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Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom?

07-10-2016 , 04:41 PM
FWIW most rooms would rule to hold his chips. They can only be verbally tipped to a dealer (as that is a normal table transaction), otherwise, they are still his.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:26 PM
Playing Friday night and a 30 year old pops up from the table and says he will be back and literally sprints out of the room. He comes back 15 minutes later and we had been talking and played before so I asked him WTF. He says he had to go capture a Pokemon or something. I'm like WTF are you talking about. He explains the new thing as I've never heard of it.

Since then, I've heard about this dumb game hundreds of times. Just silly to see a grown ass man running down a hallway playing a little kids game.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:31 PM
So how many have you caught?
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
07-11-2016 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by nascent
He was once a member of a band that produced a one hit wonder song.
Can you tell us the band, kinda itching to know for some reason hahahaa
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
07-13-2016 , 07:35 AM
Home MTT.
I play regularly with a group of players, at the casino, home, or pub poker. I usually have a pretty good read on this one player although this hand I wasn't reading him. He is one of those "experts" who when he loses a hand he becomes very angry and tells the winner why they should not have played their hand citing percentages, pot odds and how far behind they were. I was top stack, the poker gods had been very kind to me all night. He bets 4x BB, the other players fold to me. I look down at AT I call to at least see a flop. The other players fold to him, it is head to head. Flop is 58T He shoves all in for about 3.5x BB. Usually this is just a continuation bet from him. If he doesn't hit, he will often do this. I am top stack looking at TPTK and a flush draw, I call. We turn over our cards. He turns over QQ and turn over my AT. He looks at me shaking his head like I am a fool. I think I lost the hand but I played it correctly. The turn is nothing, the river is another ten. He flips out. He turns to his friend at the other table and screams, "Bob! Bob! THIS IDIOT calls my QQ!.. with a pair of *#@$$ tens..... and then catches another ten on the river!" He says this as if I knew he had pocket queens. As he gets up from the table he looks over and says his usual.... "You shouldn't have been in that hand."
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
07-13-2016 , 02:22 PM
I always love the guys who criticize you for playing a bad hand.
Who in their right mind always wants to play against a good hand?
I want bad calls.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
07-13-2016 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
I always love the guys who criticize you for playing a bad hand.
Who in their right mind always wants to play against a good hand?
I want bad calls.
Don't you know, good hands should win, bad hands should lose! That's how entitlement works!
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
07-13-2016 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
That is pretty weird that you flatted pre... What's even more weird is that i have a feeling ....
I find it weird that you find it pretty weird. What is even more weird is how you got that feeling I would have folded knowing he had queens. You shouldn't trust your feelings so much.

Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
I always love the guys who criticize you for playing a bad hand..
Any cards he loses to are bad cards, He once screamed at a guy who called with pocket jacks. I posted that comment is because his "You shouldn't have been in that hand" thing is getting worse and everyone laughs at his reaction and him storming out. Probably more funny to me but I think everyone knows a player like this.

I believe I mentioned in a previous post in this thread, I flopped two pair on a rainbow flop. I know how he plays so I checked. He as expected went all in, I call. He had nothing, he then tells me I played the hand wrong, that I should have raised so he would have folded and he would still be in the game.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
11-06-2016 , 06:43 AM
This may not be the absolute weirdest or funniest, but it's short and pretty good...

We have a dealer who's been dealing for well over a year now, but he just hasn't improved much. I notice a card that's cut on the edge, and point it out to be replaced. He calls the floor over and hands them the card, the red deck 7, for replacement. They walk away to get it, and he takes the blue deck out of the shuffler to deal with it and plops the red deck, all 51 cards he has of it, right back in the shuffler without thinking.

I just watch quietly as we play the next hand... Meanwhile, the shuffler identifies that the 7 is missing and he gets a confused look on his face. Wait for it, wait for it... After about five seconds the realization comes over his face as I'm laughing on the inside.

I am friendly with the floor and told him the story to be funny off to the side, asking if he thought another dealer who's not very good would make the same mistake. His response?

"Twice last week."
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
11-06-2016 , 08:54 PM
Did that take place at Charles Town WV?
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
12-12-2016 , 01:44 AM
Just remembered the time I played KQ and flop came KKQ. Turn and river were low blanks and villain 3barreled with with jam on river. I snap call and show a massive cooler vs QQ. Villain gets up walks off to take a break very reasonably upset about the cold deck talking about of course he flops a boat but I flop the nuts.

