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Full Tilt bank xfers Full Tilt bank xfers

05-09-2008 , 09:13 PM
full tilt just returned my money to ftp account. the email said the bank returned it to them and could not process it, so it looks like were not gonna be receiving anything anytime soon
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-09-2008 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by bankrollin24
full tilt just returned my money to ftp account. the email said the bank returned it to them and could not process it, so it looks like were not gonna be receiving anything anytime soon
was this your first bank transfer to this bank?
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-09-2008 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by bankrollin24
full tilt just returned my money to ftp account. the email said the bank returned it to them and could not process it, so it looks like were not gonna be receiving anything anytime soon
wat? Post the email.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-09-2008 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
wat? Post the email.
yeh..this too
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-09-2008 , 09:34 PM
new to this forum.
how do you post emails
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-09-2008 , 09:37 PM
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-09-2008 , 09:37 PM
also, when did u initiate this cashout?
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-09-2008 , 09:39 PM
Hello Justin,

Thank you for your email.

The deposit for $600 was a refund for your Bank Transfer withdrawal
processed on April 14 (transfer number xxxxxxxx). Unfortunately, it was
returned to us by the Bank Transfer processor, so we have credited the
$600 to your Full Tilt Poker account.

Please accept our apologies for neglecting to inform you about the
deposit earlier, and thank you also for your honesty in asking us where
the funds came from.

Have a good weekend, and best of luck at the tables!


Full Tilt Poker Support

Please remember never to give out your password

Last edited by bankrollin24; 05-09-2008 at 09:48 PM.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-09-2008 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by chicken10der
i was saying that pointing out that you pay rake is not going to do ****. they know that's how they make money.
Then they should act like it.

also, paying $100k a year in rake doesn't entitle you to your money any more than someone who plays a couple $11 sitngo's per year.
In an ideal world you may be right...every customer of every company would be treated with the utmost respect. But in the actual world, you're dead wrong. You get better customer service at a four-star restaurant than you do at McDonald's because that's part of what you're paying for.

Likewise, while it'd be great if a company treated every client like gold...if you're a bar owner that hires my band to play 20 times a year and you ask me if I can cut you a price break on a certain night, I'll be much more willing to oblige you than the guy who wants me to play his wedding one time only.

Volume of business routinely matters in customer service and support. Maybe it shouldn't be that way, but I live in the actual world, where that's the way business is done. And online poker is one of the only areas where I'm big business as compared to the average customer...I would like to be treated that way. If you have a problem with that, tough.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-09-2008 , 09:46 PM
seems like an isolated incident since no one else has reported something similar...i hope..
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-09-2008 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by SammyKid11
You make some decent points in your post. This is not one of them.

Just because they've heard it before doesn't mean it's less true. I pay more in rake than I pay for ANY other service in my life...drastically more. They're NOT our employer...WE are their CUSTOMERS and we pay dearly for the service they provide, so expecting some CUSTOMER service is not out of line.

And unlike with an employer/employee situation, this was never their money to begin with. When I deposited with FTP, I didn't GIVE them my money...I agreed they could have temporary possession of my money while I used a PAY service that they offered, because they made the promise to return any portion of that money back to me within a reasonable timeframe anytime I requested it.

Expecting MY money back in the reasonable timeframe they advertise and expecting timely and truthful and accurate information from them when things go wrong is NOT unreasonable.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-09-2008 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by bankrollin24
Please accept our apologies for neglecting to inform you about the
deposit earlier, and thank you also for your honesty in asking us where
the funds came from.

mas info please
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-09-2008 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by GrannyMae
mas info please
bankrollin started a thread earlier where he had $600 in his FTP account and he didn't know where it came from.

my guess is that he sent him an email asked where the funds were from, and they sent him that response.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-09-2008 , 09:59 PM
Pfft. The bank didn't return it. The processor returned it, it never got to the bank. Hopefully, it's an isolated incident and you just gave them the wrong checking acct or routing number. And your thing happened on the 14th, which is before the issues that are carrying this thread began.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-09-2008 , 10:05 PM
that Full Tilt Poker is CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT at communicating with its most valuable customers.
Originally Posted by GrannyMae
you can't be serious about this part, can you? this is just anger, right?
If you deposited a check in your bank and they debited the check-writer's account but refused to credit yours...if they had no phone number where you could reach anyone, either did not respond to your emails or it took them days to do so, and the only information you were given was pre-packaged garbage that turned out time and again to be totally false, and a month later you still didn't have that money, you wouldn't call that criminal (or at least tortious) negligence?

