the most simplestic rig possible which would be immediately caught and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt by thousands of players who are smarter than AllInJim and know how to do statistics, and know when a set of results has a probability with 50 zeroes to the right of the decimal point and couldn't happen in the life of the universe.

And since #3 has not been exposed in the last 10 years, that leaves 1 and 2.

Last edited by NewOldGuy; 12-09-2013 at 08:11 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by AllInJim
You know..... I had to do that. To get accurate results

You think holdem manager is on your side? Mug.
So, in addition to your other theories you now think that HEM will show you the correct data visually in a grid, but when you ask it for a subset it will manipulate the results ?

To correct the suspicious results that you have 'found', HEM would need to show you hundreds more hands that were dealt pocket pairs.

You think that HEM will fabricate these hands, on the fly, with pokerstars hand numbers, a full table of named opponents, and all the following action ?

And no-one except you has ever noticed this ?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by NewOldGuy
smarter than AllInJim

The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
If this is from Pokerstars then mention the date range of all these trials as the next step will be to ask for an audit / HH from Stars that you will forward on for study, which no doubt you will be willing to do since nobody in your situation would ever lie or misrepresent their results...

I estimate there is zero chance you are actually 31-169 as a slight favorite (54/46ish) regardless of how you filter based on stack sizes or antes in any sequential 200 sample size, but lets take the steps needed to get the data so that we know you did the analysis correctly, agreed?

Give the date range of your data and your user name and the site ( I assume Stars) and we will go from there.

Assuming I did the math correct the odds of what you say happened is about 1 to 10 to the 30th power, essentially making you the unluckiest human that will ever exist for all of time itself.

Riggies will believe your claim without proof, but lets see the unaltered data.

AllInJim - definitely start a new thread with exactly the same post in this forum and the guys there will help you get to the bottom of it, and since you know your data is true what you should do is offer prop bets about it and you should get as much action as you want. You can retire after in fact (assuming you can borrow to escrow your side). You can get rich if what you say is true, so go for it!

All the best.
You are such a Gentleman, overall my races with a pocket pair v 2 over cards even out. BUT I selected ONLY the hands that fit the 3 criteria I stated. I posted REAL results, then you then bust a gut by trying to prove them mathematically impossible!

Well all I can say is thank you By doing so you have cemented beyond any reasonable doubt my cards are rigged. That website you posted will help my cause a great deal.

All the best.
P.S I note you like saying this a lot, It makes you sound a bit of a simpleton tbf, especially when your only method of attack is to back me up 99.99999999999901 % conclusively.

Originally Posted by NewOldGuy
There are only 3 possibilities here.

1. AllInJim made some serious mistakes in counting.

2. AllInJim lied.

3. A very profitable major corporation is run by complete idiots who would create the most simplestic rig possible which would be immediately caught and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt by thousands of players who are smarter than AllInJim and know how to do statistics, and know when a set of results has a probability with 50 zeroes to the right of the decimal point and couldn't happen in the life of the universe.

And since #3 has not been exposed in the last 10 years, that leaves 1 and 2.
I have a HND in Business, with a distinction award for Statistics. I worked for 11 years serving directly to the board of directors as the Business Development Manager at one of the biggest Companies in the UK. My role chiefly involved....

You guessed it, working with statistics.

So there are only 4 FACTS here....

1. AllInJim never made a mistake in counting.

2. AllInJim told the truth and NewOldGuy knows that.

3. NewOldGuy likes to lick the arses of other forummers, he does this by trying to back up FALSE statistics given by other forummer's.

4. NewOldGuy is a bit of a bell end.

It makes you wonder, when you see so many supposed Poker players on the same team in just one thread, just how many are on the same team on the tables

Hmmmmmmmm.... This is my last post for now, you have my word I will be back.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 09:47 PM
Oh P.S

If you view any of the hands in the following thread below, taken from this forum.

I hope you are aware it will put an illegal tracking cookie on your PC, that is why it is on here

Soooo, Goodnight Mugs

and peace out fellow riggies Not long now till I blow this scam appart, trust in me, I will deliver i promise.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 09:48 PM
How long did you count mr. "bell end"? 6 weeks for 8 hours a day? Sure.

