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Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom?

06-07-2016 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
Not funny but weird.

Macau 25/50 game,

I raised with flopped top two pair on a dry board and other guy says call but accidentally tossed in a 5k chip. He'd done this twice before by accident (if you play in Macau you know the 5k is not very distinctive so this happens from time to time) so I didn't think he was angling with a set or something. Floor rules it a binding raise. There is already a few hundred in the pot, including my raise of about 2-3 hundred.

Everyone folded around to me, I told him I wanted the few hundred in the pot but not his 5k. I tell him I have a good hand, want the money in the pot and willing to chop my bet and his accidental raise. I am clear that it's his decision, he needs to tell me whether or not he will agree to this offer - otherwise I'm going to treat this as a real hand and proceed as if he intentionally over raised.

Guy agrees, floor witnesses all of this as it came over to rule on the "call", we agree that I will call, we flip our hands over, take back the bets and let the winner take the pot in the middle and shake hands on this. Floor witnesses this, nods head as if they agree with it. Dealer immediately deals both turn and river despite that we both have another 20k+ in chips. Guy had top pair but hit a better two pair on the river. Dealer immediately sweeps up the call I made and shoves it over to him - he looks puzzled, and pushes it back to me immediately. Floor slams hand down and ships it back to him - now we're both very confused. He tries to ship it back to me and again floor yells at him.

Apparently, despite that the floor had witnessed our negotiation and apparently the casino played along as we flipped our cards and they didn't wait for us to check/bet despite neither being close to be all in, they stated that we couldn't decide to chop only portions and players weren't allowed to pass chips around the table. I sit there, now knowing that the guy is apparently off the hook and under no more than a verbal contract to hand me back the 5k, he plays it cool, doesn't make eye contact with me, etc and so I'm starting to get a little nervous.

He then racks up his chips and I'm beginning to get nervous but then as he gets up asks me if I want to smoke a cigarette and I follow him and he paid me the cash outside the casino - absolutely shocked, totally thought I'd be ****ed over in that one - just thought I'd share this one after all these stories of anglers.
I'm very confused. Floor rules it a binding raise and everyone folds to you. Now you're trying to make it a non-binding raise? What about all those who folded - but might not have folded absent his non-raise? Floor should have stopped your negotiations immediately and continued with hand including the raise. How is this significantly different from raising people out of a pot and then agreeing to chop? What have I missed?????
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-07-2016 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
Never seen anyone agree on the flop to just cease action and flip them and run out the pot without anyone being all in - didn't even know this was an option.


agreement to basically cancel out our bets and race for the preflop pot
I guess I'm missing something here. Like I said, I'm not trying to nitpick for the reasons most would nitpick here, but what do you mean by "race for the pot" if it doesn't mean just running out the rest of the board?
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-07-2016 , 05:04 PM
Yeah this is confusing. What did you think was happening when you agreed to the call?
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-07-2016 , 09:14 PM
More to the point: what did you think was happening when you both flipped your hands over?

We're having difficulty reconciling:
1) Agreed on the flop to not "treat this as a real hand" and flip the cards over.
2) Surprised/annoyed that you were not given the opportunity to bet the turn.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-07-2016 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by illdonk
More to the point: what did you think was happening when you both flipped your hands over?

We're having difficulty reconciling:
1) Agreed on the flop to not "treat this as a real hand" and flip the cards over.
2) Surprised/annoyed that you were not given the opportunity to bet the turn.
I don't think it is confusing at all
1) First player bet
2) Second player, meaning to call, makes a very large raise
3) First player gives second player the option to treat accidental raise as a call, and then check it down
4) Everyone seems to agree, but then house enforces the outcome of the hand as if there was no side deal.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-08-2016 , 01:22 AM
So they all should have played make-believe on the turn and river, acting as though everything was normal and the hands weren't turned up? I guess that's technically true, but it's an odd thing to be concerned about.
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06-08-2016 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by illdonk
So they all should have played make-believe on the turn and river, acting as though everything was normal and the hands weren't turned up? I guess that's technically true, but it's an odd thing to be concerned about.
They agreed to end action, chop the overbets, and just play for the original pot (the pot before the accidental raise). What he was concerned about was the house seemingly being on board with this, then not allowing the winning player to rebate the raise back, like they had agreed to.
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06-08-2016 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by richlp
I'm very confused. Floor rules it a binding raise and everyone folds to you. Now you're trying to make it a non-binding raise? What about all those who folded - but might not have folded absent his non-raise? Floor should have stopped your negotiations immediately and continued with hand including the raise. How is this significantly different from raising people out of a pot and then agreeing to chop? What have I missed?????
How is this any different than the SB and BB chopping?
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-08-2016 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by SpewingIsMyMove
They agreed to end action, chop the overbets, and just play for the original pot (the pot before the accidental raise). What he was concerned about was the house seemingly being on board with this, then not allowing the winning player to rebate the raise back, like they had agreed to.
There's a difference between the dealer putting out the turn and river after the hands have been turned up on the flop, and splitting a pot in a completed hand which one player won. Where I play that isn't allowed, and the pot has to be pushed to the winning player.

There's also a difference between the blinds chopping a pot where everybody folds preflop, and two players betting/raising everybody out on the flop and then agreeing to take back their raises. If two players raised me off of a decent hand on the flop and then made a deal after I folded, that would seem pretty sketchy to me.
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06-08-2016 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by richlp
How is this significantly different from raising people out of a pot and then agreeing to chop? What have I missed?????
I can see that point of it being an angle, but angling with a partner or not, I'm willing to bet that raising 10x pot with just top pair is -EV.

