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10-14-2010 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by NYGiants
As to everything else.

The only reason I'm here is to share my perspective on the hands and my thoughts at the time. Just giving a little back to the forum (but also why I made a new handle -- so after this week I can be anonymous again).

I know I made a ton of mistakes. I never claimed to be good, or the best. It's a TV show FFS. It was great experience and I was there to maximize it. I have no regrets.
russ the vast majority of us love the fact that you're here.

just ignore the haters man. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by NYGiants
As to everything else.

The only reason I'm here is to share my perspective on the hands and my thoughts at the time. Just giving a little back to the forum (but also why I made a new handle -- so after this week I can be anonymous again).

I know I made a ton of mistakes. I never claimed to be good, or the best. It's a TV show FFS. It was great experience and I was there to maximize it. I have no regrets.
Having you post on here has added so much to watching the show. It really brings a huge element of interaction that is rarely found anywhere else on Tv. Also you played really well all week, amazing if you consider the situation. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 06:42 PM
KJoff, shut the **** up you disrespectful *******.

Anyways, this week has been very interesting. I'm simply amazed at how much Veldhuis single-handedly changes the dynamic of the entire table. I'm glad he got unstuck and I was shocked at the terrible play by Doyle.

Veldhuis seems a lot like a young version of Sam Farha.

Anyways, I'm hoping that Russ makes good $ by the end of the week. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by NYGiants
As to everything else.

The only reason I'm here is to share my perspective on the hands and my thoughts at the time. Just giving a little back to the forum (but also why I made a new handle -- so after this week I can be anonymous again).

I know I made a ton of mistakes. I never claimed to be good, or the best. It's a TV show FFS. It was great experience and I was there to maximize it. I have no regrets.
Just registered to say thank you for making this poker show just a bit more interesting by posting your own experiences. Liked the decision you made to come back. It must be an amazing experience.

Concerning you're other handle (don't intend on starting a guessing game here) but it would be so awesome if you'd also be posting from the KJoff account. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by keanosdog
russ the vast majority of us love the fact that you're here.

just ignore the haters man.
agree completely, tune them out - know that many love hearing your thoughts on the hands, and welcome the other players commenting as well, learning is a never ending process in this game The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by KJoff
are you serious, do you really want me to go through all the hands he misplayed?
i dont claim that i would look any better against these guys than russ, thats why they are pros, but i would damn well take the money if i have a family to support and if ive gotten outplayed right and left and somehow wake up with a profit after week 1.
and i never said that russ is the worst cannon ever, he is not.
but he sure as hell isnt the best either...
I'm not sure where you are getting at here. But the LC clearly stated that he is not a professional player nor a perfect player --- so calling the LC idiot was very uncool and unnecessary (it's like kicking a defenseless guy below the belt). LC just wanted to have a good time and his decision to go for an additional week suggested that he just wanted to play with all the pros for fun. It was never about the money in the first place.

Economically, yeh, LC would have been better off playing tight around the $80K+ mark. But he had the balls to play aggressively throughout the game. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by NYGiants
A bankroll just means all of my poker money is separate from household money, which means I can play more than I do now and I can play aggressively and confidently knowing I have 20+ buyins or something and can handle some swings and variance. not splashing into the community. Make sense?
Makes complete sense Russ. I apologize for my assumptions.

To be completely honest, this side of poker is really foreign to me. I absolutely love the game, but I am just a casual player who plays for fun when the opportunity arises. I would guess that I am the only LC who does not play poker for money (another assumption, but I think I have a firmer take on this based on the LC profiles on the website...notice that mine is the only profile that doesn't say anything about my typical stakes).

Ultimately, I am hoping that this experience motivates me to become more committed to improving and learning about all aspects of the game. Hopefully becoming an active member on this forum is the first step towards reaching that goal. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 07:09 PM
The commentary and insight provided by Russ, Lex, BG and DN here have made this show 100X more compelling, imo. It's kind of refreshing to see a regular standup guy who likes to play and think about cards emerge as a mini forum hero, and doing it with class, respect, modesty makes him a lot easier to root for.

