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Full tilt is closing accounts and confiscating money Full tilt is closing accounts and confiscating money

10-16-2010 , 02:01 AM
Can we get a mod to change the title and cliffnotes to the OP? OP is quite clearly misleading and trying to justify unethical actions.

... It is quite hilarious though - please, continue.
10-16-2010 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by the_challenger
Haha i am sorry dude. If you quote something you must quote correctly. Please look at the post below it by a FT employee who apologies for sending me the wrong email. The original ban:

I asked more info on the ban, this was the reply:

Since they added a totally different orinigal email, I asked for further clarification. Then the reply:

And finally my final question to ft:

See above, I was not banned for using a bot. I am banned for "being associated with botters". Basically they state: you did nothing wrong, but hanging out with the wrong folks. If you read the emails with accusations, you will see that I broke no single term of their TOS.

please, if you make accusations, make them correct and founded with any proof, but don't make up some stupid theory and then post half the story and one of four screenshots with it, when everybody already has seen all the screenshots in the original post. You are really really making urself look dumb, so one final time my advice: read first before you talk.

And stop accusing me of lying, cheating, stealing, botting because I was not banned for that. I thinks its pretty funny that you call me a liar and start quoting me the way you do.
Blah, blah. Whatever. Anytime you wish to move onto the next step of admitting you were botting on FTP is fine by me. It would certainly save 10 more pages of thread before you do so.
10-16-2010 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by the_challenger
? U should think less when you cant think. Please state my logical argument.

I am a multitable sng player and I am teaching my girlfriend the game. Now, today she received an email from fulltilt that she is in violation with prohibited software policies. Only thing she uses: tableninja."

The answer to this continues below

Originally Posted by the_challenger
Please state where I am trying to get revenge on the site.
"Therefor I advice all people who multitable SNG's to STOP PLAYING AT FULLTILT. They will close your account and steal your money without even delivering a little bit of proof for their false accusations.

I always had a lot of respect for fulltilt, but at the moment that has dropped to zero. I am now busy cashing out my bankroll there and leave the site. Besides I have a lot of friends who multitable there to and they are now also closing down on FT. I advice everybody who multitable SNG to do the same, since there is not a slight chance to get your money back."

Originally Posted by the_challenger
Please state where I try to get my money back.
you are not trying to get revenge by getting your money back. you didn't lose very much. however, not wanting your money back is evidence that you did in fact cheat. i've never seen someone who had their money wrongly taken who didn't want it back, while people who are guilty of cheating tend to forget about the money and just trash talk the site. also funny, now that your account is closed you've conveniently stopped defending your "girlfriend's" activities and are just complaining about your account. they didn't confiscate any money from you and can close your account for whatever reason they wish.

Originally Posted by the_challenger
Please state why you think I am trying to win people here.
why do you keep posting? what's the purpose of your posts where you're defending yourself, insisting full tilt stole your money and you didn't break their T&C? I thought it was to convince people of your correctness and "win them over" so they won't play there anymore.

Last edited by wahoo3; 10-16-2010 at 02:41 AM.
10-16-2010 , 02:39 AM
OP, the point you still appear to be missing is that YOU ARE ASSOCIATED WITH BOTTERS.

The details of your botting on Bodog have been confessed to, but you've still ignored where people have dragged up your comments about other places you intended to bot.

Regardless of what you say about Bodog's policy (and no one can find any proof that they ever allowed botting) it's fine with me if Full Tilt want to look into your details, see that you've used bots in the past, and say "No. We don't want anyone who's been associated with that in the past.".

In fact, I'd be very happy if I knew that poker sites cooperated with each other and any cheaters were banned across all sites.

Whether you use bots or have used bots in the past, I think this is sufficient grounds for FTP to say "You're not the kind of client we want.".

Edit: But what really makes it impossible to trust you is that you insisted through the first few pages that you were pure as snow and had nothing to hide. Then it turns out that you've used bots in the past, and were active in the botting forums and community.