The only reason my phrase "criminal negligence" doesn't apply is that no country's laws seem to apply to poker sites because of where they set up their corporations.

If the Frank/Paul legislation were passed, poker players could demand via the marketplace that companies be owned and operated in the United States or United Kingdom or some other reputable country with real laws.

And at that point, if they were acting the way Full Tilt has acted in this case, I firmly believe their actions would be deemed by a court system to be criminally (or tortiously) negligent, same as if a bank were to pull the same thing.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-09-2008 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
Pfft. The bank didn't return it. The processor returned it, it never got to the bank. Hopefully, it's an isolated incident and you just gave them the wrong checking acct or routing number. And your thing happened on the 14th, which is before the issues that are carrying this thread began.
Nope, my first missing cashout was approved on the 14th (and I'm pretty sure I've read a couple of others that were, as well).
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-09-2008 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by dawade
I'm going to cry myself to sleep tonight.

I can't keep ****ing borrowing money from my parents since they already don't think the echecks are ever going through.
Thank God for 2+2...I usually make withdrawals for the month around the 15th (coincide with rakeback) so when Epassporte left the market i thought "this suks" but oh well. Did a wire transfer and thought i would just be broke and destitute for only a week as i had walk around cash for the first week. When they sent an email saying it would be delayed by another week, i thought it was just my isolated incident and also i borrowed $200 from the moms and told her i'd pay back in a week. Luckily my older brother is a degen poker player so i borrowed $300 from him and after a couple days he asked to just pay him back by transferring $$$ into his FTP acct. (unfortunately he never has to worry about cashing out )

Then when i sent an email and didn't get a response last week and didn't receive any money the first 3 days this week i got worried and found this thread. I received the same email that my transfer was processed on the 5th and blah blah blah. Honestly maybe we'll see the money on Monday but i doubt it since more than a few if they really were processed on the 5th would have received them by now. I don't know who or what to beleive but whatever. I planned a trip back home for memorial weekend but i think im going to cancel since this $2500 is already about spent with paybacks and bills and forthcoming expenses and until i receive evidence to the contrary i just don't think i can count on receiving funds in a timely manner and thats assuming i get this withdrawal.

Sad and depressed as Vegas is the worst city to live in without any cash on hand
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-10-2008 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by SammyKid11
If you deposited a check in your bank and they debited the check-writer's account but refused to credit yours...?

up until 3 days ago, i worked for a very large bank.

if we did what you describe it would only be because we suspected that the funds, or fund origin were possibly dubious. we would hold for possible recourse. my bank recently closed the accounts of a large pokersite that was openly violating uigea, and we did not pay checks. we closed the accounts, but did not seize any money (tho we probably could have). the people who had deposited house checks into house accounts did not get their money directly either. there was nothing criminal about this.

it has sounded like FTP has had a problem with the processor and it has been speculated that it is for uigea reasons.

in the t&c's at every bank (and poker site i am sure), there is some provision that allows for this delay due to circumstances beyond their control and or technical failure.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-10-2008 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by Fat Nicky
seems like an isolated incident since no one else has reported something similar...i hope..
basically the same thing happened to me many many months ago. he probably just has a hostile bank like mine.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-10-2008 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by Stevie_D
Sad and depressed as Vegas is the worst city to live in without any cash on hand

you are living in vegas and playing online? why?

i can understand playing online, but having your entire BR there seems crazy. are you under 21?
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-10-2008 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by GrannyMae

i am sooooo out of touch.

i just found out that chip passed. seriously.
Are you serious?

AP got busted looking at players hole cards while playing and stealing player's money. The perp was an executive at AP. They retitled him to "consultant" and fired the "rogue consultant". They were fined $500k by the KGC, the gaming commission that licenses them. But the KGC also own AP (and UB), so who knows what that means. UB also got caught looking at player's hole cards and stealing money, but they haven't admitted it and there have been no repercussions yet.

