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Popular Poker Streamer Gripsed Accused of Botting (viewer counts) Popular Poker Streamer Gripsed Accused of Botting (viewer counts)

03-25-2016 , 01:25 PM
wait, you guys actually buy the story that some guy who has it out for Gripsed paid to have view/chatbots go to his channel to give him more viewers and promote whatever ever the **** he's selling?

come on... why would someone who hates Gripsed do something that's not only helpful for his stream, but usually goes unpunished by twitch even if it's obvious? If he really wanted to hurt his stream he would find some scam to get his stream key and then stream porn or some **** to get his channel banned.
03-25-2016 , 01:28 PM
Postfoprepop why is your account so new? Neither if you guys should be trusted. Both dirty
03-25-2016 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
If he gave me the VODs to audit them that would be a very confident move. Because you better believe they would get a very thorough audit, and I would definitely follow the data wherever it led me.

Twitch server data could also be relevant. Because it's common for people to use proxies for these kind of viewbots, but if the proxies can be traced back to a single address or locus it becomes easier to determine who launched or is controlling those bots.
Nobody has ever denied that bots were in chat. He only stated that he didn't put them there.

Gripsed doesn't watch chat as closely as many streamers do, which is why he didn't notice them as quickly.
03-25-2016 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by shramo
Nobody has ever denied that bots were in chat. He only stated that he didn't put them there.

Gripsed doesn't watch chat as closely as many streamers do, which is why he didn't notice them as quickly.
As Jamie has just said why would anybody put chatbots on a channel that setup questions to promote affiliate products that the streamer makes money out of. If you were a piece of s##t you would have chat bots doing the opposite and saying nasty things about the streamer.

That is why the VODs need to be audited.
03-25-2016 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by shramo
Nobody has ever denied that bots were in chat. He only stated that he didn't put them there.

Gripsed doesn't watch chat as closely as many streamers do, which is why he didn't notice them as quickly.
Your points are valid. But believe me if I knew what exactly those supposed bots were saying that would help to narrow a lot of things down. People tend to use a certain syntax in the way they talk and write.

What we need is evidence. We don't need more finger-pointing, and we definitely don't need more personal attacks.
03-25-2016 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by proketnine
wait, you guys actually buy the story that some guy who has it out for Gripsed paid to have view/chatbots go to his channel to give him more viewers and promote whatever ever the **** he's selling?

come on... why would someone who hates Gripsed do something that's not only helpful for his stream, but usually goes unpunished by twitch even if it's obvious? If he really wanted to hurt his stream he would find some scam to get his stream key and then stream porn or some **** to get his channel banned.
+1 mirrion
03-25-2016 , 01:42 PM
lol I called it awhile ago with FThustla being mentally unstable, I feel like I should get more in here who have met him to say that too.

I am not sure even FThustla being as unstable and vengeful as he is would do all the viewbotting... some for sure though. Mid 30s doing alot with his life to try and ruin someone elses life.

think there is some truth there in Evans words... not sure how much but definitely SOME truth there. which parts I am not sure.
03-25-2016 , 01:42 PM
someone should contact the FBI to shed some light on this
03-25-2016 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
Shramo, I have nothing but love and respect for you. But just because FTHustla hates Gripsed does not make him automatically guilty of this either. We can't have it both ways. If Gripsed is innocent till proven guilty, then so is FTHustla. We have zero evidence he was involved in this.

And as I said above, though it might be buried in my post, he is really not the kind of guy to do something like that. He would just come out directly and say **** you instead. That's just my humble opinion.
And you know I got love for you too man, but Fthuslta literally says he has ruined peoples careers on purpose before for no reason and people are still saying he wouldn't do that...i dont understand why people still dont believe he would when he says he would and HAS very clearly.

What you are saying is exactly my point. Just like we can't prove fthustla did it, there is just as much likelihood and evidence pointing that direction as there is pointing at Gripsed. But people are believing the person who claims he would/has destroyed peoples careers over the person has provided free content, helped the community and general message is to be a better person...all with the same lack of proof.