If it were me, that'd be the type of thing I might remember to mention. Or I might remember and then not mention it because it stinks...
10-16-2010 , 02:41 AM
whether or not she act was a bot this is not really new news. full tilt has awful customer service, cap tables at 16. (wat a joke) they clearly dont want new customers or more rake. worst fkn site every1 move to stars stat imo where ull act be treated as a valued customer rather than a nuisence
10-16-2010 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by wahoo3
why do you keep posting? what's the purpose of your posts where you're defending yourself, insisting full tilt stole your money and you didn't break their T&C? I thought it was to convince people of your correctness and "win them over" so they won't play there anymore.
Probably because he's banhammered and would like people to move onto a site where he can still bot.
10-16-2010 , 02:47 AM

Botting even though it is a "artifical player" i beleive those are your words it is stealing. Because Its what you botters do with them. YOU don't beat the game if so its very small you steal the 600 first depoist bonuns grind that out plus rakeback. and repeat with a new account. What does that do, well it drives up the cost for FTP and all the sites. Therefore normal legit players pay higher rakes get less in promotions back. And FTP has less money to advertise and promote poker to bring weaker players in for the better players.

If there are bots in all the rush games like you claim would explain why i feel they are easier to beat then normal games. I play a lot and did notice some players I tagged last week as possible bots. They were pretty easy to spot.

On Full tilt allowing he bots to continue play while they knew about them. This is standard practice you want to take down the whole ring if you can not just a handful of accounts and give the other accounts lead time to withdraw money you wait and monitor them when they have what they feel is all of them they take it down.

Pretty funny how quick all these botters poped up on FTP once the blackcard promo came out and they recieved extra rakeback.

Once again Botting is stealing. Plus all botters break the TOS because they all set up muilti accounts for these bots to play under.

Put your self in FTP shoes 2 accounts on a known botters ip address? and your claiming its your gf's which it might be but what else are you going to do. Its like the NFL player getting caught with weed in his car and saying oh thats not mine.

If you want to clean yourself up you seem to know a ton about how botting works and how to hide it. Why not offer up your services and help FTP clean up the scum botters?
10-16-2010 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
OP, the point you still appear to be missing is that YOU ARE ASSOCIATED WITH BOTTERS.

The details of your botting on Bodog have been confessed to, but you've still ignored where people have dragged up your comments about other places you intended to bot.

Regardless of what you say about Bodog's policy (and no one can find any proof that they ever allowed botting) it's fine with me if Full Tilt want to look into your details, see that you've used bots in the past, and say "No. We don't want anyone who's been associated with that in the past.".

In fact, I'd be very happy if I knew that poker sites cooperated with each other and any cheaters were banned across all sites.

Whether you use bots or have used bots in the past, I think this is sufficient grounds for FTP to say "You're not the kind of client we want.".

Edit: But what really makes it impossible to trust you is that you insisted through the first few pages that you were pure as snow and had nothing to hide. Then it turns out that you've used bots in the past, and were active in the botting forums and community.

If it were me, that'd be the type of thing I might remember to mention. Or I might remember and then not mention it because it stinks...

If you have been known to Bot in the past, then I would hope that any of the online poker companies would refuse your business and you would be blacklisted across the board.

Anyone who claims that they " never knew that botting would be frowned upon " from any of the sites, is just a damn fool.

You show me any poker site that states in their T&C that the use of BOTS is encouraged and well within the guidelines of what they expect from their customers....

How fn stupid can some people be?

Well ok, its 2+2 and we have all kinds of threads where *******s claim their innocence and then the next thing we know Rainbow Warrior is in the thread and presents proof of just how full of **** the OPs are, and case closed


The next piece of crap is on 2+2 with another "version" of how a poker site has been unjust, seizing all of their funds " for no reason what-so-ever"

Rinse and Repeat, more *******s will be here sooner rather than later.

