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04-21-2014 , 07:17 PM
Jamie found great clips between seasons.
04-21-2014 , 07:18 PM
I was thinking kind of the same with Jaimes haircut - seems pretty stylish for the times.

Last edited by RacersEdge; 04-21-2014 at 07:18 PM. Reason: Sick beat
04-21-2014 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by MrAdvantage
Tywin wanted her knocked up by tyrion, not smuggled away
He also wanted Joffrey to rule, Jamie to leave kings guard etc. if you're married to any plan when it comes to scheming in Westeros, you're doing it wrong.

He got the news like 1 ep ago that Tyrion was still seeing his whore right? Maybe he wasn't comfortable having his legacy tied into with psycho Joffrey, his crippled kings guard son, and his horny imp son he has always loathed on some level. This is an incredible spot for him to reboot the Lannister line with the young Tommen, whom he can whisper to.

People saying Tywin is too loyal to his kids to hurt them, I think really missed the boat on his character development. He is obsessed with the Lannister legacy, not infatuated with his three kids.
04-21-2014 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by Lagtastic
He is obsessed with the Lannister legacy, not infatuated with his three kids.
Um...these things are related.

Tommen BARATHEON isn't as connected to his legacy as Tyrion.
04-21-2014 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Lagtastic
People saying Tywin is too loyal to his kids to hurt them, I think really missed the boat on his character development. He is obsessed with the Lannister legacy, not infatuated with his three kids.
Agree with this. He cares about the Lannister name and legacy, not about the individuals. If the individuals have to suffer for the good of the family, so be it.

I think he's rigging the jury for acquital though, not conviction.

The smart play would be to try to pin the murder on some sort of outside enemy or something that would generate sympathy or support for you.
04-21-2014 , 08:36 PM
so the guy that got his PEN15 cut off shouldn't his sister have got 2 him by now? Did they drown?
04-21-2014 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by darthwager
so the guy that got his PEN15 cut off shouldn't his sister have got 2 him by now? Did they drown?
Remember, the story lines more or less coincide with each other, but they aren't necessarily shown, in relation to each other, in a linear fashion. If you think about how to pace the season, opening with Yara doing her thing would be really strange-- however, they've paid lip service to the Iron Islanders at least twice that I can recall, so I'm sure we'll be seeing her in next weeks episode or e04 at the latest.
04-21-2014 , 08:51 PM
Is anyone else curious why Tywin is following Cersi's lead and snap=putting his son on trial? At the very least he is ignoring a potentially very dangerous enemy if its not the IMP
04-21-2014 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by darthwager
so the guy that got his PEN15 cut off shouldn't his sister have got 2 him by now? Did they drown?
As best I could tell her squad was pretty small, looked like a couple of dozen men. She can't exactly storm the Bolton castle. Whatever she has planned is gonna be sneaky.
04-21-2014 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
As best I could tell her squad was pretty small, looked like a couple of dozen men. She can't exactly storm the Bolton castle. Whatever she has planned is gonna be sneaky.
She stated that she was taking the 50 best men.

Given how few men the Boltons have at their castle, its possible she could take it without too much of a struggle.
04-21-2014 , 09:32 PM
Felt like LF crushed the necklace just to show that it was worthless and let Sansa know he was behind everything. Although the old bitch did see the necklace on Sansa at the wedding and maybe LF did or didn't intentionally throw it in the boat to implicate her even further.
04-21-2014 , 09:49 PM
Would Dany stop ****ing around and get to Westeros already

"If you're a famous smuggler, you're not doing it right"
04-21-2014 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by ShowUthExit
it's funny how not one person other than Cersei cares that Joff is dead. Even his own father is like "I don't care" when she's urging him that "it's not right" **** Joffrey eh
Looking forward to when Arya hears about it.
I sort of feel bad for Arya, everyone is going to be dead before she grows up and becomes an assassin.
04-21-2014 , 09:57 PM
What kind of army does Kings Landing have?
04-21-2014 , 09:59 PM
Numbers wise, I mean
04-21-2014 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Lagtastic
He also wanted Joffrey to rule, Jamie to leave kings guard etc. if you're married to any plan when it comes to scheming in Westeros, you're doing it wrong.

