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Popular Poker Streamer Gripsed Accused of Botting (viewer counts) Popular Poker Streamer Gripsed Accused of Botting (viewer counts)

03-25-2016 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by proketnine
There's no leveling going on here ffs. It's dead simple. It makes no sense for anyone to pay to viewbot someone else. It makes perfect sense for someone to viewbot themselves for self promotion. End of story.
OK, forget about the Gripsed situation for just a second.

The problem with your statement is it is not founded in an understanding of Twitch. There have been tons of examples of streamers being viewbotted by other people. While this hasn't hit the poker listing before, it has happened in other categories. So to say it's impossible is just not right.

Now if you say you don't believe Gripsed, that's perfectly understandable. But now that this has happened to him, don't be surprised to see others in the poker listing getting botted.
03-25-2016 , 02:20 PM
i'm sure they both know what viewbots are.. they're streamers on twitch. What i'm not sure of is that either of them are responsible for viewbots on their own streams.
03-25-2016 , 02:20 PM
very logical conclusion you have come to there.
03-25-2016 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by bnswhr
i'm sure they both know what viewbots are.. they're streamers on twitch.
Perhaps you need to re-read Evan's statement, he claims not to really know anything about them. Staples claims he spoke to Evan for over an hour about them.

An hour conversation on one topic between two smart individuals, most people would probably say hey I know about those now...especially as viewbotting isn't nuclear physics, there isn't that much to know. An hour is more than enough time to get into the ins and outs of them.
03-25-2016 , 02:25 PM
i'm sure he'll clarify on tonights stream.. how can you talk about something you dont know about... EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT VIEWBOTS ARE... what he means is that he is not responsible for the viewbots on his stream i.e. he doesn't know how to deploy them himself
03-25-2016 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by bnswhr
so if jaime staples has discussed viewbotting with evan in the past.. jaime must be using bots too?
I am not sure I understand this post.

Jaime never used bots. There was never any evidence he used bots as far as I know.

And he never had any reason to use bots, because he was there from the beginning when there were hardly any people streaming so he was always near or at the top of the listing.

If you were trying to say something ironic I apologize.
03-25-2016 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
OK, forget about the Gripsed situation for just a second.

The problem with your statement is it is not founded in an understanding of Twitch. There have been tons of examples of streamers being viewbotted by other people. While this hasn't hit the poker listing before, it has happened in other categories. So to say it's impossible is just not right.

Now if you say you don't believe Gripsed, that's perfectly understandable. But now that this has happened to him, don't be surprised to see others in the poker listing getting botted.
What you are talking about and what is going on here and on other obvious viewbotters channels (such as hearthstone streamer massan) are on completely different scales. Sure there are people that will send a wave of tens to maybe low hundreds of bots to someone channel. The difference is that it will be at no cost to them and will be short lived. What we have here is consistent viewbotting in quite large numbers, coupled with chatbots that are programmed specifically for Gripsed stream, which costs a decent amount of money, much more than I can ever see a troll/enemy paying.
03-25-2016 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
I am not sure I understand this post.

Jaime never used bots. There was never any evidence he used bots as far as I know.

And he never had any reason to use bots, because he was there from the beginning when there were hardly any people streaming so he was always near or at the top of the listing.

If you were trying to say something ironic I apologize.
Someone said in an earlier post that Jaime had stated he had talked to Gripsed about viewbots in the past. And so therefore Gripsed knows about viewbots.
03-25-2016 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by oracle3001
Jaime made it fairly clear that he a) suspected something was wrong before the post on reddit and b) went away and did a load of looking at the traffic charts etc. He now claims that he discussed viewbotting with Evan in the past for over an hour, which somewhat contradicts what Evan has posted in his rebuttal.

We also had a mod for Gripsed own channel who has said he said things were suspicious in terms of the chat.
so if jaime staples has discussed viewbotting with evan in the past.. jaime must be using bots too?
03-25-2016 , 02:34 PM
even if jaime didnt talked with Evan about viewbots, he didnt just stream for a month or so. And also in his youtube statement he said that he always study and inform himself to be up to date and to teach/coach other people. Cant believe he doesnt inform himself about twitch and stuff and how to bring his stream "to the next level"
03-25-2016 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by proketnine
What you are talking about and what is going on here and on other obvious viewbotters channels (such as hearthstone streamer massan) are on completely different scales. Sure there are people that will send a wave of tens to maybe low hundreds of bots to someone channel. The difference is that it will be at no cost to them and will be short lived. What we have here is consistent viewbotting in quite large numbers, coupled with chatbots that are programmed specifically for Gripsed stream, which costs a decent amount of money, much more than I can ever see a troll/enemy paying.
I have seen one graph of one date that definitely had the evidence of viewbots. I asked for more examples and got no reply. I went through the traffic data on my own and found one other strong example, but not as strong as the first one. There are many potential reasons for traffic abnormalities. In any case, as far as I know we have one confirmed date where there is a consensus as well as evidence of viewbotting - Sunday March 13, 2016. That does not seem consistent with your characterization of "consistent viewbotting in quite large numbers."