If you think about this logically, like a trial...

The only proof that exists is that viewbots were in the channel, NOBODY DENIES THIS, but there hasn't been any proof of WHO put them there.

All parties, fthustler, gripsed, jaime and other streamers, have something to gain from this happening.

Fthustler gains his revenge and gets his name back in the eye of the twitch world (which he has been banned from multiple times) by breaking the story, jaime and other streamers gain extra followers/viewers (all of which account for a large percentage of their monthly income) if gripsed goes away, but gripsed only gains a very very small percentage of what he is worth by having viewbots.

Generally the people who have the most to gain are the people more likely to commit the crime. But again, it can't be proven either way. So people just have to decide for themselves who is most likely to do this.
03-25-2016 , 01:45 PM
Wow gripsed has sunk to a new low. That video was a f&%$#$g joke , and his written response is a f)*&%$g joke . It's obvious to anyone with an IQ over 85 that grisped is the guilty party here and not fthustla.. I don't know fthustla IRL but a few thousand dollars lying around would probably go to food / rent / mtt buy ins etc, and not to promote gripsed twitch chanel with chat bots marketing for him.. just saying

Last edited by AuroraCee; 03-25-2016 at 01:56 PM.
03-25-2016 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by oracle3001
As Jamie has just said why would anybody put chatbots on a channel that setup questions to promote affiliate products that the streamer makes money out of. If you were a piece of s##t you would have chat bots doing the opposite and saying nasty things about the streamer.
except if they did that it would point to Gripsed's innocence. if you were really trying to pin it on Gripsed and attack his reputation, you would have the bots saying things that would benefit Gripsed.

just saying my opinion on what the chat bots are saying isn't going to determine much guilt
03-25-2016 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by PostFlopRepop
You ****ing liar, bruh, im serious, not a threat sir, but you better ****ing hope I dont see you around. I know you're in the Annex area.
Um, did I miss something? That totally seems like a threat.
03-25-2016 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by bbuhbowler
except if they did that it would point to Gripsed's innocence. if you were really trying to pin it on Gripsed and attack his reputation, you would have the bots saying things that would benefit Gripsed.

just saying my opinion on what the chat bots are saying isn't going to determine much guilt
IMO...You wouldn't actually use chat bots at all...viewbotting is enough to cause a streamer trouble. That is why the likes of myself and a few others would like to know more about the chat allegations.

And the story has now moved in a new direction. Staples has claimed that Evan discussed viewbotting in person with him in the past, and now Evan pops up and says I have no idea what a viewbot was until a few days ago.
03-25-2016 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by shramo
there is just as much likelihood and evidence pointing that direction as there is pointing at Gripsed. .
confused with this comment, because i have a grudge against him, is enough evidence to assume that i may be capable of orchestrating the view/chat bots?

How stupid can you be, and these are the comments i refer to, the ones that boil my blood. You believe that left testicle head douchebag?

3 years later I decide to tarnish his career?

The kid is odd, I talked about it on @liveatthebike pokersesh
03-25-2016 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by bbuhbowler
except if they did that it would point to Gripsed's innocence. if you were really trying to pin it on Gripsed and attack his reputation, you would have the bots saying things that would benefit Gripsed.

just saying my opinion on what the chat bots are saying isn't going to determine much guilt
This is kind of a fair point and it's something I have thought about. But at a certain level this becomes like "inception."

Just like in poker, there are times for leveling and there are times for playing straightforward.

One could also say that if the chat bots said "hey F*** you Gripsed" that gripsed could have done it himself in order to get sympathy.

Look, there will always be more than one way to interpret data but we need to get the data first. A lot of people in here making assumptions about the chat bots have never even see what they said.

