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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

04-21-2014 , 02:32 PM
Do you guys think Oberyn would rather bang old Dario or new Dario?
04-21-2014 , 02:35 PM
Old Dario ainec.
04-21-2014 , 02:35 PM
In essos, old Dario bang you.
04-21-2014 , 02:40 PM
So assuming olenna and LF are working together, the plan is what? Kill Joffrey, have everyone blame Sansa, and have LF hide her as a fugitive? Having ppl blame Tyrion seems like an accident, the only reason he looks guilty is because of the cup bearer thing, which they seemingly could not have predicted. What is the point of Sansa in all this? What are the plans for her?
04-21-2014 , 02:52 PM
If that actually is how it went down, then They need to hide Sansa to keep her safe. If Tyrion is gonna be the fall guy then Sansa isn't safe, and Olenna likes her so she doesn't want her involved
04-21-2014 , 02:54 PM
Olenna and the necklace:

After checking it out while talking to Sansa, she refers to Tyrion as her "pauper of a husband." This could signify that she could tell the "stones" were cut glass and therefore isn't in on the plot, since she'd be assuming Tyrion bought her the necklace.
04-21-2014 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by TheChamp11
If that actually is how it went down, then They need to hide Sansa to keep her safe. If Tyrion is gonna be the fall guy then Sansa isn't safe, and Olenna likes her so she doesn't want her involved
I think Olenna is more or less a kind hearted person, but she's also playing the game-- she's not orchestrating some elaborate escape scheme for Sansa just because she likes her. At least that's not how I read her. Sansa is still seen as the key to the North, and should this be a slow motion coup, Sansa would need to be hidden away until the balance of power shifts in their favor and they can utilize her value without it being suicidal.
04-21-2014 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by TheChamp11
If that actually is how it went down, then They need to hide Sansa to keep her safe. If Tyrion is gonna be the fall guy then Sansa isn't safe, and Olenna likes her so she doesn't want her involved
But the thing is it appears that Tyrion as the fall guy was merely by chance. Seems like Sansa was intended to be the fall guy since they sneak her away. The lannisters should blame her since she disappears and it is known she hates Joffrey. It looks like the plan was for everyone to blame Sansa and for LF to hide her? I dunno.
04-21-2014 , 03:00 PM
New Dario clearly the worst miscasting in the show's history thus far, thankfully he's a minor character but still, given the type of character he's supposed to be the old guy fit the part, the new guy not even close.
04-21-2014 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by shakalakashakaboom
I think Olenna is more or less a kind hearted person, but she's also playing the game-- she's not orchestrating some elaborate escape scheme for Sansa just because she likes her. At least that's not how I read her. Sansa is still seen as the key to the North, and should this be a slow motion coup, Sansa would need to be hidden away until the balance of power shifts in their favor and they can utilize her value without it being suicidal.
Good point. Oust the lannisters, bring her out from hiding, "pardon" her, declare her marriage null, let her marry Loras (LF?) and control the north?
04-21-2014 , 03:10 PM
Yeah, I mean, it's a possibility... I really like how the writers are playing this. In most shows the mystery is either revealed or not. It either is dragged out, or not. Here, it seems that the whodunit is elaborate enough that we may just get layers of it revealed throughout the season. So far we know Baelish is in on it, Olenna is likely, and Tywin is possible.
04-21-2014 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by D104
But the thing is it appears that Tyrion as the fall guy was merely by chance. Seems like Sansa was intended to be the fall guy since they sneak her away. The lannisters should blame her since she disappears and it is known she hates Joffrey. It looks like the plan was for everyone to blame Sansa and for LF to hide her? I dunno.
No, Cersei doesn't suspect Tyrion because he was the cup bearer but because he had told her that he'd take something from her that she loves. Anyone with insight to the Lannister family could know and exploit that. Sansa leaving makes him even more suspect.
04-21-2014 , 03:11 PM
And to think, all this crazy **** happened because Jaime just had to **** his sister
04-21-2014 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
No, Cersei doesn't suspect Tyrion because he was the cup bearer but because he had told her that he'd take something from her that she loves. Anyone with insight to the Lannister family could know and exploit that. Sansa leaving makes him even more suspect.
Good point. Just fortuitous that Tyrion is left standing there looking dumbfounded with the chalice in his hand.
04-21-2014 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by D104
Good point. Just fortuitous that Tyrion is left standing there looking dumbfounded with the chalice in his hand.
I think that's probably what happened.

