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The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition
View Poll Results: Is Online Poker Rigged?
3,525 34.92%
5,627 55.75%
942 9.33%

07-18-2011 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by ConfirmedRigged
jjou812: Confirmed pitiable fool. 284 times in this thread alone.
Mr. T is in the house! Do you used confirmed in every post as some sort of trademark or was it the biggest word you learned using your word of the day calendar?

Or is it like when the athletes and movie stars talk about themselves in the third person?

Or are you just trolling?


Oh, I see, all your posts are in here or in the Wiki called out thread. Wiki-Gimmick? Belt-loop grabber? Wikistalker?

Last edited by jjjou812; 07-18-2011 at 03:16 PM. Reason: checked out the competition
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by ConfirmedRigged
Confirmed: All riggies are rigged.
Your name and this post confuses me...

Are you technically a "shill" or a "riggie"?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by BadNewzKennelz1
Just the intentionally losing to avoid detection part. Maybe I'm only thinking of hollywood examples tho, who knows.
Good thinking, you are exactly right. They do lose once in a while to make it look good, but the pots are small. Then they go in for the kill on the big pots.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by BadNewzKennelz1
Your name and this post confuses me...

Are you technically a "shill" or a "riggie"?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 03:19 PM
why do gutshots hit so (too) much on Stars?!
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by BadNewzKennelz1
Hmm I'll give you benefit of the doubt why not...

I never have played on Bodog... what are these players SNs there? Could these 4 accounts be player run superusers or rogue employee superusers instead of house players? I'm pretty sure Bodog is licensed by Kanawakee (yes I know the spelling is wrong). If they are house players should we assume the KGC is being payed off?

In that case that leaves you with two options:
1. Withdraw remaining money from Bodog
2. Vigilante Justice
Ill tell you something funny. One of the guys u.n. is shortbusbully. He would be very intimidating to wiki, if wiki actually played.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
1. You and BR both post in the exact same manner with the exact same logic with similar frequency.
2. You both live at home in your mom's basements.
3. Only the two of you know if you live with someone else in mom's basement.
4. Therefore DNA will show the rest of us if you will if you live together because you have the same mom or if you are just long lost brothers sharing a daddy.

Of course, I have not factored in that your mom and dad may be brother and sister.....

From reading your other posts, it would be fairly conclusive that you fit into the category of the last sentence of your post above.
The only thing you got right here was Wiki living in his mom's basement.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by blatantlyrigged

From reading your other posts, it would be fairly conclusive that you fit into the category of the last sentence of your post above.
The only thing you got right here was Wiki living in his mom's basement.
I have to admit, I love the fact that you read all that and think I am only picking on Wiki. Please call some more customer service reps to confirm online site is rigged.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
I have to admit, I love the fact that you read all that and think I am only picking on Wiki. Please call some more customer service reps to confirm online site is rigged.
I guess the reading comprehension problems come from the in-breeding?
Where did you come up with the "only picking on wiki" part?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by nickjehz
why do gutshots hit so (too) much on Stars?!
This only happens on a Tuesday according to my observations. I now play live on a Tuesday because of this observation.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by J9Suited
This only happens on a Tuesday according to my observations. I now play live on a Tuesday because of this observation.
PLEASE! These posts are about as funny as a herniated disc.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by blatantlyrigged
PLEASE! These posts are about as funny as a herniated disc.
I think someone struck a nerve.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
I have to admit, I love the fact that you read all that and think I am only picking on Wiki. Please call some more customer service reps to confirm online site is rigged.

So, please tell. Ignorant dreamer or site promoter?
OR, just angry at the world are you?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
I think someone struck a nerve.
Yep. More annoying than wiki..........if thats possble.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by blatantlyrigged

So, please tell. Ignorant dreamer or site promoter?
OR, just angry at the world are you?
If you don't want people to make fun of your little story perhaps you need to elaborate?

Do you think the Party CS guy 'accidentally' let slip an insider secret?
Did he not care about his job and wanted to let the secret out?
Was he lying just to wind you up?
Is it none of the above and Party are quite open about this policy if you ask?
Is it possible you simply misunderstood what he said?

Edit: ..and are you going to answer the simple question about your accusation of 4 house players on Bodog? Who are they? What gave them away? Do you have any data to back it up?

Last edited by Bingo_Boy; 07-18-2011 at 04:46 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 04:32 PM
BR called Bodog and asked if the customer service rep played poker. He said "I play a regular game with 3 other guys at my house." Bodog now has four house players.

Last edited by jjjou812; 07-18-2011 at 04:41 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by blatantlyrigged
Ill tell you something funny. One of the guys u.n. is shortbusbully. He would be very intimidating to wiki, if wiki actually played.
Well I PTRed shortbusbully on bodog...