Until the next time...

**** off you ignorant cheat!
10-16-2010 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by All Hail Circe

If you have been known to Bot in the past, then I would hope that any of the online poker companies would refuse your business and you would be blacklisted across the board.

**** off you ignorant cheat!
So if you have stolen a can of beer when you were 12, you should be banned from all supermarkets in the world for the rest of your life?

I'm glad you're not in charge of the human rights and are only allowed to post on 2+2

I find OP's insight on poker botting rather interesting (and worrying).
Makes me see online poker in a totally different light.
10-16-2010 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by Quadmining
So if you have stolen a can of beer when you were 12, you should be banned from all supermarkets in the world for the rest of your life?

I'm glad you're not in charge of the human rights and are only allowed to post on 2+2

I find OP's insight on poker botting rather interesting (and worrying).
Makes me see online poker in a totally different light.
LOL...what a ****ty example there sir!

Can of beer, banned in all supermarkets? WTF!

Yeah you are right, let OP back on the site, cross your fingers that he isnt going to BOT your second chance giving ass, but do not come crying to me when something runs foul.

You are glad that I only get to POST on 2p2....same here, Thank God I do not have to have any face-to-face communication with the group of people on here who try all kinds of sketchy **** just to make a quick buck when its obvious they do not have the skills to earn like the rest of us or that they feel the need to take a short cut to get ahead.

I am not a saint ( didnt steal a beer when I was 12 though, it was a Star Wars passport card, and they wanted like 8.00 for it, and all it was, was a folded piece of cardboard with some fancy pictures ) but thats a different story.
10-16-2010 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by All Hail Circe
LOL...what a ****ty example there sir!

Can of beer, banned in all supermarkets? WTF!

Yeah you are right, let OP back on the site, cross your fingers that he isnt going to BOT your second chance giving ass, but do not come crying to me when something runs foul.

You are glad that I only get to POST on 2p2....same here, Thank God I do not have to have any face-to-face communication with the group of people on here who try all kinds of sketchy **** just to make a quick buck when its obvious they do not have the skills to earn like the rest of us or that they feel the need to take a short cut to get ahead.

I am not a saint ( didnt steal a beer when I was 12 though, it was a Star Wars passport card, and they wanted like 8.00 for it, and all it was, was a folded piece of cardboard with some fancy pictures ) but thats a different story.
Anger management
I got $11 from FTP
I've got the same views as you regarding bots. And feeling quite pessimistic about the future of online poker.
10-16-2010 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by Quadmining
Anger management
I got $11 from FTP
I've got the same views as you regarding bots. And feeling quite pessimistic about the future of online poker.
No, its just stupid people and their foolishness day in and day out piss me off.

Not you, talking about cheaters and what not...

Happy that you got some money back though, and hang in poker will be fine, unless the U.S. Gov continues to make moves to **** it all up....then the bots will be the least of our worries.
10-16-2010 , 04:33 AM

Ok, here goes.

According to Google, "BertusBadeend" aka "BP_Van_Oort" aka "the_challenger" has been active on the bot forum as well as a few others, producing a bot "profile" that is capable of beating 5NL Rush according to one poster.

well i left it playing this 0.02/0.05 last night with BertusBadeend's rush profile last night and made 20$ + rakeback so looks good to me[/QUOTE]

Our buddy Bertus refers back to this "old rush project" in this more recent post, while openly admitting to botting 50NL (which he claims he did on Bodog AND they allowed him to). Somehow I doubt any site would openly allow bots to play on their site.

post date: 04/05/10
BertusBadeend: I dont speak russian, but i was surprised to find the graphs from the old rush project here
It didnt work out since the dynamics of rush kept changing. Right now I am botting 50nl regular cash game tables.
After a few months, he posts on his blog a "farewell" entry. Moving stuff.

post date: 07/27/10

Bertusbadeend is retired.