It's now kind of a mystery why they hid the poison in Sansa's necklace because it doesn't seem to be to set up Sansa. Perhaps to set up Tyrion in Sansa's absence through guilt by association but that seems like FPS.
04-21-2014 , 03:21 PM
Maybe the necklace is just to get Sansa to trust the fool in the moment so she can be extracted. If she hadn't seen him in years, less likely that she'd run off with him when asked.
04-21-2014 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by shakalakashakaboom
Olenna and the necklace:

After checking it out while talking to Sansa, she refers to Tyrion as her "pauper of a husband." This could signify that she could tell the "stones" were cut glass and therefore isn't in on the plot, since she'd be assuming Tyrion bought her the necklace.
Great observation.

I was of the opinion that much of Olenna's "suspicious" behavior this episode could be explained without her being involved in some plot to kill the king.
04-21-2014 , 03:25 PM
I'm starting to feel meh about Tywin's involvement. It's not just that he kills Joffery, but it also causes a lot of other unnecessary family drama. The only reason to suspect he his involved is because he seemed to know Oberyn didn't do it but maybe I'm reading too much into that.

I'm back to thinking it's Olenna and LF and that it's a power play for the rule of KL.
04-21-2014 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by D104
Maybe the necklace is just to get Sansa to trust the fool in the moment so she can be extracted. If she hadn't seen him in years, less likely that she'd run off with him when asked.
I like that - makes it irrelevant whether she wears it to the wedding or not - although not sure why LF would need to have it made instead of just finding a cheap one.
04-21-2014 , 03:26 PM
LF turned on ned b/c he wanted catelyn. He's a major creep so probably same thing with Sansa really. Fool dying was a lock; I'm a bit afraid they've tipped off too much during the show what's going to happen compared to other seasons.

got spoiled on LF from some book reading idiot reading about this on another site. Book readers are confirmed awful people. (I'm not spoiled now though, hope to keep it that way!)

Amazing how everyone hates new dario.

Don't see Tywin being in on it either. I think he's too pro lannister for that.
04-21-2014 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by D104
Maybe the necklace is just to get Sansa to trust the fool in the moment so she can be extracted. If she hadn't seen him in years, less likely that she'd run off with him when asked.
Yeah I was thinking this too, but what about the missing gem?
04-21-2014 , 03:27 PM
The only thing that would lead me to believe Tywin could be involved in this plot is his concern with legacy is massive--Tommen (advised by him) >>>>>>>>> renegade Joff. I absolutely don't think he was involved in setting up Tyrion--he already has one kingslaying son, he doesn't want to have two.
04-21-2014 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Horton
Great observation.

I was of the opinion that much of Olenna's "suspicious" behavior this episode could be explained without her being involved in some plot to kill the king.
I'm not even sure she was suspicious this episode. I just don't have an explanation for why she'd steal a glass "gem".
04-21-2014 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
I'm not even sure she was suspicious this episode. I just don't have an explanation for why she'd steal a glass "gem".
Neither do I. I'm referring to her behavior in the purple wedding episode, not last night's BTW.

I was referring to all the people ITT who made a huge deal out of her talking to Sansa about DEATHS AT WEDDINGS, MONSTERS, and such. Nothing she said to Sansa is inconsistent with her non-involvement in some murder plot--she likes Sansa and was commiserating with her IMO.
04-21-2014 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Giroud
Exact same thought wheres the petition to get rid of this dario ill surely sign

I wonder if the internet could crowdsource/raise money Old Daario back into the show.