I've been enjoying the past two weeks shows so much I'm ignoring PAD with Dwan, Kaplan, Antonius, etc. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by JohnnyX
Also, this thread delivers as it contains posts by three of the playing pros at table (Barry, Daniel, Lex), in-depth analysis and interesting anecdotes by the current LC (Russ), and comments from a couple of other LCs. I think we all need to send Al Gore a thank you note for inventing this internet.
Amen to this. This has been one of the best threads on 2+2 that I've ever read. I've mostly lurked here (reference my low post count), but threads like this make me want to contribute more.

Russ - You obviously did your homework before going to the taping, so I'm wondering if you thought about what you'd do if the pros wanted a round (or more) or straddles. Obviously, you love to do that if you're stuck and need to gamble, a la the last part of week 1, but what about when you're not?

To me, agreeing so readily to straddle was one of your biggest errors, because the straddle bloats every pot and makes the game play much larger. So, even relatively small mistakes are magnified. Let's face it, you're in the shark tank, and on average, you'll make more mistakes then they will. So, to me, putting the straddle on seemed like a -EV move and wonder on your thinking/motivation for so readily agreeing to it.

That said, I still say you've done a heck of a job on the show, and I'm riveted to the TV and rooting hard for you. And, yeah, I know it's already been taped! The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by fish317
Makes complete sense Russ. I apologize for my assumptions.

To be completely honest, this side of poker is really foreign to me. I absolutely love the game, but I am just a casual player who plays for fun when the opportunity arises. I would guess that I am the only LC who does not play poker for money (another assumption, but I think I have a firmer take on this based on the LC profiles on the website...notice that mine is the only profile that doesn't say anything about my typical stakes).

Ultimately, I am hoping that this experience motivates me to become more committed to improving and learning about all aspects of the game. Hopefully becoming an active member on this forum is the first step towards reaching that goal.
I wasn't taking offense - sorry if I came across that way (more playful than anything)

The forums are a great place to learn - there's a ton of great information and most folks are willing to help. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by jacksin
Amen to this. This has been one of the best threads on 2+2 that I've ever read. I've mostly lurked here (reference my low post count), but threads like this make me want to contribute more.

Russ - You obviously did your homework before going to the taping, so I'm wondering if you thought about what you'd do if the pros wanted a round (or more) or straddles. Obviously, you love to do that if you're stuck and need to gamble, a la the last part of week 1, but what about when you're not?

To me, agreeing so readily to straddle was one of your biggest errors, because the straddle bloats every pot and makes the game play much larger. So, even relatively small mistakes are magnified. Let's face it, you're in the shark tank, and on average, you'll make more mistakes then they will. So, to me, putting the straddle on seemed like a -EV move and wonder on your thinking/motivation for so readily agreeing to it.

That said, I still say you've done a heck of a job on the show, and I'm riveted to the TV and rooting hard for you. And, yeah, I know it's already been taped!
It was a calculated risk - I didn't want to come off too nitty - I agreed to a round hoping to make a monster and have a nice pot already brewing. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 07:25 PM

Been following this thread the last week and enjoyed reading posts from Russ and getting his insight into the game.

Is it just me or has week 8 vanished from the website?

Lee. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by KJoff
can everybody please take their tongues out of the lcs xxxhole for a minute?
the guy played terribly throughout all the episodes so far, and calling him the best lc so far is the biggest joke ever.
that german guy really played well but was coolered repeatedly, even that magnus-chick that barry wanted to bang was so many levels above russ.
fact is: you cant play more scared and predictable than this guy and its really painful to watch at times and that guy is an idiot for not taking the cash and run.
do you really think you are a favourite vs 5 pros?
how many donuts do you have to deliver to make that money?
you even thought about all the stuff you couldve bought for your family you degenerate?
if it wasnt for hellmuths brainfart last week the guy wouldnt even play this week and deservingly so.
and if it wasnt for negreanu who has to be the single worst calling-station cashgamefish ever the guy wouldve busted this week as well.
it makes me sick to see how you guys hug his nuts in here just because he comes in and posts stuff (which is cool, dont get me wrong) and lives out his 2 weeks of fame.
i would love to see russ bust this week but i doubt it will happen because chances are that fish wouldnt come here to brag if he didnt make some donuts in the end.
They never heard of capital letters in Germany? The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Elizabeth Houston
Who do you think has been the best?
i think that german guy played pretty well but he ran insanely cold.
nadia magnus was impressive too imo.