If you worked with statistics you should be able to figure out a smarter way to extract the number of pocket pairs out of text files stored on a computer even without using HEM. Do you know what a "parser" is?
If what you said was true, than you would also realize that the hand histories are stored in a database and you could simply get the results directly with simple sql-queries.
No, you claim you counted them instead. How dumb are you?

I would fire every "Business Development Manager" counting them manually in a heartbeat, just because i would hate to work with a complete idiot.

You are clearly of subpar intelligence and statistical knowledge and demonstrated multiple times that you never used a computer remotely professionally.

You excelled at being full of **** though.

Originally Posted by AllInJim
Not long now till I blow this scam appart, trust in me, I will deliver i promise.
Please put a little more thought in your next lies, or get help by someone smart. It's boring and insulting my intelligence if they are on your level.

Last edited by franxic; 12-09-2013 at 10:18 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 10:08 PM
weedcookies though
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by franxic
How long did you count mr. "bell end"? 6 weeks for 8 hours a day? Sure.

If you worked with statistics you should be able to figure out a smarter way to extract the number of pocket pairs out of text files stored on a computer even without using HEM. Do you know what a "parser" is?
If what you said was true, than you would also realize that the hand histories are stored in a database and you could simply get the results directly with simple sql-queries.
No, you claim you counted them instead. How dumb are you?

I would fire every "Business Development Manager" counting them manually in a heartbeat, just because i would hate to work with a complete idiot.

You are clearly of subpar intelligence and statistical knowledge and demonstrated multiple times that you never used a computer remotely professionally.

You excelled at being full of **** though.
It wasn't that hard to count up to 4768, doing it in 13 stages and having a ciggy inbetween each one lmao!!!!

Why has this upset you so much? Agenda much? Unlike you I don't believe everything I'm told.

Right I really must be going now. Speak soon. x
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by AllInJim
I have a HND in Business
Oh well then, why didn't you say that before ?

The fact that you couldn't get into university doesn't really surprise me to be honest.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by AllInJim
You are such a Gentleman, overall my races with a pocket pair v 2 over cards even out. BUT I selected ONLY the hands that fit the 3 criteria I stated. I posted REAL results, then you then bust a gut by trying to prove them mathematically impossible!
How about I offer a prop bet

If you are 31-169 in coin flips with the pocket pairs all-in preflop vs 2 overcards for holdem for any 200 sequential events heads up (you can define any conditions like antes in play, you have smaller stack etc) then I will give you $5,000. In fact not only can you use your database of hands, but you can use any verifiable database of hands for any player at any time in any known universe.

If you cannot produce verifiable data then you give me $100, and you of course need to escrow in advance.

There you go, 50-1 odds on something you know to be true, all you have to do is provide your data (and when you are ready we can go through the process for how you can get the data and forward it quickly).

The most common ways for someone in your situation to back out is to say

- You do not care about the money (because $5,000 is meaningless to a guy who plays buck games)

- The sites will manipulate the data after reading the thread (although that does not explain why nobody else found this to date).

- Ignore the prop bet as if it does not exist

- Propose a whole new theory

- Suggest that lizard People are at work

Originally Posted by AllInJim
Well all I can say is thank you By doing so you have cemented beyond any reasonable doubt my cards are rigged. That website you posted will help my cause a great deal.
I posted two websites. The first is the stats forum where I think you should post your "results" even if you are just trolling. The second one is basically a calculator and it does not prove the validity of your data, it just does math based on whatever you input.

The $5,000 reward should cement it once you accept the prop bet.

Originally Posted by AllInJim
P.S I note you like saying this a lot, It makes you sound a bit of a simpleton tbf, especially when your only method of attack is to back me up 99.99999999999901 % conclusively.
If you want to interpret it that way that is of course your choice, and if you add many more 9s to your number you will eventually come up with the odds against what you are claiming happened.

Lets show all of these shills who are part of the massive conspiracy - accept my prop bet, provide your data, escrow $100 and then win my $5,000!!!

Originally Posted by AllInJim
I have a HND in Business, with a distinction award for Statistics. I worked for 11 years serving directly to the board of directors as the Business Development Manager at one of the biggest Companies in the UK. My role chiefly involved....

You guessed it, working with statistics.

So there are only 4 FACTS here....

