Originally Posted by kylephilly
russ, why are you playing AK so passively preflop? this lineup is pretty insane and you're balancing your 3bet range... you're not going to outplay these guys postflop so you should be trying to shovel money in pre and basically bet calling the flop against this lineup
I actually thought this was a great spot for a flat and back raise. I don't mind flatting opens with AK sometimes; it can set up a deceptive situations where people will stack off dominated hands post-flop because they assume you can't have them out-kicked and/or must have a draw when you raise on a Axx board.
Also, a ton of the value of AK is getting pocket pairs to fold preflop (and seeing all five cards), but that won't happen here in the normal 3-betting spots as much as regular online table, for two reasons: 1) the pot limit format means you can't make it 4x to effectively discourage implied odds OOP, and 2) these egomaniacs don't ever want to fold against "the mark", even if they have **** like 95s.
Also, this LC is not aggressive enough to use his initiative to get people off one pair post flop. But back-raising a three-bet and putting in half your stack pre-flop marks your hand as HUGE, and commits you, which is exactly what you want, if you ever want a chance to get a decent pair (or the same hand!) to put in a bunch preflop and then fold.
As said earlier in the thread, if the LC could stick in 120k pre with 40% equity against an opponent's range that would be hugely +EV for the LC in this format.
In this spot, you might not get bonomo off AK, but at least bonomo doesn't get you off AK either, which is what happened.
Hand history:
Barry opens HJ KQ $2700, Negreanu flats K5ss, Russ flat AKo on button, Justin makes it $13700 from straddle position. Russ can make it like 50k here, close his eyes, and stick it in without looking at the flop.
Last edited by ddubois; 10-22-2010 at 03:45 PM.
Reason: HH