and to end the other discussion,
the only thing i wanted to say is that i dont understand his decision to come back for the reasons stated.
but if he can take it and doesnt regret his decision in case he loses it all and his family supports it then its their choice as it is their money.
if the fun and the chance for some big money is worth more to him than the few k he won, thats cool.
i wouldnt have done it if i was him but im not, so who cares?

i also didnt want to insult him or anything, its not that easy to look good vs these pros and he was far from being the worst cannon, but the consensus in here that he was the best so far just tilted me bc there were one or two cannons that really played extremely well but didnt get as lucky as him.

i think its very cool that russ comes in and provides some inside, but i dont like it when people degrade the other cannons by saying hes the best just because they chose not to post here. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by NYGiants
It was a calculated risk - I didn't want to come off too nitty - I agreed to a round hoping to make a monster and have a nice pot already brewing.
Makes sense enough. Please ignore the haters, Russ. You did yourself proud and made the most of it. Memories of a lifetime, man, no matter what. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 07:46 PM
Help help Pokerstars TV is not allowing me to see week 8 at all.The last episodes are of week 7,anyone else with this problem? The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by PokerCurve1
Help help Pokerstars TV is not allowing me to see week 8 at all.The last episodes are of week 7,anyone else with this problem?
You must have some sort of Internet funkiness. It's on there right now. Try clearing all of your browser's cache. Or, are you accessing the Internet thru a proxy server, such as at an office environment? If so, that proxy server might be caching the page and not showing you the latest one.

Anyways, sorry for the techie talk, boys/girls... back to the Big Game thread! The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by PokerCurve1
Help help Pokerstars TV is not allowing me to see week 8 at all.The last episodes are of week 7,anyone else with this problem?
Nah it's also gone for me too. Tried clearing cache and still missing for me. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 08:05 PM
If there was one time in which Russ really needed to shove, it was when he held TT on the AA7 flop vs. Bonomo's KK.

Bonomo's pre-flop action was clearly AA, KK or maybe QQ, but I doubt he would play AK that strongly. It's not likely that he flopped quad AAs and so I would have just shoved.

I thought Russ needed to bluff more, and Lex needed to bluff less. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by KJoff
are you comparing a freeroll to the big game?lol
what really makes me angry bout that guy is that he had the chance to pocket some $ for himself and his family but out of selfishness he turned that down to attentionwhore one more week.
the guy is delivering donuts at night, its not that that 20k or what it was doesnt matter to him, he has a family to support for christs sake.
how unrealistic do you have to be to think that it would be a great idea and +ev to play another week vs 4 topplayers and daniel negreanu?
he had to realize that he got extremely lucky the first time to even be up, and to not take that donation from ph and run is plain out idiotic in my eyes.
im just saying that i wouldve had more respect for the guy if he took that money and supported his family with it.
sorry, but thats my opinion.
Did you not see his wife on the show "approving" of his choice to continue. Obviously his family isn't strapping for cash, and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and this was a decision that he was able to make with his family's blessing.

And he's definitely not attention whoring (these episodes were recorded prior to his posting here, so his attention ITT is only after he made the decision to return) but instead trying his best to make the best of a potentially life changing opportunity. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 08:19 PM
I love when Doyle talks about "small ball" in that old man humoury way. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 08:23 PM
I don't blame Russ for playing the second week. Not only has he played great, the experience of a lifetime is far more important than a little money.

This can be compared to winning a ME sat. Some people would take the money but others who know its a long shot want the experience of a lifetime. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 08:29 PM
No one blamed Russ for playing the second week, hell i think 98% of people asked would say he had to take the shot, he has a solid enough game. Just one guy that isnt even allowed to speak english (german) is concerned about the well being of Russ's family.

Last edited by GaG; 10-14-2010 at 08:40 PM. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Zajebisty
They never heard of capital letters in Germany?
The accidentally burned all their grammar books back in '33

/nazi comments The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
10-14-2010 , 08:37 PM
the last two comments really just show how classy this forum has become. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 11 on FOX Quote