As to your second point regarding chatbots, I have asked repeatedly for screenshot evidence. So far none has been provided. Do you know exactly what the chat bots said? I hate to admit it but I simply too cheap to pay $5 to Gripsed to get the evidence myself. I would rather give that sub $ to one of the many other streamers I watch.

I really can't be the only guy on 2+2 who believes in an evidence based approach.
03-25-2016 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by zetterberg
even if jaime didnt talked with Evan about viewbots, he didnt just stream for a month or so. And also in his youtube statement he said that he always study and inform himself to be up to date and to teach/coach other people. Cant believe he doesnt inform himself about twitch and stuff and how to bring his stream "to the next level"
Do you not see PostFlopRepop/FTHustla420 basically threatening Gripsed life in the above posts? He is the provider of the information to Jaime Staples in the first place!!

look on youtube for FTHustla420 and you'll see what he's like for yourself.. loose cannon, internet troll scum bent on ruining Gripsed reputation
03-25-2016 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by bnswhr
Do you not see PostFlopRepop/FTHustla420 basically threatening Gripsed life in the above posts? He is the provider of the information to Jaime Staples in the first place!!

look on youtube for FTHustla420 and you'll see what he's like
Why are there so few independent minded people in this thread.

There is nothing wrong if you are loyal to Gripsed.

Jaime Staples drew his conclusions based on analyzing traffic data of Gripsed streams. The fact that he heard about it because of a thread FTHustla created does not somehow mean he is basing his opinion on FTHustla.

And I know very well what FTHustla is like. You can say whatever you want about him. He is no boy scout for sure. But that has nothing to do with this and it doesn't make him a liar or wrong in this case.

This is why murderer's go free in court; because they prove the key witness is a prostitute and suddenly everybody believes that must mean her eyesight is bad.
03-25-2016 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
I have seen one graph of one date that definitely had the evidence of viewbots. I asked for more examples and got no reply. I went through the traffic data on my own and found one other strong example, but not as strong as the first one. There are many potential reasons for traffic abnormalities. In any case, as far as I know we have one confirmed date where there is a consensus as well as evidence of viewbotting - Sunday March 13, 2016. That does not seem consistent with your characterization of "consistent viewbotting in quite large numbers."

As to your second point regarding chatbots, I have asked repeatedly for screenshot evidence. So far none has been provided. Do you know exactly what the chat bots said? I hate to admit it but I simply too cheap to pay $5 to Gripsed to get the evidence myself. I would rather give that sub $ to one of the many other streamers I watch.

I really can't be the only guy on 2+2 who believes in an evidence based approach.
Looking at the twinge site, from January to now I see quite a lot of suspicious graphs, granted not all of them are abnormal. I watched one of his recent streams when this first was brought up and it was clear there were bots. They would spam his Gripsed bot commands like !win and !heist or somthing from what i noticed. if you took out all of the chat lines that started with ! it would be consistent with a few hundred viewer chat, not 1.5k.

Really he needs to just release the VODs but I don't see that happening and I sure as hell am not going to give any money to this guy
03-25-2016 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by proketnine
Looking at the twinge site, from January to now I see quite a lot of suspicious graphs, granted not all of them are abnormal. I watched one of his recent streams when this first was brought up and it was clear there were bots. They would spam his Gripsed bot commands like !win and !heist or somthing from what i noticed. if you took out all of the chat lines that started with ! it would be consistent with a few hundred viewer chat, not 1.5k.

Really he needs to just release the VODs but I don't see that happening and I sure as hell am not going to give any money to this guy
If I have to I will link the one post I made explaining the different bots. The chat moderation bots that post his commands like "!win and !heist" are not the ones in question. Those are NOT viewbots. They may be annoying but those are normal tools used for streaming. Gripsed just uses more of them.
03-25-2016 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by bnswhr
Do you not see PostFlopRepop/FTHustla420 basically threatening Gripsed life in the above posts? He is the provider of the information to Jaime Staples in the first place!!

look on youtube for FTHustla420 and you'll see what he's like for yourself.. loose cannon, internet troll scum bent on ruining Gripsed reputation
I'm aware of FTHustla420, and i also saw his stream once or twice and see that he got some kinda mental issues and is a big time troll, but i dont believe that he done the Viewbots. I dont think he would pay that much money only to troll gripsed.

