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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

04-25-2016 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
The spoiler criteria has always been if it hasn't appeared on the show yet then it is a spoiler. "Out in public" could just e bookreader spew.
Don't totally disagree hence why I'd like to see it in tags
04-25-2016 , 09:47 AM
The guy playing Khal Moro owns the gym I go to lol knew he was an actor here in NZ but wow getting a GoT role
04-25-2016 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by GeoffRas22
i mean the writers just have 0 clue wat to do with her. every single season has featured this story line with her. i mean literally every one has put her in a tough spot facing off vs some arrogant man who underestimates her yet by some shocking turn of events she has the last laugh. it's the same thing every year with her. it almost ruins the show. theyre obv not killing her, shes the mother of dragons so she cant really lose. so what you get with her is the same arc every season filled with her whining and entitlement all bc theyre not ready to bring her to kings landing yet. its really lame and, quite frankly, annoying. its such a wonderfully diverse and in depth group of characters and yet the most boring/one-dimensional of them all gets the most screen time.
I kinda feel her character is overdue to make her move for the 7 Kingdoms. Dragons are mature-ish and capable of killing dudes, she's more polished and confident, etc etc. But here we are, with Horde 2 holding her and her ships burning, all but guaranteeing more desert escapades and no throne move this season.
04-25-2016 , 10:26 AM
The only reason I can fathom for the Dothraki coming back into the fold is to join up with Dany and be her army.

Quote from season 1 something like "the Dothraki only follow the strong". Who could be stronger than dragon riding Khaleesi.

Did it get confirmed that there would be only a 13 episode season after this one or was that just rumour. If true then she has to be heading to Westeros soon.
04-25-2016 , 10:32 AM
Ok this ONE TIME I threw spoiler tags around something that got mentioned, but it was something that was mentioned before ( S1) and it was something in this seasons trailers.

Ive always been 100% believer in trailers aren't spoilers, you will never convince me other wise so I will not ban based on that. I will call you out for not using tags around them though...
04-25-2016 , 10:41 AM
So if trailers need spoilers, then I guess comments from the showrunners do to? So like the little "extra" segment they had on HBO Now after last night's episode saying that

it was implied in past eps that Melissandre was older than she appears and is in fact a few centuries old

needs spoiler tags?
04-25-2016 , 10:55 AM
It be nice...we should be respectful of others on what they know and don't know. Some people only watch the show, no trailers, no interviews no nothing. Publicly accessible is hard with this show since all of it is out there so please use best judgement
04-25-2016 , 11:21 AM
I wonder if the burning of the shipyard signals there is something more to the rebellion in Mereen than just local blowback? I guess we don't know if there were any ships there other than Dany's, but it seems like an act like this would be painful for local economy (and thus local rich folks, who we assume to be behind the Sons of the Harpy). Could there be a broader anti-Dany conspiracy? Nobody in Westeros seems particularly able to muster this kind of effort now, but what about the Iron Bank? This would be the kind of intrigue that Varys and Tyrion would be well-suited to unraveling.

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04-25-2016 , 11:31 AM
excellent first episode imo. have a couple gripes, think the writing was pretty poor wrt jorah finding the ring (yea right), and the khaleesi being saved by some khal code of ethics re: raping other khal's widows, even tho they have no reservations about killing other khals and raping women. and then they send the widows off to some jerry daycare to live out their days? pretty stupid imo

loved ramsey's "feed her to the hounds" and the one dothraki dude being a romantic at heart with the "like to talk after sex, otherwise we're no different than dogs" line. sand chicks deliver as usual too.

thought there was an appropriate amount of humor and violence in the episode, also cant get enough of naked carice van houten (with the necklace on plskthx). there's a lot of suspense set up for the season and i'm def excited for it.
04-25-2016 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by ham on rye
I wonder if the burning of the shipyard signals there is something more to the rebellion in Mereen than just local blowback? I guess we don't know if there were any ships there other than Dany's, but it seems like an act like this would be painful for local economy (and thus local rich folks, who we assume to be behind the Sons of the Harpy). Could there be a broader anti-Dany conspiracy? Nobody in Westeros seems particularly able to muster this kind of effort now, but what about the Iron Bank? This would be the kind of intrigue that Varys and Tyrion would be well-suited to unraveling.

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It looked to me like the entire city's middle/upper class has totally revolted against her at this point. The graffiti and the ships basically proved that. So it seems more localized then broad based. Bravos doesn't care about Mereen unless they owe a debt and the Westy's? the only house that remotely cared about her being alive still was the Baratheon's and they are all dead now.
04-25-2016 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
noticed that as well. doesn't even make sense. (edit for clarification: her being fat)
im just gonna chalk that up to emilia clarke being a ****ty actress, as usual. her refusal to do any more nude scenes is pretty lame imo, not because i want to see more of her or think shes super hot or anything like that, but because it just seems like such an entitled mentality. making demands about what you will or wont do as a major character on the darkest, most violent, depraved, psychopathic, sex-filled show on TV really just seems like poor form. who does she think she is, she's not even ridiculously hot nor is she a good actress. tilting

so yea, if she goes and gains a few pounds between seasons because she's on some DGAF ****, what can the producers do about it?
04-25-2016 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by killa
It be nice...we should be respectful of others on what they know and don't know. Some people only watch the show, no trailers, no interviews no nothing. Publicly accessible is hard with this show since all of it is out there so please use best judgement
The vast majority of non-bookreaders don't want bookreaders in this thread, but yet here you are. It's a nice thought though!
04-25-2016 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by WoodsGOAT
The only reason I can fathom for the Dothraki coming back into the fold is to join up with Dany and be her army.

Quote from season 1 something like "the Dothraki only follow the strong". Who could be stronger than dragon riding Khaleesi.