This all went down in several epic threads in BBV (the UB thread is active in the HSNL forum now). Search for it if you want more information. Also:

Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-10-2008 , 01:49 AM
I would like to take the time thank Big Daddy AKA the U.S. government. I appreciate very much how you have taken care and looked after all of your children. If we were not controlled by you, I'm sure that we would destroy ourselves. You make it very easy for all of us to not need a brain, for you use your ominous brain to make decisions for us mortals. I never really needed a brain or independent thought anyways.

I am sad though that I still have to make some decisions. I appreciate you restricting my ability to play poker online, but you have left a few holes in the system which allows me some freedom. I wish that you would just take all of my freedom right away so that I no longer have to live in fear of what STUPID, UNCONSTITUTIONAL, STATIST, INHUMANE, GANGSTER laws that you will make next.

I recommend the following laws to take place immediately:

1. Complete distribution of wealth and property.

You have slowly increased taxes and poor spending habits over the past century. You have slowly increased the rate at which money is stolen from some to be handed out to others. I strongly recommend that you complete this trend instead of wasting another 100 years to accomplish it. I think you will find that the majority will be in favor of looting the rich. We must reward morons for making poor choices by robbing the fruits of other people's labor and giving to those who have no desire to make quality life decisions.

2. Freedom of speech must be eliminated, guidelines must be set fourth as to what is acceptable lines of communications.

Although you have been successful in your propaganda, we cannot afford the risk of free speech in case of some rare event that may take place which might cause people to want to think for themselves. If this ever happens, I fear that our plans will fail.

3. Eliminate the right to vote. Only the party understands what the masses need. We cannot allow individuals to choose who they think should be elected for they do not have the capacity to make such decisions.

The right to vote is another serious risk we face. If left to the people, we could have any manner of government. We have done good to rule the country by elected officials, but what if the tides turn and libertarian minded individuals were elected? It could be a disaster of monsterous proportions. We cannot allow this risk.

4. Reassign everyone to positions in which they are best suited.

We cannot allow the masses to choose what to do for work. I suggest that we be gracious and allow one hour free time per day though. I strongly recommend that all work be regulated and assigned to the proper individuals. Those who do not comply shall be regarded as treasonous and discarded. It is simply too inefficient to allow people to choose what to do with their time. For god sakes they might do something like play online poker! Which would be an obvious waste of resources.

5. Take complete control of the internet immediately.

The internet is a breeding ground of free communications. It is obvious what risk this poses. I suggest that we hang 10,000 citizens who have abused the power of the internet to set an example. Then we should set fourth a plan to take control of the internet afterwards.

I can see that it will take forever to set fourth all the rules that could possibly be made. We shall just keep making more and more laws for eternity I suppose. There is unfortunately not enough space on this internet to complete the rules of which people must be controlled.

In all sincerity though, we do lose freedom and liberty every year. Given enough time at any rate of loss of liberty, you will eventually have none. The trend must at some time be reversed to ensure liberty for people of the future. Maybe the human race is just destined for statism, I dunno. I only know that I wish to be free to live my life as I see fit and do not wish to follow the rules set fourth by anyone. I am an individual, not just a part of a whole. I wish to live my life as an individual and not as just one small part of a whole.

Last edited by sharky; 05-10-2008 at 01:54 AM.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-10-2008 , 01:53 AM
****** with single digit post count posts off-topic troll. File under dog bites man
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-10-2008 , 01:56 AM
****** with single digit post count posts off-topic troll. File under dog bites man
Not off topic. The government has caused this problem with our money. Completely relevant to the thread...

Oh and yes I rarely post, but I have apparently been a member longer than you..
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-10-2008 , 02:02 AM
For anyone who claims FTP hasnt lied/told untrue statements/BSed us:

This is the third time that I have been given a concrete time period for my funds arriving. The first two were just flat out not met. During one of the first two untrue time promises I recieved an e-mail that stated my funds would be in my account "no later than May 1st". That was a flat out lie.

Currently it has been 4 business days into the last "3 to 5 days till funds arrive" period. Monday will be the 5th business day for me and many other people. You can see why people are upset that nobody has recieved their funds after 4 business days into our third promised time period.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