He was also consistently applying for staking and stuff, so i dont think he is in that financial situation to do those stuff.
03-25-2016 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by zetterberg
I'm aware of FTHustla420, and i also saw his stream once or twice and see that he got some kinda mental issues and is a big time troll, but i dont believe that he done the Viewbots. I dont think he would pay that much money only to troll gripsed.

He was also consistently applying for staking and stuff, so i dont think he is in that financial situation to do those stuff.
Viewbots can't possibly cost more than $50... Do you know that FTHustla420 and Gripsed knew eachother in real life and had a falling out?
03-25-2016 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
If I have to I will link the one post I made explaining the different bots. The chat moderation bots that post his commands like "!win and !heist" are not the ones in question. Those are NOT viewbots. They may be annoying but those are normal tools used for streaming. Gripsed just uses more of them.
I think you are incorrect about that. Viewers (or view/chatbots) use these commands and the chat moderation bot responds to them. For example I can go into tonkaas stream and type !payouts and then his chatbot will respond with a link to a picture of the payouts. IMO he has bots spamming these commands for self promotion and to make his chat appear more active sice the most common way to tell if there are viewbots in a stream is just see how active their chat it compared to viewers.
03-25-2016 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by bnswhr
Viewbots can't possibly cost more than $50...

not sure where people came up with the thousands of dollars.
I am sure if people tried hard enough you could find them for free.
03-25-2016 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
OK, somehow this question has been lost in the haze in this thread.

A few definitions for those who are not as Twitch addicted as I am.

A view bot is a fake viewer who is programmed to go to a channel to beef up viewer numbers. View bots generally are not sophisticated enough to chat.

A chat bot is some kind of special view bot that can be programmed to post repetitive messages in chat to overcome the problem with view bots, which is "why are there 2K people in here but only 5 people chatting?"

A chat moderation bot is not like the two above. It's an automation tool to help a streamer. You program it with commands like "!subscribe" or "!twitter" to help you share information with real viewers in your stream.

I would like more information on the report of the second kinds of bots, the ones that are made to look like real viewers but are just repeating the same posts over and over. If anybody could add to that discussion, that would be helpful.
Just reposting this to bring back into focus just which bots we are talking about.
03-25-2016 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by bnswhr
Viewbots can't possibly cost more than $50... Do you know that FTHustla420 and Gripsed knew eachother in real life and had a falling out?
$50 won't get you the sort of numbers that were seen in the traffic graphs.
03-25-2016 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by bnswhr
Viewbots can't possibly cost more than $50...

Why dont people just check it on google instead of saying it costs thousands of dollars?? bnswhr is right.

A quick search and i found this:

for 40-50 $ (per month) you get 450 viewers plus a few thousand followers and a couple of hundred chatters

Last edited by MisterFloppy; 03-25-2016 at 03:03 PM. Reason: added per month
03-25-2016 , 03:01 PM
Alright so I think Gripsed is innocent, I didn't know who he was until I listened to the last pokersesh.

The guy with the accusations (who called in) talks about taking a bunch of weird drugs with the gripped guy, the whole interview the guy gives off a weird trolly vibe (you can just sense his insanity)

When Limon shrieks with laughter at the prospect of someone else putting the view bots on grippers channel and talks about the cost/time involved the interviewee responds in a way that I think reeks of guilt. Im pretty sure in the back of Limons mind he is ridiculing him as hard as possible in an attempt to let him know if he did do this he's an absolute twisted little moron, and with the pauses and the slightly delayed strange retorts the interviewee gives it seemed (to me at least) that the guy is guilty of sabotaging the old grippee channel.

Thats my read. Simon should put gripsed on the show next Wednesday or better yet both of them at the same time.
03-25-2016 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by MisterFloppy
Why dont people just check it on google instead of saying it costs thousands of dollars?? bnswhr is right.

A quick search and i found this:

for 40-50 $ you get 450 viewers plus a few thousand followers and a couple of hundred chatters
If i were trying to ruin what someone has worked so hard to build for 10 years, i think $50 sounds like a good price
03-25-2016 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by MisterFloppy
Why dont people just check it on google instead of saying it costs thousands of dollars?? bnswhr is right.

A quick search and i found this:

for 40-50 $ you get 450 viewers plus a few thousand followers and a couple of hundred chatters
Now now, let's not let the truth get in the way of a good lynch mob.

So far it has all been suspicions, accusations and innuendo.

If you start introducing facts and realities now the haters will have nothing to talk about.