Random musings:
He/she/it went from being a 2k lifetime winner to a 10k+ lifetime winner in roughly a week.

Looks like a crazy good day of ~$7.5+ in profit playing $30/$60 Limit Hold'em on March 1, 2009

Hasn't played in awhile but I don't know if PTR is even accurate these days...
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by J9Suited
This observation technique is not an exact science you know, it's more of a feel thing.

However, I've checked my post it notes for previous observations and I would say there is a 72% probability it's not rigged on Mondays (unless you have recently cashed out, in which case it drops to 64% chance not rigged)

Now I really shouldn't be helping you with this, if you spent more time observing and wasted less time studying strategy and reviewing hand histories, you would know this for yourself.

You can thank me after you've had your winning session tonight.

To be honest I have been distracted by all the strategy stuff in books and other threads in this forum, so I haven't been focused on the collection of rigfeel stats until now. I am inspired by your innovative approach.

Today everything went as predicted with no sign of rigging. However, as I only played 1100 hands this represents just a 67% confidence of no rigging at all today. I might just have been lucky.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 05:22 PM
If anyone is interested...

Merge Network has now been tested to see if it is fair with regard to bad beats for heads-up pre-flop all-ins.

Full results can be seen at: is poker rigged?

If you'd rather watch than read I've put together a short series of videos of an analysis run step by step - see the first one here on you tube or the whole series here.

The series will be useful for anybody who would like to test their own hand histories and wants to know how... and the last two videos might be of interest to those who need some help interpreting results.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by blatantlyrigged
PLEASE! These posts are about as funny as a herniated disc.
There is nothing remotely funny about the hours I have dedicated in carrying out a detailed analysis in the manner recommended by many within this thread.

My results are proven by not just my own results but my fellow poster who asked for advice which I freely gave and was proven correct.

You sir, cannot deny the power of observation v's statistical analysis, my results speak for themselves
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by BadNewzKennelz1
Well I PTRed shortbusbully on bodog...

Random musings:
He/she/it went from being a 2k lifetime winner to a 10k+ lifetime winner in roughly a week.

Looks like a crazy good day of ~$7.5+ in profit playing $30/$60 Limit Hold'em on March 1, 2009

Hasn't played in awhile but I don't know if PTR is even accurate these days...
There is another guy too, very blatant, ill try to remember his name and get back to you. Plays only PLO.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Laughing Assassin
If anyone is interested...

Merge Network has now been tested to see if it is fair with regard to bad beats for heads-up pre-flop all-ins.

Full results can be seen at: is poker rigged?

If you'd rather watch than read I've put together a short series of videos of an analysis run step by step - see the first one here on you tube or the whole series here.

The series will be useful for anybody who would like to test their own hand histories and wants to know how... and the last two videos might be of interest to those who need some help interpreting results.
I have some beachfront property in Arizona you might be interested in. Its going cheap!! Get back to me.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 07:56 PM
@ ^^^^^^^^

I get that is supposed to imply that he is gullible. I just don't see how it makes much sense in response to what you quoted. I'm pretty sure he did that work himself so he's not believing something somebody else said.... so what does gullibleness have to do with it? I'm just having a hard time seeing what implying he is gullible has to do with the statistical testing that he did on his own. (I suppose I could be wrong about who performed the testing.)

Did you look through his study?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Lego05
@ ^^^^^^^^

I get that is supposed to imply that he is gullible. I just don't see how it makes much sense in response to what you quoted. I'm pretty sure he did that work himself so he's not believing something somebody else said.... so what does gullibleness have to do with it? I'm just having a hard time seeing what implying he is gullible has to do with the statistical testing that he did on his own. (I suppose I could be wrong about who performed the testing.)

Did you look through his study?
Yes, youre right. My response was not intended for whoever did the study. If the poster did the study, I take what I said back.
My response was for someone that believes it.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
07-18-2011 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by Lego05
@ ^^^^^^^^

I get that is supposed to imply that he is gullible. I just don't see how it makes much sense in response to what you quoted. I'm pretty sure he did that work himself so he's not believing something somebody else said.... so what does gullibleness have to do with it? I'm just having a hard time seeing what implying he is gullible has to do with the statistical testing that he did on his own. (I suppose I could be wrong about who performed the testing.)

Did you look through his study?
All this guy did (he had riggie tendencies at the start and was beloved by riggies at that time) was do an actual study on the data and show others how to do it with their own data. That's when he became a "shill" or site owner or pizza vendor or something.

Bit naive of you to think riggies would give more weight to his detailed studies than a misinterpreted throwaway chat with a $5 an hour customer service rep from 5 years ago. No riggie will ever look through his study or do their own work with his templates.

Get with the riggie program already!

P.S. A rep from Will Hill said the world was ending in 2012. Guess we better get ready.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