Rest of table then begins vigorous debate over whether or not KQ or KK was the nuts. I stayed out of it.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
12-12-2016 , 06:57 AM
Also just recalled a Macau 25/50 game about 5-6 years ago where they play super deep (normally you can buyin for at least 150 bb and sometimes unlimited)

On guy min raised and got 3bet for the min amount. He then 4bet for the min amount, and this slowly proceeded until one of them was all in - they did finally stop minimally raising but it was really bad like 100+150+250+400+600+1000+1800+3000 then all in jam. Of course it's AA vs KK.

The guy with Kings yells, "how can you not just go all with AA"

the other guy said "I didn't want you to think I had a good hand"

Can't believe I forgot about that one - lol'd for about a month after it happened. Neither player was Chinese, both from somewhere in southeast asia - think maybe Indonesia and Singapore.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
12-12-2016 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
Rest of table then begins vigorous debate over whether or not KQ or KK was the nuts. I stayed out of it.
I'm definitely listening to some variant of this conversation/argument about 3-4 times per year and I'm mostly a weekender. If this is rare to you, consider it life rungood!
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
12-12-2016 , 12:10 PM
uh oh... that doesn't bode well for plan to move back the US next month, once was humorous, a regular debate like that and I'd probably go insane
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
12-20-2016 , 10:27 AM
Played a session the other day with a woman who had only played poker once before. She got a warning from the floor for not raising the nuts closing the action on the river with Ks8s on QhJs8sAs6h. Her reasoning? "I only had four in a row so didn't know if my hand was the best, plus the pot was big enough anyway"
About 2 orbits later, she bets 2 into 15 on a board of QT668, is raised to 20 and just calls holding 66. The floor is called again, gives her a warning that if it happens again, she will be asked to leave.
About an hour later she checks back the river with KJ on A85QTr. The floor's face when he was called over and saw the tabled hands was priceless. He gave her "one last chance" because everyone was sure she was not colluding.

To help her out, I checked with the dealer that if she says "raise" facing no bet, they would hold her to a bet and told her "if you think you have the best possible hand, just say "raise" when it is your turn and the dealer will sort the rest out".
About an hour later, a pot is checked down to the river on 86379r and she bets 15 into 8. A reg raises to 100, she picks up 105 and says pointedly to the dealer "raise". Me and another reg are cracking up but the guy makes the sighest of sigh calls and she shows JT for (yet again) the stone cold nuts.
A little while later she pointedly declares "raise" vs a reg on a Qs6d5d4d board and I'm wondering how she has a straight flush after all this run good. River goes minbet, call on a total blank and she shows Kc3d for a hand she thought was a straight flush (#balance)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
12-21-2016 , 12:17 AM
A few years back I'm playing 1/2 @ borgata at the table closest to where the cage line forms. Me and some random guy are sitting at the same end and have been chatty. Eventually he suggests to sweat me, ok, whatever, I don't normally do this but I'm down this time, I have JJ and raise, get a call, flop come Jxx, bet/call, turn J, check/check, River X, bet/fold. Me and the guy are talking and chuckling, whatever, dude who lost the hand stands up and yells "you think this is funny" and wings his phone at the wall were the cage line forms. The entire table is in wtf mode because it came out of nowhere, the dude wasn't pissy before but just blew up
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
12-21-2016 , 12:29 AM
Last weekend at a bar tourney this one new guy showed up and knowing a rather large woman at the table didn't speak English (nor know much about poker) kept on repeating stuff like "who the f is this b" and "you think those are c cups or d cups" and "man I just wanna suck on them titties" just non stop. Some people say something, he's asked to stop and he argues that "I have nothing but respect for her" and couldn't understand why he was asked to leave and not come back.

I then pointed out he was clearly off his mind on some kind of drug cocktail so why not give him another chance especially given how bad of a player he is and now everyone thinks he's my friend and I was the one who invited him.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
01-03-2017 , 02:25 AM
Freeroll satellite at the local casino, I'm 2nd biggest stack in the room with the biggest stack in the room directly to my right. I 3-bet his open with AJcc and he calls and we see a flop of T77 one club. He checks, I C-Bet and he check raises, I call. There's probably about 35-45 bigs in the pot right now, we each have another 60 or so behind. Normal story so far I know but here's where it gets weird.

Turn is a 2 of clubs. Villain then stares me down and shoves 60 big blinds. It's a freeroll so whatever people are going to do weird ****, but still not having played loads of live poker I was kind of sat there like 'wtf is this ****' pondering what to do.

I'm counting 13-16 outs in my head thinking maybe my Jack is live, well villain is asking me what I'm waiting for it's obvious I'm calling and proceeds to get a clock on me after 30 seconds, in the weekly freeroll.