Did it get confirmed that there would be only a 13 episode season after this one or was that just rumour. If true then she has to be heading to Westeros soon.
Just a reply to the spoiler tag. FYI they have to do with the planned future runtime of the show, nothing more.

13 episodes broken up into 2 seasons. S7 and S8 will be short seasons. At least that's their publicized plan, for now.
04-25-2016 , 12:24 PM
Don't really get the ships burning. If everyone in Mereen hates her wouldn't they want her to leave asap?
04-25-2016 , 12:36 PM
lol that's a good point, they just screwed themselves there lol
04-25-2016 , 12:39 PM
It's like something out of Monty Python.
04-25-2016 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by killa
It looked to me like the entire city's middle/upper class has totally revolted against her at this point. The graffiti and the ships basically proved that. So it seems more localized then broad based. Bravos doesn't care about Mereen unless they owe a debt and the Westy's? the only house that remotely cared about her being alive still was the Baratheon's and they are all dead now.
But presumably the upper / middle class needs the harbor to do business and probably depends on it more than others for their livelihood, no? It's not something that's clearly established or definitive, and I expect we will get an answer soon enough... just saying there is an interpretation whereby the wealthy locals don't really have motive for this specific act.

Could be wrong... maybe it's all still local. Agree that there is no obvious culprit in Westeros, unless LF was trying to sabotage her in order to protect his master plan to eventually rule. And we know LF and Varys are at odds, so he could have taken an interest once Varys fled and he figured out his plans.

Angle for the Iron Bank would be similar, just looking to shore up their investment in Westeros and head off any potential rivals early on. If they can fund a whole army for Stannis to squander in the north, a guerrilla insurgency in Mereen is small potatoes by comparison.

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04-25-2016 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Wooders0n
Don't really get the ships burning. If everyone in Mereen hates her wouldn't they want her to leave asap?
The point would be to make it so hard/costly to rule Mereen that she decides its not worth it anymore. It's become clear that she wasn't planning to leave the city until she pacified it - there was nothing stopping her from just getting on her ships and sailing to Westeros.
04-25-2016 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
im just gonna chalk that up to emilia clarke being a ****ty actress, as usual.
Yea, imagine if we woke up to Samwell being slim and fit this season, or Margery plumping up while in a cell. It's nothing to do with sex appeal or shaming. Just wouldn't make sense for the show.

The mother of Dragon's gained 25 pounds while on a week? journey of walking all day tied up as a slave. It's just bad form from Clarke.
04-25-2016 , 01:31 PM
it's def something that would make me not want to cast her, if i was in the business of directing or producing tv/movies. hopefully all those dudes feel the same way, because i really dont like her.

on another note, ramsey is one of my favorite characters but i think we may be starting to see his demise. roose scolded him for "playing his games", and rightly so, since he basically squandered away any leverage that the bolton family had in holding the north. ramsey is immature and short-sighted, his penchant for sadism causes him to display extremely poor judgment, and he's really looking like a liability at this point. sad.

roose is probably gonna kill ramsey himself, after he catches him plotting or attempting to kill his fat wife and unborn child. or maybe ramsey murders roose and becomes ruler of the bolton clan!! one can only dream at this point, i guess
04-25-2016 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Fabian
The vast majority of non-bookreaders don't want bookreaders in this thread, but yet here you are. It's a nice thought though!
Ive been here for a long time [all seasons] , and there are plenty of book readers who are acting accordingly, besides the book readers are the best at pointing out each other. They are the ones who send the most reports in.
04-25-2016 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
it's def something that would make me not want to cast her, if i was in the business of directing or producing tv/movies. hopefully all those dudes feel the same way, because i really dont like her.

on another note, ramsey is one of my favorite characters but i think we may be starting to see his demise. roose scolded him for "playing his games", and rightly so, since he basically squandered away any leverage that the bolton family had in holding the north. ramsey is immature and short-sighted, his penchant for sadism causes him to display extremely poor judgment, and he's really looking like a liability at this point. sad.

roose is probably gonna kill ramsey himself, after he catches him plotting or attempting to kill his fat wife and unborn child. or maybe ramsey murders roose and becomes ruler of the bolton clan!! one can only dream at this point, i guess
Surely this is more likely. They've been building it up with the Roose unborn has more claim, and now Sansa gone means you have no heir. Ramsey is basically a sick maniac, he will have no probs killing Roose I think. Hopefully a Theon vs Ramsey showdown at the end of the season.
04-25-2016 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by JonnyA
The point would be to make it so hard/costly to rule Mereen that she decides its not worth it anymore. It's become clear that she wasn't planning to leave the city until she pacified it - there was nothing stopping her from just getting on her ships and sailing to Westeros.
So they're trying to encourage her to leave by destroying her only plausible means of departure? Nah.

This is another reason why I suspect there is more to this plot than just local revolt.

Also, this is a good time to note my displeasure with certain (mostly weakly written or secondary, and non-white) characters being used for campy comic relief to an increasing degree. e.g. the blood riders' obtuseness in the exchange with the khal, the sand snakes having a catfight over who gets to kill the prince, etc.

There are plenty of examples of characters or situations being funny in a way that fits with their development or advances the plot. The Tyrion exchange with the poor woman in Mereen is a great example. The other **** is basically Arabian Jar Jar Binks.

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04-25-2016 , 01:54 PM
so youre saying that GOT is racist? because white people in the show are portrayed so much better, or something?
04-25-2016 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by ham on rye
This is another reason why I suspect there is more to this plot than just local revolt.
I just remembered the comments between Varys/Tyrion that the Harpys seem too well organized and they must be taking orders from someone. There is someone in the shadows pulling the strings there.