I have made a lot of friends and a lot of enemies on the bot forum. All that I really wanted was a real moneymaking script. It took me two accounts and a whole lot of wars. The time has come to leave the bot forum for what it is and start making my money with botting poker.

After about a year, this is the gear which I will be grinding the tables with:

Cash game
- Klaxter's FL100 grinder
- GotBot's MicroMonster
- Bullets FL50
- Bullets rush NL5
- B2R
- QuackQuack's
- BB's Android
- BB's Phoenix
- HH's Hunters
- The Dutch Project

Sit and go
- Webber SNG Pack (incl simplestrat)
- Adreaders SNG crusher
- Jackal SNGMTT
- BB's NewKiller

- Jackal MTT
- Bracelet Tag
- Bracelet Lag
- PB's largefield
- Doodle+Mtt kit

I wish all you botters the best. Bertusbadeend is no more.
In his list of "gear he will be grinding the tables with" he mentions one program that is titled "Bullets Rush NL5". Well, gee, that's funny. I thought you NEVER used bot software on Full Tilt, the_challenger? You wanted me to back up my accusations and "make them correct and founded with any proof" right? Well, unless Bodog, the supposed "bot-friendly" poker site, has introduced Rush games, which I don't believe they have, I would say that blog post provides ample evidence of your intent and possession of Full Tilt botting software. By the way, that's a very impressive list of software; sounds like a little more than TableNinja was being used.

This is my last post in here, because I'm sure you'll spend the rest of your remaining time on this earth refuting all the facts and evidence provided in this thread. Let me just say that you shouldn't call people dumb when you're a ****ing moron. Why would you conduct all this shady business with an e-mail address so similar to your Stars name then attach it to bot forums/your blog? Also, LOL @ saying you're a coach when you've made $150 over like 1K games according to SharkScope. Real slick.

Anyways, I'll let you get back to living in your world of delusion. Besides, I'm just a dumbass, right? I can't code a poker bot, nor do I have a sick girlfriend who 15-tables SNGs while deep-throating me. But, I can play a fair game of poker. Sometimes I win. Sometimes I lose.

This time I won.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 10-22-2010 at 11:14 AM.
10-16-2010 , 04:38 AM
Originally Posted by All Hail Circe
No, its just stupid people and their foolishness day in and day out piss me off.

Not you, talking about cheaters and what not...

Happy that you got some money back though, and hang in poker will be fine, unless the U.S. Gov continues to make moves to **** it all up....then the bots will be the least of our worries.
Well I've only got $11 on FTP and now play on PS, whch according to OP is safer.
I just think that there has to be a way of implementing a bot that can't be detected and it will play perfectly with a perfect balanced range, not like some people 3betting 4567 in the BB in plo thinking they have to balance their range but actually don't realise they do it 90% of the time. And I don't even mention tilt issues etc.
10-16-2010 , 04:42 AM
I'm going to post here, but I'm slightly wary of having my FT account closed and the 3 cents it contains confiscated for my association with OP by means of this post.

That said, I read all of the thread. It was quite entertaining. I liked the part where it was made pretty clear that OP was not entirely forthcoming about his botting history. Now, logically, there isn't a direct connection between history and current events. It's a simple induction. More information would be needed to reach a proper deduction, one that, say, FT might have access to before cutting off a rake-paying customer for "no reason".

I also liked the part where "The Commuter" came in and made some good jokes about online poker being a scam. It's just a different game. It requires different tools to stay competitive, much like sports or racing. Either adapt or stay at the casino playing 20 hands an hour and paying too much rake.

I'm not here to make judgments or accusations regarding who or what OP is; I'm not here to call anyone a ****** or moron. I'll leave that to everyone else.