1. AllInJim never made a mistake in counting.

2. AllInJim told the truth and NewOldGuy knows that.

3. NewOldGuy likes to lick the arses of other forummers, he does this by trying to back up FALSE statistics given by other forummer's.

4. NewOldGuy is a bit of a bell end.

It makes you wonder, when you see so many supposed Poker players on the same team in just one thread, just how many are on the same team on the tables

Hmmmmmmmm.... This is my last post for now, you have my word I will be back.

If your fake math credentials are legit then you should be able to figure out that a 50-1 prop bet in your favor on data you know is certain is something you cannot pass up unless you do not quite believe in your theories as much as your posturing demonstrates.

Anyway, if you are trolling then good stuff ( and post this silliness in the stats forum for more responses to amuse you), but whether you are fake or legit does not matter as either way it is fun to make an example of this type of presentation, and the best way to do that is watch you not accept a prop bet for an easy $5,000, as long as your data is valid, so try to at least be creative in avoiding the prop bet to stand out from other riggies and trolls who opted for the most mundane avoidance techniques instead.

All the best.

Last edited by Monteroy; 12-09-2013 at 10:37 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by AllInJim
It wasn't that hard to count up to 4768, doing it in 13 stages and having a ciggy inbetween each one lmao!!!!

You went 13 times through 92,888 hand histories. How long did that take you? Please respond.

Why has this upset you so much? Agenda much?

One would think that someone spreading dumb lies has an agenda, not necessarily the one who isn't ******ed enough to believe them.

Unlike you I don't believe everything I'm told.

Sure. See above. Unlike you I actually know what I'm talking about.

Right I really must be going now. Speak soon. x

I shiver from anticipation.
Good night, Mr. Business Development Manager who is too dumb to lie.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by franxic
You went 13 times through 92,888 hand histories. How long did that take you? Please respond.
Ok for you, you do know I just sorted my 92,888 hands by card values don't you? Essentially In one huge column, which grouped each pocket pair together?

Then I errr, counted each group individually. Which like I say was painstaking, but only Involved me counting up to 4768, so not really that bad eh?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
How about I offer a prop bet

If you are 31-169 in coin flips with the pocket pairs all-in preflop vs 2 overcards for holdem for any 200 sequential events heads up (you can define any conditions like antes in play, you have smaller stack etc) then I will give you $5,000. In fact not only can you use your database of hands, but you can use any verifiable database of hands for any player at any time in any known universe.

If you cannot produce verifiable data then you give me $100, and you of course need to escrow in advance.

There you go, 50-1 odds on something you know to be true, all you have to do is provide your data (and when you are ready we can go through the process for how you can get the data and forward it quickly).

The most common ways for someone in your situation to back out is to say

- You do not care about the money (because $5,000 is meaningless to a guy who plays buck games)

- The sites will manipulate the data after reading the thread (although that does not explain why nobody else found this to date).

- Ignore the prop bet as if it does not exist

- Propose a whole new theory

- Suggest that lizard People are at work

I posted two websites. The first is the stats forum where I think you should post your "results" even if you are just trolling. The second one is basically a calculator and it does not prove the validity of your data, it just does math based on whatever you input.

The $5,000 reward should cement it once you accept the prop bet.

If you want to interpret it that way that is of course your choice, and if you add many more 9s to your number you will eventually come up with the odds against what you are claiming happened.

Lets show all of these shills who are part of the massive conspiracy - accept my prop bet, provide your data, escrow $100 and then win my $5,000!!!

If your fake math credentials are legit then you should be able to figure out that a 50-1 prop bet in your favor on data you know is certain is something you cannot pass up unless you do not quite believe in your theories as much as your posturing demonstrates.

Anyway, if you are trolling then good stuff ( and post this silliness in the stats forum for more responses to amuse you), but whether you are fake or legit does not matter as either way it is fun to make an example of this type of presentation, and the best way to do that is watch you not accept a prop bet for an easy $5,000, as long as your data is valid, so try to at least be creative in avoiding the prop bet to stand out from other riggies and trolls who opted for the most mundane avoidance techniques instead.

All the best.
Ill respond to this tomorrow, really must go to sleep now.