He got the news like 1 ep ago that Tyrion was still seeing his whore right? Maybe he wasn't comfortable having his legacy tied into with psycho Joffrey, his crippled kings guard son, and his horny imp son he has always loathed on some level. This is an incredible spot for him to reboot the Lannister line with the young Tommen, whom he can whisper to.

People saying Tywin is too loyal to his kids to hurt them, I think really missed the boat on his character development. He is obsessed with the Lannister legacy, not infatuated with his three kids.
Motive for Tywin OK-ing this move or is jamie bound to the next king as well?
04-21-2014 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by Altheimer
A few thoughts:

1. By the way, if something happens to young Tommen, is Stannis next in line for everyone who's not a Dany-supporter, or is Marcella (and her Dornish fiancee) next?
It would go to Marcella next and then Stannis, but since he's an enemy of the state they'd probably royal decree someone else.

Originally Posted by Omar Comin
Do you guys think Oberyn would rather bang old Dario or new Dario?
Both, same time.
04-21-2014 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by STA654
"your brother was not a wise king. your brother was not a good king. if he had been, perhaps he'd still be alive." -Tywin

Clue that Tywin was in on it?
I took the speech less as "He was crap so I took him out" and more "His stupidity made him the mortal enemy of....everyone. Starks, anyone from The North, Baratheons, Loras, Dontos, Tyrion, etc..."
04-21-2014 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Horton
Um...these things are related.

Tommen BARATHEON isn't as connected to his legacy as Tyrion.
But what's more long term valuable to the House of Lannister than having the ear of the king? He knows Tyrion will only continue to be a thorn in his side perpetually. Sacrifice here for long term prosperity. Seems exactly like a Tywin motive
04-21-2014 , 11:23 PM
I will be shocked if Tywin doesn't rig the court in Tyrions favor. He's long seen the wisdom in his imp of a son. He knows he can use him, even though he's too much of an honest, drunk whore loving motherkiller dwarf.
04-21-2014 , 11:25 PM
Loved playing who done it clue with the dwarf and pod in the cell. Elite detective work brah.
04-21-2014 , 11:42 PM
For the New Dario haters, WTF is a "natural" wink? And what was "unnatural" about his wink? His eyebrows not groomed to your standards or were you all just attracted more to Old Dario?

Also, this episode has made me respect Tywin even more.
04-21-2014 , 11:43 PM
Jamie made it clear that he is not going to leave the Kingsguard and that he is not going to inherit Casterly Rock. Tyrion is his only chance to keep HIS legacy going. I`d be utterly shocked if he doesn`t protect Tyrion.

This vid makes it clear that nothing is going to happen. Some quotes:

Tywin: "You will go to KL"
Tyrion "And do what?"
Tywin: "Rule you will serve as the Hand of the King in my stead"
Tyrion: "Why not my uncle? Why not anyone? Why me?"
Tywin: "You are my son"

Tyrion: "I bled in the mud for our family and as my reward I was trundled off to some dark little cell. What do I want? A little bloody gratitude would be a start"
Tywin: " Jugglers and Singers require applause, you are a Lannister. Do you think I demanded a garland of Roses everytime I suffered a wound on the battlefield?"

End of the video is great for this speculation if he was involved

Last edited by NiSash1337; 04-22-2014 at 12:04 AM.
04-22-2014 , 12:09 AM
Not sure why people liked yesterday's episode. Especially after last week, I thought it was very boring.

One thing nobody mentioned. Now that we know LF and the fool were working together, and that they had help from other(s) in King's Landing, have we all forgotten that there needs to be a delivery method? Sansa was unaware that she had poison on her necklace, or that she was meant to be the scapegoat. But there needed to be a delivery method, no? Doesn't that mean Olenna was a lock to be working together with LF and Sir Dontas? Margery too imo, although the scene between Marg and Olenna this week made it look like that wasn't the case (weird).

Either way, the only person who had access to the necklace besides Sansa was Olenna. She had to be in on it IMO.
04-22-2014 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Davos is going to get the Iron Bank to fund Stannis' army. That's what the line where Lady Olenna said the bank funds its enemies was all about.
Again, why is that happening when Lady Mel already said emphatically that the war of 5 kings means nothing and they need to head North to battle the walkers. WHY ARE THEY STILL FARTING AROUND DRAGONSTONE??