At this point I have 20 seconds or so left on my clock when I notice my brother get up out his seat on the next table and is walking towards me. I ask him if he is out which he says he is. At this point I just say '**** it' and put my chips in the middle, which the whole table found particularly amusing. Villain then sheepishly turns over 89o which causes the table to erupt in laughter again when it turns out my A high is the best hand on the turn for a 160 BB+ pot. Blank on the river and I can basically walk out now and guarantee myself a ticket. Funny part is my brother is called back to his table and the hand he thought he went out on turns out to be a chopped pot (we were both very new to poker at this point) and we both end up going on to get a ticket.

Sorry for the long drawn out post, maybe it was a 'you had to be there' story, but I still find it highly amusing thinking back to it this day.

Also last week sat down in a £55 MTT and double up vs some guy bluffing 3 streets into my boat pretty quickly. He goes on to say how it is my revenge for earlier. I just kind of smile and nod wondering wtf he is on about. His mate gets put on our table and while they are talking the guy starts going on about a couple of hands he has played with me explaining them all to his mate, and asking me a few details. I just go along with it, the guy literally didn't realise the actual person went out and I was a new player lmao.

Those are my contributions anyhow, love this thread, long time reader

Last edited by GoodnightIrene; 01-03-2017 at 02:25 AM. Reason: Villain replaced to Lillian lol...
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
01-03-2017 , 05:27 PM

My favourite game is 'Win a Pot, Down a Shot'.

Sit at nearly any low end cash game in the world (especially in Vegas), throw a few $ in the pot pretending to already be drunk, tell em you're on your mates stag do.. don't really know how to play..and don't care for money but are just there to have fun - and all of a sudden the table atmosphere will change and a world of opportunity opens up as the table believe your full buyin stack is there for the grabs.

It's never long before 3-4 guys at the table are also drinking a shot everytime they win a pot, then as soon as the rest of the table realise you're super drunk and the tables about to get pretty juicy they normally come along for the ride for a few shots also.

The added benefit is that after a few hands you notice every player at the table topping up to a full stack, playing out of their comfort zone but expecting my stack soon to head in their direction

I then play super loose and wild preflop, but post flop i'm fairly sensible - except they don't realise this, so it soon becomes the most profitable scenario possible with drunk opponents playing out of their comfort zones, thinking you're a mad gambler they have to play fit or fold too.

Best Story

My favourite story was in Vegas and there was one woman at the table who admittedly was running pretty bad and was down a good 6-7 buyins playing solid risk averse poker, while I was playing drunk throwing 'Party Pots' every other hand (I just throw some chips in the pot pre-flop to make it more juicy and declare it a party pot before gambling hard to get them back) and had run my stack up to 15x the $200 start stack.

I actually felt pretty sorry for her, so decided to cut her a break when in a HU pot with her and with $75 that I declared she can see my cards and then tell me exactly how much to bet on each street (She had perhaps $150 behind). The table were in hysterics, I'm a man of my word and I was basically giving her a full double if she waited until the river and was good.

With my hand face up on the table for all to see, the flop was like Q96 or something, I'd shown 95 and she kept her hand to herself but asked me to put in $50 on the flop which I obliged.

Turn = Brick, so she asks me to go all in, which I do....

She calls so we're playing for a $375 pot and she clearly has top pair or better.

River is a 5 and I hit my two pair... the table falls about laughing as she throws her cards across the table, starts raging, and throws her chips off the table in anger!

I felt bad but I couldn't conceal the laughter obviously, while she couldn't contain herself.

She ended up being asked to calm down, but didn't, then was escorted from the room after abusing the dealer.

I even shipped her $50 to go put on roulette on the way out as I felt so bad... but it's hands down the funniest moment of a lot of drunken play!

Last edited by EasyEasyEasy83; 01-03-2017 at 05:51 PM. Reason: added Bit
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
01-06-2017 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by EasyEasyEasy83
[ .....She ended up being asked to calm down, but didn't, then was escorted from the room after abusing the dealer.....
This reminds me of something which I saw last week.
A woman was going on at great length and volume to a floor and the shift supervisor, about 20' away from my table, about how the others at her table (2/4, I think), refused to "treat her like a lady". She repeated this several times, and then, when the shift apparently didn't do whatever it was she wanted, shouted at him (twice) to "Stick it up your ass!", and stormed out....
Can't imagine why she perhaps hadn't been treated like a lady..... but apparently the irony was lost on her.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
01-07-2017 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by EasyEasyEasy83

Best Story

My favourite story was in Vegas and there was one woman at the table who admittedly was running pretty bad and was down a good 6-7 buyins playing solid risk averse poker, while I was playing drunk throwing 'Party Pots' every other hand (I just throw some chips in the pot pre-flop to make it more juicy and declare it a party pot before gambling hard to get them back) and had run my stack up to 15x the $200 start stack.