That's why I hope somebody with subscriber access will get actual screenshots from that one Sunday where all parties agree there were viewbots in chat.
03-25-2016 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
Um, did I miss something? That totally seems like a threat.
He better hope i don't see him cuz imma give him the biggest bear hug ever xxoxoxoox
03-25-2016 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by oracle3001
IMO...You wouldn't actually use chat bots at all...viewbotting is enough to cause a streamer trouble. That is why the likes of myself and a few others would like to know more about the chat allegations.

And the story has now moved in a new direction. Staples has claimed that Evan discussed viewbotting in person with him in the past, and now Evan pops up and says I have no idea what a viewbot was until a few days ago.
I agree with the first sentence. Seems like the extra work of programming chat bots drastically narrows the range of people who should be suspects.

But the second statement could be interpreted another way. Gripsed said he didn't know about them from the standpoint of knowing how to use them. Clearly he could have been aware they exist without knowing much about them. And not everybody remembers every conversation they had a year ago.
03-25-2016 , 02:07 PM
There's no leveling going on here ffs. It's dead simple. It makes no sense for anyone to pay to viewbot someone else. It makes perfect sense for someone to viewbot themselves for self promotion. End of story.
03-25-2016 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
I agree with the first sentence. Seems like the extra work of programming chat bots drastically narrows the range of people who should be suspects.

But the second statement could be interpreted another way. Gripsed said he didn't know about them from the standpoint of knowing how to use them. Clearly he could have been aware they exist without knowing much about them. And not everybody remembers every conversation they had a year ago.
Prior to this thread I knew very little about viewbots, and have never looked into using them.
Well perhaps Staples can tell us more about the conversation he had with Evan about this. If it was a casual "hey you know some people use these things called viewbots to boost their views"..."no"..."well they do"...if that was it, then what Evan posts is fair.

If it was more in depth than that, then it calls into question the statement. Staples seemed very certain he had spent time discussing them with him i.e. he made it sound like it was more than a passing comment.
03-25-2016 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by proketnine
There's no leveling going on here ffs. It's dead simple. It makes no sense for anyone to pay to viewbot someone else. It makes perfect sense for someone to viewbot themselves for self promotion. End of story.
Unfortunately, there has been proved cases of that in regards to viewbotting on twitch. The chatbotting makes less sense from that perspective though.
03-25-2016 , 02:15 PM
So we have a thread here where PostFlopRepop(2+2) aka FTHustla420(stars,youtube etc) is both threatening Gripsed repeatedly.. and the guy behind the information provided to jaime staples about the viewbots? Seems like the story is checking out that this guy is a little unstable irl
03-25-2016 , 02:15 PM
How can Gripsed put out a 25 minute video claiming there are accusations going around against Gripsed Poker that he wants to discuss and not only avoid addressing them, but post in here today saying he didn't know what they really were in the first place?

So Gripsed, what were you addressing in that 25 minute infomercial?

For Gripsed to say he didn't know what was going on in his post after making that video is where he loses all credibility here. You had to of known what was up otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to address anything in the first place.
03-25-2016 , 02:16 PM
i wonder why jaime staples instantly trusted this guy FTHustla420??

oh wait...

never mind i know why
03-25-2016 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by bnswhr
So we have a thread here where PostFlopRepop(2+2) aka FTHustla420(stars,youtube etc) is both threatening Gripsed repeatedly.. and the guy behind the information provided to jaime staples about the viewbots? Seems like the story is checking out that this guy is a little unstable irl
Jaime made it fairly clear that he a) suspected something was wrong before the post on reddit and b) went away and did a load of looking at the traffic charts etc. He now claims that he discussed viewbotting with Evan in the past for over an hour, which somewhat contradicts what Evan has posted in his rebuttal.

We also had a mod for Gripsed own channel who has said he said things were suspicious in terms of the chat.
03-25-2016 , 02:19 PM
so if jaime staples has discussed viewbotting with evan in the past.. jaime must be using bots too?