You will have to answer some questions first.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 10:53 PM
AllInJim's blown his cover. Who was the riggie that called people mugs?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by otatop
AllInJim's blown his cover. Who was the riggie that called people mugs?
Didn't one of Monte's old buddies use that term. Might have been buck22.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by AllInJim
So I went through every hand and counted them!!! Painstaking task number 2.

I done it by counting each pocket pair in turn, scrolling down with the down arrow key by hand counting them In multiples of 50. Here are the results for each hand.
Multiple exclamation marks are a sure sign of a diseased mind. - Terry Pratchett
Originally Posted by AllInJim
Ok for you, you do know I just sorted my 92,888 hands by card values don't you? Essentially In one huge column, which grouped each pocket pair together?

Then I errr, counted each group individually. Which like I say was painstaking, but only Involved me counting up to 4768, so not really that bad eh?
OK which one was it? That is two different things you said there, amirite?

As I said, please put a little more thought into your next lie. I'm afraid you won't get anything smart going without the help of someone else though.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by MR_UNOWEN
Didn't one of Monte's old buddies use that term. Might have been buck22.

I have no idea how you guys remember some of these people, though granted I openly admit that my memory of names is pretty rigged...

I looked up that name and I do remember that train wreck of a thread he did

but he was not a riggie so much as a guy who whined a ton and never accepted that the games passed him by. Looks like he is no longer active which is not much of a shock.

At least this riggie/troll did take a new twist of the avoid prop bet game by saying he needed to go to sleep, so props for a slightly original approach to that routine. Hopefully he will provide some goal post moving entertainment tomorrow if he chooses to post, or he may go for the more conventional belief of thinking that he can just provide his data however he likes as if that would be believable (you guys would probably remember the name of the riggie that got caught faking HHs in one of these threads). Whether he is a troll or legit crazy, hopefully he will not get boring too quickly.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
you guys would probably remember the name of the riggie that got caught faking HHs in one of these threads)
I remember someone saying that a guy was juicing HHs. TPTK27 might have been the accused.

Looks like a few others used mug in here. Maybe 3ozbacardi is who ota is thinking of.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-09-2013 , 11:38 PM
The Bacardi guy's the one I was thinking of, I think.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-10-2013 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by AllInJim
I have just spent a few hours doing a painstaking task but it has been well worth it.

I have trawled through my data in holdem manager looking for examples of hands that fit the following 3 criteria.

A - I am racing with a pocket pair v just 1 opponent who has 2 overcards.

B - In the race my opponent has more chips than me.

C - There are Antes in play, I.E later stages of the game.

I managed to find my last 200 examples of hands that fit this criteria (I was losing the will to live after 110, but I carried on regardless)

The results are as followed

Won - 31
Lost - 169

I await the onslaught of mongs on here to tell me that 200 hands is not a big enough sample size, but we are talking 50/50s here. You don't toss a coin 200 times and see results anywhere near a discrepancy like this.
Originally Posted by Lego05
You know ... you don't have to do that. You can just filter for what you are looking for.

It is much more accurate ... and only takes like 10 seconds ...... rather than taking days.
Originally Posted by AllInJim
You know..... I had to do that. To get accurate results

You think holdem manager is on your side? Mug.

But you already said that you did get this data by trawling through Holdem Manager.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-10-2013 , 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by MikegRedcar!!
This was me by the way, I had been accusing Pokerstars since January of using bots and laundering money well before Black Friday came around.

And after Black Friday I spent 3 weeks trying to get in touch with them too see what they had to say regarding the matter, was I still deluded like they had been telling me? Or was it I was actually right all along?

Needless too say they totally ignored me and never replied to any of my emails in this period after Black Friday, which resulted in me firing off the death threat one when i was pissed!!

Fair to say they replied to that last email!! I fought the Internet and lost!!

I also never lost anywhere near the $$$ that has been reported, that figure is just the total of deposits and does not include any withdrawals made.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-10-2013 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by AllInJim
Ill respond to this tomorrow, really must go to sleep now.

You will have to answer some questions first.
Long nap.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-11-2013 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Long nap.
Do you have a life??

All the best.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
12-11-2013 , 02:11 AM
Online poker is a ****ing joke. Just look at my 888 is lucky donks galore thread. Example after example, table after table. Absolute bull****.

That bs is rigged for certain. Don't trust a computer with your cards. Its bull****
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