Good luck.
10-16-2010 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by uppie_

Botting even though it is a "artifical player" i beleive those are your words it is stealing. Because Its what you botters do with them. YOU don't beat the game if so its very small you steal the 600 first depoist bonuns grind that out plus rakeback. and repeat with a new account. What does that do, well it drives up the cost for FTP and all the sites. Therefore normal legit players pay higher rakes get less in promotions back. And FTP has less money to advertise and promote poker to bring weaker players in for the better players.

If there are bots in all the rush games like you claim would explain why i feel they are easier to beat then normal games. I play a lot and did notice some players I tagged last week as possible bots. They were pretty easy to spot.

On Full tilt allowing he bots to continue play while they knew about them. This is standard practice you want to take down the whole ring if you can not just a handful of accounts and give the other accounts lead time to withdraw money you wait and monitor them when they have what they feel is all of them they take it down.

Pretty funny how quick all these botters poped up on FTP once the blackcard promo came out and they recieved extra rakeback.

Once again Botting is stealing. Plus all botters break the TOS because they all set up muilti accounts for these bots to play under.

Put your self in FTP shoes 2 accounts on a known botters ip address? and your claiming its your gf's which it might be but what else are you going to do. Its like Paris Hilton getting caught with drugs in her bag and saying oh thats not mine.
If you want to clean yourself up you seem to know a ton about how botting works and how to hide it. Why not offer up your services and help FTP clean up the scum botters?
Best post so far.

Couldn't resist though to FYP a little bit
10-16-2010 , 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by terrapin52
@Bobo Fett
I'm not supporting the OP's decision to bot at Bodog, and frankly I don't give a damn one way or the other because a bot is not going to outplay an above-average player, but I think it says a lot about your character that you attempted to rat-out the OP to Bodog and then proudly posted it on this forum.

what exactly does it say about his character?

I'm astonished at the number of dickless little pussies who think it was ok to steal money from the poker economy with their "hobby."

10-16-2010 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by the_challenger
seems like there is a post on the shankyforum about my discussion here. I cannot read it because I am banned there ( they think I am a 'dishonest pokerbotter'). Those people will now come to 2+2 to watch the posts. Please note that I am no longer affiliated with that forum and I do not vouch for any positive or negative comments about me here...
wtf is this

you're too sketchy for the botters?
10-16-2010 , 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by rudyard
Thread makes me want to blow up pretty much the whole of Holland.
or at least visit, **** their sisters and beat the **** out of the dickless botters
10-16-2010 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by the_challenger
How many times do i have to say this, ******: read before you write. I was not banned for using a bot.

and OJ didnt kill Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman bc the glove didnt fit.
10-16-2010 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by the_challenger
Oh, and FT doesn't reply to emails I send them, so there is nothing more to show than the one I posted.
I've just read until this post...and I had enough. Your girlfriend can play 15 tables while you are teaching her the game (for 5 months) but she cannot post here, and she cannot even send an e-mail to FT so you have to do it in her name?

Nice "my girlfriend" threads...girlfriends seem unable to type.
10-16-2010 , 09:31 AM
[x] OP thinks a poker bot is a girlfriend
[x] OP names new bot "Girlfriend"
[x] OP fails at life....
10-16-2010 , 10:10 AM
Get the feeling that OPs personal life is a mess
10-16-2010 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Quadmining
So if you have stolen a can of beer when you were 12, you should be banned from all supermarkets in the world for the rest of your life?
No, if you're a hooligan who seriously misbehaved during a sporting event you are not allowed into a stadium anymore. Much better comparison, you're comparing apples and oranges.
10-16-2010 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Quadmining
So if you have stolen a can of beer when you were 12, you should be banned from all supermarkets in the world for the rest of your life?

I'm glad you're not in charge of the human rights and are only allowed to post on 2+2

I find OP's insight on poker botting rather interesting (and worrying).
Makes me see online poker in a totally different light.
Dunno what the laws in your country are but if you steal in a shop here in Germany and get caught you'll have a good chance of being banned from that shop for life. We talking about adults of course but I don't think minors are allowed on poker sites anyway