Main issue is that floor watches us negotiate, said nothing, dealer dealt cards going along with our stated plan and then they went against what we had agreed upon after the hand had played out. The floor could have simply just said "You can't do that" instead of watching silently in what kind of felt like entrapment.
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06-09-2016 , 03:21 AM
Still no answer to what exactly you thought was going to happen?
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-09-2016 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
Still no answer to what exactly you thought was going to happen?
We both assumed given that we openly negotiated directly in front of floor and dealer that we'd be allowed to follow through on our plan instead of having to "go for a cigarette" and exchange money outside.

I really don't understand why this is so contentious - just a silly little story I shared - never thought so much would come of it.
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06-09-2016 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
I really don't understand why this is so contentious - just a silly little story I shared - never thought so much would come of it.
I agree! It's amazing how so many in these forums like to argue for the sake of arguing.

So many nit picking about rules, hands, etc. Post a story, read, enjoy!
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-09-2016 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Below Zero
I agree! It's amazing how so many in these forums like to argue for the sake of arguing.

So many nit picking about rules, hands, etc. Post a story, read, enjoy!
Sorry to nitpick. When someone tells a story about something where they agreed to do something, and then that exact thing happens, and then they complain about what happened and it's the point of the entire story, I think it's fair to ask some questions.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-09-2016 , 05:16 PM
I feel like I read a different post than you did.

OP agreed with villian to pull back the accidental raise amount with opponent and check it down, just playing for what was already in the pot. Dealer quickly pulled in the raise amount though, then ran out the board. Hero though villain should have won only the amount previously in the pot, but instead he won the full amount, including his accidental raise (and hero's call).

If floor didn't want to let them pull back their bets and raises, he should have said so. Then hero would have reraised, and villain likely would have had to fold.

Luckily, villain was a good guy, and paid hero the required amount in cash, away from the table.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-09-2016 , 07:51 PM
Nevermind. Deleted (can't delete on phone for some reason)
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-09-2016 , 07:52 PM
Yes, and?
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-10-2016 , 12:12 AM
There were multiple ways to read the post, each with completely different meanings, and the replies became super confusing if you read it the unintended way the first time.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-10-2016 , 01:49 PM
There is only one way to read the story in a way that it makes sense. I understood it perfectly the first time I read it and am as baffled as others seem to be by all the questions and nit-picking. But with all of the nitty personalities on this forum I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.

Edit: Ok, I see where a lot of the confusion may have came from. This phrase:

Originally Posted by rickroll
Floor witnesses this, nods head as if they agree with it. Dealer immediately deals both turn and river despite that we both have another 20k+ in chips.
Seems to have been interpreted as "I was surprised that the dealer put out both the turn and river without either of us acting because we each had 20k+ in chips behind" and this wasn't the intended meaning. He clearly meant to convey, "The dealer dealt the turn and river without either of us acting, so this means that the dealer was not only aware of the deal, but complicit in its execution as well. How can the staff refuse to acknowledge that there is a deal to take money back out of the pot (which was probably suggested because of the initial incompetent ruling), but accept that there is a deal not to make further bets on the turn and river?"

Last edited by Koko the munkey; 06-10-2016 at 02:04 PM.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-10-2016 , 04:58 PM
Jesus guys. Dead horse.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-10-2016 , 07:03 PM
Ferguson is dead?
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-11-2016 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by Koko the munkey
7Edit: Ok, I see where a lot of the confusion may have came from.
Oh, I'll take one last swing at the horse.

My confusion came from: "we agree that I will call, we flip our hands over, take back the bets and let the winner take the pot in the middle and shake hands on this."

To me that reads like they actually flipped their hands over and took back their bets (it's that second "we" that's the issue, to get really nitpicky), whereas they only agreed to do that but never actually did. That's why people (or at least me) were confused why he was surprised that no betting was allowed on the turn/river, because I thought the hands were turned over.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-11-2016 , 03:33 AM
Okay. The way I read it, I thought YOU thought there would be further betting "because you had chips behind" and that you were upset that it was just over right there. I see that now that you were mainly just upset over the bets not being able to be pulled back (as I read it, you had physically done this so I was confused on that too). All good. Nitpick over, carry on!

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06-11-2016 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Koko the munkey
There is only one way to read the story in a way that it makes sense. I understood it perfectly the first time I read it and am as baffled as others seem to be by all the questions and nit-picking. But with all of the nitty personalities on this forum I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.

Edit: Ok, I see where a lot of the confusion may have came from.
Oh my god, can we sticky this somehow?
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
06-11-2016 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
Apparently, despite that the floor had witnessed our negotiation and apparently the casino played along as we flipped our cards and they didn't wait for us to check/bet despite neither being close to be all in, they stated that we couldn't decide to chop only portions and players weren't allowed to pass chips around the table. I sit there, now knowing that the guy is apparently off the hook and under no more than a verbal contract to hand me back the 5k, he plays it cool, doesn't make eye contact with me, etc and so I'm starting to get a little nervous.

He then racks up his chips and I'm beginning to get nervous but then as he gets up asks me if I want to smoke a cigarette and I follow him and he paid me the cash outside the casino - absolutely shocked, totally thought I'd be ****ed over in that one - just thought I'd share this one after all these stories of anglers.
Ending warmed my heart...

faith in humanity restored
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