I actually felt pretty sorry for her, so decided to cut her a break when in a HU pot with her and with $75 that I declared she can see my cards and then tell me exactly how much to bet on each street (She had perhaps $150 behind). The table were in hysterics, I'm a man of my word and I was basically giving her a full double if she waited until the river and was good.

With my hand face up on the table for all to see, the flop was like Q96 or something, I'd shown 95 and she kept her hand to herself but asked me to put in $50 on the flop which I obliged.

Turn = Brick, so she asks me to go all in, which I do....

She calls so we're playing for a $375 pot and she clearly has top pair or better.

River is a 5 and I hit my two pair... the table falls about laughing as she throws her cards across the table, starts raging, and throws her chips off the table in anger!

I felt bad but I couldn't conceal the laughter obviously, while she couldn't contain herself.

She ended up being asked to calm down, but didn't, then was escorted from the room after abusing the dealer.

I even shipped her $50 to go put on roulette on the way out as I felt so bad... but it's hands down the funniest moment of a lot of drunken play!
Defitnitely the best story in a while itt.

I think if you had done this to me, I would just have to laugh and go home, 'cause this is so damn funny.

Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
01-08-2017 , 10:15 PM
Saw a funny hand yesterday, me and the Mrs were just finishing off a week and a half long trip to a city with some soft games. We'd played for a week and the games were starting to get a little bit more rocky and reg filled so we were thinking about coming home- then this happened. My Mrs is otb and pretty tilted after losing 3 big flips, opens aq suited to £12 over 3 limps, sb tries to re-raise to £20 and is told he has to make it £22, limpers fold and she flats with £250 behind. She flops a royal draw on a kj4 board and the sb checks, she bets £25, turn is another jack, sb checks and she bets 50, sb calls. River is another king and the board reads KJ4KJ, sb checks and she shoves for £175ish, sb snap calls. She is about to muck her hand, but tables her AQ to get some info from the sb as he was a massive fish. Sb then triumphantly turns over pocket twos!!! Nobody at the table says a word for ten seconds, then the dealer announces A high is good and ships her the pot. Sb looks confused but didn't say a word, and continued to stare at her stack whilst she was stacking her chips.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
01-08-2017 , 11:54 PM
WSOP cash game 2015 at Rio 1-3 NL table is kind of dead until someone i like to call the milkman comes in. He gives great action and donates lots of money.

Around Midnight he orders a milk and chugs it. He continues to order another three or four more Milks pounding them all and spilling half on his last one on the table.

While he is drinking his milk a discussion comes up on prop bets, he agrees to give anyone 25-1 to pick one exact card on the flop. Obviously he is getting horrible odds and no one says anything, a few people take the bet. He makes like 25 in five dollar bets until the queen of hearts turns up twice in a row and he is down 225. He gets pissed and starts arguing with everyone and refuses to pay the next bet all the while taking peoples five dollar chips recovering about 40$ He loses one more and then says the bet is off.

Milkman is in like 1800-2100 in a 1-3 game and just miserable drinking milk the whole time He finally doubles up after another re buy and has about 650 in front.

SB- "do you want to chop?"
Milkman BB- "no i don't want to chop this time" (had chopped each time before)
SB - "fine I bet 100"
Milkman - "I'm all in"
SB - "I call I have Aces"
Milkman has kings and flips out talking about how unlucky he is. We try to explain to him that the guy with aces offered to chop with him. He doesn't get it and still thinks he is unlucky.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
01-10-2017 , 12:00 AM
Dealer is about 10 minutes into her table shift in a tourney and has been struggling (misdeals, bad math). New hand. Takes the cards out of the shuffler, burns a card, and spreads the flop. Table stares at her for a couple of seconds, then UTG says "check". After some laughs from the other players she finally realizes what's going on.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
01-10-2017 , 07:23 AM
Around 1 am a really drunk guy who looked like Santa Claus sat at my table and ended up running his $100 stacks up to $600 in like 20 hands. Shortly after, he ended up going all in and while shoving all his chips in the middle...he put the rack in on top of it. He bet the rack.
Weirdest/Funniest thing youve had happen in a cardroom? Quote
