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NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner?
View Poll Results: Who Will Be The Biggest Winner?
Eli Elezra
7 2.47%
Patrik Antonius
52 18.37%
Alan Meltzer
26 9.19%
Gabe Kaplan
27 9.54%
David Peat
40 14.13%
Tom Dwan
131 46.29%

10-05-2010 , 08:25 PM
You gotta love Meltzer's luck. He raises Q9 off from the BB to try and pick off the limpers, two players call because they realize Meltzer's raise is BS, and he flops 2 pair with Dwan turning a weaker 2 pair.

And then, of course, the TT hand. You REALLY got to love Alan Meltzer's luck.

Last edited by lawdude; 10-05-2010 at 08:41 PM.
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-05-2010 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by Foldemlow
Also, Viffer's a complete douche POS for slowrolling Durrrr.
gimme a break, even Durrr thought it was funny
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-05-2010 , 08:48 PM
Jesus christ what a great episode this was. Fabulous line up cant get it better maybe if Ivey was there like 7th man iam not sure who i wanted out.
Gabe obviously is the man this is going to be insane interesting how this will end.
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-05-2010 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by lawdude
You gotta love Meltzer's luck. He raises Q9 off from the BB to try and pick off the limpers, two players call because they realize Meltzer's raise is BS, and he flops 2 pair with Dwan turning a weaker 2 pair.

And then, of course, the TT hand. You REALLY got to love Alan Meltzer's luck.
Kinda like Dwan's usual run of luck huh.
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10-05-2010 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by lawdude
You REALLY got to love Alan Meltzer's luck.
If I remember right, Durr sucked out on him when he was on HSP with something like 10 J when meltzer had KK

Plus pot calling kettle black, Durr is biggest luckbox ever
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-05-2010 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by lawdude
You gotta love Meltzer's luck. He raises Q9 off from the BB to try and pick off the limpers, two players call because they realize Meltzer's raise is BS, and he flops 2 pair with Dwan turning a weaker 2 pair.

And then, of course, the TT hand. You REALLY got to love Alan Meltzer's luck.
Yeah, he got really lucky that the king paired on the river on that hand.

Only cost like 50k or so (don't remember how big the pot was).
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-05-2010 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by nuisance
I like how Gabe just out played (yes I said out played) Dwan using the play he watched Dwan do countless times to others.

Gabe's probably has all these guys "TV" games down to a science at this point.

Just a heads up: Your not supposed to mention torrents on 2p2.
I don't really recall Dwan ever bluff-raising a 3bet pot on the flop, then checking behind on the turn, and then betting half pot on the river with nothing in a TV game.
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-05-2010 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by BeerBottlez
Yeah really what kind of guy after the cards are flipped up seeing he's a 3:1 dog for a $400k pot says "I only like to run it once"..
The kind of guy who has more money than everyone else at the table combined, and the kind of guy who plays by the philosophy that he runs it once regardless of the odds.

Last edited by DCJ001; 10-05-2010 at 10:06 PM.
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-05-2010 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by myncha
How did that fat donk mess get on this show playing like that. omfg
Originally Posted by BlaneH
Your answer lies within your question.
Actually, his answer lies in the post above this one.
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-05-2010 , 10:18 PM
Also, FWIW, I think Gabe plays AK and AQ like that. Whether he should or shouldn't isn't the point, I just definately think he would. Old guys don't really like 4betting AK. So he raises the flop. Then he checks the turn so he doesn't get stacked in case Dwan has boat, and also so he can get paid on the river when Dwan can't pay him on the turn.

Given that Dwan almost paid with a pair of 3's, this appears to be the best way to play AK/AQ against him.
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-05-2010 , 10:23 PM
Did you see gabe kaplan bluff the mess out of dwan it was funny as hell the way the hand was played dwan looked very amature
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-05-2010 , 11:16 PM
viffer, one time!
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-05-2010 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by Belafonte
The problem with Meltzers (bad) call is why would dwan all-in bluff on that board? I mean you don't make that play on a tell on that board imo.
Therefore it is consistent to put him on AhJx or something. Or 7h6h. Even if Dwan only had top pair no heart it's a coinflip imo.

looking forward to more..
Meltzer said he put him on TP w/a flush draw right after the hand, and also during the hand he said "I think I'm beat "right now"" making me think he thought durrrr was on a flush draw with a smaller heart than his Th. I've seen lots worse calls on TV poker than Meltzers here.
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-05-2010 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by CRUDEFINDER
and also during the hand he said "I think I'm beat "right now"" making me think he thought durrrr was on a flush draw with a smaller heart than his Th. .
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-05-2010 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by CRUDEFINDER
Meltzer said he put him on TP w/a flush draw right after the hand, and also during the hand he said "I think I'm beat "right now"" making me think he thought durrrr was on a flush draw with a smaller heart than his Th. I've seen lots worse calls on TV poker than Meltzers here.
Part of the problem for Meltzer is that he has a HUGE draw to go along with his pair. OESFD's are the hardest to ever get away from, because you usually have close to 50 percent equity even when you are drawing.

He can put Dwan on a better pair, he can put him on a flush draw, he can put him on a straight draw-- but unless he puts him on a better pair AND straight and flush draws, or a nut or second nut flush, he's still got a lot of outs and may even be a favorite.

This is one of those situations where seeing the hole cards warps the viewer's thinking. It happened Dwan had basically one of the worst possible hands from Meltzer's standpoint. But how likely was that?
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-05-2010 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by Carnivore
Not so if you quit cherry picking my post. I said he said he put him on TP and a flush draw so Dwans FD could have been less than his Th, right?
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-06-2010 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by myncha
durrr makes that call 2 years ago, he's not as good as he used to be.. depressing...
To be fair to durrrr, Gabe Kaplan plays in a very weird way. His lines very often don't make sense whether he's bluffing, value-betting, or not sure.
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-06-2010 , 12:17 AM
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-06-2010 , 12:30 AM
Nee Jabba no badda

sicko episode tho
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-06-2010 , 12:40 AM
nice to watch, loved the hands played vs alan and gabe.
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-06-2010 , 01:10 AM
Gabe, you crafty old vet
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-06-2010 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by coolnout
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-06-2010 , 01:46 AM
the funniest part was melzer saying aftarwards to Eli (who was doing his best keep the fish happy talk) that he put dwan on a queen and flush draw (conveniently exactly what he had!) which truly goes to show how braindead he is since hes trying to show how good his read was, yet is ignorant to the fact that he was crushed by that read
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-06-2010 , 02:02 AM
was someone watching this show on nbc just now? what was he saying about brendan small? was he on???
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-06-2010 , 02:15 AM
Maybe Meltzer wouldn't have folded KK anyway, but maybe Gabe's bluff against Dwan helped get him that call.